Beispiel #1
int  main (void)

	int i,j,k;
	for(i = 0; i < 20; i++){
		if( i == 10){
			printf("ni ge  da ben dan hahaha");
			return 0;
		printf("Please input the 4 NO. you guess:\n");
		k = right_or_n();
		if( k == 1 ){
		if(x == 0 && y == 0)
			printf("No num. is here");
		if(x == 4){
			printf("You done!\n");

			for (j = 0; j < x; j++)
			for(j = 0; j < y; j++)

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
void DumbBot::generate_random_unit_list( MapAndUnits::UNIT_SET &units )
	MapAndUnits::UNIT_SET::iterator unit_iterator;
	int unit_index;


	for ( unit_iterator = units.begin();
		unit_iterator != units.end();
		unit_iterator++ )
		unit_index = rand_no( RAND_MAX );

		m_random_unit_map.insert( RANDOM_UNIT_MAP::value_type( unit_index, *unit_iterator ) );
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    int r;
    int val;

    if (argc != 2) {
	fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s val\n", argv[0]);

    val = atoi(argv[1]);

    while (1) {
	r = rand_no(val);
	printf("%d\n", r);
Beispiel #4
void DumbBot::generate_movement_orders( void )
	RANDOM_UNIT_MAP::iterator unit_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP destination_map;
	MapAndUnits::UNIT_AND_ORDER *unit;
	MapAndUnits::COAST_SET *adjacent_coasts;
	MapAndUnits::COAST_SET::iterator coast_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator destination_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator next_destination_iterator;
	bool try_next_province;
	WEIGHTING next_province_chance;
	bool selection_is_ok;
	bool order_unit_to_move;
	MapAndUnits::UNITS::iterator current_unit_iterator;
	RANDOM_UNIT_MAP::iterator random_unit_iterator;
	int occupying_unit_order;
	MOVING_UNIT_MAP moving_unit_map;
	MOVING_UNIT_MAP::iterator moving_unit_iterator;

	// Put our units into a random order. This is one of the ways in which
	// DumbBot is made non-deterministic - the order the units are considered
	// in can affect the orders selected
	generate_random_unit_list( m_map_and_units->our_units );

	unit_iterator = m_random_unit_map.begin();

	log_debug("%s %d",
		TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->current_season ].c_str(),
		m_map_and_units->current_year );

	while ( unit_iterator != m_random_unit_map.end() )
		// Build the list of possible destinations for this unit, indexed by the 
		// weight for the destination

		unit = &( m_map_and_units->units[ unit_iterator->second ] );

		log_debug("Selecting destination for %s",
			TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ unit->coast_id.province_index ].province_token ].c_str() );

		// Put all the adjacent coasts into the destination map
		adjacent_coasts = &( m_map_and_units->game_map[ unit_iterator->second ].coast_info[ unit->coast_id.coast_token ].adjacent_coasts );

		for ( coast_iterator = adjacent_coasts->begin();
			coast_iterator != adjacent_coasts->end();
			coast_iterator++ )
			destination_map.insert( DESTINATION_MAP::value_type( m_destination_value[ *coast_iterator ], *coast_iterator ) );

		// Put the current location in (we can hold rather than move)
		destination_map.insert( DESTINATION_MAP::value_type( m_destination_value[ unit->coast_id ] + 1, unit->coast_id ) );

			// Pick a destination
			destination_iterator = destination_map.begin();

			log_debug("Destination selected : %s %s",
				TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
				TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ destination_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str() );

			try_next_province = true;

			while ( try_next_province == true )
				// Consider the next destination in the map
				next_destination_iterator = destination_iterator;

				// If there is no next destination, give up.
				if ( next_destination_iterator == destination_map.end() )
					try_next_province = false;
					// Randomly determine whether to use the current or next destination,
					// based on their relative weights (the higher the difference, the
					// more chance of picking the better one).
					if ( destination_iterator->first == 0 )
						next_province_chance = 0;
						next_province_chance = ( ( destination_iterator->first - next_destination_iterator->first ) * m_alternative_difference_modifier )
							/ destination_iterator->first;

					if ( ( rand_no( 100 ) < m_play_alternative )
						&& ( rand_no( 100 ) >= next_province_chance ) )
						// Pick the next one (and go around the loop again to keep considering 
						// more options
						destination_iterator = next_destination_iterator;

						log_debug("New destination selected : %s %s (%d%% chance)",
							TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
							TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ destination_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str(),
							m_play_alternative - ( next_province_chance * m_play_alternative / 100 ) );
						// Use this one
						try_next_province = false;

