bool MidiInstrument::fileSave()/*{{{*/ { if(_filePath.isEmpty()) return false; // Do not allow a direct overwrite of a 'built-in' los instrument. QFileInfo qfi(_filePath); if (qfi.absolutePath() == losInstruments) { return false; } FILE* f = fopen(_filePath.toUtf8().constData(), "w"); if (f == 0) { return false; } Xml xml(f); write(0, xml); // Now signal the rest of the app so stuff can change... song->update(SC_CONFIG | SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER); if (fclose(f) != 0) { return false; } return true; }/*}}}*/
QString LibrariesInfo::resolveLibraryPath(const QString &library, const LibSearchInfo &info) { if (cache.contains(library)) return cache[library]->path; // Create search path QStringList paths; // RPATH was set, RUNPATH was not, look in RPATH first. if(info.runPath.isEmpty() && !info.rPath.isEmpty()) paths << info.rPath.split(":"); if (elfClass == ELF64) paths << envPaths64; else paths << envPaths32; if(!info.runPath.isEmpty()) paths << info.runPath.split(":"); if (elfClass == ELF64) paths << basePaths64; else paths << basePaths32; paths << "/lib" << "/usr/lib"; foreach(QString path, paths) { QFileInfo qfi(path + "/" + library); if (qfi.exists()) { // Resolve symlink. cache[library] = Lib::create(qfi.canonicalFilePath()); return qfi.canonicalFilePath(); } }
/** * \return "" when fail, out file name when successful */ QString saveLDRImage(const QString initialFileName, const QImage* image, bool batchMode) { QString outfname = QDir(settings.value(KEY_RECENT_PATH_SAVE_LDR,QDir::currentPath()).toString()).filePath(initialFileName); if (!batchMode) { QString filetypes = QObject::tr("All LDR formats (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.ppm *.pbm *.bmp);;"); filetypes += "JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;" ; filetypes += "PNG (*.png);;" ; filetypes += "PPM PBM (*.ppm *.pbm);;"; filetypes += "BMP (*.bmp)"; outfname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( 0, QObject::tr("Save the LDR to..."), QDir(settings.value(KEY_RECENT_PATH_SAVE_LDR,QDir::currentPath()).toString()).filePath(initialFileName), filetypes ); } if(!outfname.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo qfi(outfname); //save settings settings.setValue(KEY_RECENT_PATH_SAVE_LDR, qfi.path()); QString format=qfi.suffix(); if (qfi.suffix().isEmpty()) { // default as png format="png"; outfname+=".png"; } if(!(image->save(outfname,format.toAscii().constData(),100))) { QMessageBox::warning(0,"",QObject::tr("Failed to save <b>") + outfname + "</b>", QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton); return ""; } } //if(!outfname.isEmpty()) return outfname; }
StateDiff Repo::detectChanges() const { State* state = m_logger->state(); StateDiff diff; QStringList found_files = readFilePaths(); // checking for known files // known_file_paths will hold a list of all file_paths in the store and the state QStringList known_file_paths = state->knownFilePaths(found_files); // checking for files which are unrecognised // an unknown file is on the disk but not in the collection QStringList unknown_file_paths = state->unknownFilePaths(found_files); // a missing file is in the state but not in the repo // check for files which have gone missing QStringList missing_file_paths = state->missingFilePaths(found_files); // scanning known files for modifications QString file_path; foreach(file_path, known_file_paths){ QCoreApplication::processEvents(); // check if that file has been modified // to save effort we dont call newFileInfo as that reads the sha1 // and we only want to read the sha1 if the mtime has changed FileInfo stored_fi = state->fileInfoByFilePath(file_path); QFileInfo qfi(m_path+'/'+file_path); if (!stored_fi.sameModifiedAtAndSize(qfi.lastModified(), qfi.size())){ // file has changed on disk but filename is the same. // record the new values for the file diff.modifyFile(file_path, qfi.size(), qfi.lastModified(), readFingerPrint(file_path)); } }
void TimeLapseWidget::setDirectory() { QFileDialog::Options options = QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly; QString directory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Save pictures..."), saveDirectory->text(), options); if( !directory.isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo qfi(directory); if ( qfi.exists() && qfi.isWritable() ) { saveDirectory->setText( directory ); if( attachedCameras->currentText().compare( "No camera detected" ) != 0 ) { startButton->setDisabled( false ); } } else { QMessageBox::critical( this, tr("Error"),tr("Please select a writable directory") ); saveDirectory->clear(); startButton->setDisabled( true ); stopButton->setDisabled( true ); } } }
