Beispiel #1
/* Subroutine */ int qawo_(E_fp f, real *a, real *b, real *omega, integer *
	integr, real *epsabs, real *epsrel, real *result, real *abserr, 
	integer *neval, integer *ier, integer *leniw, integer *maxp1, integer 
	*lenw, integer *last, integer *iwork, real *work)
    extern /* Subroutine */ int qawoe_(E_fp, real *, real *, real *, integer *
	    , real *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *,
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *, real *, real *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, real *);
    integer limit, l1, l2, l3, l4, momcom;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int xerror_(char *, integer *, integer *, integer 
	    *, ftnlen);
    integer lvl;

/* ***begin prologue  qawo */
/* ***date written   800101   (yymmdd) */
/* ***revision date  830518   (yymmdd) */
/* ***category no.  h2a2a1 */
/* ***keywords  automatic integrator, special-purpose, */
/*             integrand with oscillatory cos or sin factor, */
/*             clenshaw-curtis method, (end point) singularities, */
/*             extrapolation, globally adaptive */
/* ***author  piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven */
/*           de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven */
/* ***purpose  the routine calculates an approximation result to a given */
/*            definite integral */
/*            i = integral of f(x)*w(x) over (a,b) */
/*            where w(x) = cos(omega*x) or w(x) = sin(omega*x), */
/*            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy */
/*            abs(i-result).le.max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)). */
/* ***description */

/*        computation of oscillatory integrals */
/*        standard fortran subroutine */
/*        real version */

/*        parameters */
/*         on entry */
/*            f      - real */
/*                     function subprogram defining the function */
/*                     f(x).  the actual name for f needs to be */
/*                     declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program. */

/*            a      - real */
/*                     lower limit of integration */

/*            b      - real */
/*                     upper limit of integration */

/*            omega  - real */
/*                     parameter in the integrand weight function */

/*            integr - integer */
/*                     indicates which of the weight functions is used */
/*                     integr = 1      w(x) = cos(omega*x) */
/*                     integr = 2      w(x) = sin(omega*x) */
/*                     if, the routine will */
/*                     end with ier = 6. */

/*            epsabs - real */
/*                     absolute accuracy requested */
/*            epsrel - real */
/*                     relative accuracy requested */
/*                     if epsabs.le.0 and */
/*           *rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28), */
/*                     the routine will end with ier = 6. */

/*         on return */
/*            result - real */
/*                     approximation to the integral */

/*            abserr - real */
/*                     estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, */
/*                     which should equal or exceed abs(i-result) */

/*            neval  - integer */
/*                     number of  integrand evaluations */

/*            ier    - integer */
/*                     ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the */
/*                             routine. it is assumed that the requested */
/*                             accuracy has been achieved. */
/*                   - abnormal termination of the routine. */
/*                             the estimates for integral and error are */
/*                             less reliable. it is assumed that the */
/*                             requested accuracy has not been achieved. */
/*            error messages */
/*                     ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed */
/*                             (= leniw/2) has been achieved. one can */
/*                             allow more subdivisions by increasing the */
/*                             value of leniw (and taking the according */
/*                             dimension adjustments into account). */
/*                             however, if this yields no improvement it */
/*                             is advised to analyze the integrand in */
/*                             order to determine the integration */
/*                             difficulties. if the position of a local */
/*                             difficulty can be determined (e.g. */
/*                             singularity, discontinuity within the */
/*                             interval) one will probably gain from */
/*                             splitting up the interval at this point */
/*                             and calling the integrator on the */
/*                             subranges. if possible, an appropriate */
/*                             special-purpose integrator should be used */
/*                             which is designed for handling the type of */
/*                             difficulty involved. */
/*                         = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is */
/*                             detected, which prevents the requested */
/*                             tolerance from being achieved. */
/*                             the error may be under-estimated. */
/*                         = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs */
/*                             at some interior points of the */
/*                             integration interval. */
/*                         = 4 the algorithm does not converge. */
/*                             roundoff error is detected in the */
/*                             extrapolation table. it is presumed that */
/*                             the requested tolerance cannot be achieved */
/*                             due to roundoff in the extrapolation */
/*                             table, and that the returned result is */
/*                             the best which can be obtained. */
/*                         = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or */
/*                             slowly convergent. it must be noted that */
/*                             divergence can occur with any other value */
/*                             of ier. */
/*                         = 6 the input is invalid, because */
/*                             (epsabs.le.0 and */
/*                    *rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28)) */
/*                             or ( and, */
/*                             or or or */
/*                   *2+maxp1*25. */
/*                             result, abserr, neval, last are set to */
/*                             zero. except when leniw, maxp1 or lenw are */
/*                             invalid, work(limit*2+1), work(limit*3+1), */
/*                             iwork(1), iwork(limit+1) are set to zero, */
/*                             work(1) is set to a and work(limit+1) to */
/*                             b. */

