Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  int np[3], m, window;
  unsigned window_flag;
  ptrdiff_t N[3], n[3], local_M;
  double f_hat_sum, x_max[3];
  pnfft_complex *f1, *f2;
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  /* set default values */
  N[0] = N[1] = N[2] = 16;
  n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0;
  local_M = 0;
  m = 6;
  window = 4;
  x_max[0] = x_max[1] = x_max[2] = 0.5;
  np[0]=2; np[1]=2; np[2]=2;
  /* set parameters by command line */
  init_parameters(argc, argv, N, n, &local_M, &m, &window, x_max, np);

  /* if M or n are set to zero, we choose nice values */
  local_M = (local_M==0) ? N[0]*N[1]*N[2]/(np[0]*np[1]*np[2]) : local_M;
  for(int t=0; t<3; t++)
    n[t] = (n[t]==0) ? 2*N[t] : n[t];

    case 0: window_flag = PNFFT_WINDOW_GAUSSIAN; break;
    case 1: window_flag = PNFFT_WINDOW_BSPLINE; break;
    case 2: window_flag = PNFFT_WINDOW_SINC_POWER; break;
    case 3: window_flag = PNFFT_WINDOW_BESSEL_I0; break;
    default: window_flag = PNFFT_WINDOW_KAISER_BESSEL;

  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "******************************************************************************************************\n");
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "* Computation of parallel NFFT\n");
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "* for  N[0] x N[1] x N[2] = %td x %td x %td Fourier coefficients (change with -pnfft_N * * *)\n", N[0], N[1], N[2]);
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "* at   local_M = %td nodes per process (change with -pnfft_local_M *)\n", local_M);
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "* with n[0] x n[1] x n[2] = %td x %td x %td FFT grid size (change with -pnfft_n * * *),\n", n[0], n[1], n[2]);
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "*      m = %d real space cutoff (change with -pnfft_m *),\n", m);
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "*      window = %d window function ", window);
    case 0: pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "(PNFFT_WINDOW_GAUSSIAN) "); break;
    case 1: pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "(PNFFT_WINDOW_BSPLINE) "); break;
    case 2: pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "(PNFFT_WINDOW_SINC_POWER) "); break;
    case 3: pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "(PNFFT_WINDOW_BESSEL_I0) "); break;
    default: pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "(PNFFT_WINDOW_KAISER_BESSEL) "); break;
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "(change with -pnfft_window *),\n");
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "* on   np[0] x np[1] x np[2] = %td x %td x %td processes (change with -pnfft_np * * *)\n", np[0], np[1], np[2]);
  pfft_printf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "*******************************************************************************************************\n\n");

  /* calculate parallel NFFT */
  pnfft_perform_guru(N, n, local_M, m,   x_max, window_flag, np, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
      &f1, &f_hat_sum);

  /* calculate parallel NFFT with higher accuracy */
  pnfft_perform_guru(N, n, local_M, m+2, x_max, PNFFT_WINDOW_KAISER_BESSEL, np, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
      &f2, &f_hat_sum);

  /* calculate error of PNFFT */
  compare_f(f1, f2, local_M, f_hat_sum, "* Results in", MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* free mem and finalize */
  pnfft_free(f1); pnfft_free(f2);
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
static void pnfft_perform_guru(
    const ptrdiff_t *N, const ptrdiff_t *n, ptrdiff_t local_M,
    int m, const double *x_max, unsigned pnfft_flags,
    const int *np, MPI_Comm comm
  int myrank;
  ptrdiff_t local_N[3], local_N_start[3];
  double lower_border[3], upper_border[3];
  double local_sum = 0, time, time_max;
  MPI_Comm comm_cart_3d;
  pnfft_complex *f_hat, *f, *f1;
  double *x, f_hat_sum;
  pnfft_plan pnfft;

  /* create three-dimensional process grid of size np[0] x np[1] x np[2], if possible */
  if( pnfft_create_procmesh(3, comm, np, &comm_cart_3d) ){
    pfft_fprintf(comm, stderr, "Error: Procmesh of size %d x %d x %d does not fit to number of allocated processes.\n", np[0], np[1], np[2]);
    pfft_fprintf(comm, stderr, "       Please allocate %d processes (mpiexec -np %d ...) or change the procmesh (with -pnfft_np * * *).\n", np[0]*np[1]*np[2], np[0]*np[1]*np[2]);

  MPI_Comm_rank(comm_cart_3d, &myrank);

  /* get parameters of data distribution */
  pnfft_local_size_guru(3, N, n, x_max, m, comm_cart_3d, PNFFT_TRANSPOSED_NONE,
      local_N, local_N_start, lower_border, upper_border);

  /* plan parallel NFFT */
  pnfft = pnfft_init_guru(3, N, n, x_max, local_M, m,

  /* get data pointers */
  f_hat = pnfft_get_f_hat(pnfft);
  f     = pnfft_get_f(pnfft);
  x     = pnfft_get_x(pnfft);

  /* initialize Fourier coefficients */
  pnfft_init_f_hat_3d(N, local_N, local_N_start, PNFFT_TRANSPOSED_NONE,

  /* initialize nonequispaced nodes */
  init_random_x(lower_border, upper_border, x_max, local_M,
  /* execute parallel NFFT */
  time = -MPI_Wtime();
  time += MPI_Wtime();
  /* print timing */
  MPI_Reduce(&time, &time_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, comm);
  pfft_printf(comm, "pnfft_trafo needs %6.2e s\n", time_max);
  /* calculate norm of Fourier coefficients for calculation of relative error */ 
  for(ptrdiff_t k=0; k<local_N[0]*local_N[1]*local_N[2]; k++)
    local_sum += cabs(f_hat[k]);
  MPI_Allreduce(&local_sum, &f_hat_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm_cart_3d);

  /* store results of NFFT */
  f1 = pnfft_alloc_complex(local_M);
  for(ptrdiff_t j=0; j<local_M; j++) f1[j] = f[j];

  /* execute parallel NDFT */
  time = -MPI_Wtime();
  time += MPI_Wtime();

  /* print timing */
  MPI_Reduce(&time, &time_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, comm);
  pfft_printf(comm, "pnfft_direct_trafo needs %6.2e s\n", time_max);

  /* calculate error of PNFFT */
  compare_f(f1, f, local_M, f_hat_sum, "* Results in", MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* free mem and finalize */
  pnfft_finalize(pnfft, PNFFT_FREE_X | PNFFT_FREE_F | PNFFT_FREE_F_HAT);