Beispiel #1
void StateTableProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage)
    // Start at state 0
    // XXX: How do we know when to start at state 1?
    ByteOffset currentState = stateArrayOffset;

    // XXX: reverse? 
    le_int32 currGlyph = 0;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();


    while (currGlyph <= glyphCount) {
        ClassCode classCode = classCodeOOB;
        if (currGlyph == glyphCount) {
            // XXX: How do we handle EOT vs. EOL?
            classCode = classCodeEOT;
        } else {
            TTGlyphID glyphCode = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[currGlyph]);

            if (glyphCode == 0xFFFF) {
                classCode = classCodeDEL;
            } else if ((glyphCode >= firstGlyph) && (glyphCode < lastGlyph)) {
                classCode = classTable->classArray[glyphCode - firstGlyph];

        const EntryTableIndex *stateArray = (const EntryTableIndex *) ((char *) &stateTableHeader->stHeader + currentState);
        EntryTableIndex entryTableIndex = stateArray[(le_uint8)classCode];

        currentState = processStateEntry(glyphStorage, currGlyph, entryTableIndex);

void StateTableProcessor2::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) return;
    // Start at state 0
    // XXX: How do we know when to start at state 1?
    le_uint16 currentState = 0;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    le_int32 currGlyph = 0;
    if ((coverage & scfReverse2) != 0) {  // process glyphs in descending order
        currGlyph = glyphCount - 1;
        dir = -1;
    } else {
        dir = 1;
    switch (format) {
        case ltfSimpleArray: {
          LEReferenceTo<SimpleArrayLookupTable> lookupTable0(classTable, success);
          if(LE_FAILURE(success)) break;
            while ((dir == 1 && currGlyph <= glyphCount) || (dir == -1 && currGlyph >= -1)) {
                if (LE_FAILURE(success)) break;
                if (LE_STATE_PATIENCE_DECR()) {
                  LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("patience exceeded - state table not moving")
                  break; // patience exceeded.
                LookupValue classCode = classCodeOOB;
                if (currGlyph == glyphCount || currGlyph == -1) {
                    // XXX: How do we handle EOT vs. EOL?
                    classCode = classCodeEOT;
                } else {
                    LEGlyphID gid = glyphStorage[currGlyph];
                    TTGlyphID glyphCode = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(gid);
                    if (glyphCode == 0xFFFF) {
                        classCode = classCodeDEL;
                    } else {
                        classCode = SWAPW(lookupTable0->valueArray[gid]);
                EntryTableIndex2 entryTableIndex = SWAPW(stateArray(classCode + currentState * nClasses, success));
                LE_STATE_PATIENCE_CURR(le_int32, currGlyph);
                currentState = processStateEntry(glyphStorage, currGlyph, entryTableIndex); // return a zero-based index instead of a byte offset
        case ltfSegmentSingle: {
          LEReferenceTo<SegmentSingleLookupTable> lookupTable2(classTable, success);
          if(LE_FAILURE(success)) break;
            while ((dir == 1 && currGlyph <= glyphCount) || (dir == -1 && currGlyph >= -1)) {
                if (LE_FAILURE(success)) break;
                if (LE_STATE_PATIENCE_DECR()) {
                  LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("patience exceeded  - state table not moving")
                  break; // patience exceeded.
                LookupValue classCode = classCodeOOB;
                if (currGlyph == glyphCount || currGlyph == -1) {
                    // XXX: How do we handle EOT vs. EOL?
                    classCode = classCodeEOT;
                } else {
                    LEGlyphID gid = glyphStorage[currGlyph];
                    TTGlyphID glyphCode = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(gid);
                    if (glyphCode == 0xFFFF) {
                        classCode = classCodeDEL;
                    } else {
                      const LookupSegment *segment = 
                        lookupTable2->lookupSegment(lookupTable2, lookupTable2->segments, gid, success);
                        if (segment != NULL && LE_SUCCESS(success)) {
                            classCode = SWAPW(segment->value);
                EntryTableIndex2 entryTableIndex = SWAPW(stateArray(classCode + currentState * nClasses,success));
                LE_STATE_PATIENCE_CURR(le_int32, currGlyph);
                currentState = processStateEntry(glyphStorage, currGlyph, entryTableIndex, success);
        case ltfSegmentArray: {
          //printf("Lookup Table Format4: specific interpretation needed!\n");
        case ltfSingleTable: {
            LEReferenceTo<SingleTableLookupTable> lookupTable6(classTable, success);
            while ((dir == 1 && currGlyph <= glyphCount) || (dir == -1 && currGlyph >= -1)) {
                if (LE_FAILURE(success)) break;
                if (LE_STATE_PATIENCE_DECR()) {
                  LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("patience exceeded - state table not moving")
                  break; // patience exceeded.
                LookupValue classCode = classCodeOOB;
                if (currGlyph == glyphCount || currGlyph == -1) {
                    // XXX: How do we handle EOT vs. EOL?
                    classCode = classCodeEOT;
                } else if(currGlyph > glyphCount) {
                  // note if > glyphCount, we've run off the end (bad font)
                  currGlyph = glyphCount;
                  classCode = classCodeEOT;
                } else {
                    LEGlyphID gid = glyphStorage[currGlyph];
                    TTGlyphID glyphCode = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(gid);
                    if (glyphCode == 0xFFFF) {
                        classCode = classCodeDEL;
                    } else {
                      const LookupSingle *segment = lookupTable6->lookupSingle(lookupTable6, lookupTable6->entries, gid, success);
                        if (segment != NULL) {
                            classCode = SWAPW(segment->value);
                EntryTableIndex2 entryTableIndex = SWAPW(stateArray(classCode + currentState * nClasses, success));
                LE_STATE_PATIENCE_CURR(le_int32, currGlyph);
                currentState = processStateEntry(glyphStorage, currGlyph, entryTableIndex, success);
        case ltfTrimmedArray: {
            LEReferenceTo<TrimmedArrayLookupTable> lookupTable8(classTable, success);
            if (LE_FAILURE(success)) break;
            TTGlyphID firstGlyph = SWAPW(lookupTable8->firstGlyph);    
            TTGlyphID lastGlyph  = firstGlyph + SWAPW(lookupTable8->glyphCount);
            while ((dir == 1 && currGlyph <= glyphCount) || (dir == -1 && currGlyph >= -1)) {
                if(LE_STATE_PATIENCE_DECR()) {
                  LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("patience exceeded - state table not moving")
                  break; // patience exceeded.
                LookupValue classCode = classCodeOOB;
                if (currGlyph == glyphCount || currGlyph == -1) {
                    // XXX: How do we handle EOT vs. EOL?
                    classCode = classCodeEOT;
                } else {
                    TTGlyphID glyphCode = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[currGlyph]);
                    if (glyphCode == 0xFFFF) {
                        classCode = classCodeDEL;
                    } else if ((glyphCode >= firstGlyph) && (glyphCode < lastGlyph)) {
                        classCode = SWAPW(lookupTable8->valueArray[glyphCode - firstGlyph]);
                EntryTableIndex2 entryTableIndex = SWAPW(stateArray(classCode + currentState * nClasses, success));
                LE_STATE_PATIENCE_CURR(le_int32, currGlyph);
                currentState = processStateEntry(glyphStorage, currGlyph, entryTableIndex, success);