/*         dimensioning parameters */
/*            leniw  - integer */
/*                     dimensioning parameter for iwork. */
/*                     leniw/2 equals the maximum number of subintervals */
/*                     allowed in the partition of the given integration */
/*                     interval (a,b), */
/*                     if, the routine will end with ier = 6. */

/*            maxp1  - integer */
/*                     gives an upper bound on the number of chebyshev */
/*                     moments which can be stored, i.e. for the */
/*                     intervals of lengths abs(b-a)*2**(-l), */
/*                     l=0,1, ..., maxp1-2, */
/*                     if, the routine will end with ier = 6. */

/*            lenw   - integer */
/*                     dimensioning parameter for work */
/*                     lenw must be at least leniw*2+maxp1*25. */
/*                     if*2+maxp1*25), the routine will */
/*                     end with ier = 6. */

/*            last   - integer */
/*                     on return, last equals the number of subintervals */
/*                     produced in the subdivision process, which */
/*                     determines the number of significant elements */
/*                     actually in the work arrays. */

/*         work arrays */
/*            iwork  - integer */
/*                     vector of dimension at least leniw */
/*                     on return, the first k elements of which contain */
/*                     pointers to the error estimates over the */
/*                     subintervals, such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)), .. */
/*                     work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing */
/*                     sequence, with limit = lenw/2 , and k = last */
/*                     if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last */
/*                     otherwise. */
/*                     furthermore, iwork(limit+1), ..., iwork(limit+ */
/*                     last) indicate the subdivision levels of the */
/*                     subintervals, such that iwork(limit+i) = l means */
/*                     that the subinterval numbered i is of length */
/*                     abs(b-a)*2**(1-l). */

/*            work   - real */
/*                     vector of dimension at least lenw */
/*                     on return */
/*                     work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left */
/*                      end points of the subintervals in the */
/*                      partition of (a,b), */
/*                     work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain */
/*                      the right end points, */
/*                     work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain */
/*                      the integral approximations over the */
/*                      subintervals, */
/*                     work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last) */
/*                      contain the error estimates. */
/*                     work(limit*4+1), ..., work(limit*4+maxp1*25) */
/*                      provide space for storing the chebyshev moments. */
/*                     note that limit = lenw/2. */

/* ***references  (none) */
/* ***routines called  qawoe,xerror */
/* ***end prologue  qawo */

/*         check validity of leniw, maxp1 and lenw. */

/* ***first executable statement  qawo */
    /* Parameter adjustments */

    /* Function Body */
    *ier = 6;
    *neval = 0;
    *last = 0;
    *result = (float)0.;
    *abserr = (float)0.;
    if (*leniw < 2 || *maxp1 < 1 || *lenw < (*leniw << 1) + *maxp1 * 25) {
	goto L10;

/*         prepare call for qawoe */

    limit = *leniw / 2;
    l1 = limit + 1;
    l2 = limit + l1;
    l3 = limit + l2;
    l4 = limit + l3;
    qawoe_((E_fp)f, a, b, omega, integr, epsabs, epsrel, &limit, &c__1, maxp1,
	     result, abserr, neval, ier, last, &work[1], &work[l1], &work[l2],
	     &work[l3], &iwork[1], &iwork[l1], &momcom, &work[l4]);

