int send_cmd_hdd_file_send_with_offset(libusb_device_handle* fd, __u8 dir, char *path, __u64 offset) { struct tf_packet req; __u16 packetSize, pad; int pathLen = strlen(path) + 1; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_hdd_file_send_with_offset: %s [%ld]\n",path,offset)); if((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 1 + 2 + pathLen) >= MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Path is too long.\n"); return -1; } packetSize = PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 1 + 2 + pathLen +8; pad = ((packetSize + 1) & ~1 ) - packetSize; //printf("Packet padding: %d\n",pad); pad = 0;//((packetSize + 1) & ~1 ) - packetSize; //printf("Packet padding: %d\n",pad); packetSize +=pad; put_u16(&req.length, packetSize); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_FILE_SEND);[0] = dir; put_u16(&[1], (__u16) pathLen); strcpy((char *) &[3], path); put_u64( &[3+pathLen+pad],offset); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
static byte * mrt_put_bgp4_hdr(byte *buf, struct bgp_conn *conn, int as4) { struct bgp_proto *p = conn->bgp; if (as4) { put_u32(buf+0, p->remote_as); put_u32(buf+4, p->local_as); buf+=8; } else { put_u16(buf+0, (p->remote_as <= 0xFFFF) ? p->remote_as : AS_TRANS); put_u16(buf+2, (p->local_as <= 0xFFFF) ? p->local_as : AS_TRANS); buf+=4; } put_u16(buf+0, (p->neigh && p->neigh->iface) ? p->neigh->iface->index : 0); put_u16(buf+2, BGP_AF); buf+=4; buf = put_ipa(buf, conn->sk ? conn->sk->daddr : IPA_NONE); buf = put_ipa(buf, conn->sk ? conn->sk->saddr : IPA_NONE); return buf; }
int send_cmd_hdd_rename(libusb_device_handle* fd, char *src, char *dst) { struct tf_packet req; __u16 packetSize; __u16 srcLen = strlen(src) + 1; __u16 dstLen = strlen(dst) + 1; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_hdd_rename: %s : %s\n",src,dst)); if((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 2 + srcLen + 2 + dstLen) >= MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Combination of source and destination paths is too long.\n"); return -1; } packetSize = PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 2 + srcLen + 2 + dstLen; packetSize = (packetSize + 1) & ~1; put_u16(&req.length, packetSize); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_RENAME); put_u16(&[0], srcLen); strcpy((char *) &[2], src); put_u16(&[2 + srcLen], dstLen); strcpy((char *) &[2 + srcLen + 2], dst); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_slarp_send_request(isdn_net_local *mlp) { isdn_net_dev *idev; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned char *p; if (list_empty(&mlp->online)) { isdn_BUG(); return; } idev = list_entry(mlp->, isdn_net_dev, online); skb = isdn_net_ciscohdlck_alloc_skb(idev, 4 + 14); if (!skb) return; p = skb_put(skb, 4 + 14); /* cisco header */ p += put_u8 (p, CISCO_ADDR_UNICAST); p += put_u8 (p, CISCO_CTRL); p += put_u16(p, CISCO_TYPE_SLARP); /* slarp request */ p += put_u32(p, CISCO_SLARP_REQUEST); p += put_u32(p, 0); // address p += put_u32(p, 0); // netmask p += put_u16(p, 0); // unused isdn_net_write_super(idev, skb); }
Sophon_Result sophon_insfile_store (Sophon_VM *vm, Sophon_Module *mod, Sophon_IOFunc func, Sophon_Ptr data) { Sophon_U16 i; SOPHON_ASSERT(vm && mod && func); put_u32(func, data, SOPHON_INSFILE_MAGIC); put_u32(func, data, SOPHON_INSFILE_VERSION); if (mod->name) put_str(vm, func, data, mod->name); else put_u32(func, data, 0); put_u16(func, data, mod->const_count); for (i = 0; i < mod->const_count; i++) { put_value(vm, func, data, mod->consts[i]); } put_u16(func, data, mod->func_count); for (i = 0; i < mod->func_count; i++) { put_func(vm, func, data, mod->funcs[i]); } return SOPHON_OK; }
int as_path_convert_to_old(struct adata *path, byte *dst, int *new_used) { byte *src = path->data; byte *src_end = src + path->length; byte *dst_start = dst; u32 as; int i, n; *new_used = 0; while (src < src_end) { n = src[1]; *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { as = get_u32(src); if (as > 0xFFFF) { as = AS_TRANS; *new_used = 1; } put_u16(dst, as); src += 4; dst += 2; } } return dst - dst_start; }
