void CTemplateWindow::onDelButton() { uiComboBoxItem *pItem = m_comboList->getSelectItem(); if ( pItem ) { CObjectTemplate *p = (CObjectTemplate*) pItem->getData(); if ( p->getRef() > 0 ) { alert( L"Can not delete this template because it is used on level!", NULL); return; } if ( p ) { WCHAR msg[1024]; swprintf( msg, 1024, L"Do you want to delete this template '%s'", p->getObjectTemplateName() ); if ( question( msg, NULL) == true ) { CObjTemplateFactory::removeTemplate( p->getObjectTemplateName() ); CObjTemplateFactory::saveAllObjectTemplate(); reloadList(); } } } }
void IngameMenu::render(sf::RenderTarget *target) { sf::Shape bg = sf::Shape::Rectangle(0, 0, W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT, sf::Color(100,100,100,120)); target->Draw(bg); sf::Shape sh = sf::Shape::Rectangle(290, 210, 436, 310, sf::Color(110,90,60,150), 1.f, sf::Color(30,35,60,200)); target->Draw(sh); sf::String question("Que souhaitez vous ?"); question.SetSize(14); question.SetColor(sf::Color(250,250,220)); question.SetPosition(300, 220); target->Draw(question); bQuit.render(target); bCancel.render(target); }
ICMainWindow::ICMainWindow(ICServer *theServer, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), server(theServer), questionDialog(new ICNewQuestionDialog(this)), onCanvas(false) { setupUi(this); setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/icimage.png")); //this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); //questionDialog->setWindowOpacity(0.8); questionDialog->setWindowFlags(questionDialog->windowFlags() | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); connect(exitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(minimizeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showMinimized())); connect(understandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(understand())); connect(questionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(question())); connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stop())); connect(server, SIGNAL(newAnswerArrived(QString)), this, SLOT(newAnswerArrived(QString))); connect(server, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()), this, SLOT(connectionClosed())); connect(questionDialog, SIGNAL(newQuestion(int,int)), this, SLOT(newQuestionReady(int,int))); sidLabel->setText(server->getIdentifier()); countLabel->setText("0/0"); }
void PhotoGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event ) { if (isEnabled() && deleteRect().contains(event->pos())) { if (scene()) { if (scene()->views().count()) { bool vResult = question(scene()->views().at(0)->parentWidget() , TRANSLATE("Удалить фото") , TRANSLATE("Вы действительно хотите удалить фотографию?") ); if (vResult) { ((GalleryGrapicsScene*)scene())->remove(id()); } } } } else { setActive(); } }
void MqsConfig::onRemoveEncoder() { string user_defined_encoder_name; QList<QListWidgetItem*> selected_encoders = ui.list_encoders->selectedItems(); user_defined_encoder_name = selected_encoders.at(0)->text().toStdString(); if(user_defined_encoder_name.empty()) return; if(QMessageBox::question(this,"Confirmation","Are you really want to delete channel?",QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) return; QString affected_channels(""); QSqlQuery affected_channels_result = settings->query("SELECT name FROM channel WHERE encoder='%s'", user_defined_encoder_name.c_str()); do { QSqlRecord affected_channel = affected_channels_result.record(); affected_channels += affected_channel.value("name").toString(); }while(affected_channels_result.next()); if(!affected_channels.isEmpty()) { QString question("Next linked channels: " + affected_channels + " will be deleted too. Continue?"); if(QMessageBox::question(this,"Channel dependencies found", question, QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) return; } settings->query("DELETE FROM channel WHERE encoder='%s'", user_defined_encoder_name.c_str()); settings->query("DELETE FROM encoder WHERE name = '%s'", user_defined_encoder_name.c_str()); updateEncoders(); updateChannels(); }
static int standby_resume_standby(struct node *node, unsigned me, unsigned la, bool interactive) { if (!node->remote[la].has_power_status) return NOTAPPLICABLE; struct cec_msg msg = {}; unsigned unresponsive_time = 0; fail_on_test(!util_interactive_ensure_power_state(node, me, la, interactive, CEC_OP_POWER_STATUS_ON)); announce("Sending Standby message."); cec_msg_init(&msg, me, la); cec_msg_standby(&msg); fail_on_test(!transmit_timeout(node, &msg)); fail_on_test(cec_msg_status_is_abort(&msg)); fail_on_test(!poll_stable_power_status(node, me, la, CEC_OP_POWER_STATUS_STANDBY, unresponsive_time)); fail_on_test(interactive && !question("Is the device in standby?")); node->remote[la].in_standby = true; if (unresponsive_time > 0) warn("The device went correctly into standby, but became unresponsive for %d s during the transition.\n", unresponsive_time); return 0; }
