Beispiel #1
int main(int narg, char* args[]) {

  // Produce some 3D random data (see Algorithms/01_random_numbers for more info)
  Kokkos::View<int***,Kokkos::LayoutRight> data("Data",512,512,32);
  Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> rand_pool64(5374857);

  // A global value to put the result in
  Kokkos::View<int> gsum("Sum");

  // Each team handles a slice of the data
  // Set up TeamPolicy with 512 teams with maximum number of threads per team and 16 vector lanes.
  // The team_size_max function will determine the maximum number of threads taking into account
  // shared memory requirements of the Functor.
  // The maximum vector length is hardware dependent but can always be smaller than the hardware allows.
  // The vector length must be a power of 2.
  const Kokkos::TeamPolicy<> policy( 512 , Kokkos::TeamPolicy<>::team_size_max(SomeCorrelation(data,gsum)) , 16);

  Kokkos::parallel_for( policy , SomeCorrelation(data,gsum) );


  // Copy result value back
  int sum = 0;
  printf("Result %i\n",sum);

Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char* args[]) {
  if (argc != 3){
	printf("Please pass two integers on the command line\n");
  else {

  // Initialize Kokkos
  int size = atoi(args[1]);
  int samples = atoi(args[2]);

  // Create two random number generator pools one for 64bit states and one for 1024 bit states
  // Both take an 64 bit unsigned integer seed to initialize a Random_XorShift64 generator which
  // is used to fill the generators of the pool.
  Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> rand_pool64(5374857);
  Kokkos::Random_XorShift1024_Pool<> rand_pool1024(5374857);
  Kokkos::DualView<uint64_t*> vals("Vals",size*samples);

  // Run some performance comparisons
  Kokkos::Timer timer;
  Kokkos::parallel_for(size,generate_random<Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> >(vals.d_view,rand_pool64,samples));

  Kokkos::parallel_for(size,generate_random<Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> >(vals.d_view,rand_pool64,samples));
  double time_64 = timer.seconds();

  Kokkos::parallel_for(size,generate_random<Kokkos::Random_XorShift1024_Pool<> >(vals.d_view,rand_pool1024,samples));

  Kokkos::parallel_for(size,generate_random<Kokkos::Random_XorShift1024_Pool<> >(vals.d_view,rand_pool1024,samples));
  double time_1024 = timer.seconds();

  printf("#Time XorShift64*:   %e %e\n",time_64,1.0e-9*samples*size/time_64 );
  printf("#Time XorShift1024*: %e %e\n",time_1024,1.0e-9*samples*size/time_1024 );


  return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(){

  //initialize viewsto random values
	const int v=100,x=300,y=40,z=40;
	Kokkos::View<double****> inputview1("X",v,x,y,z);
	Kokkos::View<double****> inputview2("Y",v,x,y,z);
	Kokkos::View<double****> outputview2("Z",v,x,y,z);
	Intrepid2::FieldContainer<double> inview2FieldContainer(v, x, y, z);
	Intrepid2::FieldContainer<double> inview1FieldContainer(v, x, y, z);
    Intrepid2::FieldContainer<double> outview2FieldContainer(v, x, y, z);
  //These are the wrapper structures that are used to avoid compiletime rank issues
    ArrayWrapper<double,Kokkos::View<double****>, Rank<Kokkos::View<double****> >::value,false>inputview1wrap(inputview1);
	ArrayWrapper<double,Kokkos::View<double****>, Rank<Kokkos::View<double****> >::value,false>outputview2wrap(outputview2);
	ArrayWrapper<double,Intrepid2::FieldContainer<double>,Rank<Intrepid2::FieldContainer<double> >::value,false>inputfieldcontainer2wrap(inview2FieldContainer);
	ArrayWrapper<double,Kokkos::View<double****>, Rank<Kokkos::View<double****> >::value,false>inputview2wrap(inputview2);
  //fill with random numbers
	Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> rand_pool64(5374857);
  //test getrank partial template specialization for kokkos views and field containers
//	std::cout <<"Rankstuff: "<<getrank(inputview1)<<","<<getrank(inview2FieldContainer)<<std::endl;
//	int numDataLeftPts = inputview1.dimension(1);
    int numCells       = outputview2.dimension(0);
    int numPoints      = outputview2.dimension(1);
    int matDim         = outputview2.dimension(2);
//    std::cout <<numCells<<","<<numPoints<<","<<matDim<<std::endl; 
  //setup field container using values from kokkos view and set output to zeros
    for(int cell = 0; cell < numCells; cell++) {
        for(int point = 0; point < numPoints; point++) {
            for( int row = 0; row < matDim; row++) {
                for( int col = 0; col < matDim; col++) {
					inview2FieldContainer(cell, point, row, col)=inputview2(cell, point, row, col);
					inview1FieldContainer(cell, point, row, col)=inputview1(cell, point, row, col);					
					outputview2wrap(cell, point, row, col)=0.0;
					outview2FieldContainer(cell, point, row, col)=0.0;
                }// Col-loop
            } // Row-loop
        } // P-loop
    }// C-loop	*/
	Kokkos::Impl::Timer structviewstimer;
   //example with two kokkos views and structs	
    for(int cell = 0; cell < numCells; cell++) {
       for(int point = 0; point < numPoints; point++) {
          for(int row = 0; row < matDim; row++) {
             for(int col = 0; col < matDim; col++) {                   
                   outputview2wrap(cell,point,row,col)= inputview1wrap(cell,point,row,col)*inputview2wrap(cell, point, row, col);
                }// Col-loop
            } // Row-loop
        } // P-loop
    }// C-loop	
    //double timestructviews = structviewstimer.seconds();
//    std::cout <<std::setprecision(9)<<"Time for structviews"<<timestructviews<<std::endl;

    Kokkos::Impl::Timer rawviewstimer;
   //example with two kokkos views without structs
	for(int cell = 0; cell < numCells; cell++) {
       for(int point = 0; point < numPoints; point++) {
          for( int row = 0; row < matDim; row++) {
             for( int col = 0; col < matDim; col++) {
                    outputview2(cell, point, row, col) =
                    inputview1(cell,point, row, col)*inputview2(cell, point, row, col);
                }// Col-loop
            } // Row-loop
        } // P-loop
    }// C-loop
  //  double timerawviews = rawviewstimer.seconds();
 //   std::cout <<"Time for rawviews"<<timerawviews<<std::endl;

   //example with kokkos view and intrepid field container    
    for(int cell = 0; cell < numCells; cell++) {
       for(int point = 0; point < numPoints; point++) {
          for(int row = 0; row < matDim; row++) {
             for( int col = 0; col < matDim; col++) {
                    outputview2wrap(cell, point, row, col) =                    inputview1wrap(cell,point, row, col)*inputfieldcontainer2wrap(cell, point, row, col);
                }// Col-loop
            } // Row-loop
        } // P-loop
    }// C-loop	
  //Test passing first element of field container


 	Kokkos::Impl::Timer fieldcontainertimer;
    for(int cell = 0; cell < numCells; cell++) {
       for(int point = 0; point < numPoints; point++) {
          for(int row = 0; row < matDim; row++) {
             for( int col = 0; col < matDim; col++) {
                    outview2FieldContainer(cell, point, row, col) = 
                    inview1FieldContainer(cell,point, row, col)*inview2FieldContainer(cell, point, row, col);
                }// Col-loop
            } // Row-loop
        } // P-loop
    }// C-loop	

//double timerfieldcontainermultiply=fieldcontainertimer.seconds();

//std::cout <<"FieldContainerTimer: "<<timerfieldcontainermultiply <<std::endl;

	return 0;