/* * Stores an BIGNUM in the buffer with a 2-byte msb first bit count, followed * by (bits+7)/8 bytes of binary data, msb first. */ int buffer_put_bignum_ret(Buffer *buffer, const BIGNUM *value) { int bits = BN_num_bits(value); int bin_size = (bits + 7) / 8; u_char *buf = xmalloc(bin_size); int oi; char msg[2]; /* Get the value of in binary */ oi = BN_bn2bin(value, buf); if (oi != bin_size) { error("buffer_put_bignum_ret: BN_bn2bin() failed: oi %d != bin_size %d", oi, bin_size); free(buf); return (-1); } /* Store the number of bits in the buffer in two bytes, msb first. */ put_u16(msg, bits); buffer_append(buffer, msg, 2); /* Store the binary data. */ buffer_append(buffer, buf, oi); memset(buf, 0, bin_size); free(buf); return (0); }
/* Convert time_t to Topfield MJD date and time structure */ void time_to_tfdt(const time_t t, struct tf_datetime *dt) { int y, m, d, k, mjd; struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); y = tm->tm_year; m = tm->tm_mon + 1; d = tm->tm_mday; if((m == 1) || (m == 2)) { k = 1; } else { k = 0; } mjd = 14956 + d + ((int) ((y - k) * 365.25)) + ((int) ((m + 1 + k * 12) * 30.6001)); put_u16(&dt->mjd, mjd); dt->hour = tm->tm_hour; dt->minute = tm->tm_min; dt->second = tm->tm_sec; }
int send_cmd_reset(libusb_device_handle* fd) { struct tf_packet req; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_reset\n")); put_u16(&req.length, 8); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_RESET); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
int send_cmd_hdd_size(libusb_device_handle* fd) { struct tf_packet req; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_hdd_size\n")); put_u16(&req.length, 8); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_SIZE); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
/* * Stores integers in the buffer, msb first. */ void buffer_put_short(Buffer *buffer, u_short value) { char buf[2]; put_u16(buf, value); buffer_append(buffer, buf, 2); }
/* Converts 'learn' into a "struct nx_action_learn" and appends that action to * 'ofpacts'. */ void learn_to_nxast(const struct ofpact_learn *learn, struct ofpbuf *openflow) { const struct ofpact_learn_spec *spec; struct nx_action_learn *nal; size_t start_ofs; start_ofs = openflow->size; nal = ofputil_put_NXAST_LEARN(openflow); nal->idle_timeout = htons(learn->idle_timeout); nal->hard_timeout = htons(learn->hard_timeout); nal->fin_idle_timeout = htons(learn->fin_idle_timeout); nal->fin_hard_timeout = htons(learn->fin_hard_timeout); nal->priority = htons(learn->priority); nal->cookie = htonll(learn->cookie); nal->flags = htons(learn->flags); nal->table_id = learn->table_id; for (spec = learn->specs; spec < &learn->specs[learn->n_specs]; spec++) { put_u16(openflow, spec->n_bits | spec->dst_type | spec->src_type); if (spec->src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD) { put_u32(openflow, spec->src.field->nxm_header); put_u16(openflow, spec->src.ofs); } else { size_t n_dst_bytes = 2 * DIV_ROUND_UP(spec->n_bits, 16); uint8_t *bits = ofpbuf_put_zeros(openflow, n_dst_bytes); bitwise_copy(&spec->src_imm, sizeof spec->src_imm, 0, bits, n_dst_bytes, 0, spec->n_bits); } if (spec->dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH || spec->dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD) { put_u32(openflow, spec->dst.field->nxm_header); put_u16(openflow, spec->dst.ofs); } } if ((openflow->size - start_ofs) % 8) { ofpbuf_put_zeros(openflow, 8 - (openflow->size - start_ofs) % 8); } nal = ofpbuf_at_assert(openflow, start_ofs, sizeof *nal); nal->len = htons(openflow->size - start_ofs); }
int send_cmd_turbo(libusb_device_handle* fd, int turbo_on) { struct tf_packet req; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_turbo\n")); put_u16(&req.length, 12); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_TURBO); put_u32(&, turbo_on); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
static void store_var (Sophon_VM *vm, Sophon_HashEntry *ent, Sophon_Ptr ptr) { StoreVarParams *p = (StoreVarParams*)ptr; Sophon_String *name = (Sophon_String*)ent->key; Sophon_U16 id = (Sophon_U16)(Sophon_UIntPtr)ent->value; put_str(vm, p->func, p->data, name); put_u16(p->func, p->data, id); }
