Beispiel #1
char *readTiff3DFile2Buffer ( char *filename, unsigned char *img, unsigned int img_width, unsigned int img_height, unsigned int first, unsigned int last ) {

    // 2015-01-30. Alessandro. @ADDED performance (time) measurement in all most time-consuming methods.

    TIFF *input;

	if (!input)
		//throw iim::IOException(strprintf("in IOManager::readTiffMultipage(...): Cannot open the file %s",finName).c_str());
		return ((char *) "Cannot open the file.");
	int b_swap=TIFFIsByteSwapped(input);
	char *err_msg = readTiff3DFile2Buffer(input,img,img_width,img_height,first,last,b_swap);


    // 2015-01-30. Alessandro. @ADDED performance (time) measurement in all most time-consuming methods.
    TERAFLY_TIME_STOP(TiffLoadData, itm::IO, itm::strprintf("loaded block x(%d), y(%d), z(%d-%d) from 3D tiff \"%s\"", img_width, img_height, first, last, filename))

	return err_msg;
Beispiel #2
char *readTiff3DFile2Buffer ( char *filename, unsigned char *img, unsigned int img_width, unsigned int img_height, unsigned int first, unsigned int last, 
																						  int downsamplingFactor, int starti, int endi, int startj, int endj ) {

    // 2015-01-30. Alessandro. @ADDED performance (time) measurement in all most time-consuming methods.

    TIFF *input;

	//disable warning and error handlers to avoid messages on unrecognized tags

	if (!input)
		//throw iim::IOException(strprintf("in IOManager::readTiffMultipage(...): Cannot open the file %s",finName).c_str());
		return ((char *) "Cannot open the file.");
	int b_swap=TIFFIsByteSwapped(input);
	char *err_msg = readTiff3DFile2Buffer(input,img,img_width,img_height,first,last,b_swap,downsamplingFactor,starti,endi,startj,endj);


    // 2015-01-30. Alessandro. @ADDED performance (time) measurement in all most time-consuming methods.
    TERAFLY_TIME_STOP(TiffLoadData, tf::IO, tf::strprintf("loaded block x(%d), y(%d), z(%d-%d) from 3D tiff \"%s\"", img_width, img_height, first, last, filename))

	return err_msg;
Beispiel #3
// Read 3D image data
unsigned char *						// (OUTPUT) buffer containing the read image data
	std::string img_path,			// (INPUT) image filepath
	int & img_width,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) image width  (in pixels)
	int & img_height,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) image height (in pixels)
	int & img_depth,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) image depth (in pixels)
	int & img_bytes_x_chan,			// (INPUT/OUTPUT) number of bytes per channel
	int & img_chans,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) number of channels to be read
	unsigned char *data,			// (INPUT) image data
	int z0,							// (INPUT)	region of interest [x0,x1)[y0,y1)[z0,z1) to be set on the image
	int z1,							// (INPUT)	region of interest [x0,x1)[y0,y1)[z0,z1) to be set on the image
	const std::string & params)		// (INPUT) additional parameters <param1=val, param2=val, ...> 
throw (iom::exception) 
	//throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("not implemented yet"), __iom__current__function__);

	/**/iom::debug(iom::LEV3, iom::strprintf("img_path = %s, img_width = %d, img_height = %d, img_depth = %d, img_bytes_x_chan = %d, img_chans = %d, data = %p, z0 = %d, z1 = %d, params = \"%s\"",
		img_path.c_str(), img_width, img_height, img_depth,	img_bytes_x_chan, img_chans, data, z0, z1, params.c_str()).c_str(), __iom__current__function__);

