Beispiel #1
	uint64_t i;
	struct odflow_list *psubflow_list;
	struct odflow *pflow;

	// set current index before shaffling the flow list 
        for (i = 0; i < inparam.agrflow_list->size; i++) {
		pflow = inparam.agrflow_list->list[i];
		pflow->list_index = i;

        /* sort flow entries based on the byte/packet count in order */
        qsort(inparam.agrflow_list->list, inparam.agrflow_list->size, sizeof(struct odflow *), plot_comp);

        /* sort subflow entries based on the byte/packet count in order */
        for (i = 0; i < inparam.agrflow_list->size; i++) {
		psubflow_list = inparam.agrflow_list->list[i]->subflow;
		if ((psubflow_list != NULL) && (psubflow_list->size > 0))
        		qsort(psubflow_list->list, psubflow_list->size, sizeof(struct odflow *), plot_comp);

	switch (query.outfmt) {
	case JSON:
	case DEBUG:
Beispiel #2
int main() {
	csv_line header ;
	csv_line current ;

	header = get_line() ;
	current = get_line() ;

	while ( current.nfields > 0 ) {
		print_csv(header, current) ;
		current = get_line() ;

	return 0 ;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char *argv [ ])
	long int ppp=1111990911;
	time_t seconds;
	time( & seconds ) ;
	srand ( seconds ) ;
	srand48 ( seconds ) ; //srand generates a sequence of random numbers depending upon the seed value
	FILE *p1;

	//p1 = fopen ( argv [ 1 ],"w" ) ;
	int NoIteration = atoi ( argv [ 1 ] ) ;
        //TAM_WIDTH_MAX = atoi ( argv [ 3 ] ) ;
        int iteration;

	long int t,mint;
	FILE *tamread;
	tamread = fopen("tam_testtime.txt","r");
	for(int ii = 0; ii< SIZE; ii++)
		tam_testtime[ii].no_of_tam =  TAM_INFO[ii];
	for(int ii = 0; ii< SIZE; ii++)
		for(int jj = 0; jj< tam_testtime[ii].no_of_tam; jj++)
			fscanf(tamread,"%d\t%ld", &tam_testtime[ii].tam_list[jj], &tam_testtime[ii].testtime_list[jj]); 
	fclose (tamread);
	/*temp_tam_index[0] = TAM_INFO[0];
	for(int i = 1; i< SIZE; i++)
		temp_tam_index[i] = temp_tam_index[i-1]+TAM_INFO[i];

		partarray[0].time_fitness = bin_packing(partarray[0].info,0,0);
		// printf("%ld \n", partarray[0].time_fitness);
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i ++ ) {
		        //printf ("{ %d, %d, %ld, %ld, %d }\n", scheduler[0][i].corenum, scheduler[0][i].tam_width, scheduler[0][i]. starttime, scheduler[0][i]. endtime,  scheduler[0][i]. tsv);
		print_csv(partarray[0].time_fitness, scheduler[0]);
		return 0;
	for(iteration=0;iteration < NoIteration;iteration++)
		globalbestIndx  = 0;
		//printf ("Globalbestindx: %d\n",globalbestIndx);
		/*fo/r ( int pp = 0 ; pp < SIZE ; pp ++ ){
                 	       BestParticle [ pp ] .tam_width = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. tam_width;
                        BestParticle [ pp ] .corenum = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. corenum;
                        BestParticle [ pp ] .starttime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. starttime;
                        BestParticle [ pp ] .endtime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. endtime;
		for(int i=1;i<3;i++)
    			   //printf("RunForrestRun: %d\n",i);
    				globalbestIndx = 0;
    			/*for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < SIZE ; ii ++ ) {
                printf ("{ %d, %d, %ld, %ld }\n", scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii].corenum, scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii].tam_width, scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii]. starttime, scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii]. endtime);

			if ( t < mint ) {
				mint = t ;
				/*for ( int pp = 0 ; pp < SIZE ; pp ++ ){
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .corenum = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. corenum;
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .tam_width = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. tam_width;
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .starttime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. starttime;
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .endtime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. endtime;
			//printf("%ld \n",t);
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i ++ ) {
                //printf ("{ %d, %d, %ld, %ld, %d }\n", BestParticle[i].corenum, BestParticle[i].tam_width, BestParticle[i]. starttime, BestParticle[i]. endtime,  BestParticle[i]. tsv);

    print_csv(mint, BestParticle);

