Beispiel #1
CompCol_Mat_double& readHB_mat(const char *filename, CompCol_Mat_double *A)
    int M=0, N=0, nz=0, nrhs=0;
    readHB_info(filename, &M, &N, &nz, &nrhs);
    CompCol_Mat_double &T = *A;
    readHB_mat_double(filename, &T.col_ptr(0), &T.row_ind(0), &T.val(0));
    return T;
Beispiel #2
double *read_rhs(const char *filename, int j)
    int M, N, nnz, nrhs;
    readHB_info(filename, &M, &N, &nnz, &nrhs);

    double *rhs = new double[nnz];

    if (j >= 0 && j < nrhs)
        readHB_rhs_double(filename, rhs, j);
        printf("Error: HB rhs #%d in file '%s' not found.\n", j, filename);

    return rhs;
Beispiel #3
CSCMatrix *read_hb_csc(const char *filename)
    int M, N, nnz, nrhs;
    readHB_info(filename, &M, &N, &nnz, &nrhs);

    // square matrix
    int size = N;

    // allocate matrix
    int *Ap = new int[size + 1];
    int *Ai = new int[nnz];
    double *Ax = new double[nnz];

    readHB_mat_double(filename, Ap, Ai, Ax);
    CSCMatrix *Acsc = new CSCMatrix(size, nnz, Ap, Ai, Ax);

    return Acsc;
Beispiel #4
VECTOR_double& readHB_rhs(const char *filename, VECTOR_double *b, int j)
    int M;
    int N; 
    int nrhs;
    int nz;

    readHB_info(filename, &M, &N, &nz, &nrhs);
    VECTOR_double T(N);

    if (j >= 0 && j < nrhs)
        readHB_rhs_double(filename, &T(0), j);
        "Error: HB file right-hand-size vector #%d in file '%s' not found.\n",
            j, filename);
    return ( *b = T) ;
Beispiel #5
dsp_matrix_t *
dspmat_newHB( const char* filename )
  char  *type;
  int   nrhs;               /* # of right-hand sides in file */
  int   m, n;
  int   nnz;

  dsp_matrix_t* new_mat;
  int min_rows_per_proc;
  int rows_this_proc;
  int leftover;

  readHB_info( filename, &m, &n, &nnz, &type, &nrhs );
#ifndef INSANE
  if( m != n ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "--- Can only operate on square matrices ---\n" );
    return NULL;

  if( type[0] != 'R' && type[0] != 'r' ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "--- Can only operate on real matrices ---\n" );
    return NULL;

  if( type[1] != 'S' && type[1] != 's' ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "--- Can only operate on symmetric matrices ---\n" );
    return NULL;

  /* alloc matrix */
  new_mat = (dsp_matrix_t *)malloc( sizeof(dsp_matrix_t) );
  if( new_mat == NULL )
    return NULL;
  memset(new_mat, 0, sizeof(dsp_matrix_t));

#ifndef INSANE
  new_mat->N = n;
  new_mat->N = m;

  /* distribute rows */
  min_rows_per_proc = new_mat->N / g_numprocs;
  rows_this_proc = min_rows_per_proc;
  leftover = new_mat->N % g_numprocs;
  if( g_myproc < leftover ) {
    new_mat->row_i = rows_this_proc * g_myproc;
  } else {
    new_mat->row_i = leftover + g_myproc * min_rows_per_proc;
  new_mat->row_f = new_mat->row_i + rows_this_proc - 1;

  new_mat->row_ptr = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * (rows_this_proc + 1) );

  /* read in data */
  dspio_readHB_mat_double( filename,
                           new_mat->row_i, new_mat->row_f,
                           &(new_mat->val) );

  /* synchronize A across all processors */
  dspmat_vecmult_sync( new_mat );

  /* clean-up */
  return new_mat;
Beispiel #6
void main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
   read in Harwell-Boeing matrices, use serial factor, solve,
   and multiply routines based on spooles, invoke eigensolver

   created  -- 98mar31 jcp
   modified -- 98dec18, cca
Bridge    bridge ;
char      *inFileName_A, *inFileName_B, *outFileName, 
          *parmFileName, *type ;
char      buffer[20], pbtype[4], which[4] ;
double    lftend, rhtend, center, shfscl, t1, t2 ;
double    c__1 = 1.0, c__4 = 4.0, tolact = 2.309970868130169e-11 ;
double    eigval[1000], sigma[2];
double    *evec;
int       error, fstevl, lfinit, lstevl, mxbksz, msglvl, ncol, ndiscd,
          neig, neigvl, nfound, nnonzeros, nrhs, nrow, prbtyp, rc, 
          retc, rfinit, seed, warnng ;
int       c__5 = 5, output = 6 ;
int       *lanczos_wksp;
InpMtx    *inpmtxA, *inpmtxB ;
FILE      *msgFile, *parmFile;