/*         call error handler if necessary */

    lvl = 0;
    if (*ier == 6) {
	lvl = 1;
    if (*ier != 0) {
	xerror_("abnormal return from  qawo", &c__26, ier, &lvl, (ftnlen)26);
    return 0;
} /* qawo_ */
Beispiel #2
/* Subroutine */ int qawfe_(U_fp f, real *a, real *omega, integer *integr, 
	real *epsabs, integer *limlst, integer *limit, integer *maxp1, real *
	result, real *abserr, integer *neval, integer *ier, real *rslst, real 
	*erlst, integer *ierlst, integer *lst, real *alist__, real *blist, 
	real *rlist, real *elist, integer *iord, integer *nnlog, real *chebmo)
    /* Initialized data */

    static real p = (float).9;
    static real pi = (float)3.1415926535897932;

    /* System generated locals */
    integer chebmo_dim1, chebmo_offset, i__1;
    real r__1, r__2;

    /* Local variables */
    real fact, epsa;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int qelg_(integer *, real *, real *, real *, real 
	    *, integer *);
    integer last, nres;
    real psum[52];
    integer l;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int qagie_(U_fp, real *, integer *, real *, real *
	    , integer *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *,
	     real *, real *, integer *, integer *);
    real cycle;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int qawoe_(U_fp, real *, real *, real *, integer *
	    , real *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *,
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *, real *, real *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, real *);
    integer ktmin;
    real c1, c2, uflow, p1;
    extern doublereal r1mach_(integer *);
    real res3la[3];
    integer numrl2;
    real dl, ep;
    integer ll;
    real abseps, correc;
    integer momcom;
    real reseps, errsum, dla, drl, eps;
    integer nev;

/* ***begin prologue  qawfe */
/* ***date written   800101   (yymmdd) */
/* ***revision date  830518   (yymmdd) */
/* ***category no.  h2a3a1 */
/* ***keywords  automatic integrator, special-purpose, */
/*             fourier integrals, */
/*             integration between zeros with dqawoe, */
/*             convergence acceleration with dqelg */
/* ***author  piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven */
/*           dedoncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven */
/* ***purpose  the routine calculates an approximation result to a */
/*            given fourier integal */
/*            i = integral of f(x)*w(x) over (a,infinity) */
/*             where w(x) = cos(omega*x) or w(x) = sin(omega*x), */
/*            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy */
/*            abs(i-result).le.epsabs. */
/* ***description */

/*        computation of fourier integrals */
/*        standard fortran subroutine */
/*        real version */

/*        parameters */
/*         on entry */
/*            f      - real */
/*                     function subprogram defining the integrand */
/*                     function f(x). the actual name for f needs to */
/*                     be declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program. */

/*            a      - real */
/*                     lower limit of integration */

/*            omega  - real */
/*                     parameter in the weight function */

/*            integr - integer */
/*                     indicates which weight function is used */
/*                     integr = 1      w(x) = cos(omega*x) */
/*                     integr = 2      w(x) = sin(omega*x) */
/*                     if, the routine will */
/*                     end with ier = 6. */

/*            epsabs - real */
/*                     absolute accuracy requested, */
/*                     if epsabs.le.0, the routine will end with ier = 6. */

/*            limlst - integer */
/*                     limlst gives an upper bound on the number of */
/*                     cycles, */
/*                     if, the routine will end with ier = 6. */

/*            limit  - integer */
/*                     gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals */
/*                     allowed in the partition of each cycle, */
/*                     each cycle, */

/*            maxp1  - integer */
/*                     gives an upper bound on the number of */
/*                     chebyshev moments which can be stored, i.e. */
/*                     for the intervals of lengths abs(b-a)*2**(-l), */
/*                     l=0,1, ..., maxp1-2, */

/*         on return */
/*            result - real */
/*                     approximation to the integral x */

/*            abserr - real */
/*                     estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, */
/*                     which should equal or exceed abs(i-result) */

/*            neval  - integer */
/*                     number of integrand evaluations */

