Beispiel #1
//Returns pawn evaluation score
int Get_Pawn_Eval_Score(BOARD_STRUCT *board)
	int sq64;
	int score = 0;
	int hash_score = 0;
	const U64 white_pawns = board->piece_bitboards[wP];
	const U64 black_pawns = board->piece_bitboards[bP];
	const U64 all_pawns = white_pawns | black_pawns;

	//White pawns
	U64 temp = white_pawns;
	while(temp) //loop through all white pawns
		sq64 = pop_1st_bit(&temp); //pawn location in 64 square array

		//if no black pawns in passed mask area
		if ((black_pawns & white_passed_masks[sq64]) == 0)
			score += passed_pawn_rank_bonus[GET_RANK(sq64)];

			//If protected by king
			if (king_attack_masks[sq64] & board->piece_bitboards[wK]) score += PROTECTED_PASSER_SCORE;
		//if no white pawns in isolated mask area
		if ((white_pawns & isolated_masks[sq64]) == 0) score += ISOLATED_PAWN_PENALTY;

		//If a white pawn is found in the same file
		if ((white_pawns & doubled_masks[sq64]) != 0) score += DOUBLED_PAWN_PENALTY;

	//Black pawns
	temp = black_pawns;
	while (temp) //loop through all black pawns
		sq64 = pop_1st_bit(&temp); //pawn location in 64 square array

		//if no white pawns in passed mask area
		if ((white_pawns & black_passed_masks[sq64]) == 0)
			score -= passed_pawn_rank_bonus[RANK_8 - GET_RANK(sq64)];

			//If protected by king
			if (king_attack_masks[sq64] & board->piece_bitboards[bK]) score -= PROTECTED_PASSER_SCORE;
		//if no black pawns in isolated mask area
		if ((black_pawns & isolated_masks[sq64]) == 0) score -= ISOLATED_PAWN_PENALTY;

		//If a black pawn is found in the same file
		if ((black_pawns & doubled_masks[sq64]) != 0) score -= DOUBLED_PAWN_PENALTY;

	return score;
Beispiel #2
MoveStack* generate_non_capture_checks(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {


    Bitboard b, dc;
    Square from;
    Color us = pos.side_to_move();
    Square ksq = pos.king_square(opposite_color(us));

    assert(pos.piece_on(ksq) == piece_of_color_and_type(opposite_color(us), KING));

    // Discovered non-capture checks
    b = dc = pos.discovered_check_candidates(us);

    while (b)
        from = pop_1st_bit(&b);
        switch (pos.type_of_piece_on(from))
        case PAWN:   /* Will be generated togheter with pawns direct checks */
        case KNIGHT:
            mlist = generate_discovered_checks<KNIGHT>(pos, mlist, from);
        case BISHOP:
            mlist = generate_discovered_checks<BISHOP>(pos, mlist, from);
        case ROOK:
            mlist = generate_discovered_checks<ROOK>(pos, mlist, from);
        case KING:
            mlist = generate_discovered_checks<KING>(pos, mlist, from);

    // Direct non-capture checks
    mlist = generate_direct_checks<PAWN>(pos, mlist, us, dc, ksq);
    mlist = generate_direct_checks<KNIGHT>(pos, mlist, us, dc, ksq);
    mlist = generate_direct_checks<BISHOP>(pos, mlist, us, dc, ksq);
    mlist = generate_direct_checks<ROOK>(pos, mlist, us, dc, ksq);
    return  generate_direct_checks<QUEEN>(pos, mlist, us, dc, ksq);
MoveStack* generate<MV_QUIET_CHECK>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {


  Color us = pos.side_to_move();
  CheckInfo ci(pos);
  Bitboard dc = ci.dcCandidates;

  while (dc)
     Square from = pop_1st_bit(&dc);
     PieceType pt = type_of(pos.piece_on(from));

     if (pt == PAWN)
         continue; // Will be generated togheter with direct checks

     Bitboard b = pos.attacks_from(Piece(pt), from) & ~pos.pieces();

     if (pt == KING)
         b &= ~PseudoAttacks[QUEEN][ci.ksq];


  mlist = (us == WHITE ? generate_pawn_moves<WHITE, MV_QUIET_CHECK>(pos, mlist, ci.dcCandidates, ci.ksq)
                       : generate_pawn_moves<BLACK, MV_QUIET_CHECK>(pos, mlist, ci.dcCandidates, ci.ksq));

  mlist = generate_direct_checks<KNIGHT>(pos, mlist, us, ci);
  mlist = generate_direct_checks<BISHOP>(pos, mlist, us, ci);
  mlist = generate_direct_checks<ROOK>(pos, mlist, us, ci);
  mlist = generate_direct_checks<QUEEN>(pos, mlist, us, ci);

  if (pos.can_castle(us))
      mlist = generate_castle<KING_SIDE, true>(pos, mlist, us);
      mlist = generate_castle<QUEEN_SIDE, true>(pos, mlist, us);

  return mlist;
MoveStack* generate<MV_EVASION>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {


