Beispiel #1
// find Differential between the latest sample and the desired point back in history
Eigen::VectorXd DistributedDiff::findDifferentialFromLatest(const unsigned long &desired_hist_ut) {

	unsigned long actual_delta_ut;

	// now we need to find where this sample is back in the stored history state

	Eigen::VectorXd prev_sample(size);
	prev_sample = searchHistElement(desired_hist_ut, &actual_delta_ut);

	//double firstval = (*_state_hist.back())(0);
	//double secondval = (prev_sample)(0);
	//std::cout << "period used: " << actual_delta_ut << " diff between: " << firstval << " - " << prev_sample << " = " << (firstval - prev_sample(0))/(double)actual_delta_ut*1E6;

	return (*(_state_hist.back()) - prev_sample) / ((double) actual_delta_ut*1.E-6);
  void FlowClusteringEPG::_compute()
    if(!optflow_otl_->pull().prev_pcd_indices_) {

    cv::Mat3b img = optflow_otl_->pull().img_;
    initializeStorage(img.rows * img.cols, 0.10);

    if(cluster_index_.rows == 0)
      cluster_index_ = cv::Mat1i(img.size(), -1);
    const vector<int>& prev_pcd_indices = *optflow_otl_->pull().prev_pcd_indices_;
    const vector<int>& pcd_indices = *optflow_otl_->pull().pcd_indices_;
    const KinectCloud& prev_cloud = *index_otl_->pull().previous_pcd_;
    const KinectCloud& cloud = *index_otl_->pull().current_pcd_;
    ROS_ASSERT(prev_pcd_indices.size() == pcd_indices.size());

    int iter = 0;
    int max_iter = 500; // TODO: Parameterize.
    vector<int> prev_sample(3);
    vector<int> sample(3);
    vector<bool> active(pcd_indices.size(), true);
    while(iter < max_iter) {
      sampleFlows(active, prev_pcd_indices, pcd_indices, &prev_sample, &sample);
      Eigen::Matrix4f transform;
      pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationSVD<Point, Point> te;
      te.estimateRigidTransformation(prev_cloud, prev_sample, cloud, sample, transform);

      // -- See if this transform made any sense at all.
      size_t num_inliers = 0;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < sample.size(); ++i) {
        Vector3f projected = (transform * prev_cloud[prev_sample[i]].getVector4fMap()).head(3);
        float dist = (projected - cloud[sample[i]].getVector3fMap()).norm();
        if(dist < inlier_thresh_)
      if(num_inliers != 3)

      // -- Refine the estimate.
      // -- Get inlier flows.
      vector<bool> inliers(pcd_indices.size(), false);
      num_inliers = 0;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < pcd_indices.size(); ++i) {
        Vector3f projected = (transform * prev_cloud[prev_pcd_indices[i]].getVector4fMap()).head(3);
        float dist = (projected - cloud[pcd_indices[i]].getVector3fMap()).norm();
        if(dist < inlier_thresh_) {
          inliers[i] = true;
          active[i] = false;
      //cout << "FC: Found cluster with " << num_inliers << " inliers out of " << pcd_indices.size() << endl;
      // -- Link inliers with edge potentials.      
      vector<int>& cluster = clusters_.back();
      size_t id = clusters_.size() - 1;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < inliers.size(); ++i) {
        cluster.push_back(pcd_indices[i]); // Assumes ordered ptcld.

        // Assumes ordered point cloud.
        ROS_ASSERT((size_t)img.cols == prev_cloud.width);
        int y = prev_pcd_indices[i] / img.cols;
        int x = prev_pcd_indices[i] - y * img.cols;
        cluster_index_(y, x) = id;
      sort(cluster.begin(), cluster.end());
      // Make a note if this is the one to ignore.
      if(num_inliers > max_cluster_size_) { 
        max_cluster_size_ = num_inliers;
        max_cluster_ = id;
      // -- Break if few active flows remaining.
      int num_active = 0;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < active.size(); ++i)
      if(num_active < 3)

    //cout << "FC: total clusters = " << clusters_.size() << endl;

    // -- potentials_ is a sparse matrix, so add links in order.
    // cluster_index_(y, x) is the id of the cluster this pixel is in.
    // clusters_[i] is a sorted (ascending) vector of indices into the image.
    for(int y = 0; y < cluster_index_.rows; ++y) {
      for(int x = 0; x < cluster_index_.cols; ++x) {
        int idx0 = y * cluster_index_.cols + x;
        if(cluster_index_(y, x) == -1)
        // Ignore the biggest cluster.
        if(cluster_index_(y, x) == (int)max_cluster_)

        // TODO: Gross.
        const vector<int>& cluster = clusters_[cluster_index_(y, x)];
        if(cluster.size() < 5) {
          for(size_t i = 0; i < cluster.size(); ++i) { 
            int idx1 = cluster[i];
            if(i > 0) { 
              ROS_ASSERT(cluster[i] > cluster[i-1]);
            //cout << "FC: Adding edge between " << idx0 << " and " << idx1 << endl;
            if(idx0 != idx1)
              potentials_.insertBack(idx0, idx1) = 1.0;
        else { 
          for(int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { 
            int r = rand() % cluster.size();
            int idx1 = cluster[r];
            //cout << "FC: Adding edge between " << idx0 << " and " << idx1 << endl;
            if(idx0 != idx1)
              potentials_.insertBack(idx0, idx1) = 1.0;
