ISR(TWI_vect, ISR_BLOCK) { status_set(true); //uart_send("TWI ISR"); //DUMP_ERROR(); if (TW_STATUS == TW_SR_SLA_ACK) { //uart_send("Got my SLA+W"); command = 0xFF; } else if (TW_STATUS == TW_ST_SLA_ACK) { if (command == 0x0) { //uart_send("Got into a ST with a PUT --- wwwwat"); } else { //uart_send("Got a GET"); if (get_callback) { TWDR = get_callback(); } else { //uart_send("No callback, sending 0xFF"); TWDR = 0xFF; } // For the last data byte we need to set ack to 0 SEND(0, 0); return; } } else if (TW_STATUS == TW_SR_DATA_ACK) { if (command == 0xFF) { command = TWDR; //sprintf(str, "Got command = %x", command); //uart_send(str); } else if (command == 0x0) { //uart_send("Got a PUT"); if (put_callback) { put_callback(TWDR); } } else { //uart_send("WAAAAAAT -- Got a DATA ACK on a GET"); } } else if (TW_STATUS == TW_ST_DATA_ACK) { //uart_send("WTF - Got DATA ACK on ST"); } SEND(1, 0); }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ svalue_t * x_filter_string (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg) /* EFUN: filter() for strings. * * string filter(string arr, string fun, string|object obj, mixed extra, ...) * string filter(string arr, closure cl, mixed extra, ...) * string filter(string arr, mapping map) * * Filter the elements of <arr> through a filter defined by the other * arguments, and return an array of those elements, for which the * filter yields non-zero. * * The filter can be a function call: * * <obj>-><fun>(elem, <extra>...) * * or a mapping query: * * <map>[elem] * * <obj> can both be an object reference or a filename. If omitted, * this_object() is used (this also works if the third argument is * neither a string nor an object). */ { string_t *rc; /* Result string */ string_t *str; /* Argument string */ svalue_t *arg; /* First argument the vm stack */ mp_int slen; /* Argument string length */ char *src, *dest; /* String text work pointers */ char *flags; /* Flag array, one flag for each element of <str> * (in reverse order). */ mp_int res; /* Number of surviving elements */ res = 0; /* Locate the args on the stack, extract the string to filter * and allocate the flags vector. */ arg = sp - num_arg + 1; str = arg->u.str; slen = (mp_int)mstrsize(str); /* Every element in flags is associated by index number with an * element in the vector to filter. The filter function is evaluated * for every string character, and the associated flag is set to 0 * or 1 according to the result. * At the end, all 1-flagged elements are gathered and copied * into the result string. */ if (arg[1].type == T_MAPPING) { mp_int cnt; /* --- Filter by mapping query --- */ mapping_t *m; if (num_arg > 2) { errorf("Too many arguments to filter(array)\n"); } /* Allocate memory for the flag array. Simultaneously an error * handler is pushed onto the stack (after the arguments) for freeing * the buffer in case of runtime errors. */ flags = xalloc_with_error_handler((size_t)slen + 1); if (!flags) { errorf("Out of memory (%zu bytes) for temporary buffer in filter().\n", (size_t)slen + 1); } sp = inter_sp; m = arg[1]; for (src = get_txt(str), cnt = slen; --cnt >= 0; src++) { svalue_t key; put_number(&key, *src); if (get_map_value(m, &key) == &const0) { flags[cnt] = 0; continue; } flags[cnt] = 1; res++; } } else { /* --- Filter by function call --- */ int error_index; callback_t cb; mp_int cnt; assign_eval_cost(); /* setup_efun_callback() will adopt and therefore remove the * arguments from arg+1 on to arg+num_arg from the stack and update * inter_sp. New top-of-stack will be arg. */ error_index = setup_efun_callback(&cb, arg+1, num_arg-1); if (error_index >= 0) { vefun_bad_arg(error_index+2, arg); /* NOTREACHED */ return arg; } /* push the callback structure onto the stack. */ sp = arg + 1; put_callback(sp, &cb); /* Allocate memory for the flag array. Simultaneously an error * handler is pushed onto the stack (after the arguments) for freeing * the buffer in case of runtime errors. */ inter_sp = sp; flags = xalloc_with_error_handler((size_t)slen + 1); if (!flags) { errorf("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT" bytes) for temporary buffer " "in filter().