void RaspiVoice::PlayFrame(RaspiVoiceOptions opt) { if (opt.quit) { return; } if (!opt.mute) { AudioData &audioData = i2ssConverter->GetAudioData(); audioData.CardNumber = opt.audio_card; audioData.Verbose = verbose; if (verbose) { printtime("Playing audio"); } audioData.Play(); if (opt.output_filename != "") { audioData.SaveToWavFile(opt.output_filename); } //audioData.PlayWav(FNAME); } else if (verbose) { printtime("Muted, not playing audio"); } }
void plong(FTSENT *p) { char tmp[NAME_BUFSZ]; FTSENT_PRT *prt=(FTSENT_PRT*)p->fts_pointer; int length=prt->s_name; if (f_inodenum) printf("%*lld ", prt->s_inode, (LL)p->fts_statp->st_ino); if (f_dispblock) { LL b=p->fts_statp->st_blocks; b/=block_size_factor; printf("%*lld ", prt->s_block, b); } printmodestr(p); printf("%*hd ", prt->s_link, (short)p->fts_statp->st_nlink); if (f_numric) { printf("%*d ", prt->s_uid, (int)p->fts_statp->st_uid); printf("%*d ", prt->s_gid, (int)p->fts_statp->st_gid); } else { if (printuname(p, prt->s_uname)==-1) printf("%*d ", prt->s_uid, (int)p->fts_statp->st_uid); if (printgname(p, prt->s_gname)==-1) printf("%*d ", prt->s_gid, (int)p->fts_statp->st_gid); } printsize(p); if (f_sortbyacc) printtime(p->fts_statp->st_atime); else if (f_sortbychg) printtime(p->fts_statp->st_ctime); else printtime(p->fts_statp->st_mtime); if (f_displgd) { sprintf(tmp, "%s%c", p->fts_name, type(p)); length++; } else sprintf(tmp, "%s", p->fts_name); printstr(tmp, length); if (S_ISLNK(p->fts_statp->st_mode)) { int l; char buf[NAME_BUFSZ], path[NAME_BUFSZ]; if (p->fts_level==0) sprintf(path, "%s", p->fts_name); else sprintf(path, "%s/%s", p->fts_parent->fts_accpath, p->fts_name); if ((l=readlink(path, buf, sizeof(path)))==-1) warn("%s", p->fts_path); buf[l]='\0'; printf(" -> "); printstr(buf, prt->s_name); } }
cv::Mat RaspiVoice::readImage() { cv::Mat rawImage; cv::Mat processedImage; if (verbose) { printtime("ReadImage start"); } if ((image_source == 0) && (opt.input_filename != "")) { rawImage = cv::imread(opt.input_filename.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); processedImage = rawImage; } else if (image_source == 1) //RaspiCAM { raspiCam.grab(); raspiCam.retrieve(rawImage); if (opt.read_frames > 1) { for (int r = 1; r < opt.read_frames; r++) { raspiCam.grab(); raspiCam.retrieve(rawImage); } } //cv::imwrite("/var/tmp/raspicam_frame.jpg", processedImage); processedImage = rawImage; } else if (image_source >= 2) //OpenCv camera { /* cap.read(rawImage); if (opt.read_frames > 1) { for (int r = 1; r < opt.read_frames; r++) { cap.read(rawImage); } } */ printtime("ReadImage start, opencv.jpg"); rawImage = cv::imread("/dev/shm/opencv.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); if (rawImage.empty()) { throw(std::runtime_error("Error reading frame from camera.")); } // cv::cvtColor(rawImage, processedImage, CV_BGR2GRAY); } return rawImage; // return processedImage; }
void printlong(DISPLAY *dp) { struct stat *sp; FTSENT *p; NAMES *np; char buf[20]; if (dp->list->fts_level != FTS_ROOTLEVEL && (f_longform || f_size)) (void)printf("total %llu\n", howmany(dp->btotal, blocksize)); for (p = dp->list; p; p = p->fts_link) { if (IS_NOPRINT(p)) continue; sp = p->fts_statp; if (f_inode) (void)printf("%*llu ", dp->s_inode, (unsigned long long)sp->st_ino); if (f_size) (void)printf("%*lld ", dp->s_block, howmany((long long)sp->st_blocks, blocksize)); (void)strmode(sp->st_mode, buf); np = p->fts_pointer; (void)printf("%s %*u ", buf, dp->s_nlink, sp->st_nlink); if (!f_grouponly) (void)printf("%-*s ", dp->s_user, np->user); (void)printf("%-*s ", dp->s_group, np->group); if (f_flags) (void)printf("%-*s ", dp->s_flags, np->flags); if (S_ISCHR(sp->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(sp->st_mode)) (void)printf("%3d, %3d ", major(sp->st_rdev), minor(sp->st_rdev)); else if (dp->bcfile) (void)printf("%*s%*lld ", 8 - dp->s_size, "", dp->s_size, (long long)sp->st_size); else printsize(dp->s_size, sp->st_size); if (f_accesstime) printtime(sp->st_atime); else if (f_statustime) printtime(sp->st_ctime); else printtime(sp->st_mtime); (void)mbsprint(p->fts_name, 1); if (f_type || (f_typedir && S_ISDIR(sp->st_mode))) (void)printtype(sp->st_mode); if (S_ISLNK(sp->st_mode)) printlink(p); (void)putchar('\n'); } }
int main() { unsigned long count; //计数组合个数 unsigned int i,j,k,l; bool findfirst,end,swap; end=false; printf("please input m:"); scanf("%d",&m); //输入m printf("please input n:"); scanf("%d",&n); //输入n printtime(); //打印开始时间 inition(); //初始化 //output(); //屏蔽掉结果输出以节约时间 count=1; j=m; while(!end) { findfirst=false; swap=false; //标志复位 for(i=0;i<j;i++) { if(!findfirst && number[i]) { k=i; //k记录下扫描到的第一个数 findfirst=true; //设置标志 } if(number[i] && !number[i+1]) //从左到右扫描第一个“10”组合 { number[i]=0; number[i+1]=1; swap=true; //设置交换标志 for(l=0;l<i-k;l++) number[l]=number[k+l]; for(l=i-k;l<i;l++) number[l]=0; //交换后将之前的“1”全部移动到最左端 if(k==i && i+1==m-n) //如果第一个“1”已经移动到了m-n的位置,说明 //这是最后一个组合了。 end=true; } if(swap) //交换一次后就不用继续找“10”组合了 break; } output(); //屏蔽掉结果输出以节约时间 count++; //组合数计数器递增1 } printtime(); //打印结束时间 printf("total number of combination is: %d\n",count); //打印总的组合数 return 0; }
int main() { _rtc_start_timekeeping_cog(); printtime(); pause(1); printtime(); pause(2); printtime(); pause(60); printtime(); return 0; }
void litterlanguage_work (void) /******************************************************************************/ /* Function: litterlanguage_work */ /* - Worker function for the CatGenius LitterLanguage interpreter*/ /* History : 21 Feb 2010 by R. Delien: */ /* - Initial revision. */ /******************************************************************************/ { /* Don't work if paused */ if (paused) return; /* Check if a program is executed */ if (ins_state != STATE_IDLE) { /* Check for filling timeout */ if( !water_detected() && water_filling() && timeoutexpired(&timer_fill) ){ printtime(); DBG("Fill timeout\n"); /* Fill error */ error_fill = 1; litterlanguage_event(EVENT_ERR_FILLING, error_fill); } /* Check for draining timeout */ if( water_detected() && get_Pump() && timeoutexpired(&timer_drain) ){ printtime(); DBG("Drain timeout\n"); /* Drain error */ error_drain = 1; litterlanguage_event(EVENT_ERR_DRAINING, error_drain); } /* Check auto-dose timeout */ if (timeoutexpired(&timer_autodose)) { timeoutnever(&timer_autodose); set_Dosage(0); } #ifdef CMM_ARM_EXPERIMENT } // Always check arm timeout, even if a prog is not running #endif /* Check arm timeout */ if (timeoutexpired(&timer_autoarm)) { timeoutnever(&timer_autoarm); set_Arm(ARM_STOP); } #ifndef CMM_ARM_EXPERIMENT }
void incminutes (void) { settimeout(&second, SECOND); if (++currenttime.minutes >=60) currenttime.minutes = 0; printtime(); }
