static void
sync_delete_done_cb (RBMediaPlayerSource *source, gpointer dontcare)
	RBMediaPlayerSourcePrivate *priv = MEDIA_PLAYER_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (source);
	rb_debug ("finished deleting %d files from media player", priv->sync_state->sync_remove_count);

	/* Transfer needed tracks and podcasts from itinerary to device */
	if (priv->sync_state->sync_add_count != 0) {
		RBTrackTransferBatch *batch;

		rb_debug ("transferring %d files to media player", priv->sync_state->sync_add_count);
		batch = rb_source_paste (RB_SOURCE (source), priv->sync_state->sync_to_add);
		if (batch != NULL) {
			char *name;
			char *label;

			g_object_get (source, "name", &name, NULL);
			label = g_strdup_printf (_("Syncing tracks to %s"), name);
			g_free (name);

			g_object_set (batch, "task-label", label, NULL);
			g_free (label);

			g_signal_connect_object (batch, "complete", G_CALLBACK (transfer_batch_complete_cb), source, 0);
			g_signal_connect_object (batch, "cancelled", G_CALLBACK (transfer_batch_cancelled_cb), source, 0);
		} else {
			rb_debug ("weird, transfer was apparently synchronous");
			g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) sync_idle_cb_playlists, source);
	} else {
		rb_debug ("no files to transfer to the device");
		g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) sync_idle_cb_playlists, source);
Beispiel #2
static void
import_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, RBImportDialog *dialog)
	GList *entries;
	RBSource *library_source;
	RBTrackTransferBatch *batch;

	entries = get_entries (dialog);

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (dialog->priv->copy_check)) == FALSE) {
		dialog->priv->add_entry_list = g_list_concat (dialog->priv->add_entry_list, entries);

		if (dialog->priv->add_entries_id == 0) {
			dialog->priv->add_entries_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) add_entries, dialog);
	} else {
		g_object_get (dialog->priv->shell, "library-source", &library_source, NULL);

		batch = rb_source_paste (library_source, entries);
		g_list_free_full (entries, (GDestroyNotify) rhythmdb_entry_unref);
		g_object_unref (library_source);

		/* delete source entries as they finish being copied */
		g_signal_connect (batch, "track-done", G_CALLBACK (copy_track_done_cb), dialog);
		g_signal_connect (batch, "complete", G_CALLBACK (copy_complete_cb), dialog);

Beispiel #3
static void
rb_removable_media_manager_cmd_copy_tracks (GtkAction *action, RBRemovableMediaManager *mgr)
	RBRemovableMediaManagerPrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (mgr);
	RBRemovableMediaSource *source;
	RBLibrarySource *library;
	RhythmDBQueryModel *model;
	GList *list = NULL;

	source = RB_REMOVABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE (priv->selected_source);
	g_object_get (source, "query-model", &model, NULL);
	g_object_get (priv->shell, "library-source", &library, NULL);

	gtk_tree_model_foreach (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc)copy_entry, &list);
	rb_source_paste (RB_SOURCE (library), list);
	g_list_free (list);

	g_object_unref (model);
	g_object_unref (library);
static void
copy_tracks_cmd (GtkAction *action, RBAudioCdSource *source)
	RBShell *shell;
	RBSource *library;
	RhythmDBQueryModel *model;
	GList *list = NULL;

	g_object_get (source, "shell", &shell, NULL);
	g_object_get (shell, "library-source", &library, NULL);
	g_object_unref (shell);

	g_object_get (source, "query-model", &model, NULL);

	gtk_tree_model_foreach (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc)copy_entry, &list);
	if (list != NULL) {
		rb_source_paste (library, list);
		g_list_free (list);

	g_object_unref (model);
	g_object_unref (library);
impl_receive_drag (RBDisplayPage *page, GtkSelectionData *data)
	GList *entries;
	RhythmDB *db;
	char *type;

	entries = NULL;
	type = gdk_atom_name (gtk_selection_data_get_data_type (data));
        db = get_db_for_source (RB_SOURCE (page));

	if (strcmp (type, "text/uri-list") == 0) {
		GList *list;
		GList *i;

		rb_debug ("parsing uri list");
		list = rb_uri_list_parse ((const char *) gtk_selection_data_get_data (data));

		for (i = list; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i)) {
			char *uri;
			RhythmDBEntry *entry;

			if (i->data == NULL)

			uri = i->data;
			entry = rhythmdb_entry_lookup_by_location (db, uri);

			if (entry == NULL) {
				/* add to the library */
				rb_debug ("received drop of unknown uri: %s", uri);
			} else {
				/* add to list of entries to copy */
				entries = g_list_prepend (entries, entry);
			g_free (uri);
		g_list_free (list);
	} else if (strcmp (type, "application/x-rhythmbox-entry") == 0) {
		char **list;
		char **i;

		rb_debug ("parsing entry ids");
		list = g_strsplit ((const char*) gtk_selection_data_get_data (data), "\n", -1);
		for (i = list; *i != NULL; i++) {
			RhythmDBEntry *entry;
			gulong id;

			id = atoi (*i);
			entry = rhythmdb_entry_lookup_by_id (db, id);
			if (entry != NULL)
				entries = g_list_prepend (entries, entry);

		g_strfreev (list);
	} else {
		rb_debug ("received unknown drop type");

	g_object_unref (db);
	g_free (type);

	if (entries) {
		entries = g_list_reverse (entries);
		if (rb_source_can_paste (RB_SOURCE (page))) {
			rb_source_paste (RB_SOURCE (page), entries);
		g_list_free (entries);

	return TRUE;