static int standby_resume_standby_toggle(struct node *node, unsigned me, unsigned la, bool interactive) { if (!node->remote[la].in_standby) return NOTAPPLICABLE; struct cec_msg msg = {}; unsigned unresponsive_time = 0; __u8 new_status; node->remote[la].in_standby = false; /* Send Standby again to test that it is not acting like a toggle */ announce("Sending Standby message."); cec_msg_init(&msg, me, la); cec_msg_standby(&msg); int res = doioctl(node, CEC_TRANSMIT, &msg); fail_on_test(res && res != ENONET); fail_on_test(cec_msg_status_is_abort(&msg)); fail_on_test(wait_changing_power_status(node, me, la, new_status, unresponsive_time)); fail_on_test(new_status != CEC_OP_POWER_STATUS_STANDBY); fail_on_test(interactive && !question("Is the device still in standby?")); node->remote[la].in_standby = true; if (unresponsive_time > 0) warn("The device went correctly into standby, but became unresponsive for %d s during the transition.\n", unresponsive_time); return 0; }
void sfac_imprim() { int ret=0; //GError **err; fis=fopen(ficcdimp,"r"); if ( fis == NULL) { message(16); return; } //printf("open %s\n",ficcdimp); ret = edit_fac(); fclose (fis); fis = NULL; if ( ret == -1) { message (26); return; } //gboolean g_spawn_command_line_async (const gchar *command_line, GError **error); #ifdef WIN32 //g_spawn_command_line_async("ShellExecute(0,'open','factest.pdf',0,0,1)",*err); ShellExecute(0,"open","factest.pdf",0,0,SW_SHOWNORMAL); #else //system("start evince factest.pdf"); system("xdg-open factest.pdf&"); // & permet de garder la main ? //system("gnome-open factest.pdf"); #endif if ( question(22) == 0) sauvfac(); }
SettingsReader::SettingsReader() { const bool first_start = globals::settings->value("first_start", true).toBool(); if(first_start) { globals::settings->setValue("first_start", false); QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Please close LQ and then edit:", globals::settings->fileName().toAscii().data()); } if(globals::settings->value("update_applied").toBool()) { UpdateInfoDlg u; u.show(); u.exec(); globals::settings->setValue("update_applied", false); } printf("Writing options to %s\n", globals::settings->fileName().toAscii().data()); checkIntegrity(first_start); if(first_start) { const bool mobile = question("Is this a mobile?", "Are you running this on your mobile phone?"); globals::settings->setValue("target", (mobile)?"mobile":"pc"); } globals::MUSIC_ROOT = globals::settings->value("music_root").toString(); globals::VIDEO_ROOT = globals::settings->value("video_root").toString(); globals::MPLAYER_EXE = globals::settings->value("mplayer_name").toString(); }
static int standby_resume_wakeup(struct node *node, unsigned me, unsigned la, bool interactive) { if (!node->remote[la].in_standby) return NOTAPPLICABLE; int ret; if (is_tv(la, node->remote[la].prim_type)) ret = wakeup_tv(node, me, la); else ret = wakeup_source(node, me, la); if (ret) return ret; unsigned unresponsive_time = 0; announce("Device is woken up"); fail_on_test(!poll_stable_power_status(node, me, la, CEC_OP_POWER_STATUS_ON, unresponsive_time)); fail_on_test(interactive && !question("Is the device in On state?")); if (unresponsive_time > 0) warn("The device went correctly out of standby, but became unresponsive for %d s during the transition.\n", unresponsive_time); return 0; }
void BaseWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { QMessageBox question(QMessageBox::Question, "Save Changes?", "Closing this window you may lose some of your changes to the configuration.\n\nWould you like to save before exiting?", (QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel)); int result = question.exec(); if (result == QMessageBox::Cancel) { event->ignore(); } else { if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) { QListWidgetItem *item = 0; item = this->ui->lstServers->currentItem(); if (item != 0) this->updateServer(item); // Update any changes this->saveSettings(); // Save the config this->rebuildActions(); } event->ignore(); this->hide(); } }