/*            ier    - ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of */
/*                             the routine. it is assumed that the */
/*                             requested accuracy has been achieved. */
/*            abnormal termination of the routine. the */
/*                             estimates for integral and error are less */
/*                             reliable. it is assumed that the requested */
/*                             accuracy has not been achieved. */
/*            error messages */
/*                    if */
/*                     ier = 1 maximum number of  cycles  allowed */
/*                             has been achieved., i.e. of subintervals */
/*                             (a+(k-1)c,a+kc) where */
/*                             c = (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega), */
/*                             for k = 1, 2, ..., lst. */
/*                             one can allow more cycles by increasing */
/*                             the value of limlst (and taking the */
/*                             according dimension adjustments into */
/*                             account). */
/*                             examine the array iwork which contains */
/*                             the error flags on the cycles, in order to */
/*                             look for eventual local integration */
/*                             difficulties. if the position of a local */
/*                             difficulty can be determined (e.g. */
/*                             singularity, discontinuity within the */
/*                             interval) one will probably gain from */
/*                             splitting up the interval at this point */
/*                             and calling appropriate integrators on */
/*                             the subranges. */
/*                         = 4 the extrapolation table constructed for */
/*                             convergence acceleration of the series */
/*                             formed by the integral contributions over */
/*                             the cycles, does not converge to within */
/*                             the requested accuracy. as in the case of */
/*                             ier = 1, it is advised to examine the */
/*                             array iwork which contains the error */
/*                             flags on the cycles. */
/*                         = 6 the input is invalid because */
/*                             ( and or */
/*                              epsabs.le.0 or */
/*                              result, abserr, neval, lst are set */
/*                              to zero. */
/*                         = 7 bad integrand behaviour occurs within one */
/*                             or more of the cycles. location and type */
/*                             of the difficulty involved can be */
/*                             determined from the vector ierlst. here */
/*                             lst is the number of cycles actually */
/*                             needed (see below). */
/*                             ierlst(k) = 1 the maximum number of */
/*                                           subdivisions (= limit) has */
/*                                           been achieved on the k th */
/*                                           cycle. */
/*                                       = 2 occurrence of roundoff error */
/*                                           is detected and prevents the */
/*                                           tolerance imposed on the */
/*                                           k th cycle, from being */
/*                                           achieved. */
/*                                       = 3 extremely bad integrand */
/*                                           behaviour occurs at some */
/*                                           points of the k th cycle. */
/*                                       = 4 the integration procedure */
/*                                           over the k th cycle does */
/*                                           not converge (to within the */
/*                                           required accuracy) due to */
/*                                           roundoff in the */
/*                                           extrapolation procedure */
/*                                           invoked on this cycle. it */
/*                                           is assumed that the result */
/*                                           on this interval is the */
/*                                           best which can be obtained. */
/*                                       = 5 the integral over the k th */
/*                                           cycle is probably divergent */
/*                                           or slowly convergent. it */
/*                                           must be noted that */
/*                                           divergence can occur with */
/*                                           any other value of */
/*                                           ierlst(k). */
/*                    if omega = 0 and integr = 1, */
/*                    the integral is calculated by means of dqagie */
/*                    and ier = ierlst(1) (with meaning as described */
/*                    for ierlst(k), k = 1). */

/*            rslst  - real */
/*                     vector of dimension at least limlst */
/*                     rslst(k) contains the integral contribution */
/*                     over the interval (a+(k-1)c,a+kc) where */
/*                     c = (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega), */
/*                     k = 1, 2, ..., lst. */
/*                     note that, if omega = 0, rslst(1) contains */
/*                     the value of the integral over (a,infinity). */

/*            erlst  - real */
/*                     vector of dimension at least limlst */
/*                     erlst(k) contains the error estimate corresponding */
/*                     with rslst(k). */

/*            ierlst - integer */
/*                     vector of dimension at least limlst */
/*                     ierlst(k) contains the error flag corresponding */
/*                     with rslst(k). for the meaning of the local error */
/*                     flags see description of output parameter ier. */

/*            lst    - integer */
/*                     number of subintervals needed for the integration */
/*                     if omega = 0 then lst is set to 1. */

/*            alist, blist, rlist, elist - real */
/*                     vector of dimension at least limit, */

