Beispiel #1
void ControlView::printMapScreenShot( QPointer<QPrintDialog> printDialog)
    PrintOptionsWidget* printOptions = new PrintOptionsWidget( this );
    bool const mapCoversViewport = m_marbleWidget->viewport()->mapCoversViewport();
    printOptions->setBackgroundControlsEnabled( !mapCoversViewport );
    bool hasLegend = m_marbleWidget->model()->legend() != 0;
    printOptions->setLegendControlsEnabled( hasLegend );
    bool hasRoute = marbleWidget()->model()->routingManager()->routingModel()->rowCount() > 0;
    printOptions->setPrintRouteSummary( hasRoute );
    printOptions->setPrintDrivingInstructions( hasRoute );
    printOptions->setPrintDrivingInstructionsAdvice( hasRoute );
    printOptions->setRouteControlsEnabled( hasRoute );
    printDialog->setOptionTabs( QList<QWidget*>() << printOptions );

    if ( printDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
        QTextDocument document;
        QString text = "<html><head><title>Marble Printout</title></head><body>";
        QPalette const originalPalette = m_marbleWidget->palette();
        bool const wasBackgroundVisible = m_marbleWidget->showBackground();
        bool const hideBackground = !mapCoversViewport && !printOptions->printBackground();
        if ( hideBackground ) {
            // Temporarily remove the black background and layers painting on it
            m_marbleWidget->setShowBackground( false );
            m_marbleWidget->setPalette( QPalette ( Qt::white ) );

        if ( printOptions->printMap() ) {
            printMap( document, text, printDialog->printer() );

        if ( printOptions->printLegend() ) {
            printLegend( document, text );

        if ( printOptions->printRouteSummary() ) {
            printRouteSummary( document, text );

        if ( printOptions->printDrivingInstructions() ) {
            printDrivingInstructions( document, text );

        if ( printOptions->printDrivingInstructionsAdvice() ) {
            printDrivingInstructionsAdvice( document, text );

        text += "</body></html>";
        document.setHtml( text );
        document.print( printDialog->printer() );

        if ( hideBackground ) {
            m_marbleWidget->setShowBackground( wasBackgroundVisible );
            m_marbleWidget->setPalette( originalPalette );
Beispiel #2
void GamesItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter,
                              const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
                              const QModelIndex &index) const

    QString gameName = qvariant_cast<QString>(;
    QString viewers = qvariant_cast<QString>(;
    QString channels_nr = qvariant_cast<QString>(;

    QRect iconRect = option.rect;
    QRect gameNameRect = option.rect;
    QRect viewersRect = option.rect;
    QRect viewersLegendRect = option.rect;
    QRect channelsRect = option.rect;
    QRect channelsLegendRect = option.rect;

    printIcon(iconRect, painter, index);


    setUnder(gameNameRect, viewersLegendRect);




    // focus elements
    drawFocus(painter, option, option.rect);

  \brief Paint the plot into a given rectangle.
  Paint the contents of a QwtPlot instance into a given rectangle.

  \param painter Painter
  \param plotRect Bounding rectangle
  \param pfilter Print filter
  \sa QwtPlotPrintFilter
void QwtPlot::print(QPainter *painter, const QRect &plotRect,
                    const QwtPlotPrintFilter &pfilter) const
    int axisId;

    if ( painter == 0 || !painter->isActive() ||
            !plotRect.isValid() || size().isNull() )

#if 1
      PDF: In Qt4 ( <= 4.3.2 ) the scales are painted in gray instead of
      black. See
      The dummy lines below work around the problem.
    const QPen pen = painter->pen();
    painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1));

    // All paint operations need to be scaled according to
    // the paint device metrics.

    QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(this, painter->device());
    const QwtMetricsMap &metricsMap = QwtPainter::metricsMap();

    // It is almost impossible to integrate into the Qt layout
    // framework, when using different fonts for printing
    // and screen. To avoid writing different and Qt unconform
    // layout engines we change the widget attributes, print and
    // reset the widget attributes again. This way we produce a lot of
    // useless layout events ...

    pfilter.apply((QwtPlot *)this);

    int baseLineDists[QwtPlot::axisCnt];
    if ( pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintFrameWithScales ) {
        for (axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ ) {
            QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)axisWidget(axisId);
            if ( scaleWidget ) {
                baseLineDists[axisId] = scaleWidget->margin();
    // Calculate the layout for the print.

