Beispiel #1
qof_commit_edit_part2(QofInstance *inst,
                      void (*on_error)(QofInstance *, QofBackendError),
                      void (*on_done)(QofInstance *),
                      void (*on_free)(QofInstance *))
    QofInstancePrivate *priv;
    QofBackend * be;
    gboolean dirty;

    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);
    dirty = priv->dirty;

    /* See if there's a backend.  If there is, invoke it. */
    be = qof_book_get_backend(priv->book);
    if (be && qof_backend_commit_exists(be))
        QofBackendError errcode;

        /* clear errors */
            errcode = qof_backend_get_error(be);
        while (ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR != errcode);

        qof_backend_run_commit(be, inst);
        errcode = qof_backend_get_error(be);
        if (ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR != errcode)
            /* XXX Should perform a rollback here */
            priv->do_free = FALSE;

            /* Push error back onto the stack */
            qof_backend_set_error (be, errcode);
            if (on_error)
                on_error(inst, errcode);
            return FALSE;
        /* XXX the backend commit code should clear dirty!! */
        priv->dirty = FALSE;
//    if (dirty && qof_get_alt_dirty_mode() &&
//        !(priv->infant && priv->do_free)) {
//      qof_collection_mark_dirty(priv->collection);
//      qof_book_mark_dirty(priv->book);
//    }
    priv->infant = FALSE;

    if (priv->do_free)
        if (on_free)
        return TRUE;

    if (on_done)
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
gboolean qof_commit_edit (QofInstance *inst)
    QofInstancePrivate *priv;

    if (!inst) return FALSE;

    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);
    if (0 < priv->editlevel) return FALSE;

#if 0
    if ((0 == priv->editlevel) && priv->dirty)
        QofBackend * be = qof_book_get_backend(priv->book);
        if (be && qof_backend_commit_exists(be))
            qof_backend_run_commit(be, inst);
    if (0 > priv->editlevel)
        PERR ("unbalanced call - resetting (was %d)", priv->editlevel);
        priv->editlevel = 0;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
static void
compare_books( QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2 )
    QofBackend *be = qof_book_get_backend( book_2 );
    compare_account_trees( book_1, book_2 );
    compare_pricedbs( book_1, book_2 );
    compare_txs( book_1, book_2 );
    compare_sxs( book_1, book_2 );
    compare_lots( book_1, book_2 );
    test_conn_get_index_list( be );
Beispiel #4
/* XXX This exports the list of accounts to a file.  It does not
 * export any transactions.  It's a place-holder until full
 * book-closing is implemented.
qof_session_export (QofSession *tmp_session,
                    QofSession *real_session,
                    QofPercentageFunc percentage_func)
    QofBook *book, *book2;
    QofBackend *be;

    if ((!tmp_session) || (!real_session)) return FALSE;

    book = qof_session_get_book (real_session);
    ENTER ("tmp_session=%p real_session=%p book=%p book_id=%s",
           tmp_session, real_session, book,
           ? qof_session_get_url(tmp_session) : "(null)");

    /* There must be a backend or else.  (It should always be the file
     * backend too.)
    book2 = qof_session_get_book(tmp_session);
    be = qof_book_get_backend(book2);
    if (!be)
        return FALSE;

    be->percentage = percentage_func;
    if (be->export_fn)
        int err;

        (be->export_fn)(be, book);
        err = qof_backend_get_error(be);

        if (ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR != err)
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #5
qof_begin_edit (QofInstance *inst)
    QofInstancePrivate *priv;
    QofBackend * be;

    if (!inst) return FALSE;

    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);
    if (1 < priv->editlevel) return FALSE;
    if (0 >= priv->editlevel)
        priv->editlevel = 1;

    be = qof_book_get_backend(priv->book);
    if (be && qof_backend_begin_exists(be))
        qof_backend_run_begin(be, inst);
        priv->dirty = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #6
static void
test_employee (void)
    QofBackend *be;
    QofBook *book;
    QofSession *session;
    GncEmployee *employee;

    session = qof_session_new();
    qof_session_begin(session, QOF_STDOUT, FALSE, FALSE);
    book = qof_session_get_book(session);
    /* The book *must* have a backend to pass the test of the 'dirty' flag */
    /* See the README file for details */

    be = qof_book_get_backend (book);

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncEmployeeCreate (NULL) == NULL, "employee create NULL");
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        do_test (employee != NULL, "employee create");
        do_test (qof_instance_get_book(QOF_INSTANCE(employee)) == book,

        gncEmployeeBeginEdit (employee);
        gncEmployeeDestroy (employee);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncEmployeeSetID, gncEmployeeGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Username", gncEmployeeSetUsername, gncEmployeeGetUsername);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Language", gncEmployeeSetLanguage, gncEmployeeGetLanguage);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Acl", gncEmployeeSetAcl, gncEmployeeGetAcl);

        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Workday", gncEmployeeSetWorkday, gncEmployeeGetWorkday);
        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Rate", gncEmployeeSetRate, gncEmployeeGetRate);

        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncEmployeeSetActive, gncEmployeeGetActive);

        do_test (gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee) != NULL, "Addr");

        guid_new (&guid);
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        gncEmployeeSetGUID (employee, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(employee))), "guid compare");
#if 0
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;
        GncAddress *addr;

        addr = gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee);
        gncAddressSetName (addr, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, employee);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (safe_strcmp (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");
static gboolean
gxi_parse_file (GncXmlImportData *data)
    QofSession *session = NULL;
    QofBook *book;
    QofBackend *backend;
    QofBackendError io_err = ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR;
    gchar *message = NULL;
    gboolean success = FALSE;

    if (data->n_unassigned || data->n_impossible)
        goto cleanup_parse_file;

    /* fill subst hash table with byte sequence substitutions */
    data->subst = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
    g_hash_table_foreach (data->ambiguous_ht, (GHFunc) subst_insert_amb, data);
    g_hash_table_foreach (data->unique, (GHFunc) subst_insert_unique, data);

    if (!data->subst)
        goto cleanup_parse_file;

    /* create a temporary QofSession */
    gxi_session_destroy (data);
    session = qof_session_new ();
    data->session = session;
    qof_session_begin (session, data->filename, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
    io_err = qof_session_get_error (session);
    if (io_err != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
        message = _("The file could not be reopened.");
        goto cleanup_parse_file;

    xaccLogDisable ();
    gxi_update_progress_bar (_("Reading file..."), 0.0);
    qof_session_load (session, gxi_update_progress_bar);
    gxi_update_progress_bar (NULL, -1.0);
    xaccLogEnable ();

    io_err = qof_session_get_error (session);
    if (io_err == ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
        /* loaded sucessfully now. strange, but ok */
        success = TRUE;
        goto cleanup_parse_file;
    else if (io_err != ERR_FILEIO_NO_ENCODING)
        /* another error, cannot handle this here */
        message = _("The file could not be reopened.");
        goto cleanup_parse_file;

    qof_session_pop_error (session);
    book = qof_session_get_book (session);
    backend = qof_book_get_backend (book);

    gxi_update_progress_bar (_("Parsing file..."), 0.0);
    success = gnc_xml2_parse_with_subst (backend, book, data->subst);
    gxi_update_progress_bar (NULL, -1.0);

    if (success)
        data->session = session;
        message = _("There was an error parsing the file.");


    if (data->subst)
        g_hash_table_destroy (data->subst);
        data->subst = NULL;
    if (message)
        gnc_error_dialog (data->assistant, "%s", message);
    if (!success)
        gxi_session_destroy (data);

    return success;