void ScriptEngine::sslErrorHandler( QNetworkReply* qnr, const QList<QSslError>& errlist ) { tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; QByteArray digest = errlist.first().certificate().digest(); int result = -1; if ( !TomahawkSettings::instance()->isSslCertKnown( digest ) ) { foreach ( const QSslError& err, errlist ) tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "SSL error:" << err; QMessageBox question( TomahawkUtils::tomahawkWindow() ); question.setWindowTitle( tr( "SSL Error" ) ); question.setText( tr( "You have asked Tomahawk to connect securely to <b>%1</b>, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure:<br><br>" "<b>%2</b><br><br>" "Do you want to trust this connection?" ) .arg( qnr->url().host() ) .arg( errlist.first().errorString() ) ); question.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::No ); question.addButton( tr( "Trust certificate" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); result = question.exec(); //FIXME: discuss whether we want to store rejects, too (needs settings management to remove the decision?) if ( result == QMessageBox::AcceptRole ) TomahawkSettings::instance()->setSslCertTrusted( digest, result == QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); }
void RemoteLogViewer::on_clearLogs_clicked() { if ( question("删除聊天记录吗?")) { _qq->clearLogs(_uin); ui->textEdit->setText(QString::fromUtf8("暂无记录")); } }
/* ******************************************************************************** * PARSE THE DNS REPLY * * Description : This function parses the reply message from DNS server. * Arguments : dhdr - is a pointer to the header for DNS message * buf - is a pointer to the reply message. * len - is the size of reply message. * Returns : None * Note : ******************************************************************************** */ uint8_t DNS::parseMSG(struct dhdr *pdhdr, uint8_t *pbuf) { uint16_t tmp = 0; uint16_t i = 0; uint8_t *msg = 0; uint8_t *cp = 0; msg = pbuf; memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(pdhdr)); pdhdr->id = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)&msg[0])); tmp = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)&msg[2])); if (tmp & 0x8000) pdhdr->qr = 1; pdhdr->opcode = (tmp >> 11) & 0xf; if (tmp & 0x0400) pdhdr->aa = 1; if (tmp & 0x0200) pdhdr->tc = 1; if (tmp & 0x0100) pdhdr->rd = 1; if (tmp & 0x0080) pdhdr->ra = 1; pdhdr->rcode = tmp & 0xf; pdhdr->qdcount = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)&msg[4])); pdhdr->ancount = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)&msg[6])); pdhdr->nscount = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)&msg[8])); pdhdr->arcount = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)&msg[10])); /* Now parse the variable length sections */ cp = &msg[12]; /* Question section */ for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->qdcount; i++) { cp = question(msg, cp); } /* Answer section */ for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->ancount; i++) { cp = answer(msg, cp); } /* Name server (authority) section */ for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->nscount; i++) { ; } /* Additional section */ for (i = 0; i < pdhdr->arcount; i++) { ; } if(pdhdr->rcode == 0) return 1; // No error else return 0; }
void Menu::DisplayError(const std::string & msg) { play_error_sound(); std::cerr << msg << std::endl; Question question(Question::WARNING); question.Set(msg, true, 0); question.Ask(); }
void async_resolve ( implementation_type &impl, const string & domain, const net::dns::type_t rrtype, CallbackHandler handler ) { net::dns::question question(domain, rrtype); impl->async_resolve(question, handler); }
/* From pacman */ int yesno(const char *fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ret = question(1, fmt, args); printf("%s", color.nocolor); va_end(args); return ret; }
bool yesno(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; bool res; va_start(ap, fmt); res = question(1, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return res; }
void Essay::fillAnswer() { EssayQuestion *qq = question(); String answer(mEditor->document()->toPlainText().toStdString()); if (answer == qq->filledAnswer()) { return; } qq->fill(answer); emit answerModified(qq); }
void Essay::render(QWidget *widget) { EssayQuestion const* qq = question(); QLayout *layout = widget->layout(); mEditor = new qtCanvas::QTextEdit(widget); mEditor->setText(QString::fromStdString(qq->filledAnswer())); mEditor->setAcceptRichText(true); mEditor->setTabChangesFocus(true); layout->addWidget(mEditor); QObject::connect(mEditor, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(fillAnswer())); }