    int layoutOptions = QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreScrollbars
                        | QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFrames;
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintMargin) )
        layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreMargin;
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintLegend) )
        layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreLegend;

    ((QwtPlot *)this)->plotLayout()->activate(this,

    if ((pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintTitle)
            && (!titleLabel()->text().isEmpty())) {
        printTitle(painter, plotLayout()->titleRect());

    if ( (pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintLegend)
            && legend() && !legend()->isEmpty() ) {
        printLegend(painter, plotLayout()->legendRect());

    for ( axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ ) {
        QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)axisWidget(axisId);
        if (scaleWidget) {
            int baseDist = scaleWidget->margin();

            int startDist, endDist;
            scaleWidget->getBorderDistHint(startDist, endDist);

            printScale(painter, axisId, startDist, endDist,
                       baseDist, plotLayout()->scaleRect(axisId));

    QRect canvasRect = plotLayout()->canvasRect();

       The border of the bounding rect needs to ba scaled to
       layout coordinates, so that it is aligned to the axes
    QRect boundingRect( canvasRect.left() - 1, - 1,
                        canvasRect.width() + 2, canvasRect.height() + 2);
    boundingRect = metricsMap.layoutToDevice(boundingRect);
    boundingRect.setWidth(boundingRect.width() - 1);
    boundingRect.setHeight(boundingRect.height() - 1);

    canvasRect = metricsMap.layoutToDevice(canvasRect);

    // When using QwtPainter all sizes where computed in pixel
    // coordinates and scaled by QwtPainter later. This limits
    // the precision to screen resolution. A better solution
    // is to scale the maps and print in unlimited resolution.

    QwtScaleMap map[axisCnt];
    for (axisId = 0; axisId < axisCnt; axisId++) {

        const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv = *axisScaleDiv(axisId);
        map[axisId].setScaleInterval(scaleDiv.lBound(), scaleDiv.hBound());

        double from, to;
        if ( axisEnabled(axisId) ) {
            const int sDist = axisWidget(axisId)->startBorderDist();
            const int eDist = axisWidget(axisId)->endBorderDist();
            const QRect &scaleRect = plotLayout()->scaleRect(axisId);

            if ( axisId == xTop || axisId == xBottom ) {
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(scaleRect.left() + sDist);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(scaleRect.right() + 1 - eDist);
            } else {
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(scaleRect.bottom() + 1 - eDist );
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY( + sDist);
        } else {
            int margin = plotLayout()->canvasMargin(axisId);
            if ( axisId == yLeft || axisId == yRight ) {
                margin = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(margin);
                from = canvasRect.bottom() - margin;
                to = + margin;
            } else {
                margin = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(margin);
                from = canvasRect.left() + margin;
                to = canvasRect.right() - margin;
        map[axisId].setPaintXInterval(from, to);

    // The canvas maps are already scaled.
    QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(painter->device(), painter->device());
    printCanvas(painter, boundingRect, canvasRect, map, pfilter);

    ((QwtPlot *)this)->plotLayout()->invalidate();

    // reset all widgets with their original attributes.
    if ( pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintFrameWithScales ) {
        // restore the previous base line dists

        for (axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ ) {
            QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)axisWidget(axisId);
            if ( scaleWidget  )

    pfilter.reset((QwtPlot *)this);

Beispiel #4
vector<string> HeatMapSim::getPic(vector<SharedRAbundVector*> lookup, vector<Calculator*> calcs) {
	try {
		EstOutput data;
		vector<double> sims;
		vector<string> outputNames;
		//make file for each calculator selected
		for (int k = 0; k < calcs.size(); k++) {
			if (m->control_pressed) { return outputNames; }
			string filenamesvg = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile)) + lookup[0]->getLabel() + "." + calcs[k]->getName() + ".heatmap.sim.svg";
			m->openOutputFile(filenamesvg, outsvg);
			//svg image
			outsvg << "<svg xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" viewBox=\"0 0 " + toString((lookup.size() * 150) + 160) + " " + toString((lookup.size() * 150) + 160)  + "\">\n";
			outsvg << "<g>\n";
			//white backround
			outsvg << "<rect fill=\"white\" stroke=\"white\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"" + toString((lookup.size() * 150) + 160) + "\" height=\"" + toString((lookup.size() * 150) + 160)  + "\"/>"; 
			outsvg << "<text fill=\"black\" class=\"seri\" font-size=\"" + toString(fontSize) + "\"  x=\"" + toString((lookup.size() * 75) - 40) + "\" y=\"25\">Heatmap at distance " + lookup[0]->getLabel() + "</text>\n";
			//column labels
			for (int h = 0; h < lookup.size(); h++) {
				outsvg << "<text fill=\"black\" class=\"seri\" font-size=\"" + toString(fontSize) + "\" x=\"" + toString(((150 * (h+1)) ) - ((int)lookup[h]->getGroup().length() / 2)) + "\" y=\"50\">" + lookup[h]->getGroup() + "</text>\n"; 
				outsvg << "<text fill=\"black\" class=\"seri\" font-size=\"" + toString(fontSize) + "\" y=\"" + toString(((150 * (h+1)) ) - ((int)lookup[h]->getGroup().length() / 2)) + "\" x=\"50\">" + lookup[h]->getGroup() + "</text>\n";
//			double biggest = -1;
			double biggest = 1;
			float scaler;

