Beispiel #1
// Pre-condition: low and high are valid indexes into numbers and rank is
//                in between 1 and high-low+1, inclusive.
// Post-condition: The rank smallest element within numbers[low...high]
//                 will be returned. Also, some elements within numbers may
//                 change positions.
int quickselect(int* numbers, int low, int high, int rank) {

     // Base case, this is the only number in the search range.     
     if (low == high) 
         return numbers[low];

     // Partition the array.
     int split = partition(numbers,low,high);

     // The partition element is the correct one, so return it!
     if (rank == split-low+1)
         return numbers[split];
     // We're looking for a smaller element than the partition element, so
     // just look to the left.
     else if (rank < split-low+1)
         return quickselect(numbers, low, split-1, rank);
     // We're looking for a larger element than the partition element, so
     // look to the right. Also, in our new array, the rank of the element
     // we are looking for has changed.
         return quickselect(numbers, split+1, high, rank-(split-low+1));
Beispiel #2
/*Quick selection, avg=best=O(n) time, wrost in O(n^2)*/
int quickselect(int *p, int left, int right, int k)
	int idx;
	if (left == right) return p[left];
	idx = partition(p, left, right);
	if (k==idx) return p[idx];
	else if (k<idx) return quickselect(p, left, idx-1, k);
	else return quickselect(p, idx+1, right, k);
int AlgorithmSortQuick::quickselect(int* numbers, int left, int right, int k)
	//for (int i = left; i <= right; i++)
	//	std::cout << numbers[i] << " - ";
	//std::cout << "\n ";
	if (left + 10 <= right)
		int pivot = madian3(numbers, left, right);

		int i = left, j = right - 1;

		for ( ; ; )

			while (numbers[++i] > pivot) { }
			while (pivot > numbers[--j]) { }
			if (i < j) 
				swap(&numbers[i], &numbers[j]);
		//std::cout << "\n " << numbers[i] << " - " << numbers[right - 1];
		swap(&numbers[i], &numbers[right - 1]);
		//std::cout << "\n " << numbers[i] << " - " << numbers[right - 1];
		if (k < i)
			quickselect(numbers, left, i-1, k); 
		else if (k == i)
			return numbers[i];
			quickselect(numbers, i + 1, right, k);  
		int j;
		for (int p = 1; p < right+1; p++)
				int temp = numbers[p];
				for (j = p; j > 0 && temp >= numbers[j - 1]; j--)				
					numbers[j] = numbers[j - 1];
				numbers[j] = temp;				

		return numbers[k - 1];
int Quickselect::quickselect(vector<int>& input, int l, int r, int k)
  if(r-l+1 <= 10) {
    return input[l+k-1];
  if (l >= r) return input[l];
  int pivot = pivotSelection(input,l,r);
  int p = partition(input,l,r,pivot);
  int length = p - l + 1;
  if (length == k) return input[p];
  else if (k < length) return quickselect(input,l,p-1,k);
  else return quickselect(input,p+1,r,k-length);
Beispiel #5
int main() {
     int *list;

     // Allocate space for our list.
     list = (int*)malloc(SIZEOFLIST*sizeof(int));

     // Fill it with random values.
     int i;
     for (i=0;i<SIZEOFLIST;i++) 
         list[i] = rand();

     // Print out the original values.
     print(list, SIZEOFLIST);
     // Get the rank of element they want.
     int rank;
     printf("Which ranked element do you want? (Please enter a 1-based number.)\n");
     scanf("%d", &rank);

     // Get the answer and print it out.
     int answer = quickselect(list,0,SIZEOFLIST-1, rank);
     printf("The %d smallest element is %d\n", rank, answer);
     return 0;
int AlgorithmSortQuick::select()
	int theNumber = 0;

	int n = 0;
	int input = 0; 
	//std::cin >> n;  
	std::ifstream file(myfile); 
	if (file.is_open())
		file >> n;
		file >> this->k; 
		file >> n;

		int* numbers = new int[n];

		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			//std::cin >> input;  
			file >> input;
			numbers[i] = input;

		theNumber = quickselect(numbers, 0, n-1, k);  
Beispiel #7
// Find the median in an array of values using quickselect
int quickselect(int* data, size_t nelements, size_t lo, size_t hi) {
    if(lo < hi) {
        // Select the rightmost element as the pivot
        int pivot = data[hi];

        // Partition using Lomuto partitioning
        size_t partition = lo;
        for(size_t i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
            // Move smaller elements to the left
            if(data[i] <= pivot) {
                // Swap the element with the partition
                int temp        = data[i];
                data[i]         = data[partition];
                data[partition] = temp;

                // Move the partition rightwards

        // Swap the pivot with the partition
        data[hi]        = data[partition];
        data[partition] = pivot;

        print("During:        ", data, nelements);

