synopsis: push all the game sounds onto the soundCache
	  linked list.  Not that soundCache is passed into
	  pushSound by reference, so that the head pointer
	  can be updated

inputs:   pointer to the soundCache

outputs:  n/a
static void
bufferSounds(struct sound **soundCache)
	pushSound(soundCache, "click-answer", "audio/click-answer.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "click-shuffle", "audio/click-shuffle.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "foundbig", "audio/foundbig.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "found", "audio/found.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "clear", "audio/clearword.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "duplicate", "audio/duplicate.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "badword", "audio/badword.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "shuffle", "audio/shuffle.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "clock-tick", "audio/clock-tick.wav");
	pushSound(soundCache, "foundall", "audio/foundall.wav");
Beispiel #2
static int l_SoundLoadRaw(lua_State * lState)
	const char *szFName = luaL_checkstring(lState, 1);
	unsigned int nSize;

	// open palette file in binary mode
	FILE *dsfSound = fopen(szFName, "rb");

	if(dsfSound == NULL)
		return luaL_error(lState, "Failed to open raw sound file '%s'", szFName);

	fseek(dsfSound, 0, SEEK_END);
	nSize = ftell(dsfSound);
	rewind (dsfSound);

	// create new sound object, Sound obj is responsible for delete memory
	char *data = (char*)malloc(nSize);

	// make sure we have a valid pointer
	if(data == NULL)
		return luaL_error(lState, "Unable to allocate %d bytes for sound memory", nSize);

	// init the memory acquired and read in the data
	size_t nRead = fread(data, 1, nSize, dsfSound);

	// close the file when we are done

	// make sure we read in something
	if(nRead != nSize)
		return luaL_error(lState, "Can only read in %d bytes of tile sound data", nRead);

	// create new sound object, Sound obj is responsible for delete memory
	Sound ** ppSound = NULL;
	ppSound = (Sound**)pushSound(lState);
	*ppSound = (Sound*)malloc(sizeof(Sound));
	if(*ppSound == NULL)
		return luaL_error(lState, "Unable to allocate %d bytes for sound memory", nSize);
	(*ppSound)->data = (void*)data;
	(*ppSound)->size = nSize;

	return 1;