Beispiel #1
void doMovement()
	if(keys == GLFW_KEY_W && actionPress == GLFW_PRESS)
        processKeyboard(FORWARD, deltaTime);
    if(keys == GLFW_KEY_S && actionPress == GLFW_PRESS)
        processKeyboard(BACKWARD, deltaTime);
    if(keys == GLFW_KEY_A && actionPress == GLFW_PRESS)
        processKeyboard(LEFT, deltaTime);
    if(keys == GLFW_KEY_D && actionPress == GLFW_PRESS)
        processKeyboard(RIGHT, deltaTime);
Beispiel #2
void CineEngine::mainLoop(int bootScriptIdx) {
	bool playerAction;
	byte di;
	uint16 mouseButton;

	if (_preLoad == false) {

		setTextWindow(0, 0, 20, 200);

		errorVar = 0;


		menuVar = 0;

//		gfxRedrawPage(page0c, page0, page0c, page0, -1);
//		gfxWaitVBL();
//		gfxRedrawMouseCursor();

		inMenu = false;
		allowPlayerInput = 0;
		checkForPendingDataLoadSwitch = 0;

		fadeRequired = false;
		isDrawCommandEnabled = 0;
		waitForPlayerClick = 0;
		menuCommandLen = 0;

		playerCommand = -1;
		g_cine->_commandBuffer = "";

		g_cine->_globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = 0;
		g_cine->_globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = 0;
		if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {
			g_cine->_globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS_2ND] = 0;
			g_cine->_globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS_2ND] = 0;
			g_cine->_globalVars[VAR_BYPASS_PROTECTION] = 0; // set to 1 to bypass the copy protection
			g_cine->_globalVars[VAR_LOW_MEMORY] = 0; // set to 1 to disable some animations, sounds etc.

		strcpy(newPrcName, "");
		strcpy(newRelName, "");
		strcpy(newObjectName, "");
		strcpy(newMsgName, "");
		strcpy(currentCtName, "");
		strcpy(currentPartName, "");


	do {
		// HACK: Force amount of oxygen left to maximum during Operation Stealth's first arcade sequence.
		//       This makes it possible to pass the arcade sequence for now.
		// FIXME: Remove the hack and make the first arcade sequence normally playable.
		if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {
			Common::String bgName(renderer->getBgName());
			// Check if the background is one of the three backgrounds
			// that are only used during the first arcade sequence.
			if (bgName == "28.PI1" || bgName == "29.PI1" || bgName == "30.PI1") {
				static const uint oxygenObjNum = 202, maxOxygen = 264;
				// Force the amount of oxygen left to the maximum.
				g_cine->_objectTable[oxygenObjNum].x = maxOxygen;

		// HACK: In Operation Stealth after the first arcade sequence jump player's position to avoid getting stuck.
		// After the first arcade sequence the player comes up stairs from
		// the water in Santa Paragua's downtown in front of the flower shop.
		// Previously he was completely stuck after getting up the stairs.
		// If the background is the one used in the flower shop scene ("21.PI1")
		// and the player is at the exact location after getting up the stairs
		// then we just nudge him a tiny bit away from the stairs and voila, he's free!
		// Maybe the real problem behind all this is collision data related as it looks
		// like there's some boundary right there near position (204, 110) which we can
		// jump over by moving the character to (204, 109). The script handling the
		// flower shop scene is AIRPORT.PRC's 13th script.
		// FIXME: Remove the hack and solve what's really causing the problem in the first place.
		if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {
			if (scumm_stricmp(renderer->getBgName(), "21.PI1") == 0 && g_cine->_objectTable[1].x == 204 && g_cine->_objectTable[1].y == 110) {
				g_cine->_objectTable[1].y--; // Move the player character upward on-screen by one pixel

		di = executePlayerInput();

		// Clear the zoneQuery table (Operation Stealth specific)
		if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {
			Common::set_to(g_cine->_zoneQuery.begin(), g_cine->_zoneQuery.end(), 0);

		if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {

		if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {

		if (playerCommand == -1) {
		} else {

		if (renderer->ready()) {

		// NOTE: In the original Future Wars and Operation Stealth messages
		// were removed when running the drawOverlays function which is
		// currently called from the renderer's drawFrame function.

		if (waitForPlayerClick) {
			playerAction = false;

