double testPointing(double dtheta = 0, int run = 332, int event = 55448680) // double testPointing(double dtheta = 0, int run = 352, int event = 60832108) { AnitaDataset d(run); d.getEvent(event); UsefulAdu5Pat gps(d.gps()); double wais_phi, wais_theta; gps.getThetaAndPhiWaveWaisDivide(wais_theta, wais_phi); wais_theta += dtheta * TMath::DegToRad(); double rampdem_wais_alt = AnitaLocations::getWaisAltitude(); printf("Real WAIS lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n", AnitaLocations::getWaisLatitude(), AnitaLocations::getWaisLongitude(), AnitaLocations::getWaisAltitude()); printf(" According to AnitaGeomTool, WAIS at phi=%g theta=%g\n", wais_phi* TMath::RadToDeg(), wais_theta* TMath::RadToDeg()); PayloadParameters pp0(d.gps(), AntarcticCoord(AntarcticCoord::WGS84, AnitaLocations::getWaisLatitude(), AnitaLocations::getWaisLongitude(), rampdem_wais_alt )); printf(" According to PayloadParameters, wais at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp0.source_phi, pp0.source_theta); double lat,lon,alt; int trace = gps.traceBackToContinent(wais_phi, wais_theta, &lon, &lat,&alt,0); printf("traceBackToContent projects to lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n",lat,lon,alt); double payload_phi, payload_theta; gps.getThetaAndPhiWave(lon,lat,alt, payload_theta, payload_phi); printf("In payload coordinates that is: phi=%g theta=%g\n", payload_phi * TMath::RadToDeg(), payload_theta * TMath::RadToDeg()); AntarcticCoord c(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt); PayloadParameters pp(d.gps(), c); printf("Payload parameters thinks it's at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp.source_phi, pp.source_theta); int get = gps.getSourceLonAndLatAtAlt(wais_phi, wais_theta, lon, lat, alt); printf("getSourceLonAndLatAtAlt projects to lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n",lat,lon,alt); gps.getThetaAndPhiWave(lon,lat,alt, payload_theta, payload_phi); printf("In payload coordinates that is: phi=%g theta=%g\n", payload_phi * TMath::RadToDeg(), payload_theta * TMath::RadToDeg()); AntarcticCoord c2(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt); PayloadParameters pp2(d.gps(), c2); printf("Payload parameters thinks it's at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp2.source_phi, pp2.source_theta); PayloadParameters pp3; int success = PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(pp0.source_theta, pp0.source_phi, d.gps(), &pp3); if (success==1) { AntarcticCoord c3 =; printf("findSourceOnContinent projects to lat/lon/alt: %g %g %g\n",c3.x,c3.y,c3.z); printf("Payload parameters thinks it's at phi=%g, theta=%g\n", pp3.source_phi, pp3.source_theta); } else { printf("findSourceOnContinent found no solution :(\n"); } double x0 =; double y0 =; TFile * fout = new TFile("refraction.root","RECREATE"); TH2I * old_h = new TH2I("traceBack","TraceBack", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h3 = new TH2I("traceBack3","TraceBack3", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h = new TH2I("findSource","FindSource", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h_col = new TH2I("findSourceColl","FindSourceColl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2I * new_h_ref = new TH2I("findSourceRef","FindSourceRefract", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * old_payload_el = new TProfile2D("traceBackPayloadEl","TraceBackPayloadEl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_h3_payload_el = new TProfile2D("traceBack3PayloadEl","TraceBack3PayloadEl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_payload_el = new TProfile2D("findSourcePayloadEl","findSourcePayloadEl", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_payload_el_col = new TProfile2D("findSourcePayloadElCol","findSourcePayloadElCol", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); TH2 * new_payload_el_ref = new TProfile2D("findSourcePayloadElRef","findSourcePayloadElRef", 