			// Check whether this is a reasonable selection
			selection_is_ok = true;
			order_unit_to_move = true;

			// If this is a hold order
			if ( destination_iterator->second.province_index == unit->coast_id.province_index )
				log_debug("Ordered to hold");

				// Hold order
				m_map_and_units->set_hold_order( unit_iterator->second );
				// If there is a unit in this province already 
				current_unit_iterator = m_map_and_units->units.find( destination_iterator->second.province_index );
				if ( m_map_and_units->our_units.find( destination_iterator->second.province_index ) != m_map_and_units->our_units.end() )
					log_debug("Province occupied");

					// If it is not yet ordered
					if ( current_unit_iterator->second.order_type == MapAndUnits::NO_ORDER )
						log_debug("Occupying unit unordered");

						// Find this unit in the random unit map
						for ( random_unit_iterator = m_random_unit_map.begin();
							random_unit_iterator != m_random_unit_map.end();
							random_unit_iterator++ )
							if ( random_unit_iterator->second == destination_iterator->second.province_index )
								occupying_unit_order = random_unit_iterator->first;

						// Move this unit to after the one it's waiting for. We can't decide
						// whether to move there or not, so give up on this unit for now
						if ( occupying_unit_order >= 0 )
							m_random_unit_map.insert( RANDOM_UNIT_MAP::value_type( occupying_unit_order - 1, unit_iterator->second ) );

							order_unit_to_move = false;

					// If it is not moving
					else if ( ( current_unit_iterator->second.order_type != MapAndUnits::MOVE_ORDER )
						&& ( current_unit_iterator->second.order_type != MapAndUnits::MOVE_BY_CONVOY_ORDER ) )
						log_debug("Occupying unit not moving");

						// If it needs supporting
						if ( m_competition_value[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ] > 1 )
							log_debug("Supporting occupying unit");

							// Support it
							m_map_and_units->set_support_to_hold_order( unit_iterator->second, destination_iterator->second.province_index );

							order_unit_to_move = false;
							log_debug("Destination not accepted");

							// This is not an acceptable selection
							selection_is_ok = false;

							// Make sure it isn't selected again
							destination_map.erase( destination_iterator );

				if ( selection_is_ok )
					// If there is a unit already moving to this province
					moving_unit_iterator = moving_unit_map.find( destination_iterator->second.province_index );
					if ( moving_unit_iterator != moving_unit_map.end() )
						log_debug("Unit already moving here");

						// If it may need support
						if ( m_competition_value[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ] > 0 )
							log_debug("Supporting moving unit");

							// Support it
							m_map_and_units->set_support_to_move_order( unit_iterator->second, moving_unit_iterator->second, moving_unit_iterator->first );

							order_unit_to_move = false;
							log_debug("Destination not accepted");

							// This is not an acceptable selection
							selection_is_ok = false;

							// Make sure it isn't selected again
							destination_map.erase( destination_iterator );

				if ( ( selection_is_ok ) && ( order_unit_to_move ) )
					log_debug("Ordered to move");

					m_map_and_units->set_move_order( unit_iterator->second, destination_iterator->second );

					moving_unit_map[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ] = unit_iterator->second;
		while ( selection_is_ok == false );

		// Unit is now ordered, so delete it from the random unit map
		m_random_unit_map.erase( unit_iterator );

		// Move onto the next one
		unit_iterator = m_random_unit_map.begin();

	check_for_wasted_holds( moving_unit_map );
Beispiel #5
void DumbBot::generate_build_orders( int build_count )
	MapAndUnits::PROVINCE_SET::iterator home_centre_iterator;
	MapAndUnits::PROVINCE_COASTS *province_coasts;
	MapAndUnits::PROVINCE_COASTS::iterator build_coast_iterator;
	MapAndUnits::COAST_ID coast_id;
	int builds_remaining = build_count;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator build_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator next_build_iterator;
	bool try_next_build;
	WEIGHTING next_build_chance;
	int build_province;

	log_debug("%s %d",
		TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->current_season ].c_str(),
		m_map_and_units->current_year );