ssize_t send_cmd_hdd_size(int fd) { struct tf_packet req; trace(2, fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __func__)); put_u16(&req.length, 8); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_SIZE); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
bool wav_dump( const char* filename, int bytespersample, int channels, int freq, void const* data, int bytecnt) { // room for file header, fmt chunk and data chunk header uint8_t buf[(8+4)+(8+18) + 8]; uint8_t* p=buf; p=put_4CC(p,"RIFF"); p=put_u32(p,4 + (8+18) + (8+bytecnt)); p=put_4CC(p,"WAVE"); // fmt chunk p=put_4CC(p,"fmt "); p=put_u32(p,18); // chunksize p=put_u16(p,0x0001); // wFormatTag (WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) p=put_u16(p,channels); // nChannels p=put_u32(p,freq); // nSamplesPerSec p=put_u32(p,freq*channels*bytespersample); // nAvgBytesPerSec p=put_u16(p,bytespersample*channels); // nBlockAlign p=put_u16(p,bytespersample*8); // wBitsPerSample p=put_u16(p,0); // cbSize // data chunk (header only) p=put_4CC(p,"data"); p=put_u32(p,bytecnt); FILE* fp = fopen(filename,"wb"); if (!fp) return false; if (fwrite(buf,sizeof(buf),1,fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); return false; } if (fwrite(data,bytecnt,1,fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; }
ssize_t send_cmd_turbo(int fd, int turbo_on) { struct tf_packet req; trace(2, fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __func__)); put_u16(&req.length, 12); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_TURBO); put_u32(&, turbo_on); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
/* Given a Topfield protocol packet, this function will calculate the required * CRC and send the packet out over a bulk pipe. */ ssize_t send_tf_packet(int fd, struct tf_packet *packet) { unsigned int pl = get_u16(&packet->length); ssize_t byte_count = (pl + 1) & ~1; trace(3, fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __func__)); put_u16(&packet->crc, get_crc(packet)); print_packet(packet, "OUT>"); swap_out_packet(packet); return usb_bulk_write(fd, 0x01, (__u8 *) packet, byte_count, TF_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); }
int send_cmd_hdd_file_send(libusb_device_handle* fd, __u8 dir, char *path) { struct tf_packet req; __u16 packetSize; int pathLen = strlen(path) + 1; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_hdd_file_send: %s \n",path)); if((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 1 + 2 + pathLen) >= MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Path is too long.\n"); return -1; } packetSize = PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 1 + 2 + pathLen; packetSize = (packetSize + 1) & ~1; put_u16(&req.length, packetSize); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_FILE_SEND);[0] = dir; put_u16(&[1], (__u16) pathLen); strcpy((char *) &[3], path); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
int send_cmd_hdd_create_dir(libusb_device_handle* fd, char *path) { struct tf_packet req; __u16 packetSize; __u16 pathLen = strlen(path) + 1; trace(3, printf("send_cmd_hdd_create_dir: %s\n",path)); if((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 2 + pathLen) >= MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Path is too long.\n"); return -1; } packetSize = PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 2 + pathLen; packetSize = (packetSize + 1) & ~1; put_u16(&req.length, packetSize); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_CREATE_DIR); put_u16(&[0], pathLen); strcpy((char *) &[2], path); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
u8 *translateTree(AST *tree) { FILE *fp = NULL; u16 i, j, k; u8 *bin = NULL; u32 binlen; fp = tmpfile(); if (fp == NULL) return NULL; put_u32(0, fp); put_u32(0, fp); for (i = 0; i < tree->ngames; i++) { putFireStr(toFireStr(tree->games[i].s), fp); put_u16(tree->games[i].ncheats, fp); for (j = 0; j < tree->games[i].ncheats; j++) { putFireStr(toFireStr(tree->games[i].cheats[j].s), fp); put_u16(tree->games[i].cheats[j].ncodes, fp); for (k = 0; k < tree->games[i].cheats[j].ncodes; k++) { put_u32(tree->games[i].cheats[j].codes[2 * k], fp); put_u32(tree->games[i].cheats[j].codes[(2 * k) + 1], fp); } } } put_u32(BIN_MKR_EOF, fp); binlen = ftell(fp); bin = (u8*) readFromFile(fp, 0, binlen); if (bin == NULL) return NULL; fclose(fp); // Delete temporary file *(u32*) &bin[0] = binlen - 8; *(u32*) &bin[4] = get_crc32(bin + 8, binlen - 8); return bin; }