			//get sim for each comparison and save them so you can find the relative similairity
			for(int i = 0; i < (lookup.size()-1); i++){
				for(int j = (i+1); j < lookup.size(); j++){
						if (m->control_pressed) { outsvg.close(); return outputNames; }
						vector<SharedRAbundVector*> subset;
						subset.push_back(lookup[i]);  subset.push_back(lookup[j]); 
						//get similairity between groups
						data = calcs[k]->getValues(subset);
						sims.push_back(1.0 - data[0]);
						//save biggest similairity to set relative sim
//						if (data[0] > biggest) { biggest = data[0]; }
			//map biggest similairity found to red
			scaler = 255.0 / biggest;
			int count = 0;
			//output similairites to file
			for(int i = 0; i < (lookup.size()-1); i++){
				for(int j = (i+1); j < lookup.size(); j++){
						//find relative color
						int color = scaler * sims[count];					
						//draw box
						outsvg << "<rect fill=\"rgb(" + toString(color) + ",0,0)\" stroke=\"rgb(" + toString(color) + ",0,0)\" x=\"" + toString((i*150)+80) + "\" y=\"" + toString((j*150)+75) + "\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\"/>\n";
			int y = ((lookup.size() * 150) + 120);
			printLegend(y, biggest);
			outsvg << "</g>\n</svg>\n";

		return outputNames;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "HeatMapSim", "getPic");
Beispiel #5
string HeatMapSim::getPic(vector< vector<double> > dists, vector<string> groups) {
	try {
		vector<double> sims;
		string filenamesvg = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile)) + "heatmap.sim.svg";
		m->openOutputFile(filenamesvg, outsvg);
		//svg image
		outsvg << "<svg xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns=\"\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" viewBox=\"0 0 " + toString((dists.size() * 150) + 160) + " " + toString((dists.size() * 150) + 160)  + "\">\n";
		outsvg << "<g>\n";
		//white backround
		outsvg << "<rect fill=\"white\" stroke=\"white\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"" + toString((dists.size() * 150) + 160) + "\" height=\"" + toString((dists.size() * 150) + 160)  + "\"/>"; 
		outsvg << "<text fill=\"black\" class=\"seri\" font-size=\"" + toString(fontSize) + "\" x=\"" + toString((dists.size() * 75) - 40) + "\" y=\"25\">Heatmap for " + inputfile + "</text>\n";
		//column labels
		for (int h = 0; h < groups.size(); h++) {
			outsvg << "<text fill=\"black\" class=\"seri\" font-size=\"" + toString(fontSize) + "\" x=\"" + toString(((150 * (h+1)) ) - ((int)groups[h].length() / 2)) + "\" y=\"50\">" + groups[h] + "</text>\n"; 
			outsvg << "<text fill=\"black\" class=\"seri\" font-size=\"" + toString(fontSize) + "\" y=\"" + toString(((150 * (h+1)) ) - ((int)groups[h].length() / 2)) + "\" x=\"50\">" + groups[h] + "</text>\n";
		double biggest = -1;
		float scaler;

