void zStr::getCompressedText(long block, long entry, char **buf) const { __u32 size = 0; if (cacheBlockIndex != block) { __u32 start = 0; zdxfd->seek(block * ZDXENTRYSIZE, SEEK_SET); zdxfd->read(&start, 4); zdxfd->read(&size, 4); start = swordtoarch32(start); size = swordtoarch32(size); SWBuf buf; buf.setSize(size + 5); zdtfd->seek(start, SEEK_SET); zdtfd->read(buf.getRawData(), size); flushCache(); unsigned long len = size; buf.setSize(size); rawZFilter(buf, 0); // 0 = decipher compressor->zBuf(&len, buf.getRawData()); char *rawBuf = compressor->Buf(0, &len); cacheBlock = new EntriesBlock(rawBuf, len); cacheBlockIndex = block; } size = cacheBlock->getEntrySize(entry); *buf = (*buf) ? (char *)realloc(*buf, size*2 + 1) : (char *)malloc(size*2 + 1); strcpy(*buf, cacheBlock->getEntry(entry)); }
void zVerse::flushCache() const { if (dirtyCache) { __u32 idxoff; __u32 start, outstart; __u32 size, outsize; __u32 zsize, outzsize; idxoff = cacheBufIdx * 12; if (cacheBuf) { size = outsize = zsize = outzsize = strlen(cacheBuf); if (size) { // if (compressor) { // delete compressor; // compressor = new LZSSCompress(); // } compressor->Buf(cacheBuf); unsigned long tmpSize; compressor->zBuf(&tmpSize); outzsize = zsize = tmpSize; SWBuf buf; buf.setSize(zsize + 5); memcpy(buf.getRawData(), compressor->zBuf(&tmpSize), tmpSize); outzsize = zsize = tmpSize; buf.setSize(zsize); rawZFilter(buf, 1); // 1 = encipher start = outstart = textfp[cacheTestament-1]->seek(0, SEEK_END); outstart = archtosword32(start); outsize = archtosword32(size); outzsize = archtosword32(zsize); textfp[cacheTestament-1]->write(buf, zsize); idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->seek(idxoff, SEEK_SET); idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->write(&outstart, 4); idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->write(&outzsize, 4); idxfp[cacheTestament-1]->write(&outsize, 4); } free(cacheBuf); cacheBuf = 0; } dirtyCache = false; } }
void zVerse::zReadText(char testmt, long start, unsigned short size, unsigned long ulBuffNum, SWBuf &inBuf) const { __u32 ulCompOffset = 0; // compressed buffer start __u32 ulCompSize = 0; // buffer size compressed __u32 ulUnCompSize = 0; // buffer size uncompressed if (!testmt) { testmt = ((idxfp[0]) ? 1:2); } // assert we have and valid file descriptor if (compfp[testmt-1]->getFd() < 1) return; if (size && !(((long) ulBuffNum == cacheBufIdx) && (testmt == cacheTestament) && (cacheBuf))) { //fprintf(stderr, "Got buffer number{%ld} versestart{%ld} versesize{%d}\n", ulBuffNum, ulVerseStart, usVerseSize); if (idxfp[testmt-1]->seek(ulBuffNum*12, SEEK_SET)!=(long) ulBuffNum*12) { fprintf(stderr, "Error seeking compressed file index\n"); return; } if (idxfp[testmt-1]->read(&ulCompOffset, 4)<4) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading ulCompOffset\n"); return; } if (idxfp[testmt-1]->read(&ulCompSize, 4)<4) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading ulCompSize\n"); return; } if (idxfp[testmt-1]->read(&ulUnCompSize, 4)<4) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading ulUnCompSize\n"); return; } ulCompOffset = swordtoarch32(ulCompOffset); ulCompSize = swordtoarch32(ulCompSize); ulUnCompSize = swordtoarch32(ulUnCompSize); if (textfp[testmt-1]->seek(ulCompOffset, SEEK_SET)!=(long)ulCompOffset) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not seek to right place in compressed text\n"); return; } SWBuf pcCompText; pcCompText.setSize(ulCompSize+5); if (textfp[testmt-1]->read(pcCompText.getRawData(), ulCompSize)<(long)ulCompSize) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading compressed text\n"); return; } pcCompText.setSize(ulCompSize); rawZFilter(pcCompText, 0); // 0 = decipher unsigned long bufSize = ulCompSize; compressor->zBuf(&bufSize, pcCompText.getRawData()); if (cacheBuf) { flushCache(); free(cacheBuf); } unsigned long len = 0; compressor->Buf(0, &len); cacheBuf = (char *)calloc(len + 1, 1); memcpy(cacheBuf, compressor->Buf(), len); cacheBufSize = strlen(cacheBuf); // TODO: can we just use len? cacheTestament = testmt; cacheBufIdx = ulBuffNum; } inBuf = ""; if ((size > 0) && cacheBuf && ((unsigned)start < cacheBufSize)) { inBuf.setFillByte(0); inBuf.setSize(size+1); strncpy(inBuf.getRawData(), &(cacheBuf[start]), size); inBuf.setSize(strlen(inBuf.c_str())); } }
void zStr::flushCache() const { static const char nl[] = {13, 10}; if (cacheBlock) { if (cacheDirty) { __u32 start = 0; unsigned long size = 0; __u32 outstart = 0, outsize = 0; const char *rawBuf = cacheBlock->getRawData(&size); compressor->Buf(rawBuf, &size); compressor->zBuf(&size); SWBuf buf; buf.setSize(size + 5); memcpy(buf.getRawData(), compressor->zBuf(&size), size); // 1 = encipher buf.setSize(size); rawZFilter(buf, 1); // 1 = encipher long zdxSize = zdxfd->seek(0, SEEK_END); unsigned long zdtSize = zdtfd->seek(0, SEEK_END); if ((cacheBlockIndex * ZDXENTRYSIZE) > (zdxSize - ZDXENTRYSIZE)) { // New Block start = zdtSize; } else { zdxfd->seek(cacheBlockIndex * ZDXENTRYSIZE, SEEK_SET); zdxfd->read(&start, 4); zdxfd->read(&outsize, 4); start = swordtoarch32(start); outsize = swordtoarch32(outsize); if (start + outsize >= zdtSize) { // last entry, just overwrite // start is already set } else if (size < outsize) { // middle entry, but smaller, that's fine and let's preserve bigger size size = outsize; } else { // middle and bigger-- we have serious problems, for now let's put it at the end = lots of wasted space start = zdtSize; } } outstart = archtosword32(start); outsize = archtosword32((__u32)size); zdxfd->seek(cacheBlockIndex * ZDXENTRYSIZE, SEEK_SET); zdtfd->seek(start, SEEK_SET); zdtfd->write(buf, size); // add a new line to make data file easier to read in an editor zdtfd->write(&nl, 2); zdxfd->write(&outstart, 4); zdxfd->write(&outsize, 4); } delete cacheBlock; cacheBlock = 0; } cacheBlockIndex = -1; cacheDirty = false; }