Beispiel #1
void GraphicsBoard::paint(QPainter* painter,
			  const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option,
			  QWidget* widget)

	QRectF rect(m_rect.topLeft(), QSizeF(m_squareSize, m_squareSize));
	const qreal rLeft = rect.left();

	// paint squares
	for (int y = 0; y < m_ranks; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < m_files; x++)
			if ((x % 2) == (y % 2))
				painter->fillRect(rect, m_lightColor);
				painter->fillRect(rect, m_darkColor);
			rect.moveLeft(rect.left() + m_squareSize);
		rect.moveTop( + m_squareSize);

	auto font = painter->font();
	font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * 0.7);

	// paint file coordinates
	const QString alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
	for (int i = 0; i < m_files; i++)
		const qreal tops[] = { - m_coordSize,
		for (const auto top : tops)
			rect = QRectF(m_rect.left() + (m_squareSize * i), top,
			              m_squareSize, m_coordSize);
			int file = m_flipped ? m_files - i - 1 : i;
			painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, alphabet[file]);

	// paint rank coordinates
	for (int i = 0; i < m_ranks; i++)
		const qreal lefts[] = {m_rect.left() - m_coordSize,
		for (const auto left : lefts)
			rect = QRectF(left, + (m_squareSize * i),
			              m_coordSize, m_squareSize);
			int rank = m_flipped ? i + 1 : m_ranks - i;
			const auto num = QString::number(rank);
			painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, num);
Beispiel #2
void knob::setLabel( const QString & _txt )
	m_label = _txt;
	if( m_knobPixmap )
		setFixedSize( qMax<int>( m_knobPixmap->width(),
					QFontMetrics( pointSizeF( font(), 6.5) ).width( m_label ) ),
						m_knobPixmap->height() + 10 );
Beispiel #3
void EffectView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
	QPainter p( this );
	p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_bg );

	QFont f = pointSizeF( font(), 7.5f );
	f.setBold( true );
	p.setFont( f );

	p.setPen( palette().shadow().color() );
	p.drawText( 6, 55, model()->displayName() );
	p.setPen( palette().text().color() );
	p.drawText( 5, 54, model()->displayName() );
Beispiel #4
void LcdWidget::updateSize()
	int margin = 1;
	if (m_label.isEmpty()) {
		setFixedSize( m_cellWidth * m_numDigits + 2*(margin+m_marginWidth),
				m_cellHeight + (2*margin) );
	else {
		setFixedSize( qMax<int>(
				m_cellWidth * m_numDigits + 2*(margin+m_marginWidth),
				QFontMetrics( pointSizeF( font(), 6.5 ) ).width( m_label ) ),
				m_cellHeight + (2*margin) + 9 );

Beispiel #5
static void drawFxLine( QPainter* p, const QWidget *fxLine, const QString& name, bool isActive, bool sendToThis )
	int width = fxLine->rect().width();
	int height = fxLine->rect().height();

	QColor bg_color = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::Background );
	QColor sh_color = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::Shadow );
	QColor te_color = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::Text );
	QColor bt_color = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::BrightText );

	p->fillRect( fxLine->rect(), isActive ? bg_color.lighter(130) : bg_color );

	p->setPen( bg_color.darker(130) );
	p->drawRect( 0, 0, width-2, height-2 );

	p->setPen( bg_color.lighter(150) );
	p->drawRect( 1, 1, width-2, height-2 );

	p->setPen( isActive ? sh_color : bg_color.darker(130) );
	p->drawRect( 0, 0, width-1, height-1 );

	// draw the mixer send background
	if( sendToThis )
		p->drawPixmap(2, 0, 28, 56,
					  embed::getIconPixmap("send_bg_arrow", 28, 56));

	// draw the channel name
	p->rotate( -90 );

	p->setFont( pointSizeF( fxLine->font(), 7.5f ) );	
	p->setPen( sh_color );
	p->drawText( -146, 21, name ); 
	p->setPen( isActive ? bt_color : te_color );

	p->drawText( -145, 20, name );

Beispiel #6
void knob::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * _me )
	QPainter p( this );

	drawKnob( &p );
	if( !m_label.isEmpty() )
		p.setFont( pointSizeF( p.font(), 6.5 ) );
/*		p.setPen( QColor( 64, 64, 64 ) );
		p.drawText( width() / 2 -
			p.fontMetrics().width( m_label ) / 2 + 1,
				height() - 1, m_label );*/
		p.setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );
		p.drawText( width() / 2 -
				p.fontMetrics().width( m_label ) / 2,
				height() - 2, m_label );
Beispiel #7
void FxLine::drawFxLine( QPainter* p, const FxLine *fxLine, const QString& name, bool isActive, bool sendToThis, bool receiveFromThis )
	int width = fxLine->rect().width();
	int height = fxLine->rect().height();

