Beispiel #1
void counter_print(int encoding, int frame, int first, int last)
    TCSession *session = tc_get_session();
    vob_t *vob = session->job;
    struct timeval tv;
    struct timezone dummy_tz = {0,0};
    double now, timediff, fps, time;
    int buf_im, buf_fl, buf_ex;
    /* Values of 'first' and `last' during last call (-1 = not called yet) */
    static int old_first = -1, old_last = -1;
    /* Time of first call for this range */
    static double start_time = 0;
    /* Time of last call */
    static double old_time = 0;

    if (!session->progress_meter
     || !session->progress_rate
     || !counter_active
     || frame % session->progress_rate != 0
    ) {
    if (frame < 0 || first < 0) {
        static int warned = 0;
        if (!warned) {
            tc_log_warn(__FILE__, "invalid arguments to counter_print"
                        " (%d,%d,%d,%d)", encoding, frame, first, last);
            warned = 1;

    if (gettimeofday(&tv, &dummy_tz) != 0) {
        static int warned = 0;
        if (!warned) {
            tc_log_warn(__FILE__, "gettimeofday() failed!");
            warned = 1;
    now = tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec/1000000.0;
    now = time(NULL);

    timediff = now - old_time;
    old_time = now;
    if (old_first != first || old_last != last) {
        /* In human-readable mode, start a new counter line for each range
         * if we don't know the total number of frames to be encoded. */
        if (session->progress_meter == 1 && old_first != -1 && frames_to_encode == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        start_time = now;
        old_first = first;
        old_last = last;
        /* We decrement the frame counts here to compensate for this frame
         * which took an unknown amount of time to complete. */
        if (encoding && frames_to_encode > 0)
        else if (!encoding && frames_to_skip > 0)

    /* Note that we don't add 1 to the numerator here, since start_time is
     * the time we were called for the first frame, so frame first+1 is one
     * one frame later than start_time, not two. */
    if (now > start_time) {
        fps = (frame - first) / (now - start_time);
    } else {
        /* No time has passed (maybe we don't have gettimeofday()) */
        fps = 0;

    tc_framebuffer_get_counters(&buf_im, &buf_fl, &buf_ex);

    time = (double)frame / ((vob->ex_fps<1.0) ? 1.0 : vob->ex_fps);

    if (last == -1) {
        /* Can't calculate ETA, just display current timestamp */
        print_counter_line(encoding, frame, first, -1, fps, -1, time, -1,
                           buf_im, buf_fl, buf_ex);

    } else if (frames_to_encode == 0) {
        /* Total number of frames unknown, just display for current range */
        double done = (double)(frame - first + 1) / (double)(last+1 - first);
        int secleft = fps>0 ? ((last+1)-frame) / fps : -1;
        print_counter_line(encoding, frame, first, last, fps, done, time,
                           secleft, buf_im, buf_fl, buf_ex);

    } else {
        /* Estimate time remaining for entire run */
        double done;
        int secleft;
        if (encoding) {
            encoded_time += timediff;
        } else {
            skipped_time += timediff;
        if (encoded_frames > frames_to_encode)
            frames_to_encode = encoded_frames;
        if (skipped_frames > frames_to_skip)
            frames_to_skip = skipped_frames;
        if (encoded_frames == 0) {
            /* We don't know how long it will take to encode frames; avoid
             * understating the ETA, and just say we don't know */
            secleft = -1;
        } else {
            double encode_fps, skip_fps, total_time;
            /* Find the processing speed for encoding and skipping */
            encode_fps = encoded_time ? encoded_frames / encoded_time : 0;
            if (skipped_frames > 0 && skipped_time > 0) {
                skip_fps = skipped_frames / skipped_time;
            } else {
                /* Just assume the same FPS for skipping as for encoding.
                 * Overstating the ETA isn't as bad as understating it, and
                 * certainly better than giving the user "unknown" for an
                 * entire encoding range. */
                skip_fps = encode_fps;
            if (encode_fps > 0) {
                /* Estimate the total processing time required */
                total_time = (frames_to_encode / encode_fps)
                           + (frames_to_skip / skip_fps);
                /* Determine time left (round up) */
                secleft = ceil(total_time - (encoded_time + skipped_time));
            } else {
                total_time = -1;
                secleft = -1;
            /* Use the proper overall FPS in the status line */
            fps = encoding ? encode_fps : skip_fps;
        /* Just use the frame ratio for completion percentage */
        done = (double)(encoded_frames + skipped_frames)
             / (double)(frames_to_encode + frames_to_skip);
        print_counter_line(encoding, frame, 0, highest_frame, fps, done,
                           time, secleft, buf_im, buf_fl, buf_ex);

Beispiel #2
static rc_t CC walk_counters_exit_ref_pos( walk_data * data )
    rc_t rc = print_counter_line( data->ref_name, data->ref_pos, data->ref_base, data->depth, data->data );
    return rc;