		//get sim for each comparison and save them so you can find the relative similairity
		for(int i = 0; i < (dists.size()-1); i++){
			for(int j = (i+1); j < dists.size(); j++){
				if (m->control_pressed) { outsvg.close(); return filenamesvg; }
				float sim = 1.0 - dists[i][j];
				//save biggest similairity to set relative sim
				if (sim > biggest) { biggest = sim; }
		//map biggest similairity found to red
		scaler = 255.0 / biggest;
		int count = 0;
		//output similairites to file
		for(int i = 0; i < (dists.size()-1); i++){
			for(int j = (i+1); j < dists.size(); j++){
					//find relative color
					int color = scaler * sims[count];					
					//draw box
					outsvg << "<rect fill=\"rgb(" + toString(color) + ",0,0)\" stroke=\"rgb(" + toString(color) + ",0,0)\" x=\"" + toString((i*150)+80) + "\" y=\"" + toString((j*150)+75) + "\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\"/>\n";
		int y = ((dists.size() * 150) + 120);
		printLegend(y, biggest);
		outsvg << "</g>\n</svg>\n";
		return filenamesvg;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "HeatMapSim", "getPic");
Beispiel #6
  \brief Paint the plot into a given rectangle.
  Paint the contents of a QwtPlot instance into a given rectangle.

  \param painter Painter
  \param plotRect Bounding rectangle
  \param pfilter Print filter
  \sa QwtPlotPrintFilter
void QwtPlot::print(QPainter *painter, const QRect &plotRect,
        const QwtPlotPrintFilter &pfilter) const
    int axisId;

    if ( painter == 0 || !painter->isActive() ||
            !plotRect.isValid() || size().isNull() )


    // All paint operations need to be scaled according to
    // the paint device metrics. 

    QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(this, painter->device());
    const QwtMetricsMap &metricsMap = QwtPainter::metricsMap();

    // It is almost impossible to integrate into the Qt layout
    // framework, when using different fonts for printing
    // and screen. To avoid writing different and Qt unconform
    // layout engines we change the widget attributes, print and 
    // reset the widget attributes again. This way we produce a lot of
    // useless layout events ...

    pfilter.apply((QwtPlot *)this);

    int baseLineDists[QwtPlot::axisCnt];
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintCanvasBackground) )
        // In case of no background we set the backbone of
        // the scale on the frame of the canvas.

        for (axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ )
            QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)axisWidget(axisId);
            if ( scaleWidget )
                baseLineDists[axisId] = scaleWidget->baseLineDist();
    // Calculate the layout for the print.

    int layoutOptions = QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreScrollbars 
        | QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFrames;
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintMargin) )
        layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreMargin;
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintLegend) )
        layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreLegend;

    ((QwtPlot *)this)->plotLayout()->activate(this, 

    if ((pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintTitle)
        && (!titleLabel()->text().isEmpty()))
        printTitle(painter, plotLayout()->titleRect());

    if ( (pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintLegend)
        && legend() && !legend()->isEmpty() )
        printLegend(painter, plotLayout()->legendRect());

    for ( axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ )
        QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)axisWidget(axisId);
        if (scaleWidget)
            int baseDist = scaleWidget->baseLineDist();

            int startDist, endDist;
            scaleWidget->getBorderDistHint(startDist, endDist);

            printScale(painter, axisId, startDist, endDist,
                baseDist, plotLayout()->scaleRect(axisId));

    const QRect canvasRect = metricsMap.layoutToDevice(plotLayout()->canvasRect());

    // When using QwtPainter all sizes where computed in pixel
    // coordinates and scaled by QwtPainter later. This limits
    // the precision to screen resolution. A much better solution
    // is to scale the maps and print in unlimited resolution.

    QwtArray<QwtScaleMap> map(axisCnt);
    for (axisId = 0; axisId < axisCnt; axisId++)

        const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv = *axisScaleDiv(axisId);
        map[axisId].setScaleInterval(scaleDiv.lBound(), scaleDiv.hBound());

        double from, to;
        if ( axisEnabled(axisId) )
            const int sDist = axisWidget(axisId)->startBorderDist();
            const int eDist = axisWidget(axisId)->endBorderDist();
            const QRect &scaleRect = plotLayout()->scaleRect(axisId);

            if ( axisId == xTop || axisId == xBottom )
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(scaleRect.left() + sDist);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(scaleRect.right() - eDist);
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(scaleRect.bottom() - sDist);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY( + eDist);
            const int margin = plotLayout()->canvasMargin(axisId);

            const QRect &canvasRect = plotLayout()->canvasRect();
            if ( axisId == yLeft || axisId == yRight )
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(canvasRect.bottom() - margin);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX( + margin);
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(canvasRect.left() + margin);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(canvasRect.right() - margin);
        map[axisId].setPaintXInterval(from, to);

    // The canvas maps are already scaled. 
    QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(painter->device(), painter->device());

    printCanvas(painter, canvasRect, map, pfilter);


    ((QwtPlot *)this)->plotLayout()->invalidate();

    // reset all widgets with their original attributes.
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintCanvasBackground) )
        // restore the previous base line dists

        for (axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ )
            QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)axisWidget(axisId);
            if ( scaleWidget  )

    pfilter.reset((QwtPlot *)this);

  \brief Paint the plot into a given rectangle.
  Paint the contents of a QwtPlot instance into a given rectangle.