static void printmsg(acarsmsg_t * msg, int chn, time_t t) { if (channel[chn].inmode == 3) fprintf(fdout, "\n[CH#%1d F:%3.3f L:%3d E:%1d ", chn + 1, channel[chn].Fr / 1000000.0, msg->lvl, msg->err); else fprintf(fdout, "\n[CH#%1d E:%1d ", chn + 1, msg->err); if (channel[chn].inmode != 2) printtime(t); fprintf(fdout, " --- ]\n"); fprintf(fdout, "ACARS MODE:\t%1c\t", msg->mode); fprintf(fdout, "Aircraft REG:\t%s\n", msg->addr); fprintf(fdout, "MSG LABEL:\t%s\t", msg->label); fprintf(fdout, "Block ID:\t%c\n", msg->bid); fprintf(fdout, "Tech ACK:\t%c\n", msg->ack); if (msg->no[0] != '\0' || msg->fid[0] != '\0') { fprintf(fdout, "MSG NO.:\t%s\t", msg->no); fprintf(fdout, "Flight ID:\t%s\n", msg->fid); } if (strlen(msg->txt) != 0) { fprintf(fdout, "MSG Body:\n%s\n", msg->txt); } if (verbose && msg->be == 0x17) fprintf(fdout, "------- End Of Message -----\n"); fflush(fdout); }
static void printoneline(acarsmsg_t * msg, int chn, time_t t) { char txt[60]; char *pstr; strncpy(txt, msg->txt, 60); txt[59] = 0; for (pstr = txt; *pstr != 0; pstr++) if (*pstr == '\n' || *pstr == '\r') *pstr = ' '; if (channel[chn].inmode == 3) fprintf(fdout, "#%1d (L:%3d E:%1d) ", chn + 1, msg->lvl, msg->err); else fprintf(fdout, "#%1d (E:%1d) ", chn + 1, msg->err); if (channel[chn].inmode != 2) printtime(t); /* uplink message, no flight id and no msg no */ if (msg->fid[0] == '\0' && msg->no[0] == '\0') fprintf(fdout, " %7s %1c %2s ", msg->addr, msg->mode, msg->label); else fprintf(fdout, " %7s %6s %1c %2s %4s ", msg->addr, msg->fid, msg->mode, msg->label, msg->no); fprintf(fdout, "%s", txt); fprintf(fdout, "\n"); fflush(fdout); }
void getfileinfo(void) { OFSTRUCT lpReOpenBuff; hfFile = (HANDLE)OpenFile(szFileName, &lpReOpenBuff, NULL); if (hfFile == (HANDLE)HFILE_ERROR) { err_msg(); // exit if error exit(0); } GetFileInformationByHandle(hfFile, &lpFileInformation); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&lpFileInformation.ftLastWriteTime, &lpLastWriteLocalTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&lpLastWriteLocalTime, &lpLastWriteSystemTime); GetFileTime(hfFile, &lpCreationTime, &lpLastAccessTime, &lpLastWriteTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&lpCreationTime, &lpSystemTime); lpSystemTime.wYear = 2010; SystemTimeToFileTime(&lpSystemTime, &lpCreationTime); SetFileTime(hfFile, &lpCreationTime, &lpLastAccessTime, &lpLastWriteTime); printf ("\n\nFile size: %d", lpFileInformation.nFileSizeLow); printf ("\n---LastWriteTime---"); printtime(lpLastWriteSystemTime); printf ("---FileAttributes---\n"); printattrib(); CloseHandle(hfFile); }
static void printoneline(acarsmsg_t * msg, int chn, time_t t) { char txt[30]; char *pstr; strncpy(txt, msg->txt, 29); txt[29] = 0; for (pstr = txt; *pstr != 0; pstr++) if (*pstr == '\n' || *pstr == '\r') *pstr = ' '; if (msg->ack == 0x15) msg->ack = '!'; if (msg->label[1] == 0x7f) msg->label[1] = 'd'; if (inmode >= 3) fprintf(fdout, "#%1d (L:%3d E:%1d) ", chn + 1, msg->lvl, msg->err); else fprintf(fdout, "#%1d (E:%1d) ", chn + 1, msg->err); if (inmode != 2) printtime(t); if (msg->label[1] == 0x7f) msg->label[1] = 'd'; fprintf(fdout, " %7s %6s %1c %2s %4s ", msg->addr, msg->fid, msg->mode, msg->label, msg->no); fprintf(fdout, "%s", txt); fprintf(fdout, "\n"); fflush(fdout); }
/* * should not need lock here. only showing stuff */ static void rt_dump(const struct scheduler *ops) { struct list_head *iter_sdom, *iter_svc, *runq, *iter; struct rt_private *prv = RT_PRIV(ops); struct rt_vcpu *svc; int cpu = 0; int loop = 0; printtime(); printk("OCBP:_dumpV Priority Scheme: OCBP\n"); printk("PCPU info: \n"); for_each_cpu(cpu, &prv->cpus) rt_dump_pcpu(ops, cpu); printk("OCBP:_dumpV Global RunQueue info: \n"); loop = 0; runq = RUNQ(ops); list_for_each( iter, runq ) { svc = __runq_elem(iter); printk("\tOCBP:_dumpV RunQ no:%3d: ", ++loop); rt_dump_vcpu(svc); }