	// Put all the coasts of all the home centres into a map
	for ( home_centre_iterator = m_map_and_units->open_home_centres.begin();
		home_centre_iterator != m_map_and_units->open_home_centres.end();
		home_centre_iterator++ )
		province_coasts = &( m_map_and_units->game_map[ *home_centre_iterator ].coast_info );

		for ( build_coast_iterator = province_coasts->begin();
			build_coast_iterator != province_coasts->end();
			build_coast_iterator++ )
			coast_id.province_index = *home_centre_iterator;
			coast_id.coast_token = build_coast_iterator->first;

			build_map.insert( DESTINATION_MAP::value_type( m_destination_value[ coast_id ], coast_id ) );

	// For each build, while we have a vacant home centre
	while ( ( build_map.empty() == false ) && ( builds_remaining > 0 ) )
		// Select the best location
		build_iterator = build_map.begin();

		log_debug("Build selected : %s %s",
			TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ build_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
			TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ build_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str() );

		try_next_build = true;

		// Consider the next location
		while ( try_next_build )
			next_build_iterator = build_iterator;

			if ( next_build_iterator == build_map.end() )
				// There isn't one, so stick with this one
				try_next_build = false;
				// Determine randomly
				if ( build_iterator->first == 0 )
					next_build_chance = 0;
					next_build_chance = ( ( build_iterator->first - next_build_iterator->first ) * m_alternative_difference_modifier )
						/ build_iterator->first;

				if ( ( rand_no( 100 ) < m_play_alternative )
					&& ( rand_no( 100 ) >= next_build_chance ) )
					// Try the next one
					build_iterator = next_build_iterator;

					log_debug("New build selected : %s %s (%d%% chance)",
						TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ build_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
						TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ build_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str(),
						m_play_alternative - ( next_build_chance * m_play_alternative / 100 ) );
					// Stick with this one
					try_next_build = false;

		// Order the build
		m_map_and_units->set_build_order( build_iterator->second );

		build_province = build_iterator->second.province_index;

		build_iterator = build_map.begin();

		// Remove all other build options for this province
		while ( build_iterator != build_map.end() )
			if ( build_iterator->second.province_index == build_province )
				build_iterator = build_map.erase( build_iterator );


	// If not all builds ordered, order some waives.
	if ( builds_remaining > 0 )
		log_debug("Waiving %d builds", builds_remaining );

		m_map_and_units->set_total_number_of_waive_orders( builds_remaining );
Beispiel #6
void DumbBot::generate_remove_orders( int remove_count )
	MapAndUnits::UNIT_SET::iterator unit_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP remove_map;
	MapAndUnits::UNIT_AND_ORDER *unit;
	int remove_counter;
	DESTINATION_MAP::reverse_iterator remove_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator remove_forward_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::reverse_iterator next_remove_iterator;
	bool try_next_remove;
	WEIGHTING next_remove_chance;

	// Put all the units into a removal map, ordered by value of their location
	for ( unit_iterator = m_map_and_units->our_units.begin();
		unit_iterator != m_map_and_units->our_units.end();
		unit_iterator++ )
		unit = &( m_map_and_units->units[ *unit_iterator ] );

		remove_map[ m_destination_value[ unit->coast_id ] ] = unit->coast_id;

	// For each required removal
	for ( remove_counter = 0; remove_counter < remove_count; remove_counter++ )
		// Start with the best option (which is the end of the list)
		remove_iterator = remove_map.rbegin();

		log_debug("Removal selected : %s %s",
			TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ remove_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
			TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ remove_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str() );

		try_next_remove = true;

		// Determine whether to try the next option
		while ( try_next_remove )
			next_remove_iterator = remove_iterator;

			// No next option - so don't try it.
			if ( next_remove_iterator == remove_map.rend() )
				try_next_remove = false;
				// Decide randomly
				if ( remove_iterator->first == 0 )
					next_remove_chance = 0;
					next_remove_chance = ( ( remove_iterator->first - next_remove_iterator->first ) * m_alternative_difference_modifier )
						/ remove_iterator->first;

				if ( ( rand_no( 100 ) < m_play_alternative )
					&& ( rand_no( 100 ) >= next_remove_chance ) )
					// Try the next one
					remove_iterator = next_remove_iterator;

					log_debug("New removal selected : %s %s (%d%% chance)",
						TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ remove_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
						TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ remove_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str(),
						m_play_alternative - ( next_remove_chance * m_play_alternative / 100 ) );
					// Stick with this one
					try_next_remove = false;

