Beispiel #1
unsigned char calcuate_xor_from_file(const std::string &fname)
	posix_file_t fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t fsizelow, fsizehigh, bytertd, pos;
	unsigned char ret = 0;
	unsigned char* data = NULL;

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fsize(fp, fsizelow, fsizehigh);
	if (!fsizelow && !fsizehigh) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fseek(fp, 0, 0);
	data = (unsigned char*)malloc(fsizelow);
	posix_fread(fp, data, fsizelow, bytertd);
	pos = 0;
	while (pos < fsizelow) {
		ret ^= data[pos ++];

	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {
	if (data) {
	return ret;
Beispiel #2
// config就三个成员变量, values, children, orderer_children. orderer_child_ren可由children推出
// config被组织成一个树状结构
void wml_config_to_file(const std::string &fname, config &cfg, uint32_t nfiles, uint32_t sum_size, uint32_t modified)
	posix_file_t						fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t							max_str_len, bytertd, u32n; 

	std::vector<std::string>			tdomain;
	posix_print("<xwml.cpp>::wml_config_to_file------fname: %s\n", fname.c_str());

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_config_to_file, cannot create %s for wrtie\n", fname.c_str());
		goto exit;

	posix_fseek(fp, 16 + sizeof(max_str_len) + sizeof(u32n), 0);

	// write [textdomain]
	BOOST_FOREACH (const config &d, cfg.child_range("textdomain")) {
		if (std::find(tdomain.begin(), tdomain.end(), d.get("name")->str()) != tdomain.end()) {
		u32n = tdomain.back().size();
		posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(u32n), bytertd);
		posix_fwrite(fp, tdomain.back().c_str(), u32n, bytertd);

	wml_config_to_fp(fp, cfg, &max_str_len, tdomain, 0);

	// update max_str_len/textdomain_count
	posix_fseek(fp, 0, 0);

	// 0--15
	u32n = mmioFOURCC('X', 'W', 'M', 'L');
	posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, 4, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &nfiles, 4, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &sum_size, 4, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &modified, 4, bytertd);
	// 16--19(max_str_len)
	posix_fwrite(fp, &max_str_len, sizeof(max_str_len), bytertd);
	// 20--23(textdomain_count)
	u32n = tdomain.size();
	posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(u32n), bytertd);

	posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_config_to_file, return\n");
	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {

Beispiel #3
void string_to_file(std::string str, char* fname)
	posix_file_t	fp;
	uint32_t		bytertd;

    posix_fopen(fname, GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		posix_print_mb("string_to_file, cann't create file %s for write", fname);
	posix_fwrite(fp, str.c_str(), str.length(), bytertd);
Beispiel #4
bool hero_map::map_from_file(const std::string& fname)
	posix_file_t fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t bytertd, fsizelow, fsizehigh, rdpos;
	uint8_t* fdata = NULL;
	bool fok = false;

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fsize(fp, fsizelow, fsizehigh);
	if (fsizelow < HEROS_FILE_PREFIX_BYTES) {
		goto exit;
	fdata = (uint8_t*)malloc(fsizelow);
	if (!fdata) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fseek(fp, HEROS_FILE_PREFIX_BYTES, 0);
	posix_fread(fp, fdata, fsizelow - HEROS_FILE_PREFIX_BYTES, bytertd);

	rdpos = 0;
	// realloc map memory in hero_map
	while (rdpos + HEROS_BYTES_PER_HERO <= bytertd) {
		hero h(fdata + rdpos);
		if (h.valid()) {

	fok = true;
	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {
	if (fdata) {

	return fok;
Beispiel #5
return value:
 false: 1)cannot open file that fname specified
bool hero_map::map_to_file(const std::string& fname)
	uint32_t idx, bytertd, *u32ptr;
	posix_file_t fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint8_t* data = NULL;
	bool fok = false;
	uint8_t prefix[HEROS_FILE_PREFIX_BYTES];

	if (map_vsize_ == 0) {
		goto exit;
	data = (uint8_t*)malloc(map_vsize_ * HEROS_BYTES_PER_HERO);
	if (!data) {
		goto exit;
	for (idx = 0; idx < map_vsize_; idx ++) {
		map_[idx]->write(data + idx * HEROS_BYTES_PER_HERO);	
	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		goto exit;
	memset(&prefix, 0, sizeof(prefix));
	u32ptr = (uint32_t*)prefix;
	// 第四个字节是作为版本号,当前版本V.0
	*u32ptr = mmioFOURCC('H', 'E', 'R', '0');
	posix_fwrite(fp, prefix, HEROS_FILE_PREFIX_BYTES, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, data, map_vsize_ * HEROS_BYTES_PER_HERO, bytertd);

	fok = true;
	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {
	if (data) {
	return fok;
Beispiel #6
bool wml_checksum_from_file(const std::string &fname, uint32_t* nfiles, uint32_t* sum_size, uint32_t* modified)
	posix_file_t fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t fsizelow, fsizehigh, bytertd, tmp;
	bool ok = false;