if ( argc != 7 ) {
  "\n\n usage : %s msglvl msgFile parmFile seed inFileA inFileB"
  "\n    msglvl   -- message level"
  "\n    msgFile  -- message file"
  "\n    parmFile -- input parameters file"
  "\n    seed     -- random number seed, used for ordering"
  "\n    inFileA -- stiffness matrix in Harwell-Boeing format"
  "\n    inFileB -- mass matrix in Harwell-Boeing format"
  "\n               used for prbtyp = 1 or 2"
  "\n", argv[0]) ;
   return ;
msglvl = atoi(argv[1]) ;
if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
   msgFile = stdout ;
} else if ( (msgFile = fopen(argv[2], "a")) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in %s"
           "\n unable to open file %s\n",
           argv[0], argv[2]) ;
   exit(-1) ;
parmFileName = argv[3] ;
seed         = atoi(argv[4]) ;
inFileName_A = argv[5] ;
inFileName_B = argv[6] ;
        "\n %s "
        "\n msglvl         -- %d" 
        "\n msgFile        -- %s" 
        "\n parmFile       -- %s" 
        "\n seed           -- %d" 
        "\n stiffness file -- %s" 
        "\n mass file      -- %s" 
        argv[0], msglvl, argv[2], parmFileName, seed, 
        inFileName_A, inFileName_B) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
   read in the Harwell-Boeing matrix information
if ( strcmp(inFileName_A, "none") == 0 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
   exit(0) ;
readHB_info (inFileName_A, &nrow, &ncol, &nnonzeros, &type, &nrhs) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in header information for A",
        t2 - t1) ;
   read in eigenvalue problem data
   neigvl -- # of desired eigenvalues
   which  -- which eigenvalues to compute
     'l' or 'L' lowest (smallest magnitude)
     'h' or 'H' highest (largest magnitude)
     'n' or 'N' nearest to central value
     'c' or 'C' nearest to central value
     'a' or 'A' all eigenvalues in interval
   pbtype -- type of problem
     'v' or 'V' generalized symmetric problem (K,M)
                with M positive semidefinite (vibration problem)
     'b' or 'B' generalized symmetric problem (K,K_s)
                with K positive semidefinite
                with K_s posibly indefinite (buckling problem)
     'o' or 'O' ordinary symmetric eigenproblem
   lfinit -- if true, lftend is restriction on lower bound of 
             eigenvalues. if false, no restriction on lower bound
   lftend -- left endpoint of interval
   rfinit -- if true, rhtend is restriction on upper bound of
             eigenvalues.  if false, no restriction on upper bound
   rhtend -- right endpoint of interval
   center -- center of interval
   mxbksz -- upper bound on block size for Lanczos recurrence
   shfscl -- shift scaling parameter, an estimate on the magnitude
             of the smallest nonzero eigenvalues
parmFile = fopen(parmFileName, "r");
fscanf(parmFile, "%d %s %s %d %le %d %le %le %d %le", 
       &neigvl, which, pbtype, &lfinit, &lftend, 
       &rfinit, &rhtend, &center, &mxbksz, &shfscl) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in eigenvalue problem data",
        t2 - t1) ;
   check and set the problem type parameter
switch ( pbtype[1] ) {
case 'v' : case 'V' : prbtyp = 1 ; break ;
case 'b' : case 'B' : prbtyp = 2 ; break ;
case 'o' : case 'O' : prbtyp = 3 ; break ;
default :
   fprintf(stderr, "\n invalid problem type %s", pbtype) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   Initialize Lanczos workspace
lanczos_init_ ( &lanczos_wksp ) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : initialize lanczos workspace", 
        t2 - t1) ;
   initialize communication structure
lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "order-of-problem",   &nrow,   &retc );
lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "accuracy-tolerance", &tolact, &retc );
lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "max-block-size",     &mxbksz, &retc );
lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "shift-scale",        &shfscl, &retc );
lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "message_level",      &msglvl, &retc );
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : init lanczos communication structure", 
        t2 - t1) ;
   create the InpMtx objects for matrix A and B
if ( strcmp(inFileName_A, "none") == 0 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
   exit(0) ;
inpmtxA = InpMtx_new() ;
InpMtx_readFromHBfile ( inpmtxA, inFileName_A ) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in A", t2 - t1) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n InpMtx A object after loading") ;
   InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(inpmtxA, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "matrix-type", &c__1, &retc );
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : set A's parameters", t2 - t1) ;
if ( prbtyp != 3 ) {
   if ( strcmp(inFileName_B, "none") == 0 ) {
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
      exit(0) ;
   MARKTIME(t1) ;
   inpmtxB = InpMtx_new() ;
   InpMtx_readFromHBfile ( inpmtxB, inFileName_B ) ;
   MARKTIME(t2) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in B", t2 - t1) ;
} else {
   MARKTIME(t1) ;
   inpmtxB = NULL ;
   lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "matrix-type", &c__4, &retc );
   MARKTIME(t2) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : set B's parameters", t2 - t1) ;
if ( msglvl > 2  && prbtyp != 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n InpMtx B object after loading") ;
   InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(inpmtxB, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   set up the solver environment
rc = Setup((void *) &bridge, &prbtyp, &nrow, &mxbksz, inpmtxA, inpmtxB,
           &seed, &msglvl, msgFile) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : set up solver environment", t2 - t1) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error %d from Setup()", rc) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   invoke eigensolver
   nfound -- # of eigenvalues found and kept
   ndisc  -- # of additional eigenvalues discarded
lanczos_run(&neigvl, &which[1] , &pbtype[1], &lfinit, &lftend, 
	    &rfinit, &rhtend, &center, &lanczos_wksp, &bridge, &nfound,
	    &ndiscd, &warnng, &error, Factor, MatMul, Solve ) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : time for lanczos run", t2 - t1) ;
   get eigenvalues and print
neig   = nfound + ndiscd ;
lstevl = nfound ;
lanczos_eigenvalues (&lanczos_wksp, eigval, &neig, &retc);
fstevl = 1 ;
if ( nfound == 0 ) fstevl = -1 ;
if ( ndiscd > 0 ) lstevl = -ndiscd ;
hdslp5_ ("computed eigenvalues returned by hdserl",
         &neig, eigval, &output, 39L ) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : get and print eigenvalues ", t2 - t1) ;
   get eigenvectors and print
neig = min ( 50, nrow );
Lncz_ALLOCATE(evec, double, nrow, retc);