        // Is the partition at the mid-point?
        if(partition == nelements/2) {
            return data[nelements/2];
        // Is the partition to the right of the mid-point?
        else if(partition > nelements/2) {
            // Recurse into the left partition
            return quickselect(data, nelements, lo, partition - 1);
        // Is the partition to the left of the mid-point?
        else {
            // Recurse into the right partition
            return quickselect(data, nelements, partition + 1, hi);
    else {
        // Only one element left
        return data[lo];
int main()
	int a[] = {34,12,0,7,83,21,3,5,12,2};
	std::cout<<"the array:\n";
	for (int i=0; i!=10; ++i)
		std::cout<<a[i]<<' ';
	std::cout<<"the 4-th smallest element is: "<<a[3]<<"\n";
	return 0;
Beispiel #9
int main(void) {
    // Create an array of unsorted data
    int data[] = { 23, 21, 76, 16, 43, 52, 18 };
    print("Unsorted:      ", data, NELEMENTS(data));

    // Find the median using the quick select algorithm
    int median = quickselect(data, NELEMENTS(data), 0, NELEMENTS(data) - 1);
    print("Partly sorted: ", data, NELEMENTS(data));
    printf("Median value:  %d\n", median);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #10
int quickselect(int B[],int start,int end,int k){
	int m,i,tmp;
	int pivot;

	if(end ==start+1) return B[start];


	if(end==m+k) return pivot;
	else if(end<m+k) return quickselect(B,start+1,m,k-(end-m)-1);
	else return quickselect(B,m,end,k);
Beispiel #11
int main (void) {
    // Read the array in first
    int ** matrix = malloc (sizeof (int*) * DIMENSIONS);

    int index = 0;
    while (index < DIMENSIONS) {
        matrix[index] = malloc (sizeof (int) * DIMENSIONS);

    srand (time(NULL));

    int col = 0;
    while (col < DIMENSIONS) {
        int row = 0;
        while (row < DIMENSIONS) {
            int value = rand() % 100;
            if (value < 100-FREQUENCY) {
                matrix[col][row] = 0;
            } else {
                matrix[col][row] = 1;

    // Show the matrix
    show_array (matrix);

    // Keep track of values in an array
    int nextFree = 0;
    int * areas = malloc (sizeof (int) * DIMENSIONS * DIMENSIONS);

    // Parse matrix
    parse_array (matrix, areas, &nextFree);

    // See what values we come up with
    index = 0;
    printf ("AREAS: ");
    while (index < nextFree) {
        printf ("%d ", areas[index]);

    // Perform quick select for median.
    printf ("Median Area: %d\n", quickselect (areas, nextFree - 1));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #12
int main(){
	int i;
	int A[]={6,1,20,3,8,9,2,7,10,6};
	int C[10];

		printf("%d ",C[i]);

	return 0;
Beispiel #13
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int n, k, *p;
	n = (argc>1)? atoi(argv[1]) : 10;
	k = (argc>2)? atoi(argv[2]) : n/2;
	k = (k > n)? k%n:k;
	p = create_array(n);
	printf("n=%d k=%d\n", n, k);
	print_array(p, n);
	printf("%dth=%d\n", k, quickselect(p, 0, n-1, k-1));
	print_array(p, n);
	/*after full sorting, for manual review*/
	qsort(p, n, 4, cmp);
	print_array(p, n);
	return 0;
Beispiel #14
int main()
    int n = 1000;
    int a[n], j, r;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        a[i] = rand() % 1000;
        printf("%d\t", a[i]);
    j = 100;
    r = quickselect(a, 0, n - 1, j);
    printf("\n\n%dth: %d\n", j, a[r]);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (r == i)
        printf("%d\t\033[0m", a[i]);
    return 0;
Beispiel #15
int kd_build(Kdtree *data, Kdtree *kd_tree) {
  int axis, i, level, c_level;
  int left, right, current, c_index, parent;
  //int ind[3];
  Interval ind;
  Interval *res;  
  Queue q;

  if (data->size == 0) {
    kd_tree->nodes = NULL;
    kd_tree->size = 0;
    return 0;

  level = ceil(log(data->size + 1)/log(2));
  kd_tree->size = (int)pow(2, level) - 1;
  kd_tree->nodes = (Node*)calloc(kd_tree->size, sizeof(Node)); 

  if (NULL == kd_tree->nodes) return -1;

  init_queue(&q, data->size);
  left = 0; right = data->size - 1;
  current = (left + right) / 2; 
  ind.left = left; ind.right = right; 
  ind.parent = -1; 
  enqueue(&q, &ind);
  i = 0;
  while(!empty(&q)) {
    res = (Interval*)dequeue(&q);

    left = res->left;
    right = res->right;
    current = (left + right) / 2;

    c_level = ((int)floor(log(2 * (i + 1))/log(2)) - 1);

    axis = c_level % 3;
    c_index = i;

    parent = res->parent; 

    if (c_level == level - 1 && ((data->size + 1) & data->size) != 0) {
      c_index = 2 * parent + 2;
    } else {
      quickselect(data, left, right, axis);
    memcpy(&(kd_tree->nodes[c_index]), &(data->nodes[current]), sizeof(Node));
    kd_tree->nodes[c_index].fill = true;

    if (left <= current - 1) {
      ind.left = left; ind.right = current - 1;
      ind.parent = i;
      enqueue(&q, &ind);
    if (current + 1 <= right) {
      ind.left = current + 1;
      ind.right = right;
      ind.parent = i;
      enqueue(&q, &ind);

   // Free array of indexes
  /*for(i = 0; i < data->size; i++) {
  return 0;