/*            iord, nnlog - integer */
/*                     vector of dimension at least limit, providing */
/*                     space for the quantities needed in the subdivision */
/*                     process of each cycle */

/*            chebmo - real */
/*                     array of dimension at least (maxp1,25), providing */
/*                     space for the chebyshev moments needed within the */
/*                     cycles */

/* ***references  (none) */
/* ***routines called  qagie,qawoe,qelg,r1mach */
/* ***end prologue  qawfe */

/*            the dimension of  psum  is determined by the value of */
/*            limexp in subroutine qelg (psum must be */
/*            of dimension (limexp+2) at least). */

/*           list of major variables */
/*           ----------------------- */

/*           c1, c2    - end points of subinterval (of length */
/*                       cycle) */
/*           cycle     - (2*int(abs(omega))+1)*pi/abs(omega) */
/*           psum      - vector of dimension at least (limexp+2) */
/*                       (see routine qelg) */
/*                       psum contains the part of the epsilon */
/*                       table which is still needed for further */
/*                       computations. */
/*                       each element of psum is a partial sum of */
/*                       the series which should sum to the value of */
/*                       the integral. */
/*           errsum    - sum of error estimates over the */
/*                       subintervals, calculated cumulatively */
/*           epsa      - absolute tolerance requested over current */
/*                       subinterval */
/*           chebmo    - array containing the modified chebyshev */
/*                       moments (see also routine qc25f) */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    chebmo_dim1 = *maxp1;
    chebmo_offset = 1 + chebmo_dim1 * 1;
    chebmo -= chebmo_offset;

    /* Function Body */

/*           test on validity of parameters */
/*           ------------------------------ */

/* ***first executable statement  qawfe */
    *result = (float)0.;
    *abserr = (float)0.;
    *neval = 0;
    *lst = 0;
    *ier = 0;
    if (*integr != 1 && *integr != 2 || *epsabs <= (float)0. || *limlst < 3) {
	*ier = 6;
    if (*ier == 6) {
	goto L999;
    if (*omega != (float)0.) {
	goto L10;

/*           integration by qagie if omega is zero */
/*           -------------------------------------- */

    if (*integr == 1) {
	qagie_((U_fp)f, &c_b4, &c__1, epsabs, &c_b4, limit, result, abserr, 
		neval, ier, &alist__[1], &blist[1], &rlist[1], &elist[1], &
		iord[1], &last);
    rslst[1] = *result;
    erlst[1] = *abserr;
    ierlst[1] = *ier;
    *lst = 1;
    goto L999;

/*           initializations */
/*           --------------- */

    l = dabs(*omega);
    dl = (real) ((l << 1) + 1);
    cycle = dl * pi / dabs(*omega);
    *ier = 0;
    ktmin = 0;
    *neval = 0;
    numrl2 = 0;
    nres = 0;
    c1 = *a;
    c2 = cycle + *a;
    p1 = (float)1. - p;
    eps = *epsabs;
    uflow = r1mach_(&c__1);
    if (*epsabs > uflow / p1) {
	eps = *epsabs * p1;
    ep = eps;
    fact = (float)1.;
    correc = (float)0.;
    *abserr = (float)0.;
    errsum = (float)0.;

/*           main do-loop */
/*           ------------ */

    i__1 = *limlst;
    for (*lst = 1; *lst <= i__1; ++(*lst)) {

/*           integrate over current subinterval. */

	dla = (real) (*lst);
	epsa = eps * fact;
	qawoe_((U_fp)f, &c1, &c2, omega, integr, &epsa, &c_b4, limit, lst, 
		maxp1, &rslst[*lst], &erlst[*lst], &nev, &ierlst[*lst], &last,
		 &alist__[1], &blist[1], &rlist[1], &elist[1], &iord[1], &
		nnlog[1], &momcom, &chebmo[chebmo_offset]);
	*neval += nev;
	fact *= p;
	errsum += erlst[*lst];
	drl = (r__1 = rslst[*lst], dabs(r__1)) * (float)50.;