ssize_t send_cmd_hdd_create_dir(const int fd, const char *path) { struct tf_packet req; __u16 packetSize; __u16 pathLen = strlen(path) + 1; trace(2, fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __func__)); if((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 2 + pathLen) >= MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Path is too long.\n"); return -1; } packetSize = PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 2 + pathLen; packetSize = (packetSize + 1) & ~1; put_u16(&req.length, packetSize); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_CREATE_DIR); put_u16(&[0], pathLen); strcpy((char *) &[2], path); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
static int isdn_ciscohdlck_header(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, unsigned short type, void *daddr, void *saddr, unsigned plen) { unsigned char *p = skb_push(skb, 4); p += put_u8 (p, CISCO_ADDR_UNICAST); p += put_u8 (p, CISCO_CTRL); p += put_u16(p, type); return 4; }
static void isdn_net_ciscohdlck_slarp_send_reply(isdn_net_dev *idev) { isdn_net_local *mlp = idev->mlp; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned char *p; struct in_device *in_dev = NULL; u32 addr = 0; /* local ipv4 address */ u32 mask = 0; /* local netmask */ if ((in_dev = mlp->dev.ip_ptr) != NULL) { /* take primary(first) address of interface */ struct in_ifaddr *ifa = in_dev->ifa_list; if (ifa != NULL) { addr = ifa->ifa_local; mask = ifa->ifa_mask; } } skb = isdn_net_ciscohdlck_alloc_skb(idev, 4 + 14); if (!skb) return; p = skb_put(skb, 4 + 14); /* cisco header */ p += put_u8 (p, CISCO_ADDR_UNICAST); p += put_u8 (p, CISCO_CTRL); p += put_u16(p, CISCO_TYPE_SLARP); /* slarp reply, send own ip/netmask; if values are nonsense remote * should think we are unable to provide it with an address via SLARP */ p += put_u32(p, CISCO_SLARP_REPLY); p += put_u32(p, addr); // address p += put_u32(p, mask); // netmask p += put_u16(p, 0); // unused isdn_net_write_super(idev, skb); }
ssize_t send_cmd_hdd_file_send(const int fd, __u8 dir, const char *path) { struct tf_packet req; __u16 packetSize; int pathLen = strlen(path) + 1; trace(2, fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __func__)); if((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 1 + 2 + pathLen) >= MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Path is too long.\n"); return -1; } packetSize = PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 1 + 2 + pathLen; packetSize = (packetSize + 1) & ~1; put_u16(&req.length, packetSize); put_u32(&req.cmd, CMD_HDD_FILE_SEND);[0] = dir; put_u16(&[1], pathLen); strcpy((char *) &[3], path); return send_tf_packet(fd, &req); }
static void put_str (Sophon_VM *vm, Sophon_IOFunc func, Sophon_Ptr data, Sophon_String *str) { Sophon_Char *cstr; Sophon_U32 len; Sophon_U16 c; cstr = sophon_string_chars(vm, str); len = sophon_string_length(vm, str); put_u32(func, data, len); while (len--) { c = *cstr++; put_u16(func, data, c); } }
/* Given a Topfield protocol packet, this function will calculate the required * CRC and send the packet out over a bulk pipe. */ int send_tf_packet(libusb_device_handle* fd, struct tf_packet *packet) { unsigned int pl = get_u16(&packet->length); size_t byte_count = (pl + 1) & ~1; put_u16(&packet->crc, get_crc(packet)); if (verbose>2) print_packet(packet, "OUT>"); swap_out_packet(packet); if (fd==0) return -1; return usb_bulk_write(fd, 0x01, (__u8 *) packet, byte_count, default_timeout()); }
