// TestFunction_Speed
void TestProjectGeneration::TestFunction_Speed() const
	VSProjectGenerator pg;
	AStackString<> baseDir( "C:\\Windows\\System32" );
	Array< AString > baseDirs;
	baseDirs.Append( baseDir );

	// project name
	pg.SetProjectName( AStackString<>( "Big" ) );
	pg.SetBasePaths( baseDirs );

	// platforms
	Array< VSProjectConfig > configs;
	VSProjectConfig cfg;
	cfg.m_Platform = "Win32";
	cfg.m_Config = "Debug";
	configs.Append( cfg );

	// files (about 5,000)
	Array< AString > files;
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.mui" ), true, &files );
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.exe" ), true, &files );
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.dll" ), true, &files );
	pg.AddFiles( files );

	Array< VSProjectFileType > fileTypes;
		VSProjectFileType ft;
		ft.m_FileType = "CppForm";
		ft.m_Pattern = "Code\\Forms\\*.h";
		fileTypes.Append( ft );
		ft.m_FileType = "CppControl";
		ft.m_Pattern = "Controls\\*.h";
		fileTypes.Append( ft );

	AStackString<> projectFileName( "C:\\Windows\\System\\dummy.vcxproj" );

		Timer t;
		pg.GenerateVCXProj( projectFileName, configs, fileTypes );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		OUTPUT( "Gen vcxproj        : %2.3fs\n", time );
		Timer t;
		pg.GenerateVCXProjFilters( projectFileName );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		OUTPUT( "Gen vcxproj.filters: %2.3fs\n", time );
Beispiel #2
  * @brief Project::makeProjectPath
  * @param basePath
  * @return
 QString Project::projectPath(const QString &basePath) const
     QChar sep = QDir(basePath).separator();
     return basePath + sep + projectFileName() + "." + PROJECT_FILE_EXTENTION;
Beispiel #3
Project *
App::CreateNewProject(const BMessage &settings)
	Project *proj = NULL;
	BString projectName, targetName, projectPath, templateName, pldName;
	int32 projectType, scmType;
	bool createFolder, populateProject = true;
	settings.FindInt32("scmtype", &scmType);
	settings.FindString("template", &templateName);
	settings.FindString("pldfile", &pldName);

	if (templateName.CountChars() > 0)
		// Templates are now a directory with a TEMPLATEINFO file. All files in the
		// directory are copies, allowing for much greater flexibility than before.
		BString projectFileName(projectName);
		projectFileName << ".pld";
		DPath templatePath(gAppPath.GetFolder());
		templatePath << "Templates" << templateName;
		// Copy the contents of the chosen template folder to the project path
		DPath sourcePath(templatePath);
		DPath destPath(gProjectPath);
		if (createFolder)
			destPath << projectName;
			create_directory(destPath.GetFullPath(), 0700);
		BString wildcard("'");
		wildcard << sourcePath.GetFullPath() << "'/*";
		ShellHelper shell("cp -a ");
		shell << wildcard;
		// The copy command copies *everything*, so we have to delete the
		DPath templateInfo(destPath);
		templateInfo << "TEMPLATEINFO";
		BEntry infoEntry(templateInfo.GetFullPath());
		DPath finalPath;
		// Load project and set info or create one, if needed.
		// If the settings contain the name of a .pld project file, we'll search
		// for that first. Assuming that it exists, we'll rename that file to the
		// project name specified. If it doesn't exist or the .pld name is empty,
		// we'll create a new project with the appropriate name.
		// The pldname field comes from the TEMPLATEINFO file, which can designate
		// the main project file in a template. This allows a template to have
		// multiple project files, such as for the Tracker Add-on development framework
		// which has both a project file for generating the actual addon and another
		// one which is the testing framework.
		bool createProjFile = true;
		if (pldName.CountChars() > 0)
			// If a .pld project file was specified in TEMPLATEINFO, check to see if
			// the file exists and rename it. If it doesn't exist, we'll create a new
			// file, and if a .pld file already exists with the intended name, we won't
			// do anything except tell the user what's happened.
			DPath oldPldNamePath(destPath);
			oldPldNamePath << pldName;
			BEntry oldPldNameEntry(oldPldNamePath.GetFullPath());
			DPath newPldNamePath(destPath);
			newPldNamePath << projectFileName;
			BEntry newPldNameEntry(newPldNamePath.GetFullPath());
			if (newPldNameEntry.Exists())
				// createProjFile is false here only if there is a .pld file with the
				// user's chosen project name. If that is the case, we keep both files and
				// let the user sort it out.
				BString errMsg = B_TRANSLATE(
					"Project file '%projectname%.pld' already exists. The "
					"original file for this template is '%pldname%'. You'll need "
					"to open the project folder and figure out which one you wish to keep.");
				errMsg.ReplaceFirst("%projectname%", projectName);
				errMsg.ReplaceFirst("%pldname%", pldName);
				populateProject = createProjFile = false;
				finalPath = newPldNamePath;
			if (oldPldNameEntry.Exists())
				populateProject = createProjFile = false;
				finalPath = newPldNamePath;
		if (createProjFile)
			proj = Project::CreateProject(projectName.String(), targetName.String(),
									projectType, projectPath.String(), createFolder);
			if (proj)
				finalPath = proj->GetPath();
			proj = new Project();
			if (proj->Load(finalPath.GetFullPath()) != B_OK)
				delete proj;
				return NULL;
		// This case is for stuff like the Quick Import feature
		proj = Project::CreateProject(projectName.String(), targetName.String(),
									projectType, projectPath.String(), createFolder);
	if (!proj)
		return NULL;
	scm_t detectedSCM = DetectSCM(projectPath);
	proj->SetSourceControl(detectedSCM == SCM_NONE ? (scm_t)scmType : detectedSCM);
	gCurrentProject = proj;
	BRect r(0,0,200,300);
	gProjectWindowPoint.x += 25;
	gProjectWindowPoint.y += 25;
	if (gProjectWindowPoint.x < 0)
		gProjectWindowPoint.x = 0;
	if (gProjectWindowPoint.y < 0)
		gProjectWindowPoint.y - 0;
	ProjectWindow *projwin = new ProjectWindow(r,gCurrentProject);
	BEntry entry(gCurrentProject->GetPath().GetFullPath());
	if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK)
		entry_ref newprojref;
	if (populateProject)
		entry_ref addRef;
		int32 i = 0;
		while (settings.FindRef("libs",i++,&addRef) == B_OK)
			if (BEntry(&addRef).Exists())
		i = 0;
		BMessage addMsg(M_IMPORT_REFS);
		while (settings.FindRef("refs",i++,&addRef) == B_OK)
	return proj;