			_messageLen <<= 3;
			if (_messageLen < 0x800)
				_messageLen = 0x800;

			do {
				getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &dummyU16, &dummyU16);
			} while (mouseButton != 0 && !shouldQuit());

			menuVar = 0;

			do {
				getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &dummyU16, &dummyU16);
				playerAction = (mouseButton != 0) || processKeyboard(menuVar);
			} while (!playerAction && !shouldQuit());

			menuVar = 0;

			do {
				getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &dummyU16, &dummyU16);
			} while (mouseButton != 0 && !shouldQuit());

			waitForPlayerClick = 0;

		if (checkForPendingDataLoadSwitch) {

			checkForPendingDataLoadSwitch = 0;

		if (di) {
			if ("quit"[menuCommandLen] == (char)di) {
				if (menuCommandLen == 4) {
			} else {
				menuCommandLen = 0;


	} while (!shouldQuit() && !_restartRequested);

	// if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) {
	//	freeUnkList();
	// }
Beispiel #3
void singlePlayer(GlobalState* globalData) {
    static int tempScore = 0;
    static int transition = 0;
    static int movedone = 0;
    // First time playing?
    // Read first time from SRAM
    if (globalData->firstTime == TRUE) {
        if (globalData->newKeyboard) {
            printKeyboard(globalData, "NAME?", 5);
        } else {
            processKeyboard(globalData,, 5);
    if (globalData->doneKeyboard) {
        globalData->firstTime = FALSE;

        if (globalData->newGame) {
            globalData->newGame = 0;
            // Setup new game
            tempScore = 0;
            transition = 0;
            game.turn = rand() % 2;
            getCards(); // Assume cards already read by interrupts on switches (?)

        // Wait till someone presses D to continue
        if (globalData->keyPress == 0x0D) {
            transition = 1;

        // Begin game with computer
        if (transition) {
            if (!game.gameOver) {
                // Situation depends on game.turn
                if (game.turn) {
                    if (game.moveSel == 0) {
                    if (game.moveSel == 1) {

                        tempScore = game.oppScore;
                        game.oppScore = attack(game.myMove, game.myMonster, game.oppScore);
                        if (game.oppScore == tempScore) {
                            prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                            prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                            prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                            prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Missed!", 1);
                        } else {
                            prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                            prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                            prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                            prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Your", 1);
                            printrs(30, 10, RED, BLACK, game.myMonster->monsterName, 1);
                            prints(84, 10, RED, BLACK, "used", 1);
                            printrs(0, 18, RED, BLACK, game.myMove->moveName, 1);
                            prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "-    ", 1);
                            integerprint(6, 26, RED, BLACK, tempScore - game.oppScore, 1);
                        game.moveSel = 0;
                        movedone = 1;
                } else {
                    // Computer randomly picks a monster and attack
                    game.oppMonster = &myMonsterList[rand() % 3 ];
                    game.oppMove = &game.oppMonster->movelist[rand() % 3];
                    tempScore = game.myScore;
                    game.myScore = attack(game.oppMove, game.oppMonster, game.myScore);
                    if (game.myScore == tempScore) {
                        prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                        prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                        prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                        prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Enmy Missed!", 1);
                    } else {
                        prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                        prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                        prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "                    ", 1);
                        prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Enmy", 1);
                        printrs(30, 10, RED, BLACK, game.oppMonster->monsterName, 1);
                        prints(84, 10, RED, BLACK, "used", 1);
                        printrs(0, 18, RED, BLACK, game.oppMove->moveName, 1);
                        prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "-    ", 1);
                        integerprint(6, 26, RED, BLACK, tempScore - game.myScore, 1);
                    movedone = 1;

                if (movedone == 1) {
                    prints(0, 40, YELLOW, BLACK, "Your Score: ", 1);
                    prints(0, 55, YELLOW, BLACK, "     ", 1);
                    integerprint(0, 55, YELLOW, BLACK, game.myScore, 1);
                    prints(0, 70, WHITE, BLACK, "Opponent Score: ", 1);
                    prints(0, 85, WHITE, BLACK, "     ", 1);
                    integerprint(0, 85, WHITE, BLACK, game.oppScore, 1);
                    // Check game status
                    game.gameOver = gameStatus();
                    game.turn = !game.turn;
                    transition = 0;
                    movedone = 0;
                //                if (game.gameOver == 1) {
                //                    if (globalData->newGame == 0) {
                //                        printResults();
                //                    }
                //                }
            } else {
                if (globalData->newGame == 0) {
        // Display results once there is a lost
Beispiel #4
void idle()
Beispiel #5
void Camera::update(bool keys[1024], glm::vec2 mouse, glm::vec2 scroll, GLfloat deltaTime) {
	processKeyboard(keys, deltaTime);