Beispiel #1
void MessageDriven::processMessage(const Message* msg)
	const string addr = msg->address();

	// create a regular expression
	OSCRegexp r(OSCAddress::addressFirst(addr).c_str());
	// and call propose with this regexp and with the dest osc address tail
	propose(msg, &r, OSCAddress::addressTail(addr));
Beispiel #2
    void Sampler::unlock(uint id)
      // Unlock this chain
      locked_[id] = false;

      // The hotter chain no longer has to wait for this chain, so
      // it can propose new state
      propose(id + 1);

      // Check if this was the coldest chain
      if (id % chains_.numChains() != 0)
        // Lock the chain that is below (colder) than this.
        locked_[id - 1] = true;
        // This is the coldest chain and there is no one to swap with
Beispiel #3
int MHSampler::word_proposal(LDADoc& doc, Token& token, int old_topic) {
    int new_topic = propose(; // prpose a new topic from alias table
    if (new_topic != old_topic) {
        float proposal_old = word_proposal_distribution(, old_topic);
        float proposal_new = word_proposal_distribution(, new_topic);
        float proportion_old = proportional_funtion(doc, token, old_topic);
        float proportion_new = proportional_funtion(doc, token, new_topic);
        double transition_prob = (proportion_new * proposal_old) / (proportion_old * proposal_new);
        double rejection = rand();
        int mask = -(rejection < transition_prob);
        return (new_topic & mask) | (old_topic & ~mask);

    return new_topic;
Beispiel #4
    std::pair<uint, State> Sampler::step(const std::vector<double>& sigmas, const std::vector<double>& betas)
      haveFlushed_ = false;
      // Listen for replies. As soon as a new state comes back,
      // add it to the corresponding chain, and submit a new proposed state

      auto result = requester_.retrieve();
      uint id = result.first;
      double energy = 0.0;
      for (const auto& r : result.second)
        energy += r;


      // Update the parameters for this id
      chains_.setSigma(id, sigmas[id]);
      chains_.setBeta(id, betas[id]);

      // Handle the new proposal and add a new state to the chain
      chains_.append(id, propStates_[id], energy);

      // Check if this chain was locked. If it was locked, it means that
      // the chain above (hotter) locked it so that it can swap with it
      if (locked_[id])
        // Try swapping this chain with the one above it
        chains_.swap(id, id + 1);
        // Unlock this chain, propgating the lock downwards
      else if (chains_.isHottestInStack(id) && chains_.length(id) % swapInterval_ == 0 && chains_.numChains() > 1)
        // The hottest chain is ready to swap. Lock the next chain
        // to prevent it from proposing any more
        locked_[id - 1] = true;

      return {id, chains_.lastState(id)};
Beispiel #5
// word proposal for Sentence-LDA
int MHSampler::word_proposal(SLDADoc& doc, Sentence& sent, int old_topic) {
    int new_topic = old_topic;
    for (const auto& word_id : sent.tokens) {
        new_topic = propose(word_id); // prpose a new topic from alias table
        if (new_topic != old_topic) {
            float proportion_old = proportional_funtion(doc, sent, old_topic);
            float proportion_new = proportional_funtion(doc, sent, new_topic);
            float proposal_old = word_proposal_distribution(word_id, old_topic);
            float proposal_new = word_proposal_distribution(word_id, new_topic);
            double transition_prob = (proportion_new * proposal_old) / 
                                     (proportion_old * proposal_new);

            double rejection = rand();
            int mask = -(rejection < transition_prob);
            new_topic = (new_topic & mask) | (old_topic & ~mask);

    return new_topic;
/** @short Markov Chain Monte Carlo 
		@param rng the GSL random number generator 
		@param p the vector of parameters being searched over 
		@param x the vector of observations */
void mcmc(const gsl_rng *rng, gsl_vector *p, const gsl_vector *x)
	gsl_vector * p_test = gsl_vector_alloc(p->size);
	size_t i;
	gsl_histogram * hist = gsl_histogram_alloc(nbins);
	gsl_histogram_set_ranges_uniform(hist, min, max);

