Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile::rewindToVSH(unsigned long&ixFound) {
  Boolean success = False;

  while (ixFound > 0) {
    if (!readIndexRecord(ixFound)) break;

    u_int8_t recordType = recordTypeFromBuf();
    if ((recordType&0x80) != 0 && (recordType&0x7F) <= 2/*GOP*/) {
      if ((recordType&0x7F) == 2) {
	// This is a GOP.  Hack: If the preceding record is for a Video Sequence Header,
	// then use it instead:
	unsigned long newIxFound = ixFound;

	while (--newIxFound > 0) {
	  if (!readIndexRecord(newIxFound)) break;
	  recordType = recordTypeFromBuf();
	  if ((recordType&0x7F) != 1) break; // not a Video Sequence Header
	  if ((recordType&0x80) != 0) { // this is the start of the VSH; use it
	    ixFound = newIxFound;
      // Record 'ixFound' as appropriate to return:
      success = True;
  if (ixFound == 0) success = True; // use record 0 anyway

  return success;
Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile::rewindToCleanPoint(unsigned long&ixFound) {
  Boolean success = False; // until we learn otherwise

  while (ixFound > 0) {
    if (!readIndexRecord(ixFound)) break;

    u_int8_t recordType = recordTypeFromBuf();

    // A 'clean point' is the start of a 'frame' from which a decoder can cleanly resume
    // handling the stream.  For H.264, this is a SPS.  For H.265, this is a VPS.
    // For MPEG-2, this is a Video Sequence Header, or a GOP. 

    if ((recordType&0x80) != 0) { // This is the start of a 'frame'
      recordType &=~ 0x80; // remove the 'start of frame' bit
      if (fMPEGVersion == 5) { // H.264
        if (recordType == 5/*SPS*/) {
          success = True;
      } else if (fMPEGVersion == 6) { // H.265
        if (recordType == 11/*VPS*/) {
          success = True;
      } else { // MPEG-1, 2, or 4
        if (recordType == 1/*VSH*/) {
          success = True;
        } else if (recordType == 2/*GOP*/) {
          // Hack: If the preceding record is for a Video Sequence Header, then use it instead:
          unsigned long newIxFound = ixFound;

          while (--newIxFound > 0) {
            if (!readIndexRecord(newIxFound)) break;
            recordType = recordTypeFromBuf();
            if ((recordType&0x7F) != 1) break; // not a Video Sequence Header
            if ((recordType&0x80) != 0) { // this is the start of the VSH; use it
              ixFound = newIxFound;
        success = True;

    // Keep checking, from the previous record:
  if (ixFound == 0) success = True; // use record 0 anyway

  return success;
Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile
::readIndexRecordValues(unsigned long indexRecordNum,
                        unsigned long& transportPacketNum, u_int8_t& offset,
                        u_int8_t& size, float& pcr, u_int8_t& recordType) {
  if (!readIndexRecord(indexRecordNum)) return False;

  transportPacketNum = tsPacketNumFromBuf();
  offset = offsetFromBuf();
  size = sizeFromBuf();
  pcr = pcrFromBuf();
  recordType = recordTypeFromBuf();
  return True;
void MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile
::lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(float& npt, unsigned long& tsPacketNumber,
                           unsigned long& indexRecordNumber) {
  if (npt <= 0.0 || fNumIndexRecords == 0) { // Fast-track a common case:
    npt = 0.0f;
    tsPacketNumber = indexRecordNumber = 0;

  // If "npt" is the same as the one that we last looked up, return its cached result:
  if (npt == fCachedPCR) {
    tsPacketNumber = fCachedTSPacketNumber;
    indexRecordNumber = fCachedIndexRecordNumber;

  // Search for the pair of neighboring index records whose PCR values span "npt".
  // Use the 'regula-falsi' method.
  Boolean success = False;
  unsigned long ixFound = 0;
  do {
    unsigned long ixLeft = 0, ixRight = fNumIndexRecords-1;
    float pcrLeft = 0.0f, pcrRight;
    if (!readIndexRecord(ixRight)) break;
    pcrRight = pcrFromBuf();
    if (npt > pcrRight) npt = pcrRight;
        // handle "npt" too large by seeking to the last frame of the file

    while (ixRight-ixLeft > 1 && pcrLeft < npt && npt <= pcrRight) {
      unsigned long ixNew = ixLeft
        + (unsigned long)(((npt-pcrLeft)/(pcrRight-pcrLeft))*(ixRight-ixLeft));
      if (ixNew == ixLeft || ixNew == ixRight) {
        // use bisection instead:
        ixNew = (ixLeft+ixRight)/2;
      if (!readIndexRecord(ixNew)) break;
      float pcrNew = pcrFromBuf();
      if (pcrNew < npt) {
        pcrLeft = pcrNew;
        ixLeft = ixNew;
      } else {
        pcrRight = pcrNew;
        ixRight = ixNew;
    if (ixRight-ixLeft > 1 || npt <= pcrLeft || npt > pcrRight) break; // bad PCR values in index file?