	//disable warning handler to avoid messages on unrecognized tags

	unsigned int _width;
	unsigned int _height;
	unsigned int _depth;
	int _bytes_x_chan;
	unsigned int _chans;
	int b_swap;
	void *fhandle;
	int header_len;
	char *err_Tiff3Dfmt;

	if ( !data ) { // recover the metadata, allocate the buffer and set parameters
		if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = loadTiff3D2Metadata((char *)img_path.c_str(),_width,_height,_depth,_chans,_bytes_x_chan,b_swap,fhandle,header_len)) != 0 ) {
			throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("(%s) unable to read meta data of tiff file %s",err_Tiff3Dfmt,img_path.c_str()), __iom__current__function__);

		data = new unsigned char[_width * _height * _depth * _chans * _bytes_x_chan];
		img_width        = _width;
		img_height       = _height;
		img_depth        = _depth;
		img_bytes_x_chan = _bytes_x_chan;
		img_chans        = _chans;

	// set the ROI
	z0 = (z0 < 0) ? 0: z0;
	z1 = (z1 < 0) ? img_depth  : z1;

	if ( z0 >= z1 )
		throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("wrong slice indices (z0 = %d, z1 = %d)",z0, z1), __iom__current__function__);

	// get the image
	if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = readTiff3DFile2Buffer((char *)img_path.c_str(),data,img_width,img_height,z0,z1-1)) != 0 ) {
		throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("(%s) unable to read tiff file %s in page range [%d,%d]",err_Tiff3Dfmt,img_path.c_str(),z0,z1-1), __iom__current__function__);

	return data;
Beispiel #4
// Read 2D image data
unsigned char *						// (OUTPUT) a buffer storing the 2D image
	std::string img_path,			// (INPUT)	image filepath
	int & img_width,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) image width  (in pixels)
	int & img_height,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) image height (in pixels)
	int & img_bytes_x_chan,			// (INPUT/OUTPUT) number of bytes per channel
	int & img_chans,				// (INPUT/OUTPUT) number of channels to be read
	unsigned char *data,			// (INPUT) image data
	const std::string & params)		// (INPUT) additional parameters <param1=val, param2=val, ...> 
throw (iom::exception) 
	//throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("not implemented yet"), __iom__current__function__);

	/**/iom::debug(iom::LEV3, iom::strprintf("img_path = %s, img_width 0 %d, img_height 0 %d, img_bytes_x_chan = %d, img_chans = %d, params = \"%s\"", 
		img_path.c_str(), img_width, img_height, img_bytes_x_chan, img_chans, params.c_str()).c_str(), __iom__current__function__);

	char *err_Tiff3Dfmt;

	//disable warning handler to avoid messages on unrecognized tags

	if ( !data ) { // recover the metadata, allocate the buffer and set parameters
		unsigned int _width;
		unsigned int _height;
		unsigned int _depth;
		int _bytes_x_chan;
		unsigned int _chans;
		int b_swap;
		void *fhandle;
		int header_len;

		if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = loadTiff3D2Metadata((char *)img_path.c_str(),_width,_height,_depth,_chans,_bytes_x_chan,b_swap,fhandle,header_len)) != 0 ) {
			throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("(%s) unable to read meta data of tiff file %s",err_Tiff3Dfmt,img_path.c_str()), __iom__current__function__);

		data = new unsigned char[_width * _height * _chans * _bytes_x_chan];
		img_width        = _width;
		img_height       = _height;
		img_bytes_x_chan = _bytes_x_chan;
		img_chans        = _chans;

	// load 2D image 
	if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = readTiff3DFile2Buffer((char *)img_path.c_str(),data,img_width,img_height,0,0)) != 0 ) {
		throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("(%s) unable to read tiff file %s",err_Tiff3Dfmt,img_path.c_str()), __iom__current__function__);

	return data;
Beispiel #5
// read image data
	char *finName,					// image filepath
	int XSIZE,						// image width (in pixels)
	int YSIZE,						// image height (in pixels)
	unsigned char *data,			// (OUTPUT) image data
	int first,						// selects a range [first, last] of files to be loaded 
	int last,						// selects a range [first, last] of files to be loaded 
	const std::string & params)		// (INPUT)	additional parameters <param1=val, param2=val, ...> 
throw (iom::exception)
	throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("no more available"), __iom__current__function__);

	/**/iom::debug(iom::LEV3, iom::strprintf("finName = %s, XSIZE = %d, YSIZE = %d, first = %d, last = %d, params = \"%s\"",
		finName, XSIZE, YSIZE, first, last, params.c_str()).c_str(), __iom__current__function__);