	for(i=0; i < chain_length; i++)
		propose(rng, p_test);
		double lnLikelihoodRatio = ln_lik_fn(p_test, x) - ln_lik_fn(p, x);
		if (take_step(rng, lnLikelihoodRatio))
			p = p_test;
		gsl_histogram_increment(hist, p->data[1]);
	gsl_histogram_fprintf(stdout, hist, "%g", "%g");
Beispiel #7
 Sampler::Sampler(comms::Requester& requester, 
                  std::vector<std::string> jobTypes,
                  ChainArray& chainArray,
                  const ProposalFunction& propFn,
                  uint swapInterval)
   : requester_(requester),
     locked_(nstacks_ * nchains_, false),
   // Start all the chains from hottest to coldest
   for (uint i = 0; i < chains_.numTotalChains(); i++)
     uint c = chains_.numTotalChains() - i - 1;
Beispiel #8
 Eigen::VectorXd GaussianCovProposal::operator()(uint id, const Eigen::VectorXd &sample, double sigma)
   return propose(id, sample, sigma);
Beispiel #9
SEXP hitrun(SEXP alpha, SEXP initial, SEXP nbatch, SEXP blen, SEXP nspac,
    SEXP origin, SEXP basis, SEXP amat, SEXP bvec, SEXP outmat, SEXP debug)
    if (! isReal(alpha))
        error("argument \"alpha\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(initial))
        error("argument \"initial\" must be type double");
    if (! isInteger(nbatch))
        error("argument \"nbatch\" must be type integer");
    if (! isInteger(blen))
        error("argument \"blen\" must be type integer");
    if (! isInteger(nspac))
        error("argument \"nspac\" must be type integer");
    if (! isReal(origin))
        error("argument \"origin\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(basis))
        error("argument \"basis\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(amat))
        error("argument \"amat\" must be type double");
    if (! isReal(bvec))
        error("argument \"bvec\" must be type double");
    if (! (isNull(outmat) | isReal(outmat)))
        error("argument \"outmat\" must be type double or NULL");
    if (! isLogical(debug))
        error("argument \"debug\" must be logical");

    if (! isMatrix(basis))
        error("argument \"basis\" must be matrix");
    if (! isMatrix(amat))
        error("argument \"amat\" must be matrix");
    if (! (isNull(outmat) | isMatrix(outmat)))
        error("argument \"outmat\" must be matrix or NULL");

    int dim_oc = LENGTH(alpha);
    int dim_nc = LENGTH(initial);
    int ncons = nrows(amat);
    if (LENGTH(nbatch) != 1)
        error("argument \"nbatch\" must be scalar");
    if (LENGTH(blen) != 1)
        error("argument \"blen\" must be scalar");
    if (LENGTH(nspac) != 1)
        error("argument \"nspac\" must be scalar");
    if (LENGTH(origin) != dim_oc)
        error("length(origin) != length(alpha)");
    if (nrows(basis) != dim_oc)
        error("nrow(basis) != length(alpha)");
    if (ncols(basis) != dim_nc)
        error("ncol(basis) != length(initial)");
    if (ncols(amat) != dim_nc)
        error("ncol(amat) != length(initial)");
    if (LENGTH(bvec) != ncons)
        error("length(bvec) != nrow(amat)");
    if (LENGTH(debug) != 1)
        error("argument \"debug\" must be scalar");

    int dim_out = dim_oc;
    if (! isNull(outmat)) {
        dim_out = nrows(outmat);
        if (ncols(outmat) != dim_oc)
            error("ncol(outmat) != length(alpha)");

    int int_nbatch = INTEGER(nbatch)[0];
    int int_blen = INTEGER(blen)[0];
    int int_nspac = INTEGER(nspac)[0];
    int int_debug = LOGICAL(debug)[0];
    double *dbl_star_alpha = REAL(alpha);
    double *dbl_star_initial = REAL(initial);
    double *dbl_star_origin = REAL(origin);
    double *dbl_star_basis = REAL(basis);
    double *dbl_star_amat = REAL(amat);
    double *dbl_star_bvec = REAL(bvec);
    int has_outmat = isMatrix(outmat);
    double *dbl_star_outmat = 0;
    if (has_outmat)
        dbl_star_outmat = REAL(outmat);