void MainWindow::do_load_dataset() { tty->append("Loading dataset..."); QString rand_img = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Pick one image from the data set."), QDir::homePath(), tr("Scan Data (*.pgm *.bmp)")); if (rand_img != "") { tty->append("-->" + rand_img); } else { tty->append("--> Error: No base image selected."); return; } QFileInfo qfi(rand_img); img_type = QString(qfi.suffix()); fprefix = rand_img; fprefix.chop(7); dataset_path_edit->setText(fprefix); // num_imgs = slices_spin->value(); QDir dir(qfi.dir()); QStringList filters; QString ifilt = "*." + img_type; filters << ifilt; dir.setNameFilters(filters); num_imgs = dir.count(); slices_spin->setValue(num_imgs); tty->append("--> fprefix: " + fprefix); tty->append("--> Note: You may want to modify the slice/spacing parameters using the controls above."); has_dataset = true; }
void LocalProcess::processError(QProcess::ProcessError t_e) { m_fileCheckTimer.stop(); QFileInfo qfi(toQString(m_tool.localBinPath)); QFileInfo outdirfi(toQString(m_outdir)); LOG(Error, "LocalProcess processError: " << t_e << " exe: " << toString(m_tool.localBinPath) << " workingdir: " << toString(m_outdir) << " fileexists: " << qfi.isFile() << " fileexecutable: " << qfi.isExecutable() << " ErrorValue: " << t_e << " outdirexists: " << outdirfi.isFile() << " outdirisdirectory: " << outdirfi.isDir()); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); directoryChanged(openstudio::toQString(m_outdir)); QProcess::ProcessState state = m_process.state(); if (state != QProcess::Running && t_e == QProcess::WriteError) { LOG(Info, "WriteError occured when process was not running, ignoring it"); } else { //directoryChanged(openstudio::toQString(m_outdir)); emit error(t_e); } }
QString Util::findBinaryInPath(QString binary) { initialiseEnvironment(); QString ret = ""; binary.prepend(QDir::separator()); if (_env.contains("PATH")) { QString path = _env.value("PATH"); QStringList entries; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN entries = path.split(':'); if (entries.length() < 2) { #endif entries = path.split(';'); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN } #endif foreach(QString entry, entries) { QScopedPointer<QFileInfo> qfi(new QFileInfo(entry.append(binary))); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (!qfi->exists()) qfi.reset(new QFileInfo(entry.append(".exe"))); #endif qDebug() << entry; if (!qfi->isExecutable()) continue; ret = qfi->absoluteFilePath(); break; }
static QFile* getHTMLFilename(QFile *file){ QFileInfo qfi(*file); QString htmlFilename = qfi.path() + "/"; if(qfi.suffix() == "md" || qfi.suffix() == "mkd"){ htmlFilename += qfi.baseName() + ".html"; } else { htmlFilename += qfi.fileName() + ".html"; } return new QFile(htmlFilename); }
void GlobalConfigWidget::selectFile() { QFileDialog fileDialog( this ); fileDialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFile ); QFileInfo qfi( mpStyleSheetFileName->text() ); fileDialog.setDirectory( qfi.absolutePath() ); fileDialog.setFilter("Playlists (*.qss)"); fileDialog.setReadOnly( true ); if( fileDialog.exec() ) { mpStyleSheetFileName->setText( fileDialog.selectedFiles().at(0) ); } }
void TimeLapseWidget::saveDirectoryUpdated() { QFileInfo qfi(saveDirectory->text()); if( qfi.exists() && qfi.isDir() && qfi.isWritable() && attachedCameras->currentText().compare( "No camera detected" ) != 0 ) { startButton->setDisabled( false ); } else { startButton->setDisabled( true ); } }
void HdrCreationManager::newResult(int index, float expotime, QString newfname) { runningThreads--; processedFiles++; //update filesToRemove if ( != newfname ) filesToRemove.append(newfname); //update expotimes[i] expotimes[index]=expotime; QFileInfo qfi(fileList[index]); //check for invalid exif: update list that will be sent once all is over. if (expotimes[index]==-1) { filesLackingExif << "<li>"+qfi.fileName()+"</li>"; //qDebug("HCM: new invalid exif. elements: %d", filesLackingExif.size()); } emit fileLoaded(index,fileList[index],expotimes[index]); }
bool ImageLoader::makeFilePaths(const QString & p) { QFileInfo qfi(p); QSettings ss; if(qfi.exists() == false || qfi.isReadable() == false ||is_quitted) return false; if(qfi.isDir() && (p == path_to_load || recurse)) { QDir the_dir(p); QStringList files, filters; filters << "*"; the_dir.setNameFilters(ss.value("files/types_filter", filters).toStringList()); files = the_dir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs|QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name|QDir::IgnoreCase|QDir::LocaleAware); foreach(const QString &path, files) { makeFilePaths(the_dir.absoluteFilePath(path)); if(is_quitted) break; }