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char *argv [ ])
	long int ppp=1111990911;
	time_t seconds;
	time( & seconds ) ;
	srand ( seconds ) ;
	srand48 ( seconds ) ; //srand generates a sequence of random numbers depending upon the seed value

	p1 = fopen ( argv [ 1 ],"w" ) ;
	int NoIteration = atoi ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
	power_budget = atoi ( argv [ 3 ] ) ;
        //TAM_WIDTH_MAX = atoi ( argv [ 3 ] ) ;
        int iteration;

	long int t,mint;
	FILE *tamread;
	tamread = fopen("tam_testtime.txt","r");
	for(int ii = 0; ii< SIZE; ii++)
		tam_testtime[ii].no_of_tam =  TAM_INFO[ii];
	for(int ii = 0; ii< SIZE; ii++)
		for(int jj = 0; jj< tam_testtime[ii].no_of_tam; jj++)
			fscanf(tamread,"%d\t%ld", &tam_testtime[ii].tam_list[jj], &tam_testtime[ii].testtime_list[jj]); 
	fclose (tamread);
	for(int ii = 0; ii< SIZE; ii++)
		for(int jj = 0; jj< tam_testtime[ii].no_of_tam; jj++)
			char input_file [100]="sic_power_level_";
			char r[20];
			sprintf (r, "%d",ii+1);
			strcat (input_file, r);
			long int power, testtime;
			sprintf (r, "/power_tam_%d",jj+5);
			strcat (input_file, r);
			strcat (input_file, ".txt");
			// printf("%s\n", input_file);

			tamread = fopen(input_file,"r");
			int count = 0;
			while (!(feof(tamread))) 
			    fscanf(tamread, "%ld\t%ld\t\n", &power, &testtime);
				// printf("%ld %ld\n", power, testtime);
				tam_testtime[ii].power_testtime_list[jj].power_list[count] = power;
				tam_testtime[ii].power_testtime_list[jj].testtime_list[count] = testtime;

				count ++;
			tam_testtime[ii].power_testtime_list[jj].no_of_power = count;
	// temp_tam_index[0] = TAM_INFO[0];
	/*for(int ii = 0; ii< SIZE; ii++)
		for(int jj = 0; jj< tam_testtime[ii].no_of_tam; jj++)
			printf("%d ", tam_testtime[ii].power_testtime_list[jj].no_of_power);

		partarray[0].time_fitness = bin_packing(partarray[0].info,0,0);
		// printf("%ld \n", partarray[0].time_fitness);
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i ++ ) {
		        //printf ("{ %d, %d, %ld, %ld, %d }\n", scheduler[0][i].corenum, scheduler[0][i].tam_width, scheduler[0][i]. starttime, scheduler[0][i]. endtime,  scheduler[0][i]. tsv);
		print_csv(partarray[0].time_fitness, scheduler[0]);
		return 0;
	for(iteration=0;iteration < NoIteration;iteration++)
		globalbestIndx  = 0;
		// printf ("Globalbestindx: %d\n",globalbestIndx);
		/*fo/r ( int pp = 0 ; pp < SIZE ; pp ++ ){
                 	       BestParticle [ pp ] .tam_width = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. tam_width;
                        BestParticle [ pp ] .corenum = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. corenum;
                        BestParticle [ pp ] .starttime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. starttime;
                        BestParticle [ pp ] .endtime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. endtime;
		for(int i=1;i<2;i++)
    			   // printf("RunForrestRun: %d\n",i);
    				globalbestIndx = 0;
    			/*for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < SIZE ; ii ++ ) {
                printf ("{ %d, %d, %ld, %ld }\n", scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii].corenum, scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii].tam_width, scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii]. starttime, scheduler [globalbestIndx][ii]. endtime);

			if ( t < mint ) {
				mint = t ;
				/*for ( int pp = 0 ; pp < SIZE ; pp ++ ){
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .corenum = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. corenum;
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .tam_width = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. tam_width;
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .starttime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. starttime;
                                        BestParticle [ pp ] .endtime = scheduler [globalbestIndx][pp]. endtime;
			//printf("%ld \n",t);
		 // printf("%ld\n",mint);
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i ++ ) {
                // printf ("{ %d, %d, %ld, %ld, %d }\n", BestParticle[i].corenum, BestParticle[i].tam_width, BestParticle[i]. starttime, BestParticle[i]. endtime,  BestParticle[i]. tsv);

    print_csv(mint, BestParticle);

    return 0;