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fsize(fp, fsizelow, fsizehigh);
	if (fsizelow <= 16) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fseek(fp, 0, 0);
	posix_fread(fp, &tmp, 4, bytertd);
	// 判断是不是XWML
	if (tmp != mmioFOURCC('X', 'W', 'M', 'L')) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fread(fp, &tmp, 4, bytertd);
	if (nfiles) {
		*nfiles = tmp;
	posix_fread(fp, &tmp, 4, bytertd);
	if (sum_size) {
		*sum_size = tmp;
	posix_fread(fp, &tmp, 4, bytertd);
	if (modified) {
		*modified = tmp;
	ok = true;		
	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {
	return ok;
Beispiel #7
terrain_builder::building_rule* wml_building_rules_from_file(const std::string& fname, uint32_t* rules_size_ptr)
	posix_file_t fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t datalen, max_str_len, rules_size, fsizelow, fsizehigh, bytertd, idx, len, size, size1, idx1, size2, idx2;
	uint8_t* data = NULL, *strbuf = NULL, *variations = NULL;
	uint8_t* rdpos;
	terrain_builder::building_rule * rules = NULL;
	map_location loc;
	tmp_pair tmppair;

	posix_print("<xwml.cpp>::wml_config_from_file------fname: %s\n", fname.c_str());

	if (rules_size_ptr) {
		*rules_size_ptr = 0;

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_building_rules_from_file, cannot create %s for read\n", fname.c_str());
		return NULL;
	posix_fsize(fp, fsizelow, fsizehigh);
	if (fsizelow <= 16 + sizeof(max_str_len) + sizeof(rules_size)) {
		return NULL;
	posix_fseek(fp, 16, 0);
	posix_fread(fp, &max_str_len, sizeof(max_str_len), bytertd);
	posix_fread(fp, &rules_size, sizeof(rules_size), bytertd);

	datalen = fsizelow - 16 - sizeof(max_str_len) - sizeof(rules_size);
	data = (uint8_t *)malloc(datalen);
	strbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_str_len + 1);
	variations = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_str_len + 1);

	// 剩下数据读出sram
	posix_fread(fp, data, datalen, bytertd);

	posix_print("max_str_len: %u, fsizelow: %u, datalen: %u\n", max_str_len, fsizelow, datalen);
	rdpos = data;

	// allocate memory for rules pointer array
	if (rules_size) {
		// rules = (terrain_builder::building_rule**)malloc(rules_size * sizeof(terrain_builder::building_rule**));
		rules = new terrain_builder::building_rule[rules_size];
	} else {
		rules = NULL;

	uint32_t rule_index = 0;
	uint32_t previous, current, start, stop = SDL_GetTicks();
	while (rdpos < data + datalen) {
		int x, y;
		start = stop;
		posix_print("#%04u, (", rule_index);
		// building_ruleset::iterator 
		// terrain_builder::building_rule& pbr = *rules.insert(terrain_builder::building_rule());
		// rules.push_back(terrain_builder::building_rule());
		// terrain_builder::building_rule& pbr = rules.back();
		// rules[rule_index] = new terrain_builder::building_rule;
		terrain_builder::building_rule& pbr = rules[rule_index];
		previous = SDL_GetTicks();
		posix_print("%u", previous - start);

		// precedence
		memcpy(&pbr.precedence, rdpos, sizeof(int));
		rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(int);

		// *map_location location_constraints;
		memcpy(&x, rdpos, sizeof(int));
		memcpy(&y, rdpos + sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
		rdpos = rdpos + 2 * sizeof(int);
		pbr.location_constraints = map_location(x, y);

		// *int probability
		memcpy(&pbr.probability, rdpos, sizeof(int));
		rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(int);

		// local
		pbr.local = false;

