QString ClassMethodDeclaration::toString() const { if( !abstractType() ) return ClassMemberDeclaration::toString(); TypePtr<FunctionType> function = type<FunctionType>(); if(function) { return QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(function->partToString( FunctionType::SignatureReturn )) .arg(prettyName().str()) .arg(function->partToString( FunctionType::SignatureArguments )); } else { QString type = abstractType() ? abstractType()->toString() : QString("<notype>"); kDebug(9505) << "A function has a bad type attached:" << type; return QString("invalid member-function %1 type %2").arg(prettyName().str()).arg(type); } }
Calamares::JobResult DummyCppJob::exec() { // Ported from dummypython QProcess::execute( "/bin/sh", QStringList() << "-c" << "touch ~/calamares-dummycpp" ); QString accumulator = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString( Qt::ISODate ) + '\n'; accumulator += QStringLiteral( "Calamares version: " ) + CALAMARES_VERSION_SHORT + '\n'; accumulator += QStringLiteral( "This job's name: " ) + prettyName() + '\n'; accumulator += QStringLiteral( "Configuration map: %1\n" ).arg( variantMapToString( m_configurationMap ) ); accumulator += QStringLiteral( " *** globalstorage test ***\n" ); Calamares::GlobalStorage *globalStorage = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); accumulator += QStringLiteral( "lala: " ) + (globalStorage->contains( "lala" ) ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" )) + '\n'; accumulator += QStringLiteral( "foo: " ) + (globalStorage->contains( "foo" ) ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" )) + '\n'; accumulator += QStringLiteral( "count: " ) + QString::number( globalStorage->count() ) + '\n'; globalStorage->insert( "item2", "value2" ); globalStorage->insert( "item3", 3 ); accumulator += QStringLiteral( "keys: %1\n" ).arg( globalStorage->keys().join( ',' ) ); accumulator += QStringLiteral( "remove: %1\n" ).arg( QString::number( globalStorage->remove( "item2" ) ) ); accumulator += QStringLiteral( "values: %1 %2 %3\n" ).arg( globalStorage->value( "foo" ).toString(), globalStorage->value( "item2" ).toString(), globalStorage->value( "item3" ).toString() ); emit progress( 0.1 ); cDebug() << "[DUMMYCPP]: " << accumulator; globalStorage->debugDump(); emit progress( 0.5 ); QThread::sleep( 3 ); return Calamares::JobResult::ok(); }
QWidget* GUIBuilder::addElementGroup(model::gui::ElementGroup *root, QWidget *parent) { QGroupBox* widget = new QGroupBox( parent ); //widget->setFlat( true ); const std::string key = root->key(); if( root->showLabel() && !root->key().empty() ) { widget->setTitle( (prettyName( root->key(), m_model ) ).c_str() ); } model::gui::Element* child = root->child(); if( child != NULL ) { if( child->type() == model::gui::GRID ) { doGridLayout( static_cast<model::gui::Grid*>( child ), widget ); } else if( child->type() == model::gui::HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT ) { doHorizontalLayout( static_cast<model::gui::HorizontalLayout*>( child ), widget ); } else if( child->type() == model::gui::VERTICAL_LAYOUT ) { doVerticalLayout( static_cast<model::gui::VerticalLayout*>( child ), widget ); } else { QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( widget ); widget->setLayout( layout ); addChildren( static_cast<model::gui::Container0D<model::gui::Element>*>( root ), widget, layout ); } } return widget; }
void Aggregate::merger() { // Just sleep for a while // Only for syncronization in main loop boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::millisec(500)); // If total size downloaded isn't equal // to the size of file downloaded then // do not merge the Chunks if( m_filesize != bytesTotal()) Throw(ex::Error,"Downloaded bytes greater than total filesize."); fancyprint("Merging!",NOTIFY); fancyprint("Do not close this window.",WARNING); File tmp(tempName()); tmp.write(Node::FORCE); // TODO try binary appends and storing to "tmp" // Append the content to "tmp" for(unsigned i=0; i < m_chunk.size(); i++){ print(i+1 << " of " << m_chunk.size()); tmp.append(*(m_chunk[i]->file())); std::cout << DELETE; } std::cout << DELETE; tmp.move(prettyName(),Node::NEW); // Remove the old directory Directory(m_hashedUrl).remove(Node::FORCE); fancyprint("Complete!",SUCCESS); }