static void put_func (Sophon_VM *vm, Sophon_IOFunc func, Sophon_Ptr data, Sophon_Function *f) { StoreVarParams svp; Sophon_U16 i; SOPHON_ASSERT(!(f->flags & SOPHON_FUNC_FL_NATIVE)); if (f->name) put_str(vm, func, data, f->name); else put_u32(func, data, 0); put_u8(func, data, f->flags); put_u8(func, data, f->argc); put_u16(func, data, f->varc); put_u16(func, data, f->stack_size); put_u16(func, data, f->ibuf_size); SOPHON_ASSERT(f->var_hash.count == f->varc + f->argc); svp.func = func; = data; sophon_hash_for_each(vm, &f->var_hash, store_var, &svp); func(data, f->f.ibuf, f->ibuf_size); #ifdef SOPHON_LINE_INFO put_u16(func, data, f->lbuf_size); for (i = 0; i < f->lbuf_size; i++) { put_u16(func, data, f->lbuf[i].line); put_u16(func, data, f->lbuf[i].offset); } #endif }
static inline void put_time16(void *p, u16 v) { put_u16(p, v * BABEL_TIME_UNITS); }
static int put_file_func (CameraFilesystem *fs, const char *folder, const char *filename, CameraFile *file, void *data, GPContext *context) { Camera *camera = data; /* * Upload the file to the camera. Use gp_file_get_data_and_size etc. */ int result = -EPROTO; time_t startTime = time(NULL); enum { START, DATA, END, FINISHED } state; int src = -1; int r; int update = 0; struct stat srcStat; __u64 fileSize; __u64 byteCount = 0; const char *filename; char *path; struct tf_packet reply; if(0 != fstat(src, &srcStat)) { gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Can not examine source file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); result = errno; goto out; } fileSize = srcStat.st_size; if(fileSize == 0) { gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Source file is empty - not transfering.\n"); result = -ENODATA; goto out; } path = get_path (camera, folder, filename); r = send_cmd_hdd_file_send(camera, PUT, path, context); if(r < 0) goto out; state = START; while(0 < get_tf_packet(camera, &reply, context)) { update = (update + 1) % 16; switch (get_u32(&reply.cmd)) { case SUCCESS: switch (state) { case START: { /* Send start */ struct typefile *tf = (struct typefile *); put_u16(&packet.length, PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 114); put_u32(&packet.cmd, DATA_HDD_FILE_START); time_to_tfdt(srcStat.st_mtime, &tf->stamp); tf->filetype = 2; put_u64(&tf->size, srcStat.st_size); strncpy((char *) tf->name, path, 94); tf->name[94] = '\0'; tf->unused = 0; tf->attrib = 0; gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "topfield", "%s: DATA_HDD_FILE_START\n", __func__); r = send_tf_packet(camera, &packet, context); if(r < 0) { gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Incomplete send.\n"); goto out; } state = DATA; break; } case DATA: { int payloadSize = sizeof( - 9; ssize_t w = read(src, &[8], payloadSize); /* Detect a Topfield protcol bug and prevent the sending of packets that are a multiple of 512 bytes. */ if((w > 4) && (((((PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 8 + w) + 1) & ~1) % 0x200) == 0)) { lseek(src, -4, SEEK_CUR); w -= 4; payloadSize -= 4; } put_u16(&packet.length, PACKET_HEAD_SIZE + 8 + w); put_u32(&packet.cmd, DATA_HDD_FILE_DATA); put_u64(, byteCount); byteCount += w; /* Detect EOF and transition to END */ if((w < 0) || (byteCount >= fileSize)) { state = END; } if(w > 0) { gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "topfield", "%s: DATA_HDD_FILE_DATA\n", __func__); r = send_tf_packet(camera, &packet, context); if(r < w) { gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Incomplete send.\n"); goto out; } } if(!update && !quiet) { progressStats(fileSize, byteCount, startTime); } break; } case END: /* Send end */ put_u16(&packet.length, PACKET_HEAD_SIZE); put_u32(&packet.cmd, DATA_HDD_FILE_END); gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "topfield", "%s: DATA_HDD_FILE_END\n", __func__); r = send_tf_packet(camera, &packet, context); if(r < 0) { gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Incomplete send.\n"); goto out; } state = FINISHED; break; case FINISHED: result = 0; goto out; break; } break; case FAIL: gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Device reports %s\n", decode_error(&reply)); goto out; break; default: gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "topfield", "ERROR: Unhandled packet (%d)\n", get_u32(&reply.cmd)); break; } } finalStats(byteCount, startTime); out: close(src); return result; }