/*           test on accuracy with partial sum */

	if (errsum + drl <= *epsabs && *lst >= 6) {
	    goto L80;
/* Computing MAX */
	r__1 = correc, r__2 = erlst[*lst];
	correc = dmax(r__1,r__2);
	if (ierlst[*lst] != 0) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    r__1 = ep, r__2 = correc * p1;
	    eps = dmax(r__1,r__2);
	if (ierlst[*lst] != 0) {
	    *ier = 7;
	if (*ier == 7 && errsum + drl <= correc * (float)10. && *lst > 5) {
	    goto L80;
	if (*lst > 1) {
	    goto L20;
	psum[0] = rslst[1];
	goto L40;
	psum[numrl2 - 1] = psum[ll - 1] + rslst[*lst];
	if (*lst == 2) {
	    goto L40;

/*           test on maximum number of subintervals */

	if (*lst == *limlst) {
	    *ier = 1;

/*           perform new extrapolation */

	qelg_(&numrl2, psum, &reseps, &abseps, res3la, &nres);

/*           test whether extrapolated result is influenced by */
/*           roundoff */

	if (ktmin >= 15 && *abserr <= (errsum + drl) * (float).001) {
	    *ier = 4;
	if (abseps > *abserr && *lst != 3) {
	    goto L30;
	*abserr = abseps;
	*result = reseps;
	ktmin = 0;

/*           if ier is not 0, check whether direct result (partial */
/*           sum) or extrapolated result yields the best integral */
/*           approximation */

	if (*abserr + correc * (float)10. <= *epsabs || *abserr <= *epsabs && 
		correc * (float)10. >= *epsabs) {
	    goto L60;
	if (*ier != 0 && *ier != 7) {
	    goto L60;
	ll = numrl2;
	c1 = c2;
	c2 += cycle;
/* L50: */

/*         set final result and error estimate */
/*         ----------------------------------- */

    *abserr += correc * (float)10.;
    if (*ier == 0) {
	goto L999;
    if (*result != (float)0. && psum[numrl2 - 1] != (float)0.) {
	goto L70;
    if (*abserr > errsum) {
	goto L80;
    if (psum[numrl2 - 1] == (float)0.) {
	goto L999;
    if (*abserr / dabs(*result) > (errsum + drl) / (r__1 = psum[numrl2 - 1], 
	    dabs(r__1))) {
	goto L80;
    if (*ier >= 1 && *ier != 7) {
	*abserr += drl;
    goto L999;
    *result = psum[numrl2 - 1];
    *abserr = errsum + drl;
    return 0;
} /* qawfe_ */
Beispiel #3
/* Subroutine */ int qawo_(E_fp f, real *a, real *b, real *omega, integer *
	integr, real *epsabs, real *epsrel, real *result, real *abserr, 
	integer *neval, integer *ier, integer *leniw, integer *maxp1, integer 
	*lenw, integer *last, integer *iwork, real *work)
    static integer l1, l2, l3, l4, lvl;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int qawoe_(E_fp, real *, real *, real *, integer *
	    , real *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *,
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *, real *, real *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, real *);
    static integer limit, momcom;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int xermsg_(char *, char *, char *, integer *, 
	    integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen);

/* ***PURPOSE  Calculate an approximation to a given definite integral */
/*             I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,B), where */
/*                   W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) */
/*                or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X), */
/*            hopefully satisfying the following claim for accuracy */
/*                ABS(I-RESULT).LE.MAX(EPSABS,EPSREL*ABS(I)). */
/* ***CATEGORY  H2A2A1 */
/* ***AUTHOR  Piessens, Robert */
/*             Applied Mathematics and Programming Division */
/*             K. U. Leuven */
/*           de Doncker, Elise */
/*             Applied Mathematics and Programming Division */
/*             K. U. Leuven */

/*        Computation of oscillatory integrals */
/*        Standard fortran subroutine */
/*        Real version */

/*        PARAMETERS */
/*         ON ENTRY */
/*            F      - Real */
/*                     Function subprogram defining the function */
/*                     F(X).  The actual name for F needs to be */
/*                     declared E X T E R N A L in the driver program. */

/*            A      - Real */
/*                     Lower limit of integration */

