QVariant VKVisualMessageModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= rowCount()) { qDebug()<<"index is out of range"<<index.row()<<"row count"<<rowCount(); return QVariant(); } auto& obj = m_messages[index.row()]; switch (role) { case eRoleActionMessages: return processAction(obj.message()); case eRoleChatId: return obj.message()->chatId(); case eRoleDate: return processDate(obj.message()->date()); case eRoleIcon: return obj.message()->user()->iconSmall(); case eRoleId: return obj.message()->id(); case eRoleIncoming: return obj.message()->isIncoming(); case eRoleIsRead: return obj.message()->isRead(); case eRoleMsg: return obj.message()->body(); case eRoleUserName: return obj.message()->user()->userName(); default: { if (obj.contain(role)) { return obj.data(role); } } } return QVariant(); }
void CMessageTemplate::processMacro( LPCSTR str, int len, int fill, IWriteSink & f ) { if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_SUBJECT ) == 0 ) processSubject( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_FROM ) == 0 ) processFrom( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_TO ) == 0 ) processTo( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_DATE ) == 0 ) processDate( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_ORGANIZATION ) == 0 ) processOrganization( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_MAILER ) == 0 ) processMailer( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_OSUBJECT ) == 0 ) processOSubject( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_MESSAGEID ) == 0 ) processMessageId( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_FROM_NAME ) == 0 ) processFromName( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_FROM_ADDR ) == 0 ) processFromAddr( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_TO_NAME ) == 0 ) processToName( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_TO_ADDR ) == 0 ) processToAddr( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_SENT_DATE ) == 0 ) processSentDate( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_SENT_TIME ) == 0 ) processSentTime( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_RECEIVED_DATE ) == 0 ) processReceivedDate( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_RECEIVED_TIME ) == 0 ) processReceivedTime( len, fill, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_TEXT ) == 0 ) processText( len, f ); else if ( FarSF::LStricmp( str, M_HEADERS ) == 0 ) processHeaders( f ); else if ( FarSF::LStrnicmp( str, M_KLUDGE, strlen(M_KLUDGE) ) == 0 ) { str += _countof(M_KLUDGE); while ( *str && ( isspace( (unsigned char)*str ) || *str == '(' || *str == '\"' || *str == '\'' ) ) str ++; if ( *str ) { LPCSTR end = str + 1; while ( *end && !isspace( (unsigned char)*end ) && *end != ')' && *end != '\"' && *end != '\'' ) end ++; processKludge( FarString( str, end - str ), f ); } } }
static void PrintTestList(My402List *pList, int num_items) { My402ListElem *elem=NULL; int i=0,bal=0; Transact *x; printf("+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------+----------------+\n"); printf("| Date | Description | Amount | Balance |\n"); printf("+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------+----------------+\n"); if (My402ListLength(pList) != num_items) { fprintf(stderr, "List length is not %1d in PrintTestList().\n", num_items); exit(1); } for (elem=My402ListFirst(pList); elem != NULL; elem=My402ListNext(pList, elem),i++) {//Transact *x; x=(Transact*)elem->obj; char op=(char)(x->op); long time=(long)(x->ltime); int amt=(int)(x->amt); char *desc=x->desc; char t[24],amount[15],balance[15]; strcpy(t,ctime(&time)); char fintime[15]; strcpy(fintime,processDate(t)); //int i; if(op=='+') { bal=bal+amt; } else { bal=bal-amt; } strcpy(amount,processNum(amt)); strcpy(balance,processNum(bal)); //printf("%lu\t",(long)(((Transact*)(elem->obj))->ltime)); // printf("%c\t%lu\t%d\t%s\n",op,time,amt,desc); // printf("|%lu\t%s\t\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\n",time,desc,amount,balance); if(op=='-') printf("| %s | %-24s | (%12s) | %14s |\n",b,desc,amount,balance); else printf("| %s | %-24s | %14s | %14s |\n",b,desc,amount,balance); //printf("FINTIME %s",fintime); } printf("+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------+----------------+"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); }
/** * Gets called when the name box is selected. Displays a list of names for the * client to choose in order to filter the graphing. * */ void Summary::on_nameBox_activated(int index) { FieldMatchFilter nameMatch(MEMBER_NAME, ""); vector<grantsAndFundingField> nameFields;; vector<vector<string>> nameResults; vector<Filter*> filters; int earliest = ui->lineEdit->text().toInt(); int latest = ui->lineEdit_2->text().toInt(); if(latest == 0){ time_t t = std::time(0); struct tm * now = localtime(&t); earliest = 1970; latest = now->tm_year + 1900; ui->lineEdit->setText(QString::number(earliest)); ui->lineEdit_2->setText(QString::number(latest)); } DateFilter df(earliest,latest); filters.push_back(&df); filters = chosenName(filters, &nameMatch); if(ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()).contains("Pub",Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true){ nameFields.push_back(STATUS_DATE); db.getPublications(nameResults,filters,nameFields); } else if(ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()).contains("Grant",Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true){ nameFields.push_back(START_DATE); db.getGrantsAndFunding(nameResults,filters,nameFields); } else if(ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()).contains("Pres",Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true){ nameFields.push_back(DATES); db.getPresentations(nameResults,filters,nameFields); } else if(ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()).contains("Teach",Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true){ nameFields.push_back(START_DATE); db.getTeaching(nameResults,filters,nameFields); } processDate(nameResults); graphs(); graphs(); }
void DateValidator::processItem(LedgerTransaction const& transaction) { processDate(transaction.date(), transaction.fileName(), transaction.lineNum()); }
void DateValidator::processItem(LedgerBudget const& budget) { processDate(budget.date(), budget.fileName(), budget.lineNum()); }
void DateValidator::processItem(LedgerAccountCommand const& account) { processDate(account.date(), account.fileName(), account.lineNum()); }
void DateValidator::processItem(LedgerAccountBalance const& balance) { processDate(balance.date(), balance.fileName(), balance.lineNum()); }