void _eWarning(const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char* fmt, ...) { char timebuffer[32]; char header[256]; char buf[1024]; char ncbuf[1024]; printtime(timebuffer, sizeof(timebuffer)); snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "%s %s:%d %s ", timebuffer, file, line, function); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); removeAnsiEsc(buf, ncbuf); va_end(ap); singleLock s(DebugLock); logOutput(lvlWarning, std::string(header) + std::string(ncbuf) + "\n"); if (logOutputConsole) { if (!logOutputColors) fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", header, ncbuf); else { snprintf(header, sizeof(header), \ ANSI_BLINK ANSI_BYELLOW "%s " /*color of timestamp*/\ ANSI_GREEN "%s:%d " /*color of filename and linenumber*/\ ANSI_BGREEN "%s " /*color of functionname*/\ ANSI_BWHITE /*color of debugmessage*/\ , timebuffer, file, line, function); fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n"ANSI_RESET, header, buf); } } }
void printlong(char *name, /* filename to print */ char *accpath, /* current valid path to filename */ struct stat *sb) /* stat buffer */ { char modep[15]; (void)printf("%7lu %6lld ", (u_long)sb->st_ino, (long long)sb->st_blocks); (void)strmode(sb->st_mode, modep); (void)printf("%s %3lu %-*s %-*s ", modep, (unsigned long)sb->st_nlink, LOGIN_NAME_MAX, user_from_uid(sb->st_uid, 0), LOGIN_NAME_MAX, group_from_gid(sb->st_gid, 0)); if (S_ISCHR(sb->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(sb->st_mode)) (void)printf("%3llu,%5llu ", (unsigned long long)major(sb->st_rdev), (unsigned long long)minor(sb->st_rdev)); else (void)printf("%9lld ", (long long)sb->st_size); printtime(sb->st_mtime); (void)printf("%s", name); if (S_ISLNK(sb->st_mode)) printlink(accpath); (void)putchar('\n'); }
static void rt_dump_pcpu(const struct scheduler *ops, int cpu) { struct rt_vcpu *svc = RT_VCPU(curr_on_cpu(cpu)); printtime(); rt_dump_vcpu(svc); }
MyGraphics::MyGraphics (const char * argv, QWidget* obj) : QWidget(obj), geometry(WIDTH,HEIGHT){ gettimeofday(&start,NULL); if ( strlen(argv) > 0 ){ repeat: geometry.readFile(argv); geometry.saveFile("latest.cnfg"); double obj=-1; while (obj){ if (obj/geometry.numPoints() < 300 && obj > 0 && geometry.redEqualBlue()){ obj=geometry.genetics(0,start); if (obj == -1) break; update(); } else { if (timeout()){ obj = -1; break; } else obj=geometry.solver(0); } } if(geometry.numRedPoints() != geometry.numBluePoints() || obj == -1) { std::string s; std::stringstream out; out << start.tv_sec; s = out.str(); string file = "testing/"; file += s; file += ".cnfg"; printtime(geometry.numRedPoints(), geometry.numBluePoints(), start, geometry.getNS1I(), geometry.getNS2I()); geometry.remove_blue_points(); geometry.saveFile(file.c_str()); } else { printtime(geometry.numRedPoints(), geometry.numBluePoints(), start, geometry.getNS1I(), geometry.getNS2I()); } exit(0); // Makes it easier to take time with: time ./gui_demo } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HumdrumFile infile; Array<double> timings; Array<double> tempo; // process the command-line options checkOptions(options, argc, argv); // figure out the number of input files to process int numinputs = options.getArgCount(); double