ProxyWidget *DockContainer::loadModule(ConfigModule *module) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); ProxyWidget *widget = _modulew->load(module); if(widget) { _module = module; connect(_module, SIGNAL(childClosed()), SLOT(removeModule())); connect(_module, SIGNAL(changed(ConfigModule *)), SIGNAL(changedModule(ConfigModule *))); connect(widget, SIGNAL(quickHelpChanged()), SLOT(quickHelpChanged())); raiseWidget(_modulew); emit newModule(widget->caption(), module->docPath(), widget->quickHelp()); } else { raiseWidget(_basew); emit newModule(_basew->caption(), "", ""); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return widget; }
bool QWidgetStack::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o ) { switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) { case 0: raiseWidget((int)static_QUType_int.get(_o+1)); break; case 1: raiseWidget((QWidget*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1)); break; default: return QFrame::qt_invoke( _id, _o ); } return TRUE; }
/* FUNCTION: publish */ void LogHandlerWidget::publish(LogRecord logRecord) { if (logRecord.getLogLevel() >= logLevel) { //mutex.lock(); QString color = ""; QString bgcolor = ""; if (logRecord.getLogLevel() == 3) bgcolor = "yellow"; if (logRecord.getLogLevel() == 4) { bgcolor = "orange"; } QString level = QString("%1").arg(LogLevelNames[logRecord.getLogLevel()], 7); level.replace(QString(" "), QString(" ")); QString source = logRecord.getSource().length() == 0 ? "" : logRecord.getSource().append(": ").c_str(); QString message = QString("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><font color=grey>%1 </font></td><td bgcolor=%2><font type=courier color=%3>[<code>%4</code>] </font></td><td bgcolor=%2><font color=%3>%5 %6</font></td></tr></table>") .arg(logRecord.getDateTime() .toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz")) .arg(bgcolor).arg(color) .arg(level) .arg(source) .arg(logRecord.getMessage().c_str()); textEdit->insertHtml(message); textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); if (logRecord.getLogLevel() > 2) emit raiseWidget(); //mutex.unlock(); } }
/** * This is overloaded and only differs in the parameters * it takes. */ void OWidgetStack::hideWidget( QWidget* wid) { /* still not smart */ if ( m_mode == BigScreen && m_last != m_mWidget ) m_last->hide(); raiseWidget( wid ); }
bool DockContainer::dockModule(ConfigModule *module) { if(module == _module) return true; if(_module && _module->isChanged()) { int res = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, module ? i18n("There are unsaved changes in the active module.\n" "Do you want to apply the changes before running " "the new module or discard the changes?") : i18n("There are unsaved changes in the active module.\n" "Do you want to apply the changes before exiting " "the Control Center or discard the changes?"), i18n("Unsaved Changes"), KStdGuiItem::apply(), KStdGuiItem::discard()); if(res == KMessageBox::Yes) _module->module()->applyClicked(); if(res == KMessageBox::Cancel) return false; } raiseWidget(_busyw); kapp->processEvents(); deleteModule(); if(!module) return true; ProxyWidget *widget = loadModule(module); KCGlobal::repairAccels(topLevelWidget()); return (widget != 0); }
void QWidgetStack::raiseWidget( int id ) { if ( id == -1 ) return; QWidget * w = dict->find( id ); if ( w ) raiseWidget( w ); }
Preview::Preview(QWidget *parent) : QWidgetStack(parent) { normalText = new QMultiLineEdit(this); normalText->setReadOnly(true); html = new QTextView(this); pixmap = new PixmapView(this); raiseWidget(normalText); }
void DockContainer::removeModule() { raiseWidget(_basew); deleteModule(); if(_basew) emit newModule(_basew->caption(), "", ""); else emit newModule("", "", ""); }
bool SetupDialog::raiseWidget(QListViewItem *i, unsigned id) { if (id == i->text(1).toULong()){ lstBars->setCurrentItem(i); return true; } for (QListViewItem *item = i->firstChild(); item != NULL; item = item->nextSibling()) if (raiseWidget(item, id)) return true; return false; }
void DockContainer::setBaseWidget(QWidget *widget) { removeWidget( _basew ); delete _basew; _basew = 0; if (!widget) return; _basew = widget; addWidget( _basew ); raiseWidget( _basew ); emit newModule(widget->caption(), "", ""); }
void StackedConfigurationGroup::raise(Configurable* child) { for (uint i = 0 ; i < children.size() ; i++) { if (children[i] == child) { top = i; emit raiseWidget((int)i); return; } } VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "BUG: StackedConfigurationGroup::raise(): " "unrecognized child " << child << " " <<QString("on setting %1/%2").arg(getName()).arg(getLabel())); }