1000, x0 - 800e3, x0+800e3, 1000, y0 - 800e3, y0+800e3); Refraction::SphRay m; for (double phi = 0; phi <=360; phi+= 0.2) { printf("%g\n",phi); double step = 0.001; for (double sin_theta = 0.0; sin_theta < 0.9; sin_theta+= step) { double theta = asin(sin_theta*sin_theta) * TMath::RadToDeg(); trace = gps.traceBackToContinent(phi*TMath::DegToRad(), theta*TMath::DegToRad(), &lon, &lat,&alt,0); if (trace) { AntarcticCoord w(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt);; old_h->Fill(w.x, w.y); PayloadParameters pw(d.gps(), w); old_payload_el->Fill(w.x,w.y, pw.payload_el); } trace = gps.traceBackToContinent3(phi*TMath::DegToRad(), theta*TMath::DegToRad(), &lon, &lat,&alt,0); if (trace) { AntarcticCoord w(AntarcticCoord::WGS84,lat,lon,alt);; new_h3->Fill(w.x, w.y); PayloadParameters pw(d.gps(), w); new_h3_payload_el->Fill(w.x,w.y, pw.payload_el); } PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(theta,phi, d.gps(), &pp3); AntarcticCoord w =; new_h->Fill(w.x,w.y); new_payload_el->Fill(w.x,w.y, pp3.payload_el); PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(theta,phi, d.gps(), &pp3,0, 50); w =; new_h_col->Fill(w.x,w.y); new_payload_el_col->Fill(w.x,w.y, pp3.payload_el); PayloadParameters::findSourceOnContinent(theta,phi, d.gps(), &pp3,&m); w =; new_h_ref->Fill(w.x,w.y); new_payload_el_ref->Fill(w.x,w.y, pp3.payload_el); } } TCanvas * cc = new TCanvas; cc->Divide(5,2); cc->cd(1); old_h->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(2); new_h->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(3); new_h_col->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(4); new_h_ref->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(5); new_h3->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(6); old_payload_el->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(7); new_payload_el->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(8); new_payload_el_col->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(9); new_payload_el_ref->Draw("colz"); cc->cd(10); new_h3_payload_el->Draw("colz"); cc->SaveAs("refraction.pdf"); fout->cd(); old_h->Write(); new_h->Write(); new_h_col->Write(); new_h_ref->Write(); old_payload_el->Write(); new_payload_el->Write(); new_payload_el_col->Write(); new_payload_el_ref->Write(); return wais_phi * TMath::RadToDeg() - pp0.source_phi; }
void TestIt(long R, long p, long r, long d, long c, long k, long w, long L, long m) { cerr << "\n\n******** TestIt: R=" << R << ", p=" << p << ", r=" << r << ", d=" << d << ", c=" << c << ", k=" << k << ", w=" << w << ", L=" << L << ", m=" << m << endl; FHEcontext context(m, p, r); buildModChain(context, L, c); // context.lazy = false; if (context.lazy) cerr << "LAZY REDUCTIONS\n"; else cerr << "NON-LAZY REDUCTIONS\n"; context.zMStar.printout(); cerr << endl; #ifdef DEBUG cerr << context << endl; #endif FHESecKey secretKey(context); const FHEPubKey& publicKey = secretKey; secretKey.GenSecKey(w); // A Hamming-weight-w secret key ZZX G; if (d == 0) { G = context.alMod.getFactorsOverZZ()[0]; d = deg(G); } else G = makeIrredPoly(p, d); cerr << "G = " << G << "\n"; cerr << "generating key-switching matrices... "; addSome1DMatrices(secretKey); // compute key-switching matrices that we need addFrbMatrices(secretKey); // compute key-switching matrices that we need cerr << "done\n"; cerr << "computing masks and tables for rotation..."; EncryptedArray ea(context, G); cerr << "done\n"; long nslots = ea.size(); // L selects even coefficients vector<ZZX> LM(d); for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) if (j % 2 == 0) LM[j] = ZZX(j, 1); vector<ZZX> C; ea.buildLinPolyCoeffs(C, LM); PlaintextArray p0(ea); p0.random(); Ctxt c0(publicKey); ea.encrypt(c0, publicKey, p0); Ctxt res(c0); applyLinPoly1(ea, res, C); PlaintextArray pp0(ea); ea.decrypt(res, secretKey, pp0); p0.print(cout); cout << "\n"; pp0.print(cout); cout << "\n"; }