totaldur = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<numinputs || i==0; i++) { infile.clear(); // if no command-line arguments read data file from standard input if (numinputs < 1) { infile.read(cin); } else { infile.read(options.getArg(i+1)); } if (interpQ) { doLinearInterpolation(infile); } else { analyzeTiming(infile, timings, tempo); if (totalQ) { totaldur += timings[timings.getSize()-1]; if (numinputs > 1) { printtime(options.getArg(i+1), timings[timings.getSize()-1]); } } else { printAnalysis(infile, timings, tempo); } } } if (totalQ) { printtime("", totaldur); } return 0; }
static void loop(char *inst) { void *table[] = { &&L0, &&L1, &&L2, &&L3, &&L4, &&L5, &&L6, &&L7, &&L8, &&L9, &&L10, &&L11, &&L12, &&L13, &&L14, &&L15 }; void **addrs = malloc(LEN * sizeof(void *)); for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) addrs[i] = table[inst[i]]; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); #define NEXT goto *(*addrs++) NEXT; L0: return; L1: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[1]++; NEXT; L2: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[2]++; NEXT; L3: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[3]++; NEXT; L4: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[4]++; NEXT; L5: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[5]++; NEXT; L6: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[6]++; NEXT; L7: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[7]++; NEXT; L8: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[8]++; NEXT; L9: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[9]++; NEXT; L10: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[10]++; NEXT; L11: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[11]++; NEXT; L12: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[12]++; NEXT; L13: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[13]++; NEXT; L14: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[14]++; NEXT; L15: for (int i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) vec[15]++; NEXT; } void printvec() { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf("%d ", vec[i]); printf("\n"); } void printtime() { struct timespec end; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end); long t1 = start.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + start.tv_nsec; long t2 = end.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + end.tv_nsec; printf("time: %f\n", (t2 - t1) / 1e9); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *inst = malloc(LEN); for (int i = 0; i < LEN - 1;) { int op = rand() & 15; if (op == 0) continue; inst[i++] = op; } inst[LEN - 1] = 0; loop(inst); printvec(); printtime(); return 0; }
void _eWarning(const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char* fmt, ...) { char timebuffer[32]; char header[256]; char buf[1024]; char ncbuf[1024]; printtime(timebuffer, sizeof(timebuffer)); snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "%s [!W!] %s:%d %s ", timebuffer, file, line, function); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); removeAnsiEsc(buf, ncbuf); va_end(ap); singleLock s(DebugLock); logOutput(lvlWarning, std::string(header) + std::string(ncbuf) + "\n"); if (logOutputConsole) { if (!logOutputColors) { if(m_erroroutput && m_erroroutput->eErrorOutput::pipe_fd[1] && m_erroroutput->eErrorOutput::threadrunning) { int n; char obuf[1024]; snprintf(obuf, sizeof(obuf), "%s%s\n", header, ncbuf); n=write(m_erroroutput->eErrorOutput::pipe_fd[1], obuf, strlen(obuf)); if(n<0) fprintf(stderr, "[eerror] row %d error: %s\n", __LINE__,strerror(errno)); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", header, ncbuf); } else { snprintf(header, sizeof(header), \ "%s" /*newline*/ ANSI_BYELLOW "%s " /*color of timestamp*/\ ANSI_GREEN "%s:%d " /*color of filename and linenumber*/\ ANSI_BGREEN "%s " /*color of functionname*/\ ANSI_BWHITE /*color of debugmessage*/\ , inNoNewLine?"