/** * Get real name for file. */ int getNames(const QString &full, QCString &zname, QCString &sname, ZEntry **buf) { QString zip_name, suname; int prev_type = QZF_NONE; if (QFile::exists(full)) { QFileInfo qfi(full); if (qfi.isDir()) return QZF_DIR; if (qfi.isFile()) { prev_type = QZF_FILE; } else { return QZF_NONE; } } //printf("File[%s] does not exist!\n", (const char*)full); /* finding zip file name */ int idx; idx = full.length(); zip_name = full; while(idx>=0) { if (QFile::exists(zip_name)) break; idx = full.findRev('/', idx); if (idx<0) return prev_type; zip_name = full.left(idx); idx--; } if (toMB(sname, full.mid(idx+1), "euc-kr")<0) sname = full.mid(idx+1); QFileInfo zdir(zip_name); zip_name = zdir.absFilePath(); ZRootEntry *root = ZDirEntry::getEntry(zip_name.utf8()); if (root==NULL) { if (zdir.extension(false)=="dz") { zname = zip_name.utf8(); sname = NULL; return QZF_DZ|QZF_FILE; } return prev_type; } ZEntry *entry = root->findByName(sname); if (entry==NULL) { return prev_type; } zname = zip_name.utf8(); if (buf) *buf = entry; if (entry->isDir()) { return QZF_ZIP|QZF_DIR; } else { return QZF_ZIP|QZF_FILE; } }
FileInfo LocalDiskRepo::readFileInfoCheap(QString filePath) const { QFileInfo qfi(m_path+"/"+filePath); return FileInfo(filePath, qfi.size(), qfi.lastModified(), ""); }
void MainGui::fileSaveAs() { if (currenthdr==NULL) return; QString filetypes = tr("All Hdr formats "); filetypes += "(*.exr *.hdr *.pic *.tiff *.tif *.pfs);;" ; filetypes += "OpenEXR (*.exr);;" ; filetypes += "Radiance RGBE (*.hdr *.pic);;"; filetypes += "HDR TIFF (*.tiff *.tif);;"; filetypes += "PFS Stream (*.pfs)"; QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr("Save the HDR..."), RecentDirHDRSetting, filetypes ); if(!fname.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo qfi(fname); QString absoluteFileName=qfi.absoluteFilePath(); char* encodedName=strdup(QFile::encodeName(absoluteFileName).constData()); // if the new dir, the one just chosen by the user, is different from the one stored in the settings, update the settings. if (RecentDirHDRSetting != qfi.path() ) // update internal field variable updateRecentDirHDRSetting(qfi.path()); if (qfi.suffix().toUpper()=="EXR") { writeEXRfile (currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame(),encodedName); } else if (qfi.suffix().toUpper()=="HDR") { writeRGBEfile (currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame(), encodedName); } else if (qfi.suffix().toUpper().startsWith("TIF")) { TiffWriter tiffwriter(encodedName, currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame()); if (qtpfsgui_options->saveLogLuvTiff) tiffwriter.writeLogLuvTiff(); else tiffwriter.writeFloatTiff(); } else if (qfi.suffix().toUpper()=="PFS") { pfs::DOMIO pfsio; (currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame())->convertRGBChannelsToXYZ(); pfsio.writeFrame(currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame(),encodedName); (currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame())->convertXYZChannelsToRGB(); } else { // TODO: [QT 4.5] This is not needed for windows (bug will be fixed in QT 4.5..?) // Default as EXR free(encodedName); absoluteFileName = absoluteFileName + ".exr"; encodedName = strdup(QFile::encodeName(absoluteFileName).constData()); writeEXRfile (currenthdr->getHDRPfsFrame(),encodedName); // QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Aborting..."), tr("Qtpfsgui supports only the following formats: <br>Radiance RGBE (hdr), PFS, tiff-hdr and OpenEXR."), // QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton); // return; } free(encodedName); setCurrentFile(absoluteFileName); currenthdr->NeedsSaving=false; currenthdr->filename=absoluteFileName; currenthdr->setWindowTitle(absoluteFileName); } }
int Controller::LoadMesh(Render *re, SceneRenderLayer *srl) { BlenderFileLoader loader(re, srl); loader.setRenderMonitor(_pRenderMonitor); _Chrono.start(); NodeGroup *blenderScene = loader.Load(); if (blenderScene == NULL) { if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Cannot load scene" << endl; } return 1; } if (blenderScene->numberOfChildren() < 1) { if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Empty scene" << endl; } blenderScene->destroy(); delete blenderScene; return 1; } real duration = _Chrono.stop(); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Scene loaded" << endl; printf("Mesh cleaning : %lf\n", duration); printf("View map cache : %s\n", _EnableViewMapCache ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } _SceneNumFaces += loader.numFacesRead(); #if 0 if (loader.minEdgeSize() < _minEdgeSize) { _minEdgeSize = loader.minEdgeSize(); } #endif #if 0 // DEBUG ScenePrettyPrinter spp; blenderScene->accept(spp); #endif _RootNode->AddChild(blenderScene); _RootNode->UpdateBBox(); // FIXME: Correct that by making a Renderer to compute the bbox _pView->setModel(_RootNode); //_pView->FitBBox(); if (_pRenderMonitor->testBreak()) return 0; if (_EnableViewMapCache) { NodeCamera *cam; if (g_freestyle.proj[3][3] != 0.0) cam = new NodeOrthographicCamera; else cam = new NodePerspectiveCamera; double proj[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { proj[i * 4 + j] = g_freestyle.proj[i][j]; } } cam->setProjectionMatrix(proj); _RootNode->AddChild(cam); _RootNode->AddChild(new NodeSceneRenderLayer(*re->scene, *srl)); sceneHashFunc.reset(); //blenderScene->accept(sceneHashFunc); _RootNode->accept(sceneHashFunc); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Scene