		// Order the removal
		m_map_and_units->set_remove_order( remove_iterator->second.province_index );

		remove_forward_iterator = remove_iterator.base();
		remove_map.erase( remove_forward_iterator );
Beispiel #7
void DumbBot::generate_retreat_orders( void )
	RANDOM_UNIT_MAP::iterator unit_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP destination_map;
	MapAndUnits::UNIT_AND_ORDER *unit;
	MapAndUnits::COAST_SET::iterator coast_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator destination_iterator;
	DESTINATION_MAP::iterator next_destination_iterator;
	bool try_next_province;
	WEIGHTING next_province_chance;
	bool selection_is_ok;
	MOVING_UNIT_MAP moving_unit_map;
	MOVING_UNIT_MAP::iterator moving_unit_iterator;

	// Put the units into a list in random order
	generate_random_unit_list( m_map_and_units->our_dislodged_units );

	unit_iterator = m_random_unit_map.begin();

	log_debug("%s %d",
		TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->current_season ].c_str(),
		m_map_and_units->current_year );

	while ( unit_iterator != m_random_unit_map.end() )

		unit = &( m_map_and_units->dislodged_units[ unit_iterator->second ] );

		log_debug("Selecting destination for %s",
			TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ unit->coast_id.province_index ].province_token ].c_str() );

		// Put all the adjacent coasts into the destination map
		for ( coast_iterator = unit->retreat_options.begin();
			coast_iterator != unit->retreat_options.end();
			coast_iterator++ )
			destination_map.insert( DESTINATION_MAP::value_type( m_destination_value[ *coast_iterator ], *coast_iterator ) );

			// Pick a destination
			destination_iterator = destination_map.begin();

			if ( destination_iterator == destination_map.end() )
				// No retreat possible. Disband unit
				m_map_and_units->set_disband_order( unit_iterator->second );

				selection_is_ok = true;

				log_debug("Disbanding unit");
				log_debug("Destination selected : %s %s",
					TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
					TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ destination_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str() );

				// Determine whether to try the next option instead
				try_next_province = true;

				while ( try_next_province == true )
					next_destination_iterator = destination_iterator;

					// If there is no next option, don't try it...
					if ( next_destination_iterator == destination_map.end() )
						try_next_province = false;
						// Randomly decide whether to move on
						if ( destination_iterator->first == 0 )
							next_province_chance = 0;
							next_province_chance = ( ( destination_iterator->first - next_destination_iterator->first ) * m_alternative_difference_modifier )
								/ destination_iterator->first;

						if ( ( rand_no( 100 ) < m_play_alternative )
							&& ( rand_no( 100 ) >= next_province_chance ) )
							// Move on
							destination_iterator = next_destination_iterator;

							log_debug("New destination selected : %s %s (%d%% chance)",
								TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ m_map_and_units->game_map[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ].province_token ].c_str(),
								TokenTextMap::instance()->m_token_to_text_map[ destination_iterator->second.coast_token ].c_str(),
								m_play_alternative - ( next_province_chance * m_play_alternative / 100 ) );
							// Stick with this province
							try_next_province = false;

				// Check whether this is a reasonable selection
				selection_is_ok = true;

				// If there is a unit already moving to this province
				moving_unit_iterator = moving_unit_map.find( destination_iterator->second.province_index );
				if ( moving_unit_iterator != moving_unit_map.end() )
					log_debug("Unit already moving here");

					// This is not an acceptable selection
					selection_is_ok = false;

					// Make sure it isn't selected again
					destination_map.erase( destination_iterator );

				if ( selection_is_ok )
					log_debug("Ordered to RETREAT");

					// Order the retreat
					m_map_and_units->set_retreat_order( unit_iterator->second, destination_iterator->second );

					moving_unit_map[ destination_iterator->second.province_index ] = unit_iterator->second;
		while ( selection_is_ok == false );

		// Unit is now ordered, so delete it from the random unit map
		m_random_unit_map.erase( unit_iterator );

		// Move onto the next one
		unit_iterator = m_random_unit_map.begin();