		// size of constraints
		memcpy(&size, rdpos, sizeof(int));
		rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(int);
		current = SDL_GetTicks();
		posix_print(" + %u", current - previous);
		previous = current;
		for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx ++) {
			// terrain_constraint
			memcpy(&tmppair, rdpos, 8);
			rdpos = rdpos + 8;
			loc = map_location(tmppair.first, tmppair.second);

			// pbr.constraints[loc] = terrain_builder::terrain_constraint(loc);
			// constraint = pbr.constraints.find(loc);
			terrain_builder::terrain_constraint& constraint = pbr.constraints.back();

			// t_mach
			t_translation::t_match& match = constraint.terrain_types_match;

			// memcpy(&x, rdpos, sizeof(int));
			// memcpy(&y, rdpos, sizeof(int));
			// rdpos = rdpos + 2 * sizeof(int);

			// size of terrain in t_mach
			// constraints[loc].terrain_types_match = t_translation::t_terrain(x, y);

			memcpy(&size1, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
			rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t);
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				memcpy(&tmppair, rdpos, 8);
				match.terrain.push_back(t_translation::t_terrain(tmppair.first, tmppair.second));
				rdpos = rdpos + 8;
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				memcpy(&tmppair, rdpos, 8);
				match.mask.push_back(t_translation::t_terrain(tmppair.first, tmppair.second));
				rdpos = rdpos + 8;
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				memcpy(&tmppair, rdpos, 8);
				match.masked_terrain.push_back(t_translation::t_terrain(tmppair.first, tmppair.second));
				rdpos = rdpos + 8;
			memcpy(&tmppair, rdpos, 8);
			match.has_wildcard = tmppair.first? true: false;
			match.is_empty = tmppair.second? true: false;
			rdpos = rdpos + 8;

			// size of flags in set_flag
			memcpy(&size1, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
			rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t);
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				memcpy(&len, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
				memcpy(strbuf, rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t), len);
				strbuf[len] = 0;
				rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t) + len;				
			// size of flags in no_flag
			memcpy(&size1, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
			rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t);
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				memcpy(&len, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
				memcpy(strbuf, rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t), len);
				strbuf[len] = 0;
				rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t) + len;				
			// size of flags in has_flag
			memcpy(&size1, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
			rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t);
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				memcpy(&len, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
				memcpy(strbuf, rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t), len);
				strbuf[len] = 0;
				rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t) + len;				

			// size of rule_image in rule_imagelist
			memcpy(&size1, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
			rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t);
			for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < size1; idx1 ++) {
				// struct terrain_builder::rule_image& ri = constraint->second.images[idx1];
				// rule_image
				int layer, center_x, center_y;
				bool global_image;

				memcpy(&layer, rdpos, sizeof(int));
				memcpy(&x, rdpos + 4, sizeof(int));
				memcpy(&y, rdpos + 8, sizeof(int));
				memcpy(&len, rdpos + 12, sizeof(int));
				global_image = len? true: false;
				memcpy(&center_x, rdpos + 16, sizeof(int));
				memcpy(&center_y, rdpos + 20, sizeof(int));
				rdpos = rdpos + 24;

				constraint.images.push_back(terrain_builder::rule_image(layer, x, y, global_image, center_x, center_y));

				// size of rule_image in rule_imagelist
				memcpy(&size2, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
				rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t);
				for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < size2; idx2 ++) {
					bool random_start;

					memcpy(&len, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
					memcpy(strbuf, rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t), len);
					strbuf[len] = 0;
					rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t) + len;

					// Adds the main (default) variant of the image, if present
					memcpy(&len, rdpos, sizeof(uint32_t));
					memcpy(variations, rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t), len);
					variations[len] = 0;
					rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(uint32_t) + len;

					memcpy(&len, rdpos, sizeof(int));
					random_start = len? true: false;
					rdpos = rdpos + sizeof(int);
					constraint.images.back().variants.push_back(terrain_builder::rule_image_variant((char*)strbuf, (char*)variations, random_start));
			current = SDL_GetTicks();
			posix_print(" + %u", current - previous);
			previous = current;
		stop = SDL_GetTicks();
		posix_print("), expend %u ms\n", stop - start);
		rule_index ++;

	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {
	if (data) {
	if (strbuf) {
	if (variations) {

	if (rules_size_ptr) {
		*rules_size_ptr = rule_index;

	posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_building_rules_from_file, restore %u rules, return\n", rule_index);
	return rules;
Beispiel #8
void wml_building_rules_to_file(const std::string& fname, terrain_builder::building_rule* rules, uint32_t rules_size, uint32_t nfiles, uint32_t sum_size, uint32_t modified)
	posix_file_t						fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t							max_str_len, bytertd, u32n, idx, size, size1; 

	posix_print("<xwml.cpp>::wml_building_rules_to_file------fname: %s, will save %u rules\n", fname.c_str(), rules_size);

