static bool containsRecord(stKVDatabase *database, int64_t key) {
    MySqlDb *dbImpl = database->dbImpl;
    MYSQL_RES *rs = queryStart(dbImpl, "select id from %s where id=%lld", dbImpl->table,  (long long)key);
    char **row = queryNext(dbImpl, rs);
    bool found = (row != NULL);
    queryEnd(dbImpl, rs);
    return found;
Beispiel #2
struct genePred *genePredReaderNext(struct genePredReader* gpr)
/* Read the next genePred, returning NULL if no more */
if (gpr->lf != NULL)
    return fileNext(gpr);
    return queryNext(gpr);
Beispiel #3
struct psl *pslReaderNext(struct pslReader* pr)
/* Read the next psl, returning NULL if no more */
if (pr->lf != NULL)
    return fileNext(pr);
    return queryNext(pr);
/* immediate execution of a statement that doesn't return results, formatting
 * arguments into query */
static void sqlExec(MySqlDb *dbImpl, char *query, ...) {
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, query);
    MYSQL_RES *rs = queryStartv(dbImpl, query, args);
    if (queryNext(dbImpl, rs) != NULL) {
        stThrowNew(ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_ID, "SQL command should not have returned a result: \"%s\"", query);
    queryEnd(dbImpl, rs);
// collect warnings into an array
static int getWarnings(MySqlDb *dbImpl, int maxToReport, char **warnings) {
    int numReturned = 0;
    MYSQL_RES *rs = queryStart(dbImpl, "show warnings limit %d", maxToReport);
    char **row;
    while ((row = queryNext(dbImpl, rs)) != NULL) {
        if (numReturned < maxToReport) {
            warnings[numReturned++] = stSafeCDynFmt("%s: %s (%s)", row[0], row[2], row[1]);
    return numReturned;
static void *getPartialRecord(stKVDatabase *database, int64_t key, int64_t zeroBasedByteOffset, int64_t sizeInBytes, int64_t recordSize) {
    MySqlDb *dbImpl = database->dbImpl;
    MYSQL_RES *rs = queryStart(dbImpl, "select substring(data, %lld, %lld) from %s where id=%lld", (long long)zeroBasedByteOffset+1, (long long)sizeInBytes, dbImpl->table, (long long)key);
    char **row = queryNext(dbImpl, rs);
    void *data = NULL;
    int64_t readLen = 0;
    if (row != NULL) {
        readLen = queryLength(dbImpl, rs);
        data = stSafeCCopyMem(row[0], readLen);
    queryEnd(dbImpl, rs);
    if (readLen != sizeInBytes) {
        stThrowNew(ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_ID, "partial read of key %lld, expected %lld bytes got %lld bytes", (long long)key, (long long)sizeInBytes, (long long)readLen);
    return data;
static void *getRecord2(stKVDatabase *database, int64_t key, int64_t *sizeOfRecord) {
    MySqlDb *dbImpl = database->dbImpl;
    MYSQL_RES *rs = queryStart(dbImpl, "select data from %s where id=%lld", dbImpl->table,  (long long)key);
    char **row = queryNext(dbImpl, rs);
    void *data = NULL;
    int64_t readLen = 0;
    if (row != NULL) {
        readLen = queryLength(dbImpl, rs);
        data = stSafeCCopyMem(row[0], readLen);
    queryEnd(dbImpl, rs);
    if (sizeOfRecord != NULL) {
        *sizeOfRecord = readLen;
    return data;