  \param painter Painter
  \param plotRect Bounding rectangle
  \param pfilter Print filter
  \sa QwtPlotPrintFilter
void QwtPlot::print(QPainter *painter, const QRect &plotRect,
        const QwtPlotPrintFilter &pfilter) const
    int axis;

    if ( painter == 0 || !painter->isActive() ||
            !plotRect.isValid() || size().isNull() )


    // All paint operations need to be scaled according to
    // the paint device metrics. 

    QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(this, painter->device());

#if QT_VERSION < 300 
    if ( painter->device()->isExtDev() )
        QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics(painter->device());
        if ( metrics.logicalDpiX() == 72 && metrics.logicalDpiY() == 72 )
            // In Qt 2.x QPrinter returns hardcoded wrong metrics.
            // So scaling won´t work: we reset to screen resolution

            QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(this, this);

    const QwtMetricsMap &metricsMap = QwtPainter::metricsMap();

    // It is almost impossible to integrate into the Qt layout
    // framework, when using different fonts for printing
    // and screen. To avoid writing different and Qt unconform
    // layout engines we change the widget attributes, print and 
    // reset the widget attributes again. This way we produce a lot of
    // useless layout events ...

    pfilter.apply((QwtPlot *)this);

    int baseLineDists[QwtPlot::axisCnt];
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintCanvasBackground) )
        // In case of no background we set the backbone of
        // the scale on the frame of the canvas.

        for (axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ )
            if ( d_scale[axis] )
                baseLineDists[axis] = d_scale[axis]->baseLineDist();
    // Calculate the layout for the print.

    int layoutOptions = QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreScrollbars 
        | QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFrames;
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintMargin) )
        layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreMargin;
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintLegend) )
        layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreLegend;

    d_layout->activate(this, QwtPainter::metricsMap().deviceToLayout(plotRect), 

    if ((pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintTitle)
        && (!d_lblTitle->text().isEmpty()))
        printTitle(painter, d_layout->titleRect());

    if ( (pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintLegend)
        && !d_legend->isEmpty() )
        printLegend(painter, d_layout->legendRect());

    for ( axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ )
        if (d_scale[axis])
            int baseDist = d_scale[axis]->baseLineDist();

            int startDist, endDist;
            d_scale[axis]->minBorderDist(startDist, endDist);

            printScale(painter, axis, startDist, endDist,
                baseDist, d_layout->scaleRect(axis));

    const QRect canvasRect = metricsMap.layoutToDevice(d_layout->canvasRect());

    // When using QwtPainter all sizes where computed in pixel
    // coordinates and scaled by QwtPainter later. This limits
    // the precision to screen resolution. A much better solution
    // is to scale the maps and print in unlimited resolution.

    QwtArray<QwtDiMap> map(axisCnt);
    for (axis = 0; axis < axisCnt; axis++)
        const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv = d_as[axis].scaleDiv();
            scaleDiv.hBound(), scaleDiv.logScale());

        double from, to;
        if ( axisEnabled(axis) )
            const int sDist = d_scale[axis]->startBorderDist();
            const int eDist = d_scale[axis]->endBorderDist();
            const QRect &scaleRect = d_layout->scaleRect(axis);

            if ( axis == xTop || axis == xBottom )
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(scaleRect.left() + sDist);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(scaleRect.right() - eDist);
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(scaleRect.bottom() - sDist);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY( + eDist);
            const int margin = plotLayout()->canvasMargin(axis);

            const QRect &canvasRect = plotLayout()->canvasRect();
            if ( axis == yLeft || axis == yRight )
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX(canvasRect.bottom() - margin);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceX( + margin);
                from = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(canvasRect.left() + margin);
                to = metricsMap.layoutToDeviceY(canvasRect.right() - margin);
        map[axis].setIntRange( qwtInt(from), qwtInt(to));

    // The maps are already scaled. 
    QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(painter->device(), painter->device());

    printCanvas(painter, canvasRect, map, pfilter);



    // reset all widgets with their original attributes.
    if ( !(pfilter.options() & QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintCanvasBackground) )
        // restore the previous base line dists

        for (axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ )
            if ( d_scale[axis] )

    pfilter.reset((QwtPlot *)this);