	//disable warning handler to avoid messages on unrecognized tags

	char *err_Tiff3Dfmt;
	if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = readTiff3DFile2Buffer(finName,data,XSIZE,YSIZE,first,last)) != 0 ) {
		throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("(%s) unable to read tiff file %s in page range [%d,%d]",err_Tiff3Dfmt,finName,first,last), __iom__current__function__);
Beispiel #6
// read 3D image data from a stack of (2D) image files
iom::real_t*						// (OUTPUT) a [0.0,1.0]-valued array storing the 3D image in channel->slice->row order
	char **files,					// (INPUT)	array of C-strings storing image filenames
	int files_size,					// (INPUT)	size of 'files'
	const char *path /*= 0*/,		// (INPUT)	path to be concatenated to the i-th entry of 'files'
	int first /*= -1*/,				// (INPUT)	selects a range [first, last] of files to be loaded
	int last /*= -1*/,				// (INPUT)	selects a range [first, last] of files to be loaded	
	bool is_sparse /*= false*/,		// (INPUT)	if true, 'files' is a sparse array and null entries should be treated as empty (black) images
	iom::channel chan,				// (INPUT)	channel selection { ALL, R, G, B }. 
	const std::string & params)		// (INPUT)	additional parameters <param1=val, param2=val, ...> 
throw (iom::exception)
	throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("no more available"), __iom__current__function__);

	/**/iom::debug(iom::LEV3, iom::strprintf("files_size = %d, path = %s, first = %d, last = %d, is_sparse = %s, chan = %d, params = \"%s\"",
		files_size, path ? path : "null", first, last, is_sparse ? "true" : "false", chan, params.c_str()).c_str(), __iom__current__function__);

	char *err_Tiff3Dfmt;

	unsigned int rows;
	unsigned int cols;
	unsigned int n_slices;
	unsigned int channels;
	int depth;
	int swap;
	void *dummy;
	int dummy_len;

	unsigned char *data;
 	iom::real_t *raw_data;
	iom::real_t *image_stack = 0;
	uint64 image_stack_width=0, image_stack_height=0, z=0;
	// check for valid file list
	if(!files || files_size <= 0)
		throw iom::exception("invalid file list (null pointer or 0-sized)", __iom__current__function__);

	// check and adjust file selection
	first = (first == -1 ? 0 : first);
	last  = (last  == -1 ? files_size - 1 : last );
	first = min(first, files_size-1);
	last = min(last, files_size-1);

	//disable warning handler to avoid messages on unrecognized tags

	// build absolute image path of first file in the stack
	int i = 0;
	while ( is_sparse && i<files_size && files[i]==0 ) // look for existing file
	if ( i == files_size )
		throw iom::exception("stack is entirely empty: cannot recover slice dimension", __iom__current__function__);
	std::string image_path = path ? std::string(path) + "/" + files[i] : files[i];
	// load metadata
	if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = loadTiff3D2Metadata((char *)image_path.c_str(),cols,rows,n_slices,channels,depth,swap,dummy,dummy_len)) != 0 ) {
		throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("unable to read tiff file (%s)",err_Tiff3Dfmt), __iom__current__function__);
	// allocate buffer
	data = new unsigned char[cols * rows * depth * channels];

	// loop over files
	for(int file_i = first; file_i <= last; file_i++, z++)
		// skip missing slices if stack is sparse
		if(is_sparse && !files[file_i])

		// if stack is not sparse, a missing slice must throw an iom::exception
			throw iom::exception("invalid slice filename in non-sparse tile", __iom__current__function__);

		// build absolute image path
		std::string image_path = path ? std::string(path) + "/" + files[file_i] : files[file_i];