  Bitboard b, target;
  Square from, checksq;
  int checkersCnt = 0;
  Color us = pos.side_to_move();
  Square ksq = pos.king_square(us);
  Bitboard sliderAttacks = 0;
  Bitboard checkers = pos.checkers();


  // Find squares attacked by slider checkers, we will remove them from the king
  // evasions so to skip known illegal moves avoiding useless legality check later.
  b = checkers;
      checksq = pop_1st_bit(&b);

      assert(color_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)) == ~us);

      switch (type_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)))
      case BISHOP: sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][checksq]; break;
      case ROOK:   sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[ROOK][checksq];   break;
      case QUEEN:
          // If queen and king are far or not on a diagonal line we can safely
          // remove all the squares attacked in the other direction becuase are
          // not reachable by the king anyway.
          if (between_bb(ksq, checksq) || !(PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][checksq] & ksq))
              sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[QUEEN][checksq];

          // Otherwise we need to use real rook attacks to check if king is safe
          // to move in the other direction. For example: king in B2, queen in A1
          // a knight in B1, and we can safely move to C1.
              sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][checksq] | pos.attacks_from<ROOK>(checksq);

  } while (b);

  // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
  b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(ksq) & ~pos.pieces(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
  from = ksq;

  // Generate evasions for other pieces only if not under a double check
  if (checkersCnt > 1)
      return mlist;

  // Blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
  target = between_bb(checksq, ksq) | checkers;

  mlist = (us == WHITE ? generate_pawn_moves<WHITE, MV_EVASION>(pos, mlist, target)
                       : generate_pawn_moves<BLACK, MV_EVASION>(pos, mlist, target));

  mlist = generate_moves<KNIGHT>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  mlist = generate_moves<BISHOP>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  mlist = generate_moves<ROOK>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  return  generate_moves<QUEEN>(pos, mlist, us, target);
MoveStack* generate_evasions(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {


  Bitboard b, target;
  Square from, checksq;
  int checkersCnt = 0;
  Color us = pos.side_to_move();
  Square ksq = pos.king_square(us);
  Bitboard checkers = pos.checkers();
  Bitboard sliderAttacks = EmptyBoardBB;

  assert(pos.piece_on(ksq) == piece_of_color_and_type(us, KING));

  // Find squares attacked by slider checkers, we will remove
  // them from the king evasions set so to early skip known
  // illegal moves and avoid an useless legality check later.
  b = checkers;
      checksq = pop_1st_bit(&b);

      assert(pos.color_of_piece_on(checksq) == opposite_color(us));

      switch (pos.type_of_piece_on(checksq))
      case BISHOP: sliderAttacks |= BishopPseudoAttacks[checksq]; break;
      case ROOK:   sliderAttacks |= RookPseudoAttacks[checksq];   break;
      case QUEEN:
          // In case of a queen remove also squares attacked in the other direction to
          // avoid possible illegal moves when queen and king are on adjacent squares.
          if (direction_is_straight(checksq, ksq))
              sliderAttacks |= RookPseudoAttacks[checksq] | pos.attacks_from<BISHOP>(checksq);
              sliderAttacks |= BishopPseudoAttacks[checksq] | pos.attacks_from<ROOK>(checksq);
  } while (b);

  // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
  b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(ksq) & ~pos.pieces_of_color(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
  from = ksq;

  // Generate evasions for other pieces only if not double check
  if (checkersCnt > 1)
      return mlist;

  // Find squares where a blocking evasion or a capture of the
  // checker piece is possible.
  target = squares_between(checksq, ksq) | checkers;

  mlist = generate_piece_moves<PAWN, EVASION>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  mlist = generate_piece_moves<KNIGHT>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  mlist = generate_piece_moves<BISHOP>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  mlist = generate_piece_moves<ROOK>(pos, mlist, us, target);
  return  generate_piece_moves<QUEEN>(pos, mlist, us, target);
// probe_egtb() does the actual probing. On failure it returns VALUE_NONE.
Value probe_egtb(Position &pos, const int ply, const bool hard, const bool exact)
  // Conversion variables
  Bitboard occ;
  int count;

  // stockfish -> egtb
  int stm, epsquare, castling;
  unsigned int  ws[17], bs[17];
  unsigned char wp[17], bp[17];