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_building_rules_to_file, cannot create %s for wrtie\n", fname.c_str());

	// max str len
	max_str_len = 63;
	// 0--15
	u32n = mmioFOURCC('X', 'W', 'M', 'L');
	posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, 4, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &nfiles, 4, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &sum_size, 4, bytertd);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &modified, 4, bytertd);

	posix_fseek(fp, 16 + sizeof(max_str_len), 0);
	// rules size
	posix_fwrite(fp, &rules_size, sizeof(rules_size), bytertd);

	uint32_t rule_index = 0;

	for (rule_index = 0; rule_index < rules_size; rule_index ++) {

		// typedef std::multiset<building_rule> building_ruleset;

		// building_rule
		const terrain_builder::building_rule& rule = rules[rule_index];

		// *int precedence
		posix_fwrite(fp, &rule.precedence, sizeof(int), bytertd);
		// *map_location location_constraints;
		posix_fwrite(fp, &rule.location_constraints.x, sizeof(int), bytertd);
		posix_fwrite(fp, &rule.location_constraints.y, sizeof(int), bytertd);

		// *int probability
		posix_fwrite(fp, &rule.probability, sizeof(int), bytertd);

		// size of constraints
		size = rule.constraints.size();
		posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(uint32_t), bytertd);

		// constraint_set constraints
		for (terrain_builder::constraint_set::const_iterator constraint = rule.constraints.begin(); constraint != rule.constraints.end(); ++constraint) {
			// typedef std::vector<terrain_constraint> constraint_set;
			posix_fwrite(fp, &constraint->loc.x, sizeof(int), bytertd);
			posix_fwrite(fp, &constraint->loc.y, sizeof(int), bytertd);

			// terrain_constraint

			// t_translation::t_match terrain_types_match;
			const t_translation::t_match& match = constraint->terrain_types_match;

//			struct t_match{
//				......
//				t_list terrain;
//				t_list mask;
//				t_list masked_terrain;
//				bool has_wildcard;
//				bool is_empty;
//			};

			// typedef std::vector<t_terrain> t_list;
			// terrain, mask和masked_terrain肯定一样长度, 为节省空间,只写一个长度值
			size = match.terrain.size();
			posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(size), bytertd);
			t_list_to_fp(fp, match.terrain, idx, size, bytertd);
			t_list_to_fp(fp, match.mask, idx, size, bytertd);
			t_list_to_fp(fp, match.masked_terrain, idx, size, bytertd);
			u32n = match.has_wildcard? 1: 0;
			posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(int), bytertd);
			u32n = match.is_empty? 1: 0;
			posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(int), bytertd);

			// std::vector<std::string> set_flag;
			vstr_to_fp(fp, constraint->set_flag, idx, size, u32n, bytertd, max_str_len);
			// std::vector<std::string> no_flag;
			vstr_to_fp(fp, constraint->no_flag, idx, size, u32n, bytertd, max_str_len);
			// std::vector<std::string> has_flag;
			vstr_to_fp(fp, constraint->has_flag, idx, size, u32n, bytertd, max_str_len);

			// (typedef std::vector<rule_image> rule_imagelist) rule_imagelist images
			size = constraint->images.size();
			posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(size), bytertd);
			for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx ++) {
				const struct terrain_builder::rule_image& ri = constraint->images[idx];
				// rule_image

//				struct rule_image {
//					......
//					int layer;
//					int basex, basey;
//					bool global_image;
//					int center_x, center_y;
//					rule_image_variantlist variants;
//				}

				posix_fwrite(fp, &ri.layer, sizeof(int), bytertd);
				posix_fwrite(fp, &ri.basex, sizeof(int), bytertd);
				posix_fwrite(fp, &ri.basey, sizeof(int), bytertd);
				u32n = ri.global_image? 1: 0;
				posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(int), bytertd);
				posix_fwrite(fp, &ri.center_x, sizeof(int), bytertd);
				posix_fwrite(fp, &ri.center_y, sizeof(int), bytertd);

				// (std::vector<rule_image_variant>) variants
				size1 = ri.variants.size();
				posix_fwrite(fp, &size1, sizeof(size), bytertd);
				for (std::vector<terrain_builder::rule_image_variant>::const_iterator imgitor = ri.variants.begin(); imgitor != ri.variants.end(); ++imgitor) {
					// value: rule_image_variant