\n":"", timebuffer, file, line, function); if(m_erroroutput && m_erroroutput->eErrorOutput::pipe_fd[1] && m_erroroutput->eErrorOutput::threadrunning) { int n; char obuf[1024]; snprintf(obuf, sizeof(obuf), "%s%s\n"ANSI_RESET, header, buf); n=write(m_erroroutput->eErrorOutput::pipe_fd[1], obuf, strlen(obuf)); if(n<0) fprintf(stderr, "[eerror] row %d error: %s\n", __LINE__,strerror(errno)); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n"ANSI_RESET, header, buf); } } inNoNewLine = false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool ok = false; bool t = false; bool c = true; bool v = false; int l = 5; int n = 0; int m = 0; int p = 0; int e = 0; int o; // Parse the command line options. while ((o = getopt(argc, argv, "l:n:m:p:terv")) != -1) switch (o) { case 't': t = true; break; case 'r': c = false; break; case 'v': v = true; break; case 'l': l = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'n': n = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'm': m = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'p': p = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'e': e = 1; break; case '?': default : return usage(argv[0]); } // Confirm the arguments and run the process. setexe(argv[0]); struct timeval t0; struct timeval t1; gettimeofday(&t0, 0); { if (optind + 2 == argc) { if (istif(argv[optind])) ok = tiftoimg(v, e, l, argv[optind], argv[optind + 1]); else ok = imgtotif(c, e, l, n, m, p, argv[optind], argv[optind + 1]); } else return usage(argv[0]); } gettimeofday(&t1, 0); if (t) printtime(&t0, &t1); return ok ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }
int main() { long t,x,y; t = time70(); printf("Espere alguns segundos e entre com numero: "); scanf("%ld",&y); x = time70(); printf("Voce esperou "); printtime(x-t);printf("\n"); return(1); }
int main(){ time_t ptimer; tm *cl1 = malloc(sizeof(tm)); while(1){ Sleep(1000); time(&ptimer); cl1 = localtime(&ptimer); printtime(cl1); } free(cl1); return 0; }
static void spu_complete() { if (!curspu->sd) /* no end time specified */ curspu->sd = -1; /* default to indefinite */ else { if (curspu->sd <= curspu->spts) { char stime[50], etime[50]; printtime(stime, curspu->spts); printtime(etime, curspu->sd); fprintf(stderr, "ERR: sub has end (%s)<=start (%s), skipping\n", etime, stime); nr_subtitles_skipped++; return; } /*if*/ curspu->sd -= curspu->spts; } /*if*/ spus = realloc(spus, (numspus + 1) * sizeof(stinfo *)); spus[numspus++] = curspu; curspu = 0; }
main() { int verbose = 0; int i; long scrap[10000000]; long long int pid, ppid, utime, stime, vsize, rss, rsslim ; int tpr; for (i=0 ; i<10000000 ; i++) scrap[i]=i; tpr = get_my_procstat(&verbose, &pid, &ppid, &utime, &stime, &vsize, &rss, &rsslim); printstr("","------------------------------"); printone("pid", pid); printone("ppid", ppid); printtime("utime", utime); printtime("stime", stime); printone("vsize", vsize); printone("rss", rss); printf("ticks per second: %d\n",tpr); printone("rsslim", rsslim); return 0; }