/*            B      - Real */
/*                     Upper limit of integration */

/*            OMEGA  - Real */
/*                     Parameter in the integrand weight function */

/*            INTEGR - Integer */
/*                     Indicates which of the weight functions is used */
/*                     INTEGR = 1      W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) */
/*                     INTEGR = 2      W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X) */
/*                     If INTEGR.NE.1.AND.INTEGR.NE.2, the routine will */
/*                     end with IER = 6. */

/*            EPSABS - Real */
/*                     Absolute accuracy requested */
/*            EPSREL - Real */
/*                     Relative accuracy requested */
/*                     If EPSABS.LE.0 and */
/*                     EPSREL.LT.MAX(50*REL.MACH.ACC.,0.5D-28), */
/*                     the routine will end with IER = 6. */

/*         ON RETURN */
/*            RESULT - Real */
/*                     Approximation to the integral */

/*            ABSERR - Real */
/*                     Estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, */
/*                     which should equal or exceed ABS(I-RESULT) */

/*            NEVAL  - Integer */
/*                     Number of  integrand evaluations */

/*            IER    - Integer */
/*                     IER = 0 Normal and reliable termination of the */
/*                             routine. It is assumed that the requested */
/*                             accuracy has been achieved. */
/*                   - IER.GT.0 Abnormal termination of the routine. */
/*                             The estimates for integral and error are */
/*                             less reliable. It is assumed that the */
/*                             requested accuracy has not been achieved. */
/*            ERROR MESSAGES */
/*                     IER = 1 Maximum number of subdivisions allowed */
/*                             has been achieved(= LENIW/2). One can */
/*                             allow more subdivisions by increasing the */
/*                             value of LENIW (and taking the according */
/*                             dimension adjustments into account). */
/*                             However, if this yields no improvement it */
/*                             is advised to analyze the integrand in */
/*                             order to determine the integration */
/*                             difficulties. If the position of a local */
/*                             difficulty can be determined (e.g. */
/*                             SINGULARITY, DISCONTINUITY within the */
/*                             interval) one will probably gain from */
/*                             splitting up the interval at this point */
/*                             and calling the integrator on the */
/*                             subranges. If possible, an appropriate */
/*                             special-purpose integrator should be used */
/*                             which is designed for handling the type of */
/*                             difficulty involved. */
/*                         = 2 The occurrence of roundoff error is */
/*                             detected, which prevents the requested */
/*                             tolerance from being achieved. */
/*                             The error may be under-estimated. */
/*                         = 3 Extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs */
/*                             at some interior points of the */
/*                             integration interval. */
/*                         = 4 The algorithm does not converge. */
/*                             Roundoff error is detected in the */
/*                             extrapolation table. It is presumed that */
/*                             the requested tolerance cannot be achieved */
/*                             due to roundoff in the extrapolation */
/*                             table, and that the returned result is */
/*                             the best which can be obtained. */
/*                         = 5 The integral is probably divergent, or */
/*                             slowly convergent. It must be noted that */
/*                             divergence can occur with any other value */
/*                             of IER. */
/*                         = 6 The input is invalid, because */
/*                             (EPSABS.LE.0 and */
/*                              EPSREL.LT.MAX(50*REL.MACH.ACC.,0.5D-28)) */
/*                             or (INTEGR.NE.1 AND INTEGR.NE.2), */
/*                             or LENIW.LT.2 OR MAXP1.LT.1 or */
/*                             LENW.LT.LENIW*2+MAXP1*25. */
/*                             RESULT, ABSERR, NEVAL, LAST are set to */
/*                             zero. Except when LENIW, MAXP1 or LENW are */
/*                             invalid, WORK(LIMIT*2+1), WORK(LIMIT*3+1), */
/*                             IWORK(1), IWORK(LIMIT+1) are set to zero, */
/*                             WORK(1) is set to A and WORK(LIMIT+1) to */
/*                             B. */

/*            LENIW  - Integer */
/*                     Dimensioning parameter for IWORK. */
/*                     LENIW/2 equals the maximum number of subintervals */
/*                     allowed in the partition of the given integration */
/*                     interval (A,B), LENIW.GE.2. */
/*                     If LENIW.LT.2, the routine will end with IER = 6. */