for ( i = 1 ; i <= nfound ; i++ ) {
   lanczos_eigenvector ( &lanczos_wksp, &i, &i, newToOld,
                        evec, &nrow, &retc ) ;
   hdslp5_ ( "computed eigenvector returned by hdserc",
             &neig, evec, &output, 39L ) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : get and print eigenvectors ", t2 - t1) ;
   free the working storage
lanczos_free( &lanczos_wksp ) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : free lanczos workspace ", t2 - t1) ;
rc = Cleanup(&bridge) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : free solver workspace ", t2 - t1) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error return %d from Cleanup()", rc) ;
   exit(-1) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;
fclose(msgFile) ;

return ; }
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int M, N, nonzeros, Nrhs;
  int *colptr, *rowind;
  double *val = NULL;
  double *rhs;
  int rhsentries = 0;
  double *guess;
  double *exact = NULL;
  char *Type;
  char Ptrfmt[]="(13I6)";
  char Indfmt[]="(16I5)";
  char Valfmt[]="(3E26.18)";
  char Rhsfmt[]="(3E26.18)";
  int i=0;

  if (argc < 3)
    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s HBfile HBfileout\n", argv[0]);

  /* Get information about the array stored in the file specified in the  */
  /* argument list:                                                       */

  fprintf(stderr,"Reading matrix info from %s...\n",argv[1]);
  readHB_info(argv[1], &M, &N, &nonzeros, &Type, &Nrhs);

  fprintf(stderr,"Matrix in file %s is %d x %d, with %d nonzeros with type %s;\n",
      argv[1], M, N, nonzeros, Type);
  fprintf(stderr,"%d right-hand-side(s) available.\n",Nrhs);

  /* Read the matrix information, generating the associated storage arrays  */
  fprintf(stderr,"Reading the matrix from %s...\n",argv[1]);
  readHB_newmat_double(argv[1], &M, &N, &nonzeros, &colptr, &rowind, &val);

  /* If a rhs is specified in the file, read one, generating the associate storage */
  if (Nrhs > 0) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Reading right-hand-side vector(s) from %s...\n",argv[1]);
    readHB_newaux_double(argv[1], 'F', &rhs);

  /* Generate a new Guess vector (all zeros) */

  if ( Type[0] == 'R' )
    rhsentries = M*Nrhs;
  else if ( Type[0] == 'C' )
    rhsentries = 2*M*Nrhs;

  guess = (double *) malloc(rhsentries*sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0; i < rhsentries ;i++)
    guess[i] = 0;

  if (Nrhs > 0) {
        "Writing the matrix and right-hand-side/guess vector(s) from %s...\n",
  } else {
        "Writing the matrix from %s...\n",
  writeHB_mat_double(argv[2], M, N, nonzeros, colptr, rowind, val, Nrhs, rhs,
      guess, exact, "Test Title", "Test Key", Type, Ptrfmt,Indfmt,Valfmt,Rhsfmt,"FGN");

  fprintf(stderr,"**** Successful completion of %s. Generated %s. ****\n",argv[0],argv[2]);

  return 0;