void RaspiVoice::init() { if (verbose) { printtime(""); printtime("Init..."); } image = new std::vector<float>(rows*columns); if (image_source == 0) //Test image { if (opt.input_filename == "") { initTestImage(); } else { initFileImage(); } } else if (image_source == 1) //RaspiCAM { initRaspiCam(); } else if (image_source >= 2) { initUsbCam(); } if (preview) { cv::namedWindow("RaspiVoice Preview", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); } //Test read + process one image: cv::Mat im = readImage(); processImage(im); }
static void printoneline(acarsmsg_t *msg,int chn,time_t t) { char txt[34]; char *pstr; strncpy(txt,msg->txt,34);txt[33]=0; cleantxt(txt); strtok_r(txt,"\n",&pstr); printf("#%1d %7s %6s %2s %4s ", chn+1,msg->addr,msg->fid,msg->label,msg->no); printtime(t); printf(" %s\n", txt); fflush(stdout); }
void display(My402List* final_list) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_CA.UTF-8"); My402ListElem *element= NULL; Data *tempData = NULL; //char *descp = NULL; double balance = 0; fprintf(stdout,"+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------+----------------+\n"); fprintf(stdout,"| Date | Description | Amount | Balance |\n"); fprintf(stdout,"+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------+----------------+\n"); for(element=My402ListFirst(final_list); element!=NULL; element=My402ListNext(final_list,element)) { tempData=(Data*)element->obj; printtime(tempData); printdescription(tempData); checking amt=(tempData->tran_amt); double amount=(double)(amt.at)/100; if(amt.fg==1) { char *pt=strchr(amount,'.'); } if((tempData->type)=='-') //=====DID CORRECTION======// { amount=-amount; } int flag=0; printamount(amount,flag); balance=balance+amount; flag=1; printamount(balance,flag); } fprintf(stdout,"+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------+----------------+\n"); }
static void printmsg(acarsmsg_t * msg, int chn, time_t t) { void explain(FILE *fp, char *lstr), explain_h1(FILE *fp, char *body); #if defined (WITH_RTL) || defined (WITH_AIR) if (inmode >= 3) fprintf(fdout, "\n[#%1d (F:%3.3f L:%3d E:%1d) ", chn + 1, channel[chn].Fr / 1000000.0, msg->lvl, msg->err); else #endif fprintf(fdout, "\n[#%1d (E:%1d) ", chn + 1, msg->err); if (inmode != 2) printtime(t); fprintf(fdout, " --------------------------------]\n"); if(msg->mode < 0x5d) { fprintf(fdout, "Aircraft reg: %s ", msg->addr); fprintf(fdout, "Flight id: %s", msg->fid); fprintf(fdout, "\n"); } fprintf(fdout, "Mode: %1c\n", msg->mode); fputs("Msg. label: ", fdout); seestr(fdout, msg->label); fputs(" (", fdout); explain(fdout, msg->label); fputs(")\n", fdout); fprintf(fdout, "Block id: %c ", msg->bid); fputs("Ack: ", fdout); seec(fdout, msg->ack); putc('\n', fdout); fprintf(fdout, "Msg. no: %s\n", msg->no); if (!strcmp(msg->label, "H1")) { fputs("Msg. source: ", fdout); explain_h1(fdout, msg->txt); putc('\n', fdout); } fputs("Message :\n", fdout); seebuf(fdout, msg->txt); putc('\n', fdout); if (verbose && msg->be == 0x17) fprintf(fdout, "Block End\n"); fflush(fdout); }
void RaspiVoice::GrabAndProcessFrame(RaspiVoiceOptions opt) { //Set new options. Options that have been copied to RaspiVoice:: fields in constructor are unaffected. this->opt = opt; //Read and process images: cv::Mat im = readImage(); processImage(im); if (verbose) { printtime("vOICe algorithm process start"); } i2ssConverter->Process(*image); }