		// load 2D image 
		if ( (err_Tiff3Dfmt = readTiff3DFile2Buffer((char *)image_path.c_str(),data,cols,rows,0,0)) != 0 ) {
			throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("unable to read tiff file (%s)",err_Tiff3Dfmt), __iom__current__function__);

		double proctime = -TIME(0);
// 		if(chan == iom::ALL)
// 			image = cv::imread(image_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE | CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH);   // pack all channels into grayscale
// 		else
// 			image = cv::imread(image_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR);                             // load individual channels
// 		if(!
// 			throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("unable to open image \"%s\". Possible unsupported format or it isn't an image.\nSupported formats are BMP, DIB, JPEG, JPG, JPE, PNG, PBM, PGM, PPM, SR, RAS, TIFF, TIF", image_path.c_str()), __iom__current__function__);

		// select channel (if requested)
// 		if(image.channels() == 3 && chan != iom::ALL)
// 		{
// 			cv::Mat imageChannels[3];
// 			cv::split(image, imageChannels);
// 			image = imageChannels[3-CHANS]; // OpenCV uses BGR !
// 		}

		// update time
			proctime += TIME(0);
			proctime = -TIME(0);

		// initialize output data and image dimensions
			image_stack_height = (uint64) rows;
			image_stack_width  = (uint64) cols;
			uint64 image_stack_size = image_stack_width * image_stack_height * (last-first+1);
			image_stack = new iom::real_t[image_stack_size];
			for(uint64 j=0; j < image_stack_size; j++)
				image_stack[j] = 0;		// default is 0 (black)
		else if(image_stack_width != (uint64)cols || image_stack_height != (uint64)rows)
			throw iom::exception("images in stack have not the same dimensions", __iom__current__function__);

// 		iom::real_t *raw_data = &image_stack[z*image.rows*image.cols];
// 		if(image.depth == CV_8U)
// 		{
// 			for(int i=0; i<image.rows; i++)
// 			{
// 				uint8* img_data = image.ptr<uint8>(i);
// 				for(int j=0; j<image.cols; j++, raw_data++)
// 					*raw_data = img_data[j]/255.0f;
// 			}
// 		}
// 		else if (image.depth() == CV_16U)
// 		{
// 			for(int i=0; i<image.rows; i++)
// 			{
// 				uint16* img_data = image.ptr<uint16>(i);
// 				for(int j=0; j<image.cols; j++, raw_data++)
// 					*raw_data = img_data[j]/65535.0f;
// 			}
// 		}
// 		else
// 			throw iom::exception("unsupported image depth", __iom__current__function__);

		int offset;

		// convert image to [0.0,1.0]-valued array
		if ( channels == 1 ) {
			raw_data = &image_stack[z*rows*cols];
			if ( depth == 1 ) {
				for(int i = 0; i < (rows * cols); i++)
					raw_data[i] = (iom::real_t) data[i]/255.0f;
			else { // depth == 2
				for(int i = 0; i < (rows * cols); i++)
					raw_data[i] = (iom::real_t) ((uint16 *)data)[i]/65535.0f; // data must be interpreted as a uint16 array
		else { // conversion to an intensity image
			if ( chan == iom::ALL ) {
				throw iom::exception("conversion from multi-channel to intensity images not supported.", __iom__current__function__);
			else if ( chan == iom::R ) {
				offset = 0;
			else if ( chan == iom::G ) {
				offset = 1;
			else if ( chan == iom::B ) {
				offset = 2;
			else {
				throw iom::exception("wrong value for parameter iom::CHANNEL_SELECTION.", __iom__current__function__);
			raw_data = &image_stack[z*rows*cols];
			if ( depth == 1 )
				for(int i = 0; i < (rows * cols); i++)
					raw_data[i] = (iom::real_t) data[3*i + offset]/255.0f;
			else // depth == 2
				for(int i = 0; i < (rows * cols); i++)
					raw_data[i] = (iom::real_t) ((uint16 *)data)[3*i + offset]/65535.0f; // data must be interpreted as a uint16 array

		// update time
			proctime += TIME(0);
	delete []data;

	// cannot load any data from this stack
		throw iom::exception(iom::strprintf("stack (%s) does not contain loadable data in [%d,%d]", path ? path : "0", first, last), __iom__current__function__);

	return image_stack;