/*            MAXP1  - Integer */
/*                     Gives an upper bound on the number of Chebyshev */
/*                     moments which can be stored, i.e. for the */
/*                     intervals of lengths ABS(B-A)*2**(-L), */
/*                     L=0,1, ..., MAXP1-2, MAXP1.GE.1 */
/*                     If MAXP1.LT.1, the routine will end with IER = 6. */

/*            LENW   - Integer */
/*                     Dimensioning parameter for WORK */
/*                     LENW must be at least LENIW*2+MAXP1*25. */
/*                     If LENW.LT.(LENIW*2+MAXP1*25), the routine will */
/*                     end with IER = 6. */

/*            LAST   - Integer */
/*                     On return, LAST equals the number of subintervals */
/*                     produced in the subdivision process, which */
/*                     determines the number of significant elements */
/*                     actually in the WORK ARRAYS. */

/*         WORK ARRAYS */
/*            IWORK  - Integer */
/*                     Vector of dimension at least LENIW */
/*                     on return, the first K elements of which contain */
/*                     pointers to the error estimates over the */
/*                     subintervals, such that WORK(LIMIT*3+IWORK(1)), .. */
/*                     WORK(LIMIT*3+IWORK(K)) form a decreasing */
/*                     sequence, with LIMIT = LENW/2 , and K = LAST */
/*                     if LAST.LE.(LIMIT/2+2), and K = LIMIT+1-LAST */
/*                     otherwise. */
/*                     Furthermore, IWORK(LIMIT+1), ..., IWORK(LIMIT+ */
/*                     LAST) indicate the subdivision levels of the */
/*                     subintervals, such that IWORK(LIMIT+I) = L means */
/*                     that the subinterval numbered I is of length */
/*                     ABS(B-A)*2**(1-L). */

/*            WORK   - Real */
/*                     Vector of dimension at least LENW */
/*                     On return */
/*                     WORK(1), ..., WORK(LAST) contain the left */
/*                      end points of the subintervals in the */
/*                      partition of (A,B), */
/*                     WORK(LIMIT+1), ..., WORK(LIMIT+LAST) contain */
/*                      the right end points, */
/*                     WORK(LIMIT*2+1), ..., WORK(LIMIT*2+LAST) contain */
/*                      the integral approximations over the */
/*                      subintervals, */
/*                     WORK(LIMIT*3+1), ..., WORK(LIMIT*3+LAST) */
/*                      contain the error estimates. */
/*                     WORK(LIMIT*4+1), ..., WORK(LIMIT*4+MAXP1*25) */
/*                      Provide space for storing the Chebyshev moments. */
/*                     Note that LIMIT = LENW/2. */

/*   800101  DATE WRITTEN */
/*   890831  Modified array declarations.  (WRB) */
/*   890831  REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 */
/*   891214  Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format.  (BAB) */
/*   900315  CALLs to XERROR changed to CALLs to XERMSG.  (THJ) */


    /* Parameter adjustments */

    /* Function Body */
    *ier = 6;
    *neval = 0;
    *last = 0;
    *result = 0.f;
    *abserr = 0.f;
    if (*leniw < 2 || *maxp1 < 1 || *lenw < (*leniw << 1) + *maxp1 * 25) {
	goto L10;


    limit = *leniw / 2;
    l1 = limit + 1;
    l2 = limit + l1;
    l3 = limit + l2;
    l4 = limit + l3;
    qawoe_((E_fp)f, a, b, omega, integr, epsabs, epsrel, &limit, &c__1, maxp1,
	     result, abserr, neval, ier, last, &work[1], &work[l1], &work[l2],
	     &work[l3], &iwork[1], &iwork[l1], &momcom, &work[l4]);


    lvl = 0;
    if (*ier == 6) {
	lvl = 1;
    if (*ier != 0) {
	xermsg_("SLATEC", "QAWO", "ABNORMAL RETURN", ier, &lvl, (ftnlen)6, (
		ftnlen)4, (ftnlen)15);
    return 0;
} /* qawo_ */