    if (int_nbatch <= 0)
        error("argument \"nbatch\" must be positive");
    if (int_blen <= 0)
        error("argument \"blen\" must be positive");
    if (int_nspac <= 0)
        error("argument \"nspac\" must be positive");
    check_finite(dbl_star_alpha, dim_oc, "alpha");
    check_positive(dbl_star_alpha, dim_oc, "alpha");
    check_finite(dbl_star_initial, dim_nc, "initial");
    check_finite(dbl_star_origin, dim_oc, "origin");
    check_finite(dbl_star_basis, dim_oc * dim_nc, "basis");
    check_finite(dbl_star_amat, ncons * dim_nc, "amat");
    check_finite(dbl_star_bvec, ncons, "bvec");
    if (has_outmat)
        check_finite(dbl_star_outmat, dim_out * dim_oc, "outmat");

    double *state = (double *) R_alloc(dim_nc, sizeof(double));
    double *proposal = (double *) R_alloc(dim_nc, sizeof(double));
    double *batch_buffer = (double *) R_alloc(dim_out, sizeof(double));
    double *out_buffer = (double *) R_alloc(dim_out, sizeof(double));

    memcpy(state, dbl_star_initial, dim_nc * sizeof(double));
    logh_setup(dbl_star_alpha, dbl_star_origin, dbl_star_basis, dim_oc, dim_nc);
    double current_log_dens = logh(state);

    out_setup(dbl_star_origin, dbl_star_basis, dbl_star_outmat, dim_oc, dim_nc,
        dim_out, has_outmat);

    SEXP result, resultnames, path, save_initial, save_final;

    if (! int_debug) {
        PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
        PROTECT(resultnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 3));
    } else {
        PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 11));
        PROTECT(resultnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 11));
    PROTECT(path = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_out, int_nbatch));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, path);
    PROTECT(save_initial = duplicate(initial));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, save_initial);
    SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 0, mkChar("batch"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 1, mkChar("initial"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 2, mkChar("final"));
    if (int_debug) {
        SEXP spath, ppath, zpath, u1path, u2path, s1path, s2path, gpath;
        int nn = int_nbatch * int_blen * int_nspac;
        PROTECT(spath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 3, spath);
        PROTECT(ppath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 4, ppath);
        PROTECT(zpath = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dim_nc, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 5, zpath);
        PROTECT(u1path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 6, u1path);
        PROTECT(u2path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 7, u2path);
        PROTECT(s1path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 8, s1path);
        PROTECT(s2path = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 9, s2path);
        PROTECT(gpath = allocVector(REALSXP, nn));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 10, gpath);
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 3, mkChar("current"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 4, mkChar("proposal"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 5, mkChar("z"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 6, mkChar("u1"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 7, mkChar("u2"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 8, mkChar("s1"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 9, mkChar("s2"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(resultnames, 10, mkChar(""));
    namesgets(result, resultnames);


    if (current_log_dens == R_NegInf)
        error("log unnormalized density -Inf at initial state");

    for (int ibatch = 0, k = 0; ibatch < int_nbatch; ibatch++) {

        for (int i = 0; i < dim_out; i++)
            batch_buffer[i] = 0.0;

        for (int jbatch = 0; jbatch < int_blen; jbatch++) {

            double proposal_log_dens;

            for (int ispac = 0; ispac < int_nspac; ispac++) {

                /* Note: should never happen! */
                if (current_log_dens == R_NegInf)
                    error("log density -Inf at current state");

                double u1 = R_NaReal;
                double u2 = R_NaReal;
                double smax = R_NaReal;
                double smin = R_NaReal;
                double z[dim_nc];

                propose(state, proposal, dbl_star_amat, dbl_star_bvec,
                    dim_nc, ncons, z, &smax, &smin, &u1);

                proposal_log_dens = logh(proposal);

