Beispiel #1
void XMLimport::readMap()
    while( ! atEnd() )

        if( isStartElement() )

            if( name() == "areas" )
            else if( name() == "rooms" )
            else if( name() == "environments" )
Beispiel #2
int main() {

    // Room names array. Static, but dynamically assigned to each room.
    // There must be more names here than MAX_ROOMS!
    char *roomNames[10] = {  
        "Chopin" };

    // Array holding Room names read in from files (see readRooms()).
    char *readRoomNames[MAX_ROOMS] = {0}; 

    // Array of pointers to Rooms. This array is first used to set up
    // Rooms to be output to files (see setupRooms()), then it is reused
    // to read in Rooms from files (see readRooms()).
    struct Room *prooms[MAX_ROOMS];

    // Holds the name of the output file directory.
    char dirName[30];       

    // Create the output file directory. The name is hardcoded to include
    // my ONID username (ratclier), then ".rooms.", then the PID of the
    // running program. This directory is not removed at the end of the
    // game, per assignment guidelines.
    sprintf(dirName, "%s.%ld", "ratclier.rooms", (long) getpid());
    mkdir(dirName, 0755); // File permissions: u = rwx, g = r-x, o = r-x
                          //                       421      4-1      4-1
                          //                        7        5        5

    // Set up the Room files.
    setupRooms(prooms, dirName, roomNames);

    // Read the Room data in from files.
    readRooms(prooms, dirName, readRoomNames);

    // Play the game.
    playGame(prooms, readRoomNames);

    // Clean up Room struct pointers.

    return 0;

bool ConfigurationReader::readHome(File* file, char* fileContentBuffer, Actor* actor, Configuration* config) {
	if (!readToBuffer(file, fileContentBuffer)) {
		return false;
	StaticJsonBuffer<READ_FILE_BUFFOR_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
	JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(fileContentBuffer);

	if (!root.success()) {
	  DiagnosticOutputStream.sendln("Config parse failed");
	  return false;
	readConfig(root, config);
	JsonArray& jsonRooms = root[JSON_HOME][JSON_ROOMS].asArray();
	readRooms(jsonRooms, actor);