  // egtb -> stockfish
  int tb_available;
  unsigned info = tb_UNKNOWN;
  unsigned pliestomate;

  // Prepare info for white (stockfish -> egtb)
  occ = pos.pieces_of_color(WHITE);
  count = 0;
  while (occ)
      Square s = pop_1st_bit(&occ);
      ws[count] = s;
      wp[count] = (unsigned char) pos.type_of_piece_on(s);
  ws[count] = tb_NOSQUARE;
  wp[count] = tb_NOPIECE;

  // Prepare info for black (stockfish -> egtb)
  occ = pos.pieces_of_color(BLACK);
  count = 0;
  while (occ)
      Square s = pop_1st_bit(&occ);
      bs[count] = s;
      bp[count] = (unsigned char) pos.type_of_piece_on(s);
  bs[count] = tb_NOSQUARE;
  bp[count] = tb_NOPIECE;

  // Prepare general info
  stm      = pos.side_to_move();
  epsquare = pos.ep_square();
  castling = tb_NOCASTLE;

  if (pos.can_castle(WHITE) || pos.can_castle(BLACK))
      if (Chess960)
          return VALUE_NONE;

      if (pos.can_castle_kingside(WHITE))
          castling |= tb_WOO;
      if (pos.can_castle_queenside(WHITE))
          castling |= tb_WOOO;
      if (pos.can_castle_kingside(BLACK))
          castling |= tb_BOO;
      if (pos.can_castle_queenside(BLACK))
          castling |= tb_BOOO;

  // Do the actual probing
  if (hard)
      if (exact)
          tb_available = tb_probe_hard (stm, epsquare, castling, ws, bs, wp, bp, &info, &pliestomate);
          tb_available = tb_probe_WDL_hard (stm, epsquare, castling, ws, bs, wp, bp, &info);
      if (exact)
          tb_available = tb_probe_soft (stm, epsquare, castling, ws, bs, wp, bp, &info, &pliestomate);
          tb_available = tb_probe_WDL_soft (stm, epsquare, castling, ws, bs, wp, bp, &info);

  // Return probing info (if available)
  if (tb_available)
    pos.set_tb_hits(pos.tb_hits() + 1);
    if (info == tb_DRAW)
        return VALUE_DRAW;
    else if (info == tb_WMATE && stm == tb_WHITE_TO_MOVE)
        return (exact ? value_mate_in(pliestomate+ply) : VALUE_KNOWN_WIN);
    else if (info == tb_BMATE && stm == tb_BLACK_TO_MOVE)
        return (exact ? value_mate_in(pliestomate+ply) : VALUE_KNOWN_WIN);
    else if (info == tb_WMATE && stm == tb_BLACK_TO_MOVE)
        return (exact ? value_mated_in(pliestomate+ply) : -VALUE_KNOWN_WIN);
    else if (info == tb_BMATE && stm == tb_WHITE_TO_MOVE)
        return (exact ? value_mated_in(pliestomate+ply) : -VALUE_KNOWN_WIN);
        return VALUE_NONE;
      return VALUE_NONE;
Beispiel #7
//Looks at pawn shielding around each king and returns white - black score
int Get_King_Safety_Score(BOARD_STRUCT *board)
	int white_score = 0;
	int black_score = 0;

	U64 temp = board->piece_bitboards[wK];
	int white_king_square = pop_1st_bit(&temp);
	temp = board->piece_bitboards[bK];
	int black_king_square = pop_1st_bit(&temp);

	//White king on kingside
	if (GET_FILE(white_king_square) > FILE_E && GET_RANK(white_king_square) == RANK_1) {

		if (board->board_array[F2] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[F3] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[G2] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[G3] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[H2] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[H3] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;
	else if (GET_FILE(white_king_square) < FILE_D && GET_RANK(white_king_square) == RANK_1) {

		if (board->board_array[A2] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[A3] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[B2] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[B3] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[C2] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[C3] == wP)  white_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

	//Black king on kingside
	if (GET_FILE(black_king_square) > FILE_E && GET_RANK(black_king_square) == RANK_8) {

		if (board->board_array[F7] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[F6] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[G7] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[G6] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[H7] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[H6] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;
	else if (GET_FILE(black_king_square) < FILE_D && GET_RANK(black_king_square) == RANK_8) {

		if (board->board_array[A7] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[A6] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[B7] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[B6] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

		if (board->board_array[C7] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE;
		else if (board->board_array[C6] == bP)  black_score += PAWN_SHIELD_SCORE / 2;

	return white_score - black_score;