	QColor sh_color = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::Shadow );
	QColor te_color = p->pen().brush().color();
	QColor bt_color = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::BrightText );

	p->fillRect( fxLine->rect(), isActive ? fxLine->backgroundActive() : p->background() );

	p->setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255, isActive ? 100 : 50 ) );
	p->drawRect( 1, 1, width-3, height-3 );

	p->setPen( isActive ? sh_color : QColor( 0, 0, 0, 50 ) );
	p->drawRect( 0, 0, width-1, height-1 );

	// draw the mixer send background
	if( sendToThis )
		p->drawPixmap( 2, 0, 29, 56, *s_sendBgArrow );
	else if( receiveFromThis )
		p->drawPixmap( 2, 0, 29, 56, *s_receiveBgArrow );

	// draw the channel name
	p->rotate( -90 );

	p->setFont( pointSizeF( fxLine->font(), 7.5f ) );	
	p->setPen( sh_color );
	p->drawText( -146, 21, name ); 
	p->setPen( isActive ? bt_color : te_color );

	p->drawText( -145, 20, name );

void ControllerView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
	QPainter p( this );
	p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_bg );

	QFont f = pointSizeF( font(), 7.5f );
	f.setBold( true );
	p.setFont( f );

	Controller * c = castModel<Controller>();

	p.setPen( QColor( 64, 64, 64 ) );
	p.drawText( 7, 13, c->displayName() );
	p.setPen( Qt::white );
	p.drawText( 6, 12, c->displayName() );

	f.setBold( false );
	p.setFont( f );
	p.drawText( 8, 26, c->name() );
Beispiel #9
FileBrowserTreeWidget::FileBrowserTreeWidget(QWidget * parent ) :
	QTreeWidget( parent ),
	m_mousePressed( false ),
	m_previewPlayHandle( NULL ),
	m_pphMutex( QMutex::Recursive ),
	m_contextMenuItem( NULL )
	setColumnCount( 1 );
	headerItem()->setHidden( true );
	setSortingEnabled( false );

	setFont( pointSizeF( font(), 7.5f ) );

	connect( this, SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
			SLOT( activateListItem( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );
	connect( this, SIGNAL( itemCollapsed( QTreeWidgetItem * ) ),
				SLOT( updateDirectory( QTreeWidgetItem * ) ) );
	connect( this, SIGNAL( itemExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem * ) ),
				SLOT( updateDirectory( QTreeWidgetItem * ) ) );
Beispiel #10
void LcdWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
	QPainter p( this );

	QSize cellSize( m_cellWidth, m_cellHeight );

	QRect cellRect( 0, 0, m_cellWidth, m_cellHeight );

	int margin = 1;  // QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth;
	//int lcdWidth = m_cellWidth * m_numDigits + (margin*m_marginWidth)*2;

//	p.translate( width() / 2 - lcdWidth / 2, 0 );;

	p.translate( margin, margin );

	// Left Margin
	p.drawPixmap( cellRect, *m_lcdPixmap, 
			QRect( QPoint( charsPerPixmap*m_cellWidth, 
				isEnabled()?0:m_cellHeight ), 
			cellSize ) );

	p.translate( m_marginWidth, 0 );

	// Padding
	for( int i=0; i < m_numDigits - m_display.length(); i++ ) 
		p.drawPixmap( cellRect, *m_lcdPixmap, 
			QRect( QPoint( 10 * m_cellWidth, isEnabled()?0:m_cellHeight) , cellSize ) );
		p.translate( m_cellWidth, 0 );

	// Digits
	for( int i=0; i < m_display.length(); i++ ) 
		int val = m_display[i].digitValue();
		if( val < 0 ) 
			if( m_display[i] == '-' )
				val = 11;
				val = 10;
		p.drawPixmap( cellRect, *m_lcdPixmap,
				QRect( QPoint( val*m_cellWidth, 
					isEnabled()?0:m_cellHeight ),
				cellSize ) );
		p.translate( m_cellWidth, 0 );

	// Right Margin
	p.drawPixmap( QRect( 0, 0, m_marginWidth-1, m_cellHeight ), *m_lcdPixmap, 
			QRect( charsPerPixmap*m_cellWidth, isEnabled()?0:m_cellHeight,
				m_cellWidth / 2, m_cellHeight ) );


	// Border
	QStyleOptionFrame opt;
	opt.initFrom( this );
	opt.state = QStyle::State_Sunken;
	opt.rect = QRect( 0, 0, m_cellWidth * m_numDigits + (margin+m_marginWidth)*2 - 1,
			m_cellHeight + (margin*2) );

	style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Frame, &opt, &p, this );