inline void pe_failure(const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); qstring question("AUTOHIDE REGISTRY\n"); question.cat_vsprnt(format, va); question.append("\nDo you wish to continue?"); if ( askyn_c(1, question.c_str()) != 1 ) { loader_failure(NULL); } va_end(va); }
void sqlo::supquest(project *p, QString nameproject, int id) { QSqlQuery qry; qry.prepare( "DELETE FROM project_" + nameproject + "_question WHERE id=?;" ); qry.addBindValue(id); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else { qDebug() << "question delete success!"; } p->listqgroup[p->listquestion[id].qgroupid].supquestion(id); p->listquestion[id] = question(); }
void UIPopupCenter::questionBinary(QWidget *pParent, const QString &strPopupPaneID, const QString &strMessage, const QString &strOkButtonText /*= QString()*/, const QString &strCancelButtonText /*= QString()*/, bool fProposeAutoConfirmation /*= false*/) { question(pParent, strPopupPaneID, strMessage, AlertButton_Ok | AlertButtonOption_Default, AlertButton_Cancel | AlertButtonOption_Escape, strOkButtonText, strCancelButtonText, fProposeAutoConfirmation); }
inline void project::addquestion(QString name, int group, int id, int qgroupid, QString sujet, QString unit, int type, QString splitchar, int value, int ref_only, bool global) { if (id == -1) { id = sqlo::addquestion(this, name, group, unit, 0, sujet, qgroupid, type, ref_only, splitchar, value, global); } this->nbquestion++; question ret(name, group, id, qgroupid, sujet, unit, type, splitchar, value, ref_only, global); while ((int)this->listquestion.size() < id) this->listquestion.push_back(question()); this->listquestion.push_back(ret); }
// the important function void KeyPTU::drive(void) { // if the PTU isn't initialized, initialize it here... it has to be // done here instead of above because it needs to be done when the // robot is connected if (!myPTUInitRequested && !myPTU.isInitted() && myRobot->isConnected()) { printf("\nWaiting for Camera to Initialize\n"); myAbsolute = true; myPTUInitRequested = true; myPTU.init(); } // if the camera hasn't initialized yet, then just return if (myPTUInitRequested && !myPTU.isInitted()) { return; } if (myPTUInitRequested && myPTU.isInitted()) { myPTUInitRequested = false; myPanSlew = myPTU.getPanSlew(); myTiltSlew = myPTU.getTiltSlew(); printf("Done.\n"); question(); } if (myExerciseTime.secSince() > 5 && myExercise) { int pan,tilt; if (ArMath::random()%2) pan = ArMath::random()%((int)myPTU.getMaxPosPan()); else pan = -ArMath::random()%((int)myPTU.getMaxNegPan()); if (ArMath::random()%2) tilt = ArMath::random()%((int)myPTU.getMaxPosTilt()); else tilt = -ArMath::random()%((int)myPTU.getMaxNegTilt()); myPTU.panTilt(pan, tilt); //printf("** %d\n", myRobot->getEstop()); //printf("--> %x\n", myRobot->getFlags()); myExerciseTime.setToNow(); } }
void interrogation_factory::submit_question() { // With no question options we can't have a question. // if( _cached_options.empty() || !_cached_dataset ) return; // Add the question to our interrogation. // _cached_interrogation->push_question( _cached_dataset, question( _cached_question, _cached_options ) ); // _cached_options.clear(); }
int main () { int i; int sum; i = 0; sum = -58; while (i < 3){ sum = sum + question(i); i = i + 1; } return sum; }
void MainWindow::slotIndirectRequestReceived(ThunderPanel::IndirectRequestType type) { if (type == ThunderPanel::RemoveTasks) { const QStringList & ids = tpanel->getSelectedTaskIDs(); if (question ( tr("Remove selected %1 item(s)?").arg(ids.size())) ) return; tcore->removeCloudTasks(ids); } else if (type == ThunderPanel::AddTask) { } }
static int one_touch_play_view_on_wakeup(struct node *node, unsigned me, unsigned la, bool interactive, __u8 opcode) { fail_on_test(!util_interactive_ensure_power_state(node, me, la, interactive, CEC_OP_POWER_STATUS_STANDBY)); int ret = one_touch_play_view_on(node, me, la, interactive, opcode); if (ret && ret != PRESUMED_OK) return ret; fail_on_test(interactive && !question("Did the TV turn on?")); if (interactive) return 0; else return PRESUMED_OK; }
static vector<Level> launch_inference_threads(const vector<vector<clause_vector> > &clauses, const vector<DrtVect> &data, const path_memory &mem, Knowledge *k, double noise, int num_cycles, int trace, int num_level) { // The question DrtPred question("--"); inference_vector inference0(question, data, 1, num_level, clauses, mem, k); inference0.init(); inference0.setNoise(noise); inference0.makeFeetStep(num_cycles, trace); vector<Level> tmpdata, retdata; tmpdata = inference0.getLastData(); retdata.insert(retdata.end(), tmpdata.begin(), tmpdata.end()); return retdata; }