//					struct rule_image_variant {
//						......
//						std::string image_string;
//						std::string variations;
//						std::string tod;
//						animated<image::locator> image;
//						bool random_start;
//					}

					u32n = imgitor->image_string.size();
					posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(u32n), bytertd);	
					posix_fwrite(fp, imgitor->image_string.c_str(), u32n, bytertd);
					max_str_len = posix_max(max_str_len, u32n);

					u32n = imgitor->variations.size();
					posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(u32n), bytertd);	
					posix_fwrite(fp, imgitor->variations.c_str(), u32n, bytertd);
					max_str_len = posix_max(max_str_len, u32n);

					u32n = imgitor->random_start? 1: 0;
					posix_fwrite(fp, &u32n, sizeof(int), bytertd);

					// 到此为止,只有rule_image_variant中的image没有生成
					// image涉及到两个类class animated和class locator,类中有数据private成员数据,很难直接赋值
					// 考虑到from时也会调用构造函数以构造类,这里就填上构造函数需的参数就行了。
					// 如何由构造函数生成animated和locator参考:bool terrain_builder::start_animation(building_rule &rule)

					// class animated
					// int starting_frame_time_;
					// bool does_not_change_;
					// bool started_;
					// bool need_first_update_;
					// int start_tick_;
					// bool cycles_;
					// double acceleration_;
					// int last_update_tick_;
					// int current_frame_key_;
					// +std::vector<frame> frames_;
					// int duration_;
					// int start_time_;
					// +T value_;
					// +class locator
					// static int last_index_;
					// int index_;
					// value val_;

//					struct value {
//						......
//						type type_;
//						std::string filename_;
//						map_location loc_;
//						std::string modifications_;
//						int center_x_;
//						int center_y_;
//					}


	// 更新最大的存储区大小
	posix_fseek(fp, 16, 0);
	posix_fwrite(fp, &max_str_len, sizeof(max_str_len), bytertd);


	posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_building_rules_to_file, return\n");
Beispiel #9
void wml_config_from_file(const std::string &fname, config &cfg, uint32_t* nfiles, uint32_t* sum_size, uint32_t* modified)
	posix_file_t						fp = INVALID_FILE;
	uint32_t							datalen, fsizelow, fsizehigh, max_str_len, bytertd, tdcnt, idx, len;
	uint8_t								*data = NULL, *namebuf = NULL, *valbuf = NULL;
	char								tdname[MAXLEN_TEXTDOMAIN + 1];

	std::vector<std::string>			tdomain;

	posix_print("<xwml.cpp>::wml_config_from_file------fname: %s\n", fname.c_str());

	cfg.clear();	// 首先清空,以下是增加方式

	posix_fopen(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		posix_print("------<xwml.cpp>::wml_config_from_file, cannot create %s for read\n", fname.c_str());
		goto exit;
	posix_fsize(fp, fsizelow, fsizehigh);
	if (fsizelow <= 16) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fseek(fp, 0, 0);
	posix_fread(fp, &len, 4, bytertd);
	// 判断是不是XWML
	if (len != mmioFOURCC('X', 'W', 'M', 'L')) {
		goto exit;
	posix_fread(fp, &len, 4, bytertd);
	if (nfiles) {
		*nfiles = len;
	posix_fread(fp, &len, 4, bytertd);
	if (sum_size) {
		*sum_size = len;
	posix_fread(fp, &len, 4, bytertd);
	if (modified) {
		*modified = len;
	posix_fread(fp, &max_str_len, sizeof(max_str_len), bytertd);
	// 读出po
	posix_fread(fp, &tdcnt, sizeof(tdcnt), bytertd);
	datalen = fsizelow - 16 - sizeof(max_str_len) - sizeof(tdcnt);
	for (idx = 0; idx < tdcnt; idx ++) {
		posix_fread(fp, &len, sizeof(uint32_t), bytertd);
		posix_fread(fp, tdname, len, bytertd);
		tdname[len] = 0;

		datalen -= sizeof(uint32_t) + len;

		t_string::add_textdomain(tdomain.back(), get_intl_dir());
	data = (uint8_t *)malloc(datalen);
	namebuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_str_len + 1 + 1024);
	valbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_str_len + 1 + 1024);