	// Label
	if( !m_label.isEmpty() )
		p.setFont( pointSizeF( p.font(), 6.5 ) );
		p.setPen( QColor( 64, 64, 64 ) );
		p.drawText( width() / 2 -
				p.fontMetrics().width( m_label ) / 2 + 1,
						height(), m_label );
		p.setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );
		p.drawText( width() / 2 -
				p.fontMetrics().width( m_label ) / 2,
						height() - 1, m_label );

Beispiel #11
Knob::Knob( knobTypes _knob_num, QWidget * _parent, const QString & _name ) :
	m_knobNum( _knob_num )
	initUi( _name );

Knob::Knob( QWidget * _parent, const QString & _name ) :
	m_knobNum( knobBright_26 )
	initUi( _name );


void Knob::initUi( const QString & _name )
	if( s_textFloat == NULL )
		s_textFloat = new TextFloat;

	setWindowTitle( _name );

	setTotalAngle( 270.0f );
	setInnerRadius( 1.0f );
	setOuterRadius( 10.0f );
	setFocusPolicy( Qt::ClickFocus );

	// This is a workaround to enable style sheets for knobs which are not styled knobs.
	// It works as follows: the palette colors that are assigned as the line color previously
	// had been hard coded in the drawKnob method for the different knob types. Now the
	// drawKnob method uses the line color to draw the lines. By assigning the palette colors
	// as the line colors here the knob lines will be drawn in this color unless the stylesheet
	// overrides that color.
	switch (knobNum())
	case knobSmall_17:
	case knobBright_26:
	case knobDark_28:
		setlineColor(QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ));
	case knobVintage_32:
		setlineColor(QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Shadow ));


void Knob::onKnobNumUpdated()
	if( m_knobNum != knobStyled )
		QString knobFilename;
		switch (m_knobNum)
		case knobDark_28:
			knobFilename = "knob01";
		case knobBright_26:
			knobFilename = "knob02";
		case knobSmall_17:
			knobFilename = "knob03";
		case knobVintage_32:
			knobFilename = "knob05";
		case knobStyled: // only here to stop the compiler from complaining

		// If knobFilename is still empty here we should get the fallback pixmap of size 1x1
		m_knobPixmap = new QPixmap( embed::getIconPixmap( knobFilename.toUtf8().constData() ) );

		setFixedSize( m_knobPixmap->width(), m_knobPixmap->height() );

	if( m_knobPixmap )
		delete m_knobPixmap;

void Knob::setLabel( const QString & txt )
	m_label = txt;
	if( m_knobPixmap )
		setFixedSize( qMax<int>( m_knobPixmap->width(),
					QFontMetrics( pointSizeF( font(), 6.5) ).width( m_label ) ),
						m_knobPixmap->height() + 10 );
Beispiel #12
FxLine::FxLine( QWidget * _parent, FxMixerView * _mv, int _channelIndex ) :
	QWidget( _parent ),
	m_mv( _mv ),
	m_channelIndex( _channelIndex ),
	m_backgroundActive( Qt::SolidPattern ),
	m_strokeOuterActive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_strokeOuterInactive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_strokeInnerActive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_strokeInnerInactive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_inRename( false )
	if( !s_sendBgArrow )
		s_sendBgArrow = new QPixmap( embed::getIconPixmap( "send_bg_arrow", 29, 56 ) );
	if( !s_receiveBgArrow )
		s_receiveBgArrow = new QPixmap( embed::getIconPixmap( "receive_bg_arrow", 29, 56 ) );

	setFixedSize( 33, FxLineHeight );
	setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true );
	setCursor( QCursor( embed::getIconPixmap( "hand" ), 3, 3 ) );

	// mixer sends knob
	m_sendKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, this, tr( "Channel send amount" ) );
	m_sendKnob->move( 3, 22 );
	m_sendKnob->setVisible( false );

	// send button indicator
	m_sendBtn = new SendButtonIndicator( this, this, m_mv );
	m_sendBtn->move( 2, 2 );

	// channel number
	m_lcd = new LcdWidget( 2, this );
	m_lcd->setValue( m_channelIndex );
	m_lcd->move( 4, 58 );
	m_lcd->setMarginWidth( 1 );
	setWhatsThis( tr(
	"The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks.\n "
	"It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically "
	"takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making "
	"a connection that would result in an infinite loop.\n\n"
	"In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel "
	"and click on the \"send\" button on the channel you want to send to. "
	"The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent "
	"to the channel.\n\n"
	"You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed "
	"by right-clicking the FX channel.\n" ) );

	QString name = Engine::fxMixer()->effectChannel( m_channelIndex )->m_name;
	setToolTip( name );

	m_renameLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
	m_renameLineEdit->setText( name );
	m_renameLineEdit->setFixedWidth( 65 );
	m_renameLineEdit->setFont( pointSizeF( font(), 7.5f ) );
	m_renameLineEdit->setReadOnly( true );

