Beispiel #1
static int circle_collision(starshp1_state *state, const rectangle *rect)
	int center_x = get_circle_hpos(state);
	int center_y = get_circle_vpos(state);

	int r = get_radius(state);

	return point_in_circle(rect->min_x, rect->min_y, center_x, center_y, r) ||
		   point_in_circle(rect->min_x, rect->max_y, center_x, center_y, r) ||
		   point_in_circle(rect->max_x, rect->min_y, center_x, center_y, r) ||
		   point_in_circle(rect->max_x, rect->max_y, center_x, center_y, r);
Beispiel #2
inline bool box_in_circle(B const& b, C const& c)
    typedef typename point_type<B>::type point_type;

    // Currently only implemented for 2d geometries
    assert_dimension<point_type, 2>();
    assert_dimension<C, 2>();

    // Box: all four points must lie within circle

    // Check points lower-left and upper-right, then lower-right and upper-left
    return point_in_circle(get<min_corner, 0>(b), get<min_corner, 1>(b), c)
        && point_in_circle(get<max_corner, 0>(b), get<max_corner, 1>(b), c)
        && point_in_circle(get<min_corner, 0>(b), get<max_corner, 1>(b), c)
        && point_in_circle(get<max_corner, 0>(b), get<min_corner, 1>(b), c);
Beispiel #3
inline bool point_in_circle(T const& c1, T const& c2, C const& c)
    typedef typename point_type<C>::type point_type;

    point_type p = geometry::make<point_type>(c1, c2);
    return point_in_circle(p, c);
Beispiel #4
unsigned long long int count_points_in_circle(Vector *p) {
  unsigned long long int i,
      success = 0;

  for(i=0; i < p->size; i+=2) {
    success += point_in_circle(p->data[i], p->data[i + 1], 1);

  return success;
Beispiel #5
inline bool range_in_circle(R const& range, C const& c)
    assert_dimension<R, 2>();
    assert_dimension<C, 2>();

    for (typename boost::range_iterator<R const>::type it = boost::begin(range);
         it != boost::end(range); ++it)
        if (! point_in_circle(*it, c))
            return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #6
static void paint_battery_icon(BatteryIcon *aIcon, GContext *aCtx, GRect r, GPoint aCenter, int32_t aRadius, bool aZoomedIn) {
    graphics_context_set_stroke_color(aCtx, GColorWhite);
    uint8_t percent = battery_icon_get_percent(aIcon);
#ifdef PBL_COLOR
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(aCtx, GColorMalachite);
    graphics_fill_circle(aCtx, aCenter, aRadius);
    for (int32_t x = 0; x < r.size.w; ++x) {
        for (int32_t y = 0; y < r.size.h; ++y) {
            if (point_in_circle(x-aCenter.x, y-aCenter.y, aCenter.y)) {
                graphics_context_set_stroke_color(aCtx, GColorWhite);
                if (!point_in_arc(percent, x-aCenter.x, y-aCenter.y, aCenter.y)) {
#ifdef PBL_COLOR
                    graphics_context_set_stroke_color(aCtx, GColorDarkGray);
                    graphics_draw_pixel(aCtx, GPoint(x, y));
                    if (pattern25(x,y)) {
                        graphics_context_set_stroke_color(aCtx, GColorBlack);
#ifndef PBL_COLOR
                graphics_draw_pixel(aCtx, GPoint(x, y));
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(aCtx, GColorBlack);
    graphics_fill_circle(aCtx, aCenter, aRadius * (1.f-RING_WIDTH));

    // text
    static char buffer[] = "100";
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(buffer[0]), "%d", percent);
    graphics_draw_text(aCtx, buffer,
        GRect(0, (r.size.h - BATTERY_TEXT_ADJUSTMENT) / 2,
            r.size.w, BATTERY_FONT_SIZE),
Beispiel #7
 bool hit_test(value_type x,value_type y, double tol) const
     return point_in_circle(pt_.x,pt_.y, x,y,tol);
Beispiel #8
static void
point_in_map_element (char *line, char *return_url, int point_x, int point_y,
                      char *default_url)
    **tokens,                       /*  Line split into tokens           */
    *map_type,                      /*  Element type name                */
    *map_url,                       /*  Element URL value                */
    *comma;                         /*  Split x,y at comma               */
    click_point,                    /*  Request point                    */
    shape_points [MAP_MAX_POINTS];  /*  Array of element point           */
    token_nbr,                      /*  Index into token array           */
    nbr_points;                     /*  Number of points in element      */

    /*  Store selected point in image                                        */
    click_point.x = (double) point_x;
    click_point.y = (double) point_y;

    /*  Now parse the map file line into space-delimited tokens              */
    tokens = tok_split (line);

    /*  Ignore anything which is unparsable                                  */
    if (tokens [0] == NULL || tokens [1] == NULL)
        tok_free (tokens);              /*  Release memory                   */

    /*  First token is image element type; second is the URL                 */
    map_type = strlwc (tokens [0]);
    map_url  = tokens [1];

    /*  Third to n tokens are x,y pairs...                                   */
    token_nbr = 2;
    for (nbr_points = 0; nbr_points < MAP_MAX_POINTS; nbr_points++)
        if (!tokens [token_nbr])
            break;                      /*  Null token => finished           */
        comma = strchr (tokens [token_nbr], ',');
        if (!comma)
            break;                      /*  Syntax error in line => quit     */
        *comma = '\0';                  /*  Else break into separate x & y   */
        shape_points [nbr_points].x = atof (tokens [token_nbr]);
        shape_points [nbr_points].y = atof (comma + 1);
        token_nbr++;                    /*  Bump to next token               */

    /*  Check element type and test the request point                      */
    if (streq (map_type, "poly"))
        if (point_in_poly (&click_point, shape_points, nbr_points))
            strcpy (return_url, map_url);
    else if (streq (map_type, "circle"))
        if (point_in_circle (&click_point, shape_points))
            strcpy (return_url, map_url);
    else if (streq (map_type, "rect"))
        if (point_in_rect (&click_point, shape_points))
            strcpy (return_url, map_url);
    else if (streq (map_type, "point"))
        double dist;
        dist = ((click_point.x - shape_points [0].x)
                *  (click_point.x - shape_points [0].x))
               + ((click_point.y - shape_points [0].y)
                  *  (click_point.y - shape_points [0].y));
        if (dist < 10)
            strcpy (return_url, map_url);
    else if (streq (map_type, "default"))
        strcpy (default_url, map_url);

    tok_free (tokens);                  /*  Release memory                   */