void ServiceBase::generateWidgetInfo( const QString &html ) const { QVariantMap map; map["service_name"] = prettyName(); map["main_info"] = html; The::infoProxy()->setInfo( map ); }
QString StructureType::toString() const { if ( d_func()->prettyName.isEmpty() ) { return KDevelop::StructureType::toString(); } else { return prettyName().str(); } }
void ServiceBase::infoChanged( const QString &infoHtml ) { QVariantMap map; map["service_name"] = prettyName(); map["main_info"] = infoHtml; The::infoProxy()->setInfo( map ); }
int Enum::enumValue(const QString &enumerator) const { EnumValueHash::const_iterator it = _enumValues.constFind(enumerator); if (it == _enumValues.constEnd()) baseTypeError(QString("Enumerator '%0' does not exist in %1 (0x%2)") .arg(enumerator) .arg(prettyName()) .arg((uint)id(), 0, 16)); return it.value(); }
void printUnhandledException(const char *iname, const std::exception *e) { if (e) printErr(iname,"unhandled exception: %s\n", prettyName(e->what())); else printErr(iname,"internal error: unhandled exception!\n"); if (opt->cmd != CMD_COMPRESS) { printErr(iname," this file has possibly been modified/hacked; take care!\n"); } }
void Control3DManager::addControl(PropertyReflection *prop, const std::string &controlName, const std::string &label) { try { Control3D *control = FIND_CONTROL_3D(controlName); prop->accept(*control); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_treeModel->append()); if (label == "") row[_columns.col_name] = prettyName(prop->getName()); else row[_columns.col_name] = label; row[_columns.col_visible] = true; row[_columns.col_control] = control; } catch (UnknownClassException &e) { LOG("Unknown 3D control: "+controlName, Log::ERROR); } }
string AstNode::vcdName(const string& namein) { // VCD tracing expects space to separate hierarchy // Dots are reserved for dots the user put in the name string pretty = namein; string::size_type pos; while ((pos=pretty.find("__DOT__")) != string::npos) { pretty.replace(pos, 7, " "); } while ((pos=pretty.find(".")) != string::npos) { pretty.replace(pos, 1, " "); } // Now convert escaped special characters, etc return prettyName(pretty); }
void UpnpCollectionBase::slotRemoveJob(KJob* job) { KIO::SimpleJob *sj = static_cast<KIO::SimpleJob*>( job ); m_jobSet.remove( sj ); if( sj->error() ) { m_continuousJobFailureCount++; if( m_continuousJobFailureCount >= MAX_JOB_FAILURES_BEFORE_ABORT ) { debug() << prettyName() << "Had" << m_continuousJobFailureCount << "continuous job failures, something wrong with the device. Removing this collection."; emit remove(); } } else { m_continuousJobFailureCount = 0; } }
void printErr(const char *iname, const Throwable *e) { char buf[1024]; size_t l; upx_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", prettyName(typeid(*e).name())); // upx_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", e->getMsg()); l = strlen(buf); if (l < sizeof(buf) && e->getMsg()) upx_snprintf(buf+l, sizeof(buf)-l, ": %s", e->getMsg()); l = strlen(buf); if (l < sizeof(buf) && e->getErrno()) { upx_snprintf(buf+l, sizeof(buf)-l, ": %s", strerror(e->getErrno())); #if 1 // some compilers (e.g. Borland C++) put a trailing '\n' // into strerror() result l = strlen(buf); while (l-- > 0 && (buf[l] == '\n' || buf[l] == ' ')) buf[l] = 0; #endif } pr_error(iname,buf,e->isWarning()); }