	QGraphicsScene * scene = new QGraphicsScene();
	scene->setSceneRect( 0, 0, 33, FxLineHeight );

	m_view = new QGraphicsView( this );
	m_view->setStyleSheet( "border-style: none; background: transparent;" );
	m_view->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_view->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_view->setAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, true );
	m_view->setScene( scene );

	QGraphicsProxyWidget * proxyWidget = scene->addWidget( m_renameLineEdit );
	proxyWidget->setRotation( -90 );
	proxyWidget->setPos( 8, 145 );

	connect( m_renameLineEdit, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( renameFinished() ) );
Beispiel #13
AudioEqualizerDialog::AudioEqualizerDialog(QWidget *parent)
    : QDialog(parent), d(new Data)
    d->p = this;

    auto vbox = new QVBoxLayout;

    auto hbox = new QHBoxLayout;

    hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Preset")));
    d->presets = new QComboBox;
    d->presets->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
    for (int i = 0; i < Eq::MaxPreset; ++i)
        d->presets->addItem(AudioEqualizer::name((Preset)i), i);
    auto sig = static_cast<Signal<QComboBox, int>>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged);
    auto load = [=] () {
        auto data = d->presets->currentData();
        if (data.type() == (int)QMetaType::Int)
    connect(d->presets, sig, this, load);

    auto button = new QPushButton(tr("Load"));
    connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, this, load);

    hbox = new QHBoxLayout;
    auto font = this->font();
    const int w = QFontMetrics(font).width(u"+20.0dB"_q) + 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < Eq::bands(); ++i) {
        auto s = d->sliders[i] = new QSlider;
        s->setRange(Eq::min() * Factor, Eq::max() * Factor);
        auto vbox = new QVBoxLayout;
        const auto f = Eq::freqeuncy(i);
        const QString fq = f < 999.9 ? (QString::number(f) % "Hz"_a)
                                     : (QString::number(f/1000.0) % "kHz"_a);
        auto label = new QLabel(fq);
        auto dB = new QLabel("0.0dB"_a);

        connect(s, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, [=] () {
            const auto v = s->value()/(double)Factor;
            dB->setText((v > 0 ? "+"_a : ""_a) % QString::number(v, 'f', 1) % "dB"_a);
            if (_Change(d->eq[i], v) && d->update)

    _SetWindowTitle(this, tr("Audio Equalizer"));
Beispiel #14
FxLine::FxLine( QWidget * _parent, FxMixerView * _mv, int _channelIndex ) :
	QWidget( _parent ),
	m_mv( _mv ),
	m_channelIndex( _channelIndex ),
	m_backgroundActive( Qt::SolidPattern ),
	m_strokeOuterActive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_strokeOuterInactive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_strokeInnerActive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_strokeInnerInactive( 0, 0, 0 ),
	m_inRename( false )
	if( !s_sendBgArrow )
		s_sendBgArrow = new QPixmap( embed::getIconPixmap( "send_bg_arrow", 29, 56 ) );
	if( !s_receiveBgArrow )
		s_receiveBgArrow = new QPixmap( embed::getIconPixmap( "receive_bg_arrow", 29, 56 ) );

	setFixedSize( 33, FxLineHeight );
	setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true );
	setCursor( QCursor( embed::getIconPixmap( "hand" ), 3, 3 ) );

	// mixer sends knob
	m_sendKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, this, tr( "Channel send amount" ) );
	m_sendKnob->move( 3, 22 );
	m_sendKnob->setVisible( false );

	// send button indicator
	m_sendBtn = new SendButtonIndicator( this, this, m_mv );
	m_sendBtn->move( 2, 2 );

	// channel number
	m_lcd = new LcdWidget( 2, this );
	m_lcd->setValue( m_channelIndex );
	m_lcd->move( 4, 58 );
	m_lcd->setMarginWidth( 1 );
	QString name = Engine::fxMixer()->effectChannel( m_channelIndex )->m_name;
	setToolTip( name );

	m_renameLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
	m_renameLineEdit->setText( name );
	m_renameLineEdit->setFixedWidth( 65 );
	m_renameLineEdit->setFont( pointSizeF( font(), 7.5f ) );
	m_renameLineEdit->setReadOnly( true );
	m_renameLineEdit->installEventFilter( this );

	QGraphicsScene * scene = new QGraphicsScene();
	scene->setSceneRect( 0, 0, 33, FxLineHeight );

	m_view = new QGraphicsView( this );
	m_view->setStyleSheet( "border-style: none; background: transparent;" );
	m_view->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_view->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_view->setAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, true );
	m_view->setScene( scene );

	QGraphicsProxyWidget * proxyWidget = scene->addWidget( m_renameLineEdit );
	proxyWidget->setRotation( -90 );
	proxyWidget->setPos( 8, 145 );

	connect( m_renameLineEdit, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( renameFinished() ) );