hash : " << sceneHashFunc.toString() << endl; } if (hitViewMapCache()) { ClearRootNode(); return 0; } else { delete _ViewMap; _ViewMap = NULL; } } _Chrono.start(); WXEdgeBuilder wx_builder; wx_builder.setRenderMonitor(_pRenderMonitor); blenderScene->accept(wx_builder); _winged_edge = wx_builder.getWingedEdge(); duration = _Chrono.stop(); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { printf("WEdge building : %lf\n", duration); } #if 0 _pView->setDebug(_DebugNode); // delete stuff if (0 != ws_builder) { delete ws_builder; ws_builder = 0; } soc QFileInfo qfi(iFileName); soc string basename((const char*)qfi.fileName().toAscii().data()); char cleaned[FILE_MAX]; BLI_strncpy(cleaned, iFileName, FILE_MAX); BLI_cleanup_file(NULL, cleaned); string basename = string(cleaned); #endif _ListOfModels.push_back("Blender_models"); _Scene3dBBox = _RootNode->bbox(); _bboxDiag = (_RootNode->bbox().getMax() - _RootNode->bbox().getMin()).norm(); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Triangles nb : " << _SceneNumFaces << " imported, " << _winged_edge->getNumFaces() << " retained" << endl; cout << "Bounding Box : " << _bboxDiag << endl; } ClearRootNode(); _SceneNumFaces = _winged_edge->getNumFaces(); if (_SceneNumFaces == 0) { DeleteWingedEdge(); return 1; } return 0; }
bool ScImgDataLoader_JPEG::loadPicture(const QString& fn, int /*page*/, int res, bool thumbnail) { bool isCMYK = false; bool fromPS = false; float xres = 72.0, yres = 72.0; if (!QFile::exists(fn)) return false; ExifData ExifInf; struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct my_error_mgr jerr; FILE *infile; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&; = my_error_exit; infile = NULL; initialize(); m_imageInfoRecord.type = ImageTypeJPG; m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail = QImage(); if (setjmp (jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); if (infile) fclose (infile); return false; } jpeg_create_decompress (&cinfo); if ((infile = fopen (fn.toLocal8Bit(), "rb")) == NULL) return false; jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile); jpeg_save_markers(&cinfo, ICC_MARKER, 0xFFFF); jpeg_save_markers(&cinfo, PHOTOSHOP_MARKER, 0xFFFF); jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true); jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); bool exi = ExifInf.scan(fn); if ((exi) && (ExifInf.exifDataValid)) { if (cinfo.output_components == 4) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceCMYK; else if (cinfo.output_components == 3) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceRGB; else if (cinfo.output_components == 1) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceGray; if ((!ExifInf.Thumbnail.isNull()) && thumbnail) { m_image = ExifInf.getThumbnail(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail = ExifInf.getThumbnail(); if (cinfo.output_components == 4) { QRgb *s; unsigned char cc, cm, cy, ck; for( int yit=0; yit < m_image.height(); ++yit ) { s = (QRgb*)(m_image.scanLine( yit )); for(int xit=0; xit < m_image.width(); ++xit ) { cc = 255 - qRed(*s); cm = 255 - qGreen(*s); cy = 255 - qBlue(*s); ck = qMin(qMin(cc, cm), cy); *s = qRgba(cc-ck,cm-ck,cy-ck,ck); s++; } } } } else m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail = QImage(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.cameraName = ExifInf.getCameraModel(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.cameraVendor = ExifInf.getCameraMake(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.comment = ExifInf.getComment(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.width = ExifInf.getWidth(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.height = ExifInf.getHeight(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.userComment = ExifInf.getUserComment(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.dateTime = ExifInf.getDateTime(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.ApertureFNumber = ExifInf.getApertureFNumber(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.ExposureTime = ExifInf.getExposureTime(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.ISOequivalent = ExifInf.getISOequivalent(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifDataValid = true; if (cinfo.density_unit == 0) { xres = 72; yres = 72; } else if ( cinfo.density_unit == 1 ) { xres = cinfo.X_density; yres = cinfo.Y_density; } else if ( cinfo.density_unit == 2 ) { xres = cinfo.X_density * 2.54; yres = cinfo.Y_density * 2.54; } if( xres <= 1.0 || yres <= 1.0 || xres > 3000.0 || yres > 3000.0 ) { xres = yres = 72.0; QFileInfo qfi(fn); m_message = QObject::tr("%1 may be corrupted : missing or wrong resolution tags").arg(qfi.fileName()); m_msgType = warningMsg; } m_imageInfoRecord.xres = qRound(xres); m_imageInfoRecord.yres = qRound(yres); = jpeg_has_multiple_scans(&cinfo); if ((!ExifInf.Thumbnail.isNull()) && thumbnail) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); fclose(infile); return