Beispiel #1
R_API void r_socket_http_response (RSocketHTTPRequest *rs, int code, const char *out, int len, const char *headers) {
	const char *strcode = \
		code==301?"moved permanently":
		code==404?"not found":
	if (len<1) len = out? strlen (out): 0;
	if (!headers) headers = "";
	r_socket_printf (rs->s, "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n%s"
		"Connection: close\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n",
		code, strcode, headers, len);
	if (out && len>0) r_socket_write (rs->s, (void*)out, len);
Beispiel #2
R_API char *r_socket_http_get (const char *url, int *code, int *rlen) {
	RSocket *s;
	int ssl = !memcmp (url, "https://", 8);
	char *response, *host, *path, *port = "80";
	char *uri = strdup (url);
	if (!uri) return NULL;

	if (code) *code = 0;
	if (rlen) *rlen = 0;
	host = strstr (uri, "://");
	if (!host) {
		free (uri);
		eprintf ("r_socket_http_get: Invalid URI");
		return NULL;
	host += 3;
	port = strchr (host, ':');
	if (!port) {
		port = (ssl)?"443":"80";
		path = host;
	} else {
		*port++ = 0;
		path = port;
	path = strchr (path, '/');
	if (!path) path = "";
	else *path++ = 0;
	s = r_socket_new (ssl);
	if (!s) {
		eprintf ("r_socket_http_get: Cannot create socket\n");
		free (uri);
		return NULL;
	if (r_socket_connect_tcp (s, host, port, 0)) {
		r_socket_printf (s,
				"GET /%s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
				"User-Agent: radare2 "R2_VERSION"\r\n"
				"Accept: */*\r\n"
				"Host: %s:%s\r\n"
				"\r\n", path, host, port);
		response = r_socket_http_answer (s, code, rlen);
	} else {
		eprintf ("Cannot connect to %s:%s\n", host, port);
		response = NULL;
	free (uri);
	r_socket_free (s);
	return response;
Beispiel #3
R_API char *r_socket_http_post (const char *url, const char *data, int *code, int *rlen) {
	RSocket *s;
	int ssl = !memcmp (url, "https://", 8);
	char *response, *host, *path, *port = "80";
	char *uri = strdup (url);
	if (!uri) return NULL;

	host = strstr (uri, "://");
	if (!host) {
		free (uri);
		printf ("Invalid URI");
		return NULL;
	host += 3;
	port = strchr (host, ':');
	if (!port)
		port = (ssl)?"443":"80";
		*port++ = 0;
	path = strchr (host, '/');
	if (!path)
		path = "";
		*path++ = 0;
	s = r_socket_new (ssl);
	if (!s) {
		printf ("Cannot create socket\n");
		free (uri);
		return NULL;
	if (!r_socket_connect_tcp (s, host, port, 0)) {
		eprintf ("Cannot connect to %s:%s\n", host, port);
		free (uri);
		return NULL;
	/* Send */
	r_socket_printf (s,
			"POST /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
			"User-Agent: radare2 "R2_VERSION"\r\n"
			"Accept: */*\r\n"
			"Host: %s\r\n"
			"Content-Length: %i\r\n"
			"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
			"\r\n", path, host, strlen (data));
	r_socket_write (s, (void *)data, strlen (data));
	response = r_socket_http_answer (s, code, rlen);
	free (uri);
	return response;
Beispiel #4
static char *runcmd (const char *cmd) {
	char buf[4096] = {0};
	if (cmd) {
		r_socket_printf (gs, "%s\n", cmd);
	int timeout = 1000000;
	char * str = NULL;
	r_socket_block_time (gs, 1, timeout);
	while (true) {
		memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf));
		r_socket_read (gs, (ut8*)buf, sizeof (buf) - 1); // NULL-terminate the string always
		char *promptFound = strstr (buf, "Wine-dbg>");
		if (promptFound) {
			*promptFound = 0;
			return r_str_append (str, buf);
		str = r_str_append (str, buf);
	return NULL;