Beispiel #8
void printTriadImage(HumdrumFile& infile, int rows, int cols) {

   Array<ChordQuality> cq;

   Array<Array<int> > triads;



   colorindex[0]  = "0 255 0";		// C major
   colorindex[1]  = "38 255 140";	// C-sharp major
   colorindex[2]  = "63 95 255";	// D major
   colorindex[3]  = "228 19 83";	// E-flat major
   colorindex[4]  = "255 0 0";		// E major
   colorindex[5]  = "255 255 0";	// F major
   colorindex[6]  = "192 255 0";	// F-sharp major
   colorindex[7]  = "93 211 255";	// G major
   colorindex[8]  = "129 50 255";	// A-flat major
   colorindex[9]  = "205 41 255";	// A major
   colorindex[10] = "255 160 0";	// B-flat major
   colorindex[11] = "255 110 10";	// B major
   colorindex[12] = "0 161 0";		// C minor
   colorindex[13] = "15 191 90";	// C-sharp minor
   colorindex[14] = "37 61 181";	// D minor
   colorindex[15] = "184 27 75";	// E-flat minor
   colorindex[16] = "175 0 0";		// E minor
   colorindex[17] = "220 200 0";	// F minor
   colorindex[18] = "140 200 0";	// F-sharp minor
   colorindex[19] = "65 163 181";	// G minor
   colorindex[20] = "100 28 181";	// G-sharp minor
   colorindex[21] = "136 13 181";	// A minor
   colorindex[22] = "181 93 20";	// B-flat minor
   colorindex[23] = "211 107 0";	// B minor
   colorindex[24] = "255 255 255";	// background
   colorindex[25] = "0 0 0";		// silence

   double start;
   double end;
   int    inversion;
   int    starti;
   int    endi;
   int    minQ;
   int    majQ;
   int    i, m, j, ii;
   int    rootindex;
   for (i=0; i<infile.getNumLines(); i++) {
      if (!infile[i].isData()) {
      if (strcmp(cq[i].getTypeName(), "min") == 0) {
         minQ = 1;
      } else {
         minQ = 0;
      if (strcmp(cq[i].getTypeName(), "maj") == 0) {
         majQ = 1;
      } else {
         majQ = 0;

      if (!(majQ || minQ)) {
      start = infile[i].getAbsBeat();
      end   = start + infile[i].getDuration();
      starti = int(start / infile.getTotalDuration() * cols + 0.5);
      endi   = int(end   / infile.getTotalDuration() * cols + 0.5);
      if (starti < 0) { starti = 0; }
      if (endi   < 0) { endi   = 0; }
      if (starti >= cols) { starti = cols-1; }
      if (endi   >= cols) { endi   = cols-1; }
      rootindex = Convert::base40ToMidiNoteNumber(cq[i].getRoot());
      if (minQ) {
         rootindex += 12;
      inversion = cq[i].getInversion();
      for (ii=starti; ii<=endi; ii++) {
         triads[inversion][ii] = rootindex;

   int barheight = 0;
   int barwidth  = 0;
   if (barlinesQ) {
      barheight = 11;
      barwidth  = cols;

   int legendheight = 0;
   int legendwidth  = 0;
   if (legendQ) {
      legendheight = 100;
      legendwidth  = cols;

   int value = 24;
   Matrix<int> image(rows*2, cols, value);

   for (i=triads.getSize()-1; i>=0; i--) {
      int start = int(i/2.0 * rows);
      for (m=0; m<rows; m++) {
         ii = (int)(m + start);
         if (ii >= image.getRowCount()) {
            ii = image.getRowCount() - 1;
         for (j=0; j<triads[i].getSize(); j++) {
            if (triads[i][j] < 24) {
               image.cell(ii,j) = triads[i][j];
            // cout << colorindex[triads[i][j]] << " ";
            //cout << triads[i][j] << " ";
         //cout << "\n";

   // print Image:
   cout << "P3\n";
   cout << cols  << " " << rows*2 + barheight + legendheight << "\n";
   cout << "255\n";

   for (i=image.getRowCount()-1; i>=0; i--) {
      for (j=0; j<image.getColumnCount(); j++) {
         cout << colorindex[image.cell(i,j)] << ' ';
      cout << "\n";

   if (barlinesQ) {
      printBarlines(infile, barheight, barwidth);

   if (legendQ) {
      printLegend(legendheight, legendwidth);
