Beispiel #1
int main10(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Give the classification */
	int rank, option = 0;
	Arraylist ar;
	assert(argc> 1);
	rank = atoi(argv[1]);
	if (argc > 2)
		option = atoi(argv[2]);
	if (option == 2) {
		ar = readCellList();
	else {
		ar = classify(rank, option);
	if (option != 1) {
		sortAndWeed(rank, ar);
#if 0
	if (option == 2)
#if 0
	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	/* First, we need to take in input from the items file. */
	if (argc != 6) {
		printf("Usage: workload total alpha beta gamma delta\n");
		printf("The values for alpha, beta, gamma and delta need to be integers that sum to 100.\n");
	int i, j, k, numrecs;
	// These are the parameters that come from the user.
	int total, nalpha, nbeta, ngamma, ndelta;
	// These represent thresholds.
	int talpha, tbeta, tgamma, tdelta;
	// These are derived parameters from the database.
	int alphacells, betacells, gammacells, deltacells;
	char **recs;
	PGconn *psql;

	AttributeInfo *head_alpha, *head_beta, *head_gamma, *head_delta;
	AttributeInfo *tail_alpha, *tail_beta, *tail_gamma, *tail_delta;
	AttributeInfo **alpha, **beta, **gamma, **delta;
	head_alpha = NULL; head_beta = NULL; head_gamma = NULL; head_delta = NULL;
	tail_alpha = NULL; tail_beta = NULL; tail_gamma = NULL; tail_delta = NULL;

	// Storing our parameters.
	total = atoi(argv[1]);
	nalpha = atoi(argv[2]);
	nbeta = atoi(argv[3]);
	ngamma = atoi(argv[4]);
	ndelta = atoi(argv[5]);

	// Establish thresholds for our RNG.
	tdelta = 100 - ndelta;
	tgamma = tdelta - ngamma;
	tbeta = tgamma - nbeta;
	talpha = 0;

	if (nalpha+nbeta+ngamma+ndelta != 100) {
		printf("The values for alpha, beta, gamma and delta need to be integers that sum to 100.\n");

	// Seeding our RNG.

	// We start off by getting a recommender list.
	recs = recommenderList(&numrecs);
	printf("Numrecs: %d\n",numrecs);

	/* Connect to the database. */
	psql = PQconnectdb("host = 'localhost' port = '5432' dbname = 'recathon'");
	if (PQstatus(psql) != CONNECTION_OK) printf("bad conn\n");

	printf("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n",PQdb(psql), PQuser(psql), PQpass(psql), PQhost(psql), PQport(psql));
	if (psql == NULL) printf("connection failed\n");

	// Next, we need to query the index of each recommender, to get the attribute information and
	// cell types.
	for (i = 0; i < numrecs; i++) {
		char *querystring, *celltype;
		PGresult *query;
		int rows, cols;
		AttributeInfo *newatt;

		querystring = (char*) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
		// Since we don't know all of the attributes, we need to request everything.
		sprintf(querystring,"select * from %sindex;",recs[i]);
		query = PQexec(psql,querystring);

		rows = PQntuples(query);
		cols = PQnfields(query);

		// A new AttributeInfo for each row.
		for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
			// Get query information. Cell type is attribute #8. Recommender-specific
			// attributes begin at #13.
			newatt = (AttributeInfo*) malloc(sizeof(AttributeInfo));
			newatt->next = NULL;

			newatt->recname = (char*) malloc(128*sizeof(char));

			newatt->numatts = cols - 12;
			newatt->attnames = (char**) malloc(newatt->numatts*sizeof(char*));
			for (k = 0; k < newatt->numatts; k++)
				newatt->attnames[k] = (char*) malloc(64*sizeof(char));
			newatt->attvalues = (char**) malloc(newatt->numatts*sizeof(char*));
			for (k = 0; k < newatt->numatts; k++)
				newatt->attvalues[k] = (char*) malloc(64*sizeof(char));

			celltype = PQgetvalue(query,j,7);
			if (strcmp(celltype,"Alpha") == 0)
				newatt->celltype = CELL_ALPHA;
			else if (strcmp(celltype,"Beta") == 0)
				newatt->celltype = CELL_BETA;
			else if (strcmp(celltype,"Gamma") == 0)
				newatt->celltype = CELL_GAMMA;
				newatt->celltype = CELL_DELTA;