    ixFound = ixRight;
    // "Rewind' until we reach the start of a Video Sequence or GOP header:
    success = rewindToCleanPoint(ixFound);
  } while (0);

  if (success && readIndexRecord(ixFound)) {
    // Return (and cache) information from record "ixFound":
    npt = fCachedPCR = pcrFromBuf();
    tsPacketNumber = fCachedTSPacketNumber = tsPacketNumFromBuf();
    indexRecordNumber = fCachedIndexRecordNumber = ixFound;
  } else {
    // An error occurred: Return the default values, for npt == 0:
    npt = 0.0f;
    tsPacketNumber = indexRecordNumber = 0;
Boolean MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile::readOneIndexRecord(unsigned long indexRecordNum) {
  Boolean result = readIndexRecord(indexRecordNum);

  return result;
void MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile
::lookupPCRFromTSPacketNum(unsigned long& tsPacketNumber, Boolean reverseToPreviousCleanPoint,
                           float& pcr, unsigned long& indexRecordNumber) {
  if (tsPacketNumber == 0 || fNumIndexRecords == 0) { // Fast-track a common case:
    pcr = 0.0f;
    indexRecordNumber = 0;

  // If "tsPacketNumber" is the same as the one that we last looked up, return its cached result:
  if (tsPacketNumber == fCachedTSPacketNumber) {
    pcr = fCachedPCR;
    indexRecordNumber = fCachedIndexRecordNumber;

  // Search for the pair of neighboring index records whose TS packet #s span "tsPacketNumber".
  // Use the 'regula-falsi' method.
  Boolean success = False;
  unsigned long ixFound = 0;
  do {
    unsigned long ixLeft = 0, ixRight = fNumIndexRecords-1;
    unsigned long tsLeft = 0, tsRight;
    if (!readIndexRecord(ixRight)) break;
    tsRight = tsPacketNumFromBuf();
    if (tsPacketNumber > tsRight) tsPacketNumber = tsRight;
        // handle "tsPacketNumber" too large by seeking to the last frame of the file

    while (ixRight-ixLeft > 1 && tsLeft < tsPacketNumber && tsPacketNumber <= tsRight) {
      unsigned long ixNew = ixLeft
        + (unsigned long)(((tsPacketNumber-tsLeft)/(tsRight-tsLeft))*(ixRight-ixLeft));
      if (ixNew == ixLeft || ixNew == ixRight) {
        // Use bisection instead:
        ixNew = (ixLeft+ixRight)/2;
      if (!readIndexRecord(ixNew)) break;
      unsigned long tsNew = tsPacketNumFromBuf();
      if (tsNew < tsPacketNumber) {
        tsLeft = tsNew;
        ixLeft = ixNew;
      } else {
        tsRight = tsNew;
        ixRight = ixNew;
    if (ixRight-ixLeft > 1 || tsPacketNumber <= tsLeft || tsPacketNumber > tsRight) break; // bad PCR values in index file?

    ixFound = ixRight;
    if (reverseToPreviousCleanPoint) {
      // "Rewind' until we reach the start of a Video Sequence or GOP header:
      success = rewindToCleanPoint(ixFound);
    } else {
      success = True;
  } while (0);

  if (success && readIndexRecord(ixFound)) {
    // Return (and cache) information from record "ixFound":
    pcr = fCachedPCR = pcrFromBuf();
    fCachedTSPacketNumber = tsPacketNumFromBuf();
    if (reverseToPreviousCleanPoint) tsPacketNumber = fCachedTSPacketNumber;
    indexRecordNumber = fCachedIndexRecordNumber = ixFound;
  } else {
    // An error occurred: Return the default values, for tsPacketNumber == 0:
    pcr = 0.0f;
    indexRecordNumber = 0;