                int accept = FALSE;
                if (proposal_log_dens != R_NegInf) {
                    if (proposal_log_dens >= current_log_dens) {
                        accept = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        double green = exp(proposal_log_dens
                            - current_log_dens);
                        u2 = unif_rand();
                        accept = u2 < green;

                if (int_debug) {
                    int l = ispac + int_nspac * (jbatch + int_blen * ibatch);
                    int lbase = l * dim_nc;
                    SEXP spath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 3);
                    SEXP ppath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 4);
                    SEXP zpath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 5);
                    SEXP u1path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 6);
                    SEXP u2path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 7);
                    SEXP s1path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 8);
                    SEXP s2path = VECTOR_ELT(result, 9);
                    SEXP gpath = VECTOR_ELT(result, 10);
                    for (int lj = 0; lj < dim_nc; lj++) {
                        REAL(spath)[lbase + lj] = state[lj];
                        REAL(ppath)[lbase + lj] = proposal[lj];
                        REAL(zpath)[lbase + lj] = z[lj];
                    REAL(u1path)[l] = u1;
                    REAL(u2path)[l] = u2;
                    REAL(s1path)[l] = smin;
                    REAL(s2path)[l] = smax;
                    REAL(gpath)[l] = proposal_log_dens - current_log_dens;

                if (accept) {
                    memcpy(state, proposal, dim_nc * sizeof(double));
                    current_log_dens = proposal_log_dens;
            } /* end of inner loop (one iteration) */

            outfun(state, out_buffer);
            for (int j = 0; j < dim_out; j++)
                batch_buffer[j] += out_buffer[j];

        } /* end of middle loop (one batch) */

        for (int j = 0; j < dim_out; j++, k++)
            REAL(path)[k] = batch_buffer[j] / int_blen;

    } /* end of outer loop */


    PROTECT(save_final = allocVector(REALSXP, dim_nc));
    memcpy(REAL(save_final), state, dim_nc * sizeof(double));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, save_final);

    return result;
Beispiel #10
 Eigen::VectorXd GaussianCovProposal::boundedPropose(uint id, const Eigen::VectorXd& sample, double sigma)
   return bouncyBounds(propose(id, sample, sigma), bounds_.min, bounds_.max);
Beispiel #11
ruleset_t *
run_simulated_annealing(int iters, int init_size, int nsamples,
    int nrules, rule_t * rules, rule_t * labels, params_t *params)
	ruleset_t *rs;
	double jump_prob;
	int dummy, i, j, k, iter, iters_per_step, *rs_idarray = NULL, len;
	double log_post_rs, max_log_posterior = -1e9, prefix_bound = 0.0;

	log_post_rs = 0.0;
	iters_per_step = 200;

	/* Initialize random number generator for some distrubitions. */

	/* Initialize the ruleset. */
	if (create_random_ruleset(init_size, nsamples, nrules, rules, &rs) != 0)
		return (NULL);

	log_post_rs = compute_log_posterior(rs,
	    rules, nrules, labels, params, 0, -1, &prefix_bound);
	if (ruleset_backup(rs, &rs_idarray) != 0)
		goto err;
	max_log_posterior = log_post_rs;
	len = rs->n_rules;

	if (debug > 10) {
		printf("Initial ruleset: \n");
		ruleset_print(rs, rules, (debug > 100));

	/* Pre-compute the cooling schedule. */
	double T[100000], tmp[50];
	int ntimepoints = 0;

	tmp[0] = 1;
	for (i = 1; i < 28; i++) {
		tmp[i] = tmp[i - 1] + exp(0.25 * (i + 1));
		for (j = (int)tmp[i - 1]; j < (int)tmp[i]; j++)
			T[ntimepoints++] = 1.0 / (i + 1);

	if (debug > 0)
		printf("iters_per_step = %d, #timepoints = %d\n",
		    iters_per_step, ntimepoints);

	for (k = 0; k < ntimepoints; k++) {
		double tk = T[k];
		for (iter = 0; iter < iters_per_step; iter++) {
    			if ((rs = propose(rs, rules, labels, nrules, &jump_prob,
			    &log_post_rs, max_log_posterior, &dummy, &tk,
			    params, sa_accepts)) == NULL)
			    	goto err;