void Preview::showPreview(const QString &str) { QUrl u(str); if(u.isLocalFile()) { QString path = u.path(); QFileInfo fi(path); if(fi.isFile() && (int)fi.size() > 400 * 1024) { normalText->setText(tr("The File\n%1\nis too large, so I don't show it!").arg(path)); raiseWidget(normalText); return; } QPixmap pix(path); if(pix.isNull()) { if(fi.isFile()) { QFile f(path); if( { QTextStream ts(&f); QString text =; f.close(); if(fi.extension().lower().contains("htm")) { QString url = html->mimeSourceFactory()->makeAbsolute(path, html->context()); html->setText(text, url); raiseWidget(html); return; } else { normalText->setText(text); raiseWidget(normalText); return; } } } normalText->setText(QString::null); raiseWidget(normalText); } else { pixmap->setPixmap(pix); raiseWidget(pixmap); } } else { normalText->setText("I only show local files!"); raiseWidget(normalText); } }
void KNotification::Private::raiseWidget(QWidget *w) { //TODO this function is far from finished. if (w->isTopLevel()) { w->raise(); #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) w->activateWindow(); #else KWindowSystem::activateWindow(w->winId()); #endif } else { QWidget *pw = w->parentWidget(); raiseWidget(pw); if (QTabWidget *tab_widget = qobject_cast<QTabWidget *>(pw)) { tab_widget->setCurrentIndex(tab_widget->indexOf(w)); } } }
/** * This will hide the currently visible widget * and raise the widget specified by the parameter. * Note that this method does not use visibleWIdget but remembers * the last raisedWidget */ void OWidgetStack::hideWidget( int id) { /* hiding our main widget wouldn't be smart */ if ( m_mode == BigScreen && m_last != m_mWidget ) m_last->hide(); raiseWidget( id ); }
/** * This method raises the widget wit the specefic id. * Note that in BigScreen mode the widget is made visible * but the other ( previous) visible widget(s) will not * be made invisible. If you need this use hideWidget(). * * @param id Raise the widget with id */ void OWidgetStack::raiseWidget( int id) { return raiseWidget( widget( id ) ); }
UserInfo::UserInfo(unsigned long uin, unsigned short grpId, int page) : UserInfoBase(NULL, "userinfo", WType_TopLevel | WStyle_Dialog| WDestructiveClose) { SET_WNDPROC("userinfo") inSave = false; setButtonsPict(this); m_nUin = uin; m_nGrpId = grpId; ICQUser *u = NULL; if (uin){ u = pClient->getUser(uin); if (u == NULL) return; } ICQGroup *g = NULL; if (grpId){ g = pClient->getGroup(grpId); if (g == NULL) return; } lstBars->clear(); lstBars->header()->hide(); lstBars->setSorting(1); connect(lstBars, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("User info"), QString::number(SETUP_DETAILS)); itemMain->setOpen(true); if (u){ addWidget(p_MainInfo, SETUP_MAININFO, i18n("Main info"), "main"); if (u->Type == USER_TYPE_ICQ){ addWidget(p_HomeInfo, SETUP_HOMEINFO, i18n("Home info"), "home"); addWidget(p_WorkInfo, SETUP_WORKINFO, i18n("Work info"), "work"); addWidget(p_MoreInfo, SETUP_MOREINFO, i18n("More info"), "more"); addWidget(p_AboutInfo, SETUP_ABOUT, i18n("About info"), "info"); addWidget(p_InterestsInfo, SETUP_INTERESTS, i18n("Interests"), "interest"); addWidget(p_PastInfo, SETUP_PAST, i18n("Group/Past"), "past"); } addWidget(p_PhoneBookDlg, SETUP_PHONE, i18n("Phone book"), "phone"); } if ((uin == 0) || (u->Type == USER_TYPE_ICQ)){ itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("Preferences"), QString::number(SETUP_PREFERENCES)); itemMain->setOpen(true); addWidget(p_AlertDialog, SETUP_ALERT, i18n("Alert"), "alert"); addWidget(p_AcceptDialog, SETUP_ACCEPT, i18n("Accept"), "message"); addWidget(p_SoundSetup, SETUP_SOUND, i18n("Sound"), "sound"); } if (g || (u && (u->Type == USER_TYPE_ICQ))){ itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("Auto reply"), QString::number(SETUP_AUTOREPLY)); itemMain->setOpen(true); addWidget(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_AWAY, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_AWAY), SIMClient::getStatusIcon(ICQ_STATUS_AWAY), ICQ_STATUS_AWAY); addWidget(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_NA, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_NA), SIMClient::getStatusIcon(ICQ_STATUS_NA), ICQ_STATUS_NA); addWidget(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_OCCUPIED, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED), SIMClient::getStatusIcon(ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED), ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED); addWidget(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_DND, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_DND), SIMClient::getStatusIcon(ICQ_STATUS_DND), ICQ_STATUS_DND); addWidget(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_FREEFORCHAT, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_FREEFORCHAT), SIMClient::getStatusIcon(ICQ_STATUS_FREEFORCHAT), ICQ_STATUS_FREEFORCHAT); } raiseWidget(page ? page : (u ? SETUP_MAININFO : SETUP_ALERT)); connect(pClient, SIGNAL(event(ICQEvent*)), this, SLOT(processEvent(ICQEvent*))); connect(btnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveInfo())); connect(btnClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); if (u && (u->Type == USER_TYPE_ICQ)){ connect(btnUpdate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(update())); }else{ btnUpdate->hide(); } loadInfo(); setTitle(); setIcon(); }
SetupDialog::SetupDialog(QWidget*, int nWin) : SetupDialogBase(NULL, "setup", false, WStyle_Minimize ) { SET_WNDPROC setButtonsPict(this); new TransparentTop(this, pMain->UseTransparentContainer, pMain->TransparentContainer); setIcon(Pict("configure")); setCaption(i18n("Setup")); connect(btnUpdate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(btnClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ok())); connect(btnApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(apply())); lstBars->clear(); lstBars->header()->hide(); lstBars->setSorting(1); connect(lstBars, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("My details"), QString::number(SETUP_DETAILS)); itemMain->setOpen(true); addPage(p_MainInfo, SETUP_MAININFO, i18n("Main info"), "main"); addPage(p_HomeInfo, SETUP_HOMEINFO, i18n("Home info"), "home"); addPage(p_WorkInfo, SETUP_WORKINFO, i18n("Work info"), "work"); addPage(p_MoreInfo, SETUP_MOREINFO, i18n("More info"), "more"); addPage(p_AboutInfo, SETUP_ABOUT, i18n("About info"), "info"); addPage(p_InterestsInfo, SETUP_INTERESTS, i18n("Interests"), "interest"); addPage(p_PastInfo, SETUP_PAST, i18n("Group/Past"), "past"); addPage(p_PhoneBookDlg, SETUP_PHONE, i18n("Phone book"), "phone"); itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("Preferences"), QString::number(SETUP_PREFERENCES)); itemMain->setOpen(true); addPage(p_StatusSetup, SETUP_STATUS, i18n("Status mode"), "status"); addPage(p_NetworkSetup, SETUP_CONNECTION, i18n("Connection"), "network"); addPage(p_ThemeSetup, SETUP_STYLE, i18n("Style"), "style"); addPage(p_FontSetup, SETUP_INTERFACE, i18n("Interface"), "text"); addPage(p_KeySetup, SETUP_KEYS, i18n("Key shortcuts"), "key_bindings"); addPage(p_SoundSetup, SETUP_SOUND, i18n("Sound"), "sound"); addPage(p_AlertDialog, SETUP_ALERT, i18n("Alert"), "alert"); addPage(p_AcceptDialog, SETUP_ACCEPT, i18n("Accept"), "message"); addPage(p_SMSSetup, SETUP_SMS, i18n("SMS"), "sms"); #ifndef WIN32 addPage(p_MiscSetup, SETUP_MISC, i18n("Miscellaneous"), "misc"); #endif itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("Auto reply"), QString::number(SETUP_AUTOREPLY)); itemMain->setOpen(true); addPage(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_AWAY, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_AWAY), "away", ICQ_STATUS_AWAY); addPage(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_NA, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_NA), "na", ICQ_STATUS_NA); addPage(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_OCCUPIED, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED), "occupied", ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED); addPage(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_DND, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_DND), "dnd", ICQ_STATUS_DND); addPage(p_MsgDialog, SETUP_AR_FREEFORCHAT, SIMClient::getStatusText(ICQ_STATUS_FREEFORCHAT), "ffc", ICQ_STATUS_FREEFORCHAT); itemMain = new QListViewItem(lstBars, i18n("Security"), QString::number(SETUP_SECURITY)); itemMain->setOpen(true); addPage(p_GeneralSecurity, SETUP_GENERAL_SEC, i18n("General"), "webaware"); addPage(p_IgnoreListSetup, SETUP_IGNORE_LIST, i18n("Ignore list"), "ignorelist"); addPage(p_InvisibleListSetup, SETUP_INVISIBLE_LIST, i18n("Invisible list"), "invisiblelist"); addPage(p_VisibleListSetup, SETUP_VISIBLE_LIST, i18n("Visible list"), "visiblelist"); raiseWidget(nWin ? nWin : SETUP_MAININFO); connect(pMain, SIGNAL(iconChanged()), this, SLOT(iconChanged())); transparent = new TransparentTop(this, pMain->UseTransparentContainer, pMain->TransparentContainer); };
void SetupDialog::raiseWidget(int id) { for (QListViewItem *item = lstBars->firstChild(); item != NULL; item = item->nextSibling()) if (raiseWidget(item, id)) break; }
void SetupDialog::showPage(int nWin) { raiseWidget(nWin); }