int main(){

	const int NP=256;				// Number of points in curve
	const int N1=31, N2=N1*N1;		// Size of graph
	float pixels[N2];				// Accumulation buffer
	// Use two complex oscillators as harmonics of curve
	CSine<> csin1(1./NP), csin2;

	// Plot several harmonics summed with fundamental
	for(int j=1; j<8; ++j){

		printf("\ne^iw + e^%diw\n\n", j);
		mem::zero(pixels, N2);
		csin2.freq(j/(float)NP);		// Harmonic rotating in tandem with fundamental
		csin2.amp(1./j);				// Amplitude is 1/f to give equal energy
		float r = 0.99/(1. + 1./j);		// Factor to normalize sum of partials

		for(int i=0; i<NP; ++i){
			Complex<> c = csin1() + csin2();
			int ix = posToInd( c.r * r, N1);	// map real component to x
			int iy = posToInd(-c.i * r, N1);	// map imag component to y
			pixels[iy*N1 + ix] += 0.1;

		print2D(pixels, N1, N1);
int main(){

	const int NP=256;				// Number of points in curve
	const int N1=17, N2=N1*N1;		// Size of graph
	float pixels[N2];				// Accumulation buffer

	CSine<> osc(1./NP);
	SineR<> oscAM;

	for(int k=2; k<5; ++k){
	for(int j=0; j<3; ++j){
		mem::zero(pixels, N2);

		float w = j*0.3 + 0.2;		// "petalness" factor
		oscAM.set(k/(float)NP, w);
		for(int i=0; i<NP; ++i){
			Complex<> c = osc() * (1-w + oscAM());
			int ix = posToInd( c.r, N1);
			int iy = posToInd(-c.i, N1);
			pixels[iy*N1 + ix] += 0.1;

		print2D(pixels, N1, N1);
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

	const int NP=256;				// Number of points in curve
	const int N1=31, N2=N1*N1;		// Size of graph
	float pixels[N2];				// Accumulation buffer

	Complex<double> phase(1,0), freq;

	printf("\nUnit circle\n");
	mem::zero(pixels, N2);
	for(int i=0; i<NP; ++i){
		int ix = posToInd(phase[0], N1);
		int iy = posToInd(phase[1], N1);
		phase *= freq;
		pixels[iy*N1 + ix] += 0.125;
	print2D(pixels, N1, N1);

	printf("\nHalf circle\n");
	mem::zero(pixels, N2);
	phase(0.5, 0);
	for(int i=0; i<NP; ++i){
		int ix = posToInd(phase[0], N1);
		int iy = posToInd(phase[1], N1);
		phase *= freq;
		pixels[iy*N1 + ix] += 0.125;
	print2D(pixels, N1, N1);	

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

	const int NP=256;				// Number of points in curve
	const int N1=15, N2=N1*N1;		// Size of graph
	float pixels[N2];				// Accumulation buffer

	SineR<> sineX, sineY;

	for(int k=1; k<4; ++k){
	for(int j=1; j<4; ++j){
		mem::zero(pixels, N2);
		sineX.set(float(j)/NP, 1);
		sineY.set(float(k)/NP, 1);
		printf("\nx:y = %d:%d\n\n", j,k);
		for(int i=0; i<NP; ++i){
			int ix = posToInd( sineX(), N1);
			int iy = posToInd(-sineY(), N1);
			pixels[iy*N1 + ix] += 0.125;

		print2D(pixels, N1, N1);

	return 0;
int main(){

	const int NP=256;				// Number of points in curve
	const int N1=31, N2=N1*N1;		// Size of graph
	float pixels[N2];				// Accumulation buffer
	CSine<> csin;

	// Plot several winding and damping amounts
	for(int k=1; k<4; ++k){
	for(int j=1; j<4; ++j){

		printf("\nwinding=%d, decay=%d\n\n", k, j);
		mem::zero(pixels, N2);
		csin.decay(NP*j);			// Number of iterations for amp to decay by 0.0001
		csin.freq(k/(float)NP);		// Winding number
		csin.reset();				// Reset oscillator to (1,0)

		for(int i=0; i<NP; ++i){
			Complex<> c = csin();
			int ix = posToInd( c.r, N1);	// map real component to x
			int iy = posToInd(-c.i, N1);	// map imag component to y
			pixels[iy*N1 + ix] += 0.1;

		print2D(pixels, N1, N1);
Beispiel #6
/*sets the piece of the color in the position on the board
checks if the position is legal
checks if there aren't too many pieces of the given type*/
void set(char* board, pos p, char type, int color){
	if (!isLegalPos(p))	// illegal pos
	int count = 0;
	pos searcher;
	for (int x = 'a'; x < 'i'; x++) // counts how many pieces of the given type are on the board
		searcher.x = x;
		for (int y = 1; y < 9; y++)
			searcher.y = y;
			if (board[posToInd(searcher)] == type)
	int maxCount; // max amount of pieces of the given type
	if (type == WHITE_P || type == BLACK_P)
		maxCount = 8;
	else if (type == WHITE_K || type == BLACK_K || type == WHITE_Q || type == BLACK_Q)
		maxCount = 1;
		maxCount = 2;
	if (count >= maxCount){	// too many pieces of the same type
		print_message(NO_PIECE); // illegal board
	board[posToInd(p)] = type; // set the piece
Beispiel #7
int scoreBest(char* board,int player){
	linkedList *moves = getMoves(board, BLACK);
	if (moves->first == NULL){ // no possible moves for other player
		if (isCheck(board, BLACK)){ // check
			return 2*kingScore; // the player wins
		else // not in check
			return -0; // tie
	moves = getMoves(board, WHITE);
	if (moves->first == NULL){ // no possible moves
		if (isCheck(board, WHITE)){ // check
			return -2 * kingScore; // the player lost
		else // not in check
			return -0; // tie
	int score = 0;
	pos p;
	for (char x = 'a'; x <= 'h'; x++)
		p.x = x;
		for (int y = 1; y <= 8; y++)
			p.y = y;
			int ind = posToInd(p);
			char type = tolower(board[ind]);
			if (type == EMPTY)
			int color = colorOfLoc(board, ind);
			int ind64 = color == WHITE ? posToBoard64(p) : 64 - posToBoard64(p);
			if (type == 'm')
				score += pawnScore * (2 * color - 1);
				score += pawnTable[ind64];
			else if (type == 'n'){
				score += knightScore * (2 * color - 1);
				score += knightTable[ind64];
			else if (type == 'b'){
				score += bishopScore * (2 * color - 1);
				score += bishoptTable[ind64];
			else if (type == 'r'){
				score += rookScore * (2 * color - 1);
				score += rookTable[ind64];
			else if (type == 'q'){
				score += queenScore * (2 * color - 1);
				score += queenTable[ind64];
	return score * (2 * player - 1);