true; } } else m_imageInfoRecord.exifDataValid = false; m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail = QImage(); unsigned int EmbedLen = 0; unsigned char* EmbedBuffer; if (read_jpeg_marker(ICC_MARKER,&cinfo, &EmbedBuffer, &EmbedLen)) { QByteArray profArray = QByteArray((const char*) EmbedBuffer, EmbedLen); ScColorProfile prof = ScColorMgmtEngine::openProfileFromMem(profArray); m_embeddedProfile = profArray; m_imageInfoRecord.profileName = prof.productDescription(); m_imageInfoRecord.isEmbedded = true; free(EmbedBuffer); } else { m_imageInfoRecord.isEmbedded = false; m_imageInfoRecord.profileName = ""; } unsigned int PhotoshopLen = 0; unsigned char * PhotoshopBuffer; if (cinfo.density_unit == 0) { xres = 72; yres = 72; m_image.setDotsPerMeterX(2834); m_image.setDotsPerMeterY(2834); } else if ( cinfo.density_unit == 1 ) { xres = cinfo.X_density; yres = cinfo.Y_density; m_image.setDotsPerMeterX( int(100. * cinfo.X_density / 2.54) ); m_image.setDotsPerMeterY( int(100. * cinfo.Y_density / 2.54) ); } else if ( cinfo.density_unit == 2 ) { xres = cinfo.X_density * 2.54; yres = cinfo.Y_density * 2.54; m_image.setDotsPerMeterX( int(100. * cinfo.X_density) ); m_image.setDotsPerMeterY( int(100. * cinfo.Y_density) ); } if( xres <= 1.0 || yres <= 1.0 || xres > 3000.0 || yres > 3000.0 ) { xres = yres = 72.0; m_image.setDotsPerMeterX(2834); m_image.setDotsPerMeterY(2834); QFileInfo qfi(fn); m_message = QObject::tr("%1 may be corrupted : missing or wrong resolution tags").arg(qfi.fileName()); m_msgType = warningMsg; } m_imageInfoRecord.xres = qRound(xres); m_imageInfoRecord.yres = qRound(yres); if (cinfo.output_components == 4) { isCMYK = true; m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceCMYK; } else if (cinfo.output_components == 3) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceRGB; else if (cinfo.output_components == 1) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceGray; = jpeg_has_multiple_scans(&cinfo); if (read_jpeg_marker(PHOTOSHOP_MARKER,&cinfo, &PhotoshopBuffer, &PhotoshopLen) ) { if (PhotoshopLen != 0) { bool savEx = m_imageInfoRecord.exifDataValid; QByteArray arrayPhot(PhotoshopLen, ' '); arrayPhot = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)PhotoshopBuffer,PhotoshopLen); QDataStream strPhot(&arrayPhot,QIODevice::ReadOnly); strPhot.setByteOrder( QDataStream::BigEndian ); PSDHeader fakeHeader; fakeHeader.width = cinfo.output_width; fakeHeader.height = cinfo.output_height; if (cinfo.output_components == 4) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceCMYK; else if (cinfo.output_components == 3) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceRGB; else if (cinfo.output_components == 1) m_imageInfoRecord.colorspace = ColorSpaceGray; = jpeg_has_multiple_scans(&cinfo); parseRessourceData(strPhot, fakeHeader, PhotoshopLen); // Photoshop resolution is more accurate than jpeg header resolution xres = m_imageInfoRecord.xres; yres = m_imageInfoRecord.yres; m_image.setDotsPerMeterX( int(100. * m_imageInfoRecord.xres / 2.54) ); m_image.setDotsPerMeterY( int(100. * m_imageInfoRecord.yres / 2.54) ); if( xres <= 1.0 || yres <= 1.0 || xres > 3000.0 || yres > 3000.0 ) { xres = yres = 72.0; m_imageInfoRecord.xres = qRound(xres); m_imageInfoRecord.yres = qRound(yres); m_image.setDotsPerMeterX(2834); m_image.setDotsPerMeterY(2834); QFileInfo qfi(fn); m_message = QObject::tr("%1 may be corrupted : missing or wrong resolution tags").arg(qfi.fileName()); m_msgType = warningMsg; } if (m_imageInfoRecord.exifDataValid && !m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail.isNull() && thumbnail) { m_image = QImage(m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.width, m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.width = cinfo.output_width; m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.height = cinfo.output_height; if (cinfo.output_components == 4) { QRgb *d; QRgb *s; unsigned char cc, cm, cy, ck; for( int yit=0; yit < m_image.height(); ++yit ) { d = (QRgb*)(m_image.scanLine( yit )); s = (QRgb*)(m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail.scanLine( yit )); for(int xit=0; xit < m_image.width(); ++xit ) { cc = 255 - qRed(*s); cm = 255 - qGreen(*s); cy = 255 - qBlue(*s); ck = qMin(qMin(cc, cm), cy); *d = qRgba(cc-ck,cm-ck,cy-ck,ck); s++; d++; } } } else m_image = m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail.copy(); } m_imageInfoRecord.valid = (m_imageInfoRecord.PDSpathData.size())>0?true:false; // The only interest is vectormask arrayPhot.clear(); free( PhotoshopBuffer ); if (m_imageInfoRecord.exifDataValid && !m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail.isNull() && thumbnail) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); fclose(infile); return true; } m_imageInfoRecord.exifInfo.thumbnail = QImage(); m_imageInfoRecord.exifDataValid = savEx; fromPS = true; } } if ( cinfo.output_components == 3 || cinfo.output_components == 4) m_image = QImage( cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); else if ( cinfo.output_components == 1 ) { m_image = QImage( cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, QImage::Format_Indexed8 ); m_image.setNumColors(256); for (int i=0; i<256; i++) m_image.setColor(i, qRgb(i,i,i)); } if (!m_image.isNull()) { uchar* data = m_image.bits(); int bpl = m_image.bytesPerLine(); while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) { uchar *d = data + cinfo.output_scanline * bpl; (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &d, 1); } if ( cinfo.output_components == 3 ) { uchar *in; QRgb *out; for (uint j=0; j<cinfo.output_height; j++) { in = m_image.scanLine(j) + cinfo.output_width * 3; out = (QRgb*) m_image.scanLine(j); for (uint i=cinfo.output_width; i--; ) { in -= 3; out[i] = qRgb(in[0], in[1], in[2]); } } } if ( cinfo.output_components == 4 ) { int method = 0; if (cinfo.jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCCK) method = 1; else if (fromPS) { if ((cinfo.jpeg_color_space == JCS_CMYK) && (cinfo.saw_Adobe_marker) && (cinfo.Adobe_transform == 0)) method = 2; } else if ((cinfo.jpeg_color_space == JCS_CMYK) && (cinfo.saw_Adobe_marker)) method = 1; QRgb *ptr; unsigned char c, m, y ,k; unsigned char *p; for (int i = 0; i < m_image.height(); i++) { ptr = (QRgb*) m_image.scanLine(i); if (method == 1) { for (int j = 0; j < m_image.width(); j++) { p = (unsigned char *) ptr; c = p[0]; m = p[1]; y = p[2]; k = p[3]; *ptr = qRgba(255 - c, 255 - m, 255 - y, 255 - k); ptr++; } } else if (method == 2) { for (int j = 0; j < m_image.width(); j++) { p = (unsigned char *) ptr; c = p[0]; m = p[1]; y = p[2]; k = p[3]; *ptr = qRgba(255 - c, 255 - m, 255 - y, k); ptr++; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < m_image.width(); j++) { p = (unsigned char *) ptr; c = p[0]; m = p[1]; y = p[2]; k = p[3]; *ptr = qRgba(y, m, c, k); ptr++; } } } isCMYK = true; } else isCMYK = false; if ( cinfo.output_components == 1 ) { QImage tmpImg = m_image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); m_image = QImage( cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); QRgb *s; QRgb *d; for( int yi=0; yi < tmpImg.height(); ++yi ) { s = (QRgb*)(tmpImg.scanLine( yi )); d = (QRgb*)(m_image.scanLine( yi )); for(int xi=0; xi < tmpImg.width(); ++xi ) { (*d) = (*s); s++; d++; } } } } (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); fclose (infile); jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); m_imageInfoRecord.layerInfo.clear(); m_imageInfoRecord.BBoxX = 0; m_imageInfoRecord.BBoxH = m_image.height(); return (!m_image.isNull()); }
int Controller::LoadMesh(Render *re, SceneRenderLayer *srl) { BlenderFileLoader loader(re, srl); loader.setRenderMonitor(_pRenderMonitor); _Chrono.start(); NodeGroup *blenderScene = loader.Load(); if (blenderScene == NULL) { if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Cannot load scene" << endl; } return 1; } if (blenderScene->numberOfChildren() < 1) { if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Empty scene" << endl; } blenderScene->destroy(); delete blenderScene; return 1; } real duration = _Chrono.stop(); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Scene loaded" << endl; printf("Mesh cleaning : %lf\n", duration); } _SceneNumFaces += loader.numFacesRead(); if (loader.minEdgeSize() < _minEdgeSize) { _minEdgeSize = loader.minEdgeSize(); } #if 0 // DEBUG ScenePrettyPrinter spp; blenderScene->accept(spp); #endif _RootNode->AddChild(blenderScene); _RootNode->UpdateBBox(); // FIXME: Correct that by making a Renderer to compute the bbox _pView->setModel(_RootNode); //_pView->FitBBox(); if (_pRenderMonitor->testBreak()) return 0; _Chrono.start(); WXEdgeBuilder wx_builder; wx_builder.setRenderMonitor(_pRenderMonitor); blenderScene->accept(wx_builder); _winged_edge = wx_builder.getWingedEdge(); duration = _Chrono.stop(); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { printf("WEdge building : %lf\n", duration); } #if 0 _pView->setDebug(_DebugNode); // delete stuff if (0 != ws_builder) { delete ws_builder; ws_builder = 0; } soc QFileInfo qfi(iFileName); soc string basename((const char*)qfi.fileName().toAscii().data()); char cleaned[FILE_MAX]; BLI_strncpy(cleaned, iFileName, FILE_MAX); BLI_cleanup_file(NULL, cleaned); string basename = string(cleaned); #endif _ListOfModels.push_back("Blender_models"); _Scene3dBBox = _RootNode->bbox(); _bboxDiag = (_RootNode->bbox().getMax() - _RootNode->bbox().getMin()).norm(); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) { cout << "Triangles nb : " << _SceneNumFaces << endl; cout << "Bounding Box : " << _bboxDiag << endl; } ClearRootNode(); return 0; }
