Beispiel #1
QWmpEvents::QWmpEvents(IUnknown *source, QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent)
    , m_ref(1)
    , m_connectionPoint(0)
    , m_adviseCookie(0)
    HRESULT hr;
    IConnectionPointContainer *container = 0;

    if ((hr = source->QueryInterface(
            IID_IConnectionPointContainer, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&container))) != S_OK) {
        qWarning("No connection point container, %x: %d", hr, qwmp_error_string(hr));
    } else {
        if ((hr = container->FindConnectionPoint(
                __uuidof(IWMPEvents), &m_connectionPoint)) != S_OK) {
            qWarning("No connection point for IWMPEvents %d", hr);
        } else if ((hr = m_connectionPoint->Advise(
                static_cast<IWMPEvents3 *>(this), &m_adviseCookie)) != S_OK) {
            qWarning("Failed to link to connection point, %x, %s", hr, qwmp_error_string(hr));

            m_connectionPoint = 0;
Beispiel #2
QWmpPlayerService::QWmpPlayerService(EmbedMode mode, QObject *parent)
    : QMediaService(parent)
    , m_ref(1)
    , m_embedMode(mode)
    , m_player(0)
    , m_oleObject(0)
    , m_events(0)
    , m_control(0)
    , m_metaData(0)
    , m_playlist(0)
    , m_activeVideoOverlay(0)
    , m_oleVideoOverlay(0)
#ifdef QWMP_EVR
    , m_evrVideoOverlay(0)
    HRESULT hr;

    if ((hr = CoCreateInstance(
            reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_player))) != S_OK) {
        qWarning("failed to create media player control, %x: %s", hr, qwmp_error_string(hr));
    } else {
        m_events = new QWmpEvents(m_player);

        if ((hr = m_player->QueryInterface(
                __uuidof(IOleObject), reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_oleObject))) != S_OK) {
            qWarning("No IOleObject interface, %x: %s", hr, qwmp_error_string(hr));
        } else if ((hr = m_oleObject->SetClientSite(this)) != S_OK) {
            qWarning("Failed to set site, %x: %s", hr, qwmp_error_string(hr));

        if (m_embedMode == LocalEmbed)
            m_oleVideoOverlay = new QWmpVideoOverlay(m_player, m_oleObject, this);

        m_metaData = new QWmpMetaData(m_player, m_events);
        m_playlist = new QWmpPlaylistControl(m_player, m_events);
        m_control = new QWmpPlayerControl(m_player, m_events);