void RivenSwitchCommand::dump(byte tabs) { Common::String varName = _vm->getStack()->getName(kVariableNames, _variableId); printTabs(tabs); debugN("switch (%s) {\n", varName.c_str()); for (uint16 j = 0; j < _branches.size(); j++) { printTabs(tabs + 1); if (_branches[j].value == 0xFFFF) debugN("default:\n"); else debugN("case %d:\n", _branches[j].value); _branches[j].script->dumpScript(tabs + 2); printTabs(tabs + 2); debugN("break;\n"); } printTabs(tabs); debugN("}\n"); }
void OrderIn::printNode() { printTabs(); std::cerr << "========OrderIn Node========" << std::endl; Expr::printNode(); printEndNode(); }
void Not::printNode() { printTabs(); std::cerr << "========Not Node========" << std::endl; LogicExpr::printNode(); printEndNode(); }
void printIDs(listID* ids,int tabs, int n_type, int type) { while(ids != NULL) { printTabs(tabs); printf("Id(%s)\n",ids->id); ids = ids->next; } }
void Id::printNode() { printTabs(); std::cerr << "========Id Node========" << std::endl; printTabsClean(); std::cerr << "Offset: " << offset << std::endl; Expr::printNode(); printEndNode(); }
void Return::printNode() { printTabs(); std::cerr << "========Return Node========" << std::endl; Stmnt::printNode(); tabs++; if(ret != NULL) ret->printNode(); tabs--; printEndNode(); }
int main() { char tab[2*65536]; memset(tab, 0, 65536); setTab(tab, nmstrt, sizeof(nmstrt)/sizeof(nmstrt[0])); memcpy(tab + 65536, tab, 65536); setTab(tab + 65536, name, sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0])); printTabs(tab); return 0; }
void ServeOut::printNode() { printTabs(); std::cerr << "========ServeOut Node========" << std::endl; Stmnt::printNode(); tabs++; if(outExpr != NULL) outExpr->printNode(); tabs--; printEndNode(); }
/* Prints the AST @Param AST Root of the AST */ void printAST(Node* AST) { /*printNode(AST, 0);*/ if(AST != NULL) { printf("%s\n", NODE_STRING[AST->n_type]); printTabs(1); printf("Id(%s)\n", AST->id->id); } if(AST->next != NULL) printSubTree(AST->next,1); }
/* Function: displayIdentifierAttributes() const Description: This function will print out all of the attributes associated with a symbol table entry. */ void symbolTableEntry::displayIdentifierAttributes(int tabCount) const { int idNumTemp = 0; std::string idTemp = getIdentifierName(); printTabs(tabCount); std::cout << "Identifier name: " << idTemp << std::endl; idTemp = getIdentifierType_String(); printTabs(tabCount); std::cout << "Identifier type: " << idTemp << std::endl; printTabs(tabCount); std::cout << "Identifier value: "; printIdentifierValue(); std::cout << std::endl; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK THIS LATER !!!!!!!!!!! if (isFunc) { idNumTemp = getNumParams(); std::cout << "Identifier is a function." << std::endl; std::cout << "Identifier has " << idNumTemp << " parameters."; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Identifier parameters: " << std::endl; viewParams(); } else if (isPtr) { idNumTemp = getNumPtrs(); std::cout << "Identifier is a pointer." << std::endl; std::cout << "Identifier has " << idNumTemp << " parameters."; std::cout << std::endl; } else if (isArr) { idNumTemp = getNumArrDims(); std::cout << "Identifier is an array." << std::endl; std::cout << "Identifier has " << idNumTemp << " dimensions."; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Identifier dimensions: " << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arrayDimensions.size(); i++) { std::cout << "Dimension #" << i << " :" << arrayDimensions[i] << std::endl; } } }
/* Prints a Node type @Param node Node to be print */ void printNode( Node* currentNode, int tabs) { if(currentNode->n_type == NODE_DONTPRINT) return; /* TODO: falta aqui um tipo acho eu */ else if(currentNode->n_type == NODE_BOOLLIT || currentNode->n_type == NODE_INTLIT || currentNode->n_type == NODE_ID ) { printTabs(tabs); printf("%s(%s)\n",NODE_STRING[currentNode->n_type], currentNode->value); } else { printTabs(tabs); printf("%s\n", NODE_STRING[currentNode->n_type]); if(currentNode->n_type == NODE_VARDECL || currentNode->n_type == NODE_PARAMDECL || currentNode->n_type == NODE_METHODDECL){ printTabs(tabs + 1); printf("%s\n",NODE_TYPE_NAMES[currentNode->type]); } printIDs(currentNode->id,tabs+1, currentNode->n_type, currentNode->type); } }
void printList(RST* node, int depth) { RST* current = node; if (depth==0){ printf("Root is %i\n", current->index); } printTabs(depth); printf("Point %i has distance %i ", current->index, current->pathLength); if(current->indegree >0){ printf("and has in-degree %i:\n", current->indegree); } else { printf("and has in-degree %i//\n", current->indegree); } if (depth!=0){ printTabs(depth); printf("Point %i has overlap of %i, with path ", current->index, current->overlap); printPath(current->path); } for(int j=0; j< current->indegree; j++) { printList(current->child[j], depth+1); } }
ostream& EmptyElement::toString(ostream& stream, int depth) /* On affiche d'abord la balise ouvrante, l'ensemble des attributs puis la balise fermante. */ { printTabs(stream, depth); stream << beginCharacter(); if (!name.first.empty()) { stream << name.first << ":"; } stream << name.second; for(AttList::iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it) { stream << " " << it->first << "=\"" << it->second << "\""; } stream << endCharacter(); return stream; }
void RivenTimerCommand::dump(byte tabs) { printTabs(tabs); debugN("doTimer();\n"); }
void RivenStackChangeCommand::dump(byte tabs) { printTabs(tabs); debugN("changeStack(%d, %d);\n", _stackId, _cardId); }
ostream& Data::toString(ostream& stream, int depth) { printTabs(stream, depth); stream << data; return stream; }
void RivenSimpleCommand::dump(byte tabs) { printTabs(tabs); debugN("%s;\n", describe().c_str()); }