Beispiel #1
void GraphicsMisc::DrawGradient(CDC* pDC, LPCRECT pRect, COLORREF crFrom, COLORREF crTo, BOOL bHorz, int nBorder)
	TRIVERTEX vert[2];

	vert[0] .x      = pRect->left;
	vert[0] .y      = pRect->top;
	vert[0] .Red    = MAKEWORD(0, GetRValue(crFrom));
	vert[0] .Green  = MAKEWORD(0, GetGValue(crFrom));
	vert[0] .Blue   = MAKEWORD(0, GetBValue(crFrom));
	vert[0] .Alpha  = 0x0000;
	vert[1] .x      = pRect->right;
	vert[1] .y      = pRect->bottom; 
	vert[1] .Red    = MAKEWORD(0, GetRValue(crTo));
	vert[1] .Green  = MAKEWORD(0, GetGValue(crTo));
	vert[1] .Blue   = MAKEWORD(0, GetBValue(crTo));
	vert[1] .Alpha  = 0x0000;
	gRect.UpperLeft  = 0;
	gRect.LowerRight = 1;

	GradientFill(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), vert, 2, &gRect, 1, bHorz ? GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H : GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V);

	if (nBorder >= 0)
		// draw a border in from the edge
		CRect rBorder(pRect);
		rBorder.DeflateRect(nBorder, nBorder);
		DrawRect(pDC, rBorder, CLR_NONE, crFrom);
Beispiel #2
void GraphicsMisc::DrawGlass(CDC* pDC, LPCRECT pRect, COLORREF crFrom, COLORREF crTo, BOOL bHorz, int nBorder)
	CRect rBarFrom(pRect), rBarTo(pRect);

	if (bHorz)
		rBarFrom.right = rBarFrom.left + (rBarFrom.Width() * 2 / 5);
		rBarTo.left = rBarFrom.right;
	else // vert
		rBarFrom.bottom = + (rBarFrom.Height() * 2 / 5); = rBarFrom.bottom;

	DrawGradient(pDC, rBarFrom, Lighter(crFrom, 0.2), crFrom, bHorz, -1);
	DrawGradient(pDC, rBarTo, crTo, Lighter(crTo, 0.2), bHorz, -1);

	if (nBorder >= 0)
		// draw a border in from the edge
		CRect rBorder(pRect);
		rBorder.DeflateRect(nBorder, nBorder);
		DrawRect(pDC, rBorder, CLR_NONE, crFrom);
void ExtTabControl::DrawMainBorder(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis)
    // This ends up being a thin line under stuff
    CRect rBorder(lpdis->rcItem);
    CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpdis->hDC);
    //pDC->FillSolidRect(&rBorder, RGB(255, 128, 50));
    pDC->FillSolidRect(&rBorder, g_PaintManager->GetColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
Beispiel #4
void GraphicsMisc::DrawGlassWithGradient(CDC* pDC, LPCRECT pRect, COLORREF crFrom, COLORREF crTo, BOOL bHorz, int nBorder)
	// draw the glass first
	CRect rBarFrom(pRect), rBarTo(pRect);

	if (bHorz)
		rBarFrom.right = rBarFrom.left + (rBarFrom.Width() * 2 / 10);
		rBarTo.left = rBarTo.right - (rBarTo.Width() * 4 / 10);
	else // vert
		rBarFrom.bottom = + (rBarFrom.Height() * 2 / 10); = rBarTo.bottom - (rBarTo.Height() * 4 / 10);

	pDC->FillSolidRect(rBarFrom, crFrom);
	pDC->FillSolidRect(rBarTo, crTo);

	// then the gradient
	CRect rGrad(pRect);

	if (bHorz)
		rGrad.left = rBarFrom.right;
		rGrad.right = rBarTo.left;
	{ = rBarFrom.bottom;
		rGrad.bottom =;

	DrawGradient(pDC, rGrad, crFrom, crTo, bHorz, -1); // no border

	if (nBorder >= 0)
		// draw a border in from the edge
		CRect rBorder(pRect);
		rBorder.DeflateRect(nBorder, nBorder);
		DrawRect(pDC, rBorder, CLR_NONE, crFrom);
void CMDITabsDialogBar::DrawMainBorder(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis)
    CRect rBorder(lpdis->rcItem);
    CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpdis->hDC); 
    pDC->FillSolidRect(&rBorder, g_PaintManager->GetColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));