QWidget* GUIBuilder::addTabLayout(model::gui::TabLayout *root, QWidget *parent) { QTabWidget* tabWidget = new QTabWidget(parent); for( size_t i=0; i<root->children(); i++ ) { model::gui::Tab* tab = root->child( i ); if( tab != NULL ) { QWidget* child = buildGUI( tab->child(), tabWidget ); if( child != NULL ) { tabWidget->addTab( child, QString(prettyName(tab->key(), m_model).c_str()) ); } else { std::cerr << __FILE__ << '@' << __LINE__<< ": ERROR: got nullptr.\n"; } } else { std::cerr << __FILE__ << '@' << __LINE__<< ": ERROR: child is not tab.\n"; } } tabWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); return tabWidget; }
QString NamespaceAliasDeclaration::toString() const { return QStringLiteral("Import %1 as %2").arg(d_func()->m_importIdentifier.identifier().toString(), prettyName().str()); }
JobResult PythonJob::exec() { // We assume m_scriptFile to be relative to m_workingPath. QDir workingDir( m_workingPath ); if ( !workingDir.exists() || !workingDir.isReadable() ) { return JobResult::error( tr( "Bad working directory path" ), tr( "Working directory %1 for python job %2 is not readable." ) .arg( m_workingPath ) .arg( prettyName() ) ); } QFileInfo scriptFI( workingDir.absoluteFilePath( m_scriptFile ) ); if ( !scriptFI.exists() || !scriptFI.isFile() || !scriptFI.isReadable() ) { return JobResult::error( tr( "Bad main script file" ), tr( "Main script file %1 for python job %2 is not readable." ) .arg( scriptFI.absoluteFilePath() ) .arg( prettyName() ) ); } try { bp::dict scriptNamespace = helper()->createCleanNamespace(); bp::object calamaresModule = bp::import( "libcalamares" ); bp::dict calamaresNamespace = bp::extract< bp::dict >( calamaresModule.attr( "__dict__" ) ); calamaresNamespace[ "job" ] = CalamaresPython::PythonJobInterface( this ); calamaresNamespace[ "globalstorage" ] = CalamaresPython::GlobalStoragePythonWrapper( JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage() ); bp::object execResult = bp::exec_file( scriptFI.absoluteFilePath().toLocal8Bit().data(), scriptNamespace, scriptNamespace ); bp::object entryPoint = scriptNamespace[ "run" ]; bp::object prettyNameFunc = scriptNamespace.get("pretty_name", bp::object()); cDebug() << "Job file" << scriptFI.absoluteFilePath(); if ( !prettyNameFunc.is_none() ) { bp::extract< std::string > prettyNameResult( prettyNameFunc() ); if ( prettyNameResult.check() ) { m_description = QString::fromStdString( prettyNameResult() ).trimmed(); } if ( !m_description.isEmpty() ) { cDebug() << "Job description from pretty_name" << prettyName() << "=" << m_description; emit progress( 0 ); } } if ( m_description.isEmpty() ) { bp::extract< std::string > entryPoint_doc_attr(entryPoint.attr( "__doc__" ) ); if ( entryPoint_doc_attr.check() ) { m_description = QString::fromStdString( entryPoint_doc_attr() ).trimmed(); auto i_newline = m_description.indexOf('\n'); if ( i_newline > 0 ) m_description.truncate( i_newline ); cDebug() << "Job description from __doc__" << prettyName() << "=" << m_description; emit progress( 0 ); } } bp::object runResult = entryPoint(); if ( runResult.is_none() ) { return JobResult::ok(); } else // Something happened in the Python job { bp::tuple resultTuple = bp::extract< bp::tuple >( runResult ); QString message = QString::fromStdString( bp::extract< std::string >( resultTuple[ 0 ] ) ); QString description = QString::fromStdString( bp::extract< std::string >( resultTuple[ 1 ] ) ); return JobResult::error( message, description ); } } catch ( bp::error_already_set ) { QString msg; if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) { msg = helper()->handleLastError(); } bp::handle_exception(); PyErr_Clear(); return JobResult::internalError( tr( "Boost.Python error in job \"%1\"." ).arg( prettyName() ), msg, JobResult::PythonUncaughtException ); } }
string AstNode::prettyTypeName() const { if (name()=="") return typeName(); return string(typeName())+" '"+prettyName()+"'"; }
QString CheckFileSystemJob::prettyStatusMessage() const { return prettyName(); }
QString CostItem::fullName() const { return QStringLiteral("%1 %2") .arg(ProfileContext::typeName(type())).arg(prettyName()); }