\n", slen + 1); } sp = inter_sp; /* Loop over all elements in p and call the filter. * w is the current element filtered. */ for (src = get_txt(str), cnt = slen; --cnt >= 0; src++) { svalue_t *v; flags[cnt] = 0; if (current_object->flags & O_DESTRUCTED) continue; /* Don't call the filter anymore, but fill the * flags array with 0es. */ if (!callback_object(&cb)) { inter_sp = sp; errorf("object used by filter(array) destructed"); } push_number(inter_sp, *src); v = apply_callback(&cb, 1); if (!v || (v->type == T_NUMBER && !v->u.number) ) continue; flags[cnt] = 1; res++; } } /* flags[] holds the filter results, res is the number of * elements to keep. Now create the result vector. */ rc = alloc_mstring(res); if (!rc) { errorf("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT" bytes) for result in filter().\n", slen+1); } for (src = get_txt(str), dest = get_txt(rc), flags = &flags[slen] ; res > 0 ; src++) { if (*--flags) { *dest++ = *src; res--; } } /* Cleanup. Arguments for the closure have already been removed. On the * stack are now the string, the mapping or callback structure and the * error handler. (Not using pop_n_elems() for 2 elements for saving loop * and function call overhead.) */ free_svalue(sp--); /* errorhandler, buffer and flags are freed by this. */ free_svalue(sp--); /* mapping or callback structure. */ free_mstring(str); /* string, at arg == sp */ sp->u.str = rc; /* put result here */ return sp; } /* x_filter_string() */
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ svalue_t * x_map_struct (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg) /* EFUN map() on structs * * mixed * map(struct arg, string func, string|object ob, mixed extra...) * mixed * map(struct arg, closure cl, mixed extra...) * mixed * map(struct arr, mapping map [, int col]) * * Map the elements of <arr> through a filter defined by the other * arguments, and return an array of the elements returned by the filter. * * The filter can be a function call: * * <obj>-><fun>(elem, <extra>...) * * or a mapping query: * * <map>[elem[,idx]] * * In the mapping case, if <map>[elem[,idx]] does not exist, the original * value is returned in the result. * [Note: argument type and range checking for idx is done in v_map()] * * <obj> can both be an object reference or a filename. If <ob> is * omitted, or neither an object nor a string, then this_object() is used. * * As a bonus, all references to destructed objects in <arr> are replaced * by proper 0es. */ { struct_t *st; struct_t *res; svalue_t *arg; svalue_t *v, *w, *x; mp_int cnt; inter_sp = sp; arg = sp - num_arg + 1; st = arg->u.strct; cnt = (mp_int)struct_size(st); if (arg[1].type == T_MAPPING) { /* --- Map through mapping --- */ mapping_t *m; p_int column = 0; /* mapping column to use */ m = arg[1]; if (num_arg > 2) column = arg[2].u.number; res = struct_new(st->type); if (!res) errorf("(map_struct) Out of memory: struct[%"PRIdMPINT"] for result\n", cnt); push_struct(inter_sp, res); /* In case of errors */ for (w = st->member, x = res->member; --cnt >= 0; w++, x++) { if (destructed_object_ref(w)) assign_svalue(w, &const0); v = get_map_value(m, w); if (v == &const0) assign_svalue_no_free(x, w); else assign_svalue_no_free(x, v + column); } if (num_arg > 2) free_svalue(arg+2); free_svalue(arg+1); /* the mapping */ sp = arg; } else { /* --- Map through function call --- */ callback_t cb; int error_index; error_index = setup_efun_callback(&cb, arg+1, num_arg-1); if (error_index >= 0) { vefun_bad_arg(error_index+2, arg); /* NOTREACHED */ return arg; } inter_sp = sp = arg+1; put_callback(sp, &cb); num_arg = 2; res = struct_new(st->type); if (!res) errorf("(map_struct) Out of memory: struct[%"PRIdMPINT"] for result\n", cnt); push_struct(inter_sp, res); /* In case of errors */ /* Loop through arr and res, mapping the values from arr */ for (w = st->member, x = res->member; --cnt >= 0; w++, x++) { if (current_object->flags & O_DESTRUCTED) continue; if (destructed_object_ref(w)) assign_svalue(w, &const0); if (!callback_object(&cb)) errorf("object used by map_array destructed"); push_svalue(w); v = apply_callback(&cb, 1); if (v) { transfer_svalue_no_free(x, v); v->type = T_INVALID; } } free_callback(&cb); } /* The arguments have been removed already, now just replace * the struct on the stack with the result. */ free_struct(st); arg->u.strct = res; /* Keep svalue type T_STRUCT */ return arg; } /* x_map_struct () */