	// 剩下数据读出sram
	posix_fread(fp, data, datalen, bytertd);

	wml_config_from_data(data, datalen, namebuf, valbuf, tdomain, cfg);

	if (fp != INVALID_FILE) {
	if (data) {
	if (namebuf) {
	if (valbuf) {
Beispiel #10
void savegame::write_game_to_disk(const std::string& filename)
	filename_ = filename;
	filename_ += ".sav";

	std::stringstream ss;
		config_writer out(ss, false);

	// start scenario data(write it to stream only first, others write stream to file direct)
	if (!gamestate_.start_scenario_ss.str().length()) {
		::write(gamestate_.start_scenario_ss, gamestate_.starting_pos);
	if (!gamestate_.start_hero_data_) {
		gamestate_.start_hero_data_ = (uint8_t*)malloc(heros_start_.file_size());

	config cfg_summary;
	std::stringstream summary_ss;
	::write(summary_ss, cfg_summary);

	// if enable compress, ss.str() is compressed format data.
	posix_file_t fp;
	uint32_t summary_size, scenario_size, side_size, start_scenario_size, start_hero_size, replay_size, hero_size, member_data_size, bytertd;
	int size;

	// replace_space2underbar(filename_);
	std::string fullfilename = get_saves_dir() + "/" + filename_;
#ifdef _WIN32
	// utf8 ---> utf16
	int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullfilename.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);
	WCHAR *wc = new WCHAR[wlen];
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullfilename.c_str(), -1, wc, wlen);
	// posix_fopen(wc, GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, fp);
	delete [] wc;
	posix_fopen(fullfilename.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, fp);
	if (fp == INVALID_FILE) {
		throw game::save_game_failed(_("Could not write to file"));

	// length of summary data
	summary_size = summary_ss.str().length();
	// length of scenario data
	scenario_size = ss.str().length();
	// length of side data
	side_size = ((unit_segment2*)game_config::savegame_cache)->size_;
	// length of start scenario data
	start_scenario_size = gamestate_.start_scenario_ss.str().length();
	// length of start hero data
	start_hero_size = heros_start_.file_size();
	// length of replay data
	if (gamestate_.replay_data.pool_pos_vsize()) {
		replay_size = 16 + gamestate_.replay_data.pool_data_gzip_size() + gamestate_.replay_data.pool_pos_vsize() * sizeof(unsigned int);
	} else {
		replay_size = 0;
	// length of runtime hero data
	hero_size = heros_.file_size();
	// length of runtime-member data
	member_data_size = runtime_groups::size();

	// [write] length of summary data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &summary_size, sizeof(summary_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of scenario data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &scenario_size, sizeof(scenario_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of side data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &side_size, sizeof(side_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of start scenario data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &start_scenario_size, sizeof(start_scenario_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of start hero data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &start_hero_size, sizeof(start_hero_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of replay data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &replay_size, sizeof(replay_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of runtime hero data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &hero_size, sizeof(hero_size), bytertd);
	// [write] length of member data
	posix_fwrite(fp, &member_data_size, sizeof(member_data_size), bytertd);

	// summary data
	posix_fwrite(fp, summary_ss.str().c_str(), summary_ss.str().length(), bytertd);
	// scenario data
	posix_fwrite(fp, ss.str().c_str(), ss.str().length(), bytertd);
	// side data
	if (side_size) {
		posix_fwrite(fp, game_config::savegame_cache, side_size, bytertd);
	// start scenario data
	posix_fwrite(fp, gamestate_.start_scenario_ss.str().c_str(), gamestate_.start_scenario_ss.str().length(), bytertd);
	// start hero data
	posix_fwrite(fp, gamestate_.start_hero_data_, start_hero_size, bytertd);
	// replay data
	if (replay_size) {
		size = gamestate_.replay_data.pool_data_size();
		posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(size), bytertd);
		size = gamestate_.replay_data.pool_data_gzip_size();
		posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(size), bytertd);
		size = gamestate_.replay_data.pool_pos_size();
		posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(size), bytertd);
		size = gamestate_.replay_data.pool_pos_vsize();
		posix_fwrite(fp, &size, sizeof(size), bytertd);
		// pool data
		posix_fwrite(fp, gamestate_.replay_data.pool_data(), gamestate_.replay_data.pool_data_gzip_size(), bytertd);
		// pool pos
		posix_fwrite(fp, gamestate_.replay_data.pool_pos(), gamestate_.replay_data.pool_pos_vsize() * sizeof(unsigned int), bytertd);

	// hero data
	// member data