			// Get column information.
			for (k = 0; k < cols-12; k++) {

			// With the item complete, we put it into the appropriate bucket.
			switch (newatt->celltype) {
				case CELL_ALPHA:
					if (!head_alpha) {
						head_alpha = newatt;
						tail_alpha = newatt;
					} else {
						tail_alpha->next = newatt;
						tail_alpha = newatt;
				case CELL_BETA:
					if (!head_beta) {
						head_beta = newatt;
						tail_beta = newatt;
					} else {
						tail_beta->next = newatt;
						tail_beta = newatt;
				case CELL_GAMMA:
					if (!head_gamma) {
						head_gamma = newatt;
						tail_gamma = newatt;
					} else {
						tail_gamma->next = newatt;
						tail_gamma = newatt;
					if (!head_delta) {
						head_delta = newatt;
						tail_delta = newatt;
					} else {
						tail_delta->next = newatt;
						tail_delta = newatt;

	// For easy randomization, we should flatten our AttributeInfo lists.
	alpha = flatten(head_alpha, &alphacells);
	beta = flatten(head_beta, &betacells);
	gamma = flatten(head_gamma, &gammacells);
	delta = flatten(head_delta, &deltacells);

	// DEBUG: loop through the lists of alpha/beta/gamma/delta cells and print info.
	if (DEBUG) {
		printf("--- ALPHA CELLS ---\n");
		printCellList(alpha, alphacells);
		printf("--- BETA CELLS ---\n");
		printCellList(beta, betacells);
		printf("--- GAMMA CELLS ---\n");
		printCellList(gamma, gammacells);
		printf("--- DELTA CELLS ---\n");
		printCellList(delta, deltacells);

	// One more thing we need to do is obtain a list of users that will work for
	// each AttributeInfo. We can semi-randomize by sorting based on zip code.
	addUsers(alpha, alphacells, psql);
	addUsers(beta, betacells, psql);
	addUsers(gamma, gammacells, psql);
	addUsers(delta, deltacells, psql);

	// Now to issue the given number of queries, with the frequencies established
	// probabilistically.
	for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
		int randnum, randatt, randuser, userid;
		recathon_cell celltype;
		bool valid = false;
		PGresult *workquery;
		char *qstring;
		AttributeInfo *queryatt;

		// It's possible one of our buckets will have nothing in it, so
		// we need to continue choosing until we get something valid.
		while (!valid) {
			// A RNG chooses which kind of cell we work with.
			randnum = rand() % 100;
			if (randnum < tbeta) {
				if (alphacells > 0) {
					valid = true;
					celltype = CELL_ALPHA;
			else if (randnum < tgamma) {
				if (betacells > 0) {
					valid = true;
					celltype = CELL_BETA;
			else if (randnum < tdelta) {
				if (gammacells > 0) {
					valid = true;
					celltype = CELL_GAMMA;
			else {
				if (deltacells > 0) {
					valid = true;
					celltype = CELL_DELTA;

		// Depending on our cell type, we'll have a different set of possible
		// queries to issue; we can choose from the alpha, beta, gamma or delta
		// buckets. Which item we get is also random.
		switch (celltype) {
			case CELL_ALPHA:
				randatt = rand() % alphacells;
				queryatt = alpha[randatt];
			case CELL_BETA:
				randatt = rand() % betacells;
				queryatt = beta[randatt];
			case CELL_GAMMA:
				randatt = rand() % gammacells;
				queryatt = gamma[randatt];
				randatt = rand() % deltacells;
				queryatt = delta[randatt];

		randuser = rand() % 10;
		userid = queryatt->valid_users[randuser];
		qstring = (char*) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
		sprintf(qstring,"select itemid from %s recommend(10) userid=%d",queryatt->recname,userid);
		if (queryatt->numatts > 0) {
			strncat(qstring," and ",5);
			for (j = 0; j < queryatt->numatts; j++) {
				char addition[128];
				sprintf(addition,"%s = '%s' ",
				if (j+1 < queryatt->numatts)
					strncat(qstring,"and ",5);

		workquery = PQexec(psql,qstring);