void ControlWidget::handleSatellite( const QByteArray &msg ) { QStringList src( Satellite::split( msg ) ); if( src.size() > 0 ) { if( == "P0Q" ) { QStringList dest; /* convert from url to filename if necessary */ for( int i = 1; i < src.size(); i++ ) { QFileInfo qfi( ); if( qfi.isFile() ) { dest << qfi.absoluteFilePath(); } } if( dest.size() > 0 ) { emit requestAddToPlaylist( dest, false ); } } else if( == "P0A" ) { if( mConnected ) { if( mPaused || !mKioskMode ) { handlePause(); } } else { initConnect(); } } else if( == "P0N" ) { handleSkipTrack(); } else if( == "P0S" ) { if( !mKioskMode ) { initDisconnect(); } } else if( == "P0R" ) { if( mpSatellite && !mLastP0p.isEmpty() ) { mpSatellite->send( mLastP0p ); } } else if( == "P0C" ) { bool favorite = false; bool unwanted = false; if( src.size() > 1 ) { switch( ) { case 1: favorite = true; break; case 2: unwanted = true; break; default: break; } mpPlaylist->setTrackInfoFavoriteUnwanted( favorite, unwanted ); } } else if( == "P0T" ) { if( src.size() > 1 ) { emit requestTab( ); } } else if( ( == "k0u") || ( == "r0u") ) { emit trackUpdate(); } else if( == "u0p" ) { if( Settings::value( Settings::PartymanStopOnUnderpassStart ) && !mKioskMode ) { initDisconnect(); } } } }
// void test() { // // aligned_buffer<short> a(16); // aligned_buffer<short> b(16); // aligned_buffer<short> c(16); // // std::fill( a.begin(), a.end(), 1 ); // std::fill( b.begin(), b.end(), 2 ); // a.m_ptr[0] = 2; // // typedef vector_unit<short,16> vu; // // vu::vec_t av = vu::load(a.m_ptr); // vu::vec_t bv = vu::load(b.m_ptr); // // vu::store( vu::cmp_lt(av,bv), c.m_ptr ); // // for( int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++ ) { // // std::cout << i << ": " << c.m_ptr[i] << "\n"; // } // // } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { // test(); // return 0; seqs sq; seqs sd; // typedef mapped_file file_input; typedef std::ifstream file_input; if( argc != 6 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "missing parameters. expect: <open> <ext> <query.fa> <db.fa> <matrix>" ); } const int gap_open = atoi( argv[1] ); const int gap_extend = atoi( argv[2] ); //std::cout << "gap: " << std::ifstream ism( argv[5] ); scoring_matrix sm( ism ); file_input qfi( argv[3] ); inc_fasta<file_input, scoring_matrix> qfasta( qfi, sm ); file_input dfi( argv[4] ); inc_fasta<file_input, scoring_matrix> dfasta( dfi, sm ); // for( int i = 0 ; i < sd.names.size(); i++ ) { // int sc = align<int>([i],[0], sm ); // std::cout << sc << "\t" << sd.names[i] << "\n"; // } #if 0 const int W = 8; typedef short score_t; typedef short sscore_t; #else const int W = 16; typedef unsigned char score_t; typedef char sscore_t; #endif persistent_state<score_t> ps; // size_t db_size = (sd.names.size() / W ) * W; #ifndef LOCAL_ALIGN #define PAD_FRONT #endif typedef uint8_t seq_char_t; std::string dname[W]; std::vector<seq_char_t> ddata[W]; // size_t dpad[W]; aligned_buffer<seq_char_t> ddata_int; // std::vector<score_t> dmask[W]; std::string qname; std::vector<seq_char_t> qdata; bool have_input = true; size_t n_qseq = 0; size_t n_qchar = 0; size_t n_dseq = 0; size_t n_dchar = 0; bool first_block = true; while( have_input ) { size_t maxlen = 0; int lj = -1; // determine db sequences for the current block for( int j = 0; j < W; j++ ) { dname[j].resize(0); ddata[j].resize(0); have_input = dfasta.next_seq( dname[j], ddata[j] ); // if there aren't enough db sequences left to fill the block, pad with last db sequence if( !have_input ) { // break immediately if there are no db sequences left (means #db-seqs % W == 0, or otherwise have_input would have been == false from last iteration) if( j == 0 ) { break; } else { dname[j] = dname[lj]; ddata[j] = ddata[lj]; } } else { n_dseq++; n_dchar += ddata[j].size(); lj = j; // store largest valid 'j' // for( int i = 0; i < ddata[j].length(); i++ ) { // // ddata[j][i] = sm.state_backmap(ddata[j][i]); // } } // dmask[j].clear(); // dmask[j].resize(ddata[j].length(), 0xffff ); maxlen = std::max( maxlen, ddata[j].size() ); } // jf == -1 at this point means that the block is empty (#db-seqs % W == 0) if( lj == -1 ) { break; } // WARNING: front-padding is currently defunct #ifdef PAD_FRONT for( int j = 0; j < W; j++ ) { dpad[j] = maxlen - ddata[j].size(); } #endif // lj == -1 means that there are no remaining sequences // std::cout << "sdis: " << sdi.size() << "\n"; aligned_buffer<sscore_t> qprofile( maxlen * W * sm.num_states()); aligned_buffer<sscore_t>::iterator qpi = qprofile.begin(); #if 0 for( int j = 0; j < sm.num_states(); j++ ) { const int jstate = sm.get_state(j); // const scoring_matrix::score_t *slice = sm.get_slice(jstate); const scoring_matrix::score_t *cslice = sm.get_cslice(j); for( int k = 0; k < maxlen; k++ ) { for( int l = 0; l < W; l++ ) { std::vector<seq_char_t> &sdi = ddata[l]; #ifdef PAD_FRONT const size_t frontpad = dpad[l];//maxlen - sdi.size(); //if( k < sdi.size() ) { if( k >= frontpad ) { //*qpi = sm.get_score( sdi[k], jstate); *qpi = cslice[sdi[k - frontpad]]; #else if( k < sdi.size() ) { // *qpi = slice[sdi[k]]; *qpi = cslice[sdi[k]]; #endif } else { *qpi = 0; } // std::cout << "prof: " << (qpi - qprofile.begin() ) << " " << *qpi << " " << int(j) << " " << char(sm.get_state(j)) << " " << sdi[k] << "\n"; qpi++; } } } #else // setup the qprofile (= lookup table for match penalties along the db-sequences in the current block) // this is the faster (at least on core i5) two-step version, using interleaved db-sequences // setup buffer for interleaved db sequences if( ddata_int.size() < maxlen * W ) { ddata_int.resize(maxlen * W); } // copy individual db sequences into interleaved buffer (padding the shorter sequnences aligned_buffer<seq_char_t>::iterator dint_iter = ddata_int.begin(); const int zero_state = sm.get_zero_state(); for( size_t i = 0; i < maxlen; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < W; j++ ) { std::vector<seq_char_t> &sdi = ddata[j]; if( i < sdi.size() ) { *dint_iter = sdi[i]; } else { *dint_iter = zero_state; } ++dint_iter; } } for( size_t j = 0; j < sm.num_states(); j++ ) { dint_iter = ddata_int.begin(); const char *cslice = sm.get_cslice(j); for( size_t k = 0; k < maxlen; k++ ) { for( int l = 0; l < W; l++ ) { // if( *dint_iter == zero_state ) { // std::cout << int(cslice[*dint_iter]) << "\n"; // // } *qpi = cslice[*dint_iter]; ++dint_iter; ++qpi; } } } #endif // std::cout << "sdis2: " << sdi.size() << std::endl; // aligned_buffer<short> dv(sdi.size() * W); // short *dv_iter = dv.begin(); // // for( int j = 0; j < sdi.size(); j++ ) { // // for( int k = 0; k < W; k++ ) { // *dv_iter = sdi[j]; // dv_iter++; // } // // } // aligned_buffer<score_t> len(W); // for( int j = 0; j < W; j++ ) { // len.m_ptr[j] =[i + j].size(); // } std::vector<int> out(W); qfasta.reset(); while( qfasta.next_seq( qname, qdata )) { if( first_block ) { n_qseq++; n_qchar+=qdata.size(); } align_vec<score_t,sscore_t,W>( ps, maxlen, qdata, sm, qprofile, gap_open, gap_extend, out ); for( int j = 0; j <= lj; j++ ) { // std::cout << out[j] << "\t" << dname[j] << " " << qname << " " << ddata[j].size() << "\n"; std::cout << out[j] << "\t" << dname[j] << "\n"; } qname.resize(0); qdata.resize(0); } first_block = false; } std::cerr << n_qseq << "[" << n_qchar << "] x " << n_dseq << "[" << n_dchar << "]\n"; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication app( argc, argv ); QTranslator qtr( 0 ); QTranslator qtr2( 0 ); // Set our working directory #ifdef _WIN32 QString datadir = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("APPDATA").constData()); QDir dir(datadir); dir.mkdir("Image Splitter"); datadir = MakePath(datadir, "Image Splitter"); gDataDir = datadir; #ifdef _DEBUG WString wdatadir(datadir); qDebug("Data directory: %ls", wdatadir.getBuffer()); #endif gAppDir = QDir::toNativeSeparators(app.applicationDirPath()); // Set our working directory QDir::setCurrent(datadir); #endif // Load language file QString langfile; #ifndef _WIN32 langfile = "isplitter.lng"; // Set our working directory SetWorkingDirectory(argv[0]); gAppDir = QDir::currentPath(); #else langfile = MakePath(gDataDir, "isplitter.lng"); #endif QFile lang(langfile); QString lfile; QString ldir = MakePath(gAppDir, "translations"); QDir ld(ldir); // Try to find directory containing translation files if (!ld.exists()) { ld.cdUp(); // If there is no "translations" sub-directory, check the directory containing the executable if (ld.exists("isplitter_en.qm")) { ldir = gAppDir; } else { // ... then try its parent directory, for example if we are running from Visual Studio ld.cdUp(); if (ld.exists("isplitter_en.qm")) { ldir = QDir::toNativeSeparators(ld.absolutePath()); } } } if (!lang.exists()) { NoTranslation: lfile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, app.translate("main", "Open translation file..."), ldir, "isplitter_*.qm"); // Save selected language's translator filename if (!lfile.isEmpty() && ) { QByteArray clang = lfile.toUtf8(); lang.write(clang); lang.close(); } } // (Re-)load translator filename if ( ) { // file opened successfully QByteArray plang = lang.readLine(); lfile = QString::fromUtf8(plang); lang.close(); } // Install translator ;) if (!lfile.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(lfile) && qtr.load(lfile)) app.installTranslator(&qtr); else goto NoTranslation; // Qt's own translator file QFileInfo qfi(lfile); QString qt_lang = QString::null; QString qtdir = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("QTDIR").constData()); langfile = qfi.fileName().replace(QRegExp("isplitter"), "qt"); if (qtdir != QString::null) { QString tr_dir = MakePath(qtdir, "translations"); qt_lang = MakePath(tr_dir, langfile); if (!QFile::exists(qt_lang)) qt_lang = QString::null; } // Try using same directory as Image Splitter's translations if (qt_lang == QString::null) { qt_lang = MakePath(qfi.absolutePath(), langfile); } if (QFile::exists(qt_lang) && qtr2.load(qt_lang)) { app.installTranslator( &qtr2 ); } ImageSplitter * window = new ImageSplitter(NULL); Q_CHECK_PTR(window); window->show(); if (app.arguments().count() > 1) window->Load(app.arguments().at(1)); return app.exec(); }