			if (log_post_rs > max_log_posterior) {
				if (ruleset_backup(rs, &rs_idarray) != 0)
					goto err;
				max_log_posterior = log_post_rs;
				len = rs->n_rules;
	/* Regenerate the best rule list. */
	printf("\n\n/*----The best rule list is: */\n");
	ruleset_init(len, nsamples, rs_idarray, rules, &rs);
	printf("max_log_posterior = %6f\n\n", max_log_posterior);
	printf("max_log_posterior = %6f\n\n",
	    compute_log_posterior(rs, rules,
	    nrules, labels, params, 1, -1, &prefix_bound));
	ruleset_print(rs, rules, (debug > 100));

	return (rs);
	if (rs != NULL)
	if (rs_idarray != NULL)
	return (NULL);
Beispiel #12
ruleset_t *
run_mcmc(int iters, int nsamples, int nrules,
    rule_t *rules, rule_t *labels, params_t *params, double v_star)
	ruleset_t *rs;
	double jump_prob, log_post_rs;
	int *rs_idarray, len, nsuccessful_rej;
	int i, rarray[2], count;
	double max_log_posterior, prefix_bound;

	rs = NULL;
	rs_idarray = NULL;
	log_post_rs = 0.0;
	nsuccessful_rej = 0;
	prefix_bound = -1e10; // This really should be -MAX_DBL
	n_add = n_delete = n_swap = 0;

	/* initialize random number generator for some distributions. */

	/* Initialize the ruleset. */
	if (debug > 10)
		printf("Prefix bound = %10f v_star = %f\n",
		    prefix_bound, v_star);
	 * Construct rulesets with exactly 2 rules -- one drawn from
	 * the permutation and the default rule.
	rarray[1] = 0;
	count = 0;
	while (prefix_bound < v_star) {
		// TODO Gather some stats on how much we loop in here.
		if (rs != NULL) {
			if (count == (nrules - 1))
				return (NULL);
		rarray[0] = rule_permutation[permute_ndx++].ndx;
		if (permute_ndx >= nrules)
			permute_ndx = 1;
		ruleset_init(2, nsamples, rarray, rules, &rs);
		log_post_rs = compute_log_posterior(rs, rules,
		    nrules, labels, params, 0, 1, &prefix_bound);
		if (debug > 10) {
			printf("Initial random ruleset\n");
			ruleset_print(rs, rules, 1);
			printf("Prefix bound = %f v_star = %f\n",
			    prefix_bound, v_star);

	 * The initial ruleset is our best ruleset so far, so keep a
	 * list of the rules it contains.
	if (ruleset_backup(rs, &rs_idarray) != 0)
		goto err;
	max_log_posterior = log_post_rs;
	len = rs->n_rules;

	for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) {
		if ((rs = propose(rs, rules, labels, nrules, &jump_prob,
		    &log_post_rs, max_log_posterior, &nsuccessful_rej,
		    &jump_prob, params, mcmc_accepts)) == NULL)
		    	goto err;

		if (log_post_rs > max_log_posterior) {
			if (ruleset_backup(rs, &rs_idarray) != 0)
				goto err;
			max_log_posterior = log_post_rs;
			len = rs->n_rules;

	/* Regenerate the best rule list */
	ruleset_init(len, nsamples, rs_idarray, rules, &rs);

	if (debug) {
		printf("\n%s%d #add=%d #delete=%d #swap=%d):\n",
		    "The best rule list is (#reject=", nsuccessful_rej,
		    n_add, n_delete, n_swap);

		printf("max_log_posterior = %6f\n", max_log_posterior);
		printf("max_log_posterior = %6f\n",
		    compute_log_posterior(rs, rules,
		    nrules, labels, params, 1, -1, &prefix_bound));
		ruleset_print(rs, rules, (debug > 100));
	return (rs);

	if (rs != NULL)
	if (rs_idarray != NULL)
	return (NULL);