Beispiel #1
void rtinit0() {
    int i, j;
    struct distance_table *thisnode0;

    thisnode0 = &dt0;

    // set the temporary packet mincosts to INFINITY
    somePacket.mincost[0] = INFINITY;
    somePacket.mincost[1] = INFINITY;
    somePacket.mincost[2] = INFINITY;
    somePacket.mincost[3] = INFINITY;

    printf("At time t = %f, rtinit0() called\n", clocktime);

    // set links from node i to node j as INFINITY
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            thisnode0->costs[i][j]= INFINITY;

    neighbor0 = getNeighborCosts(0);

    // link weight from node 0
    thisnode0->costs[0][0] = neighbor0->NodeCosts[0];
    thisnode0->costs[1][1] = neighbor0->NodeCosts[1];
    thisnode0->costs[2][2] = neighbor0->NodeCosts[2];
    thisnode0->costs[3][3] = neighbor0->NodeCosts[3];

    // check each distance from node i to node j in comparison to our somePacket
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            if (somePacket.mincost[i] > thisnode0->costs[i][j]) {
                somePacket.mincost[i] = thisnode0->costs[i][j];

    // set somePacket's sourceID to 0 (we're in node0)
    // use tolayer2 to send to another node, depending on the destID
    somePacket.sourceid = 0;
    somePacket.destid = 1;
    printf("At time t = %f, node 0 sends packet to node 1 with: %d %d %d %d\n", clocktime, somePacket.mincost[0], somePacket.mincost[1], somePacket.mincost[2], somePacket.mincost[3]);

    somePacket.destid = 2;
    printf("At time t = %f, node 0 sends packet to node 2 with: %d %d %d %d\n", clocktime, somePacket.mincost[0], somePacket.mincost[1], somePacket.mincost[2], somePacket.mincost[3]);

    somePacket.destid = 3;
    printf("At time t = %f, node 0 sends packet to node 3 with: %d %d %d %d\n", clocktime, somePacket.mincost[0], somePacket.mincost[1], somePacket.mincost[2], somePacket.mincost[3]);

    printdt0(0, neighbor0, thisnode0);
    printf("We are done with rtinit0 routine\n");
Beispiel #2
void rtupdate0( struct RoutePacket *rcvdpkt ) {
    int i, j, rcvdSource, update = 0;
    struct distance_table *thisnode0;

    thisnode0 = &dt0;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            somePacket.mincost[i] = INFINITY;

    printf("Now we are in rtupdate0()\n");

    // check what sourceID of received packet is
    rcvdSource = rcvdpkt->sourceid;
    printf("Received packet's source ID is %d\n", rcvdSource);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // go through and see if we need to update distance-table with new mincost
        if (thisnode0->costs[i][rcvdSource] > (thisnode0->costs[rcvdSource][rcvdSource] + rcvdpkt->mincost[i])) {
            thisnode0->costs[i][rcvdSource] = (thisnode0->costs[rcvdSource][rcvdSource] + rcvdpkt->mincost[i]);
            update = 1;

    // for this case, we update distance table
    if (update == 1) {
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                if (somePacket.mincost[i] > thisnode0->costs[i][j]) {
                    somePacket.mincost[i] = thisnode0->costs[i][j];
        printf("We updated distance table from rtupdate0()\n");

        // set somePacket's sourceID to 0 (we're in node0)
        // use tolayer2 to send to another node, depending on the destID
        somePacket.sourceid = 0;
        somePacket.destid = 1;
        printf("At time t = %f, node 0 sends packet to node 1 with: %d %d %d %d\n", clocktime, somePacket.mincost[0], somePacket.mincost[1], somePacket.mincost[2], somePacket.mincost[3]);

        somePacket.destid = 2;
        printf("At time t = %f, node 0 sends packet to node 2 with: %d %d %d %d\n", clocktime, somePacket.mincost[0], somePacket.mincost[1], somePacket.mincost[2], somePacket.mincost[3]);

        somePacket.destid = 3;
        printf("At time t = %f, node 0 sends packet to node 3 with: %d %d %d %d\n", clocktime, somePacket.mincost[0], somePacket.mincost[1], somePacket.mincost[2], somePacket.mincost[3]);

    printdt0(0, neighbor0, thisnode0);

    printf("We are done with rtupdate0()\n");
Beispiel #3
void rtinit0()
  int custos[4] = {0,1,3,7}; //vetor com os meus custos para os nós 0,1,2 e 3 respectivamente
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
    envio.sourceid = NODE_ID; // todos sairão com o sourceid = 0
    envio.destid = i+1; // como eu começo apartir de '0' e não vou mandar para mim mesmo eu incrementei '+1'
    for(j=0; j<4; j++)
      envio.mincost[j] = custos[j]; // preenchendo os custos dos pacotes a enviar
        dt0.costs[i][j] = custos[i]; // se os indices da matriz forem iguais, então atualizo meus custos buscando no vetor de custos
        dt0.costs[i][j] = INFINITO; // senão eu coloco o valor correspondente ao INFINITO
