Beispiel #1
bool BMPImageReader::processColorTable() {
  // Fail if we don't have enough file space for the color table.
  const size_t headerEnd = m_headerOffset + m_infoHeader.biSize;
  const size_t tableSizeInBytes = m_infoHeader.biClrUsed * (m_isOS21x ? 3 : 4);
  const size_t tableEnd = headerEnd + tableSizeInBytes;
  if ((tableEnd < headerEnd) ||
      (m_imgDataOffset && (m_imgDataOffset < tableEnd)))
    return m_parent->setFailed();

  // Read color table.
  if ((m_decodedOffset > m_data->size()) ||
      ((m_data->size() - m_decodedOffset) < tableSizeInBytes))
    return false;

  // On non-OS/2 1.x, an extra padding byte is present, which we need to skip.
  const size_t bytesPerColor = m_isOS21x ? 3 : 4;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_infoHeader.biClrUsed; ++i) {
    m_colorTable[i].rgbBlue = readUint8(0);
    m_colorTable[i].rgbGreen = readUint8(1);
    m_colorTable[i].rgbRed = readUint8(2);
    m_decodedOffset += bytesPerColor;

  // We've now decoded all the non-image data we care about.  Skip anything
  // else before the actual raster data.
  if (m_imgDataOffset)
    m_decodedOffset = m_imgDataOffset;
  m_needToProcessColorTable = false;

  return true;
Beispiel #2
ICOImageDecoder::IconDirectoryEntry ICOImageDecoder::readDirectoryEntry() {
  // Read icon data.
  // The following calls to readUint8() return a uint8_t, which is appropriate
  // because that's the on-disk type of the width and height values.  Storing
  // them in ints (instead of matching uint8_ts) is so we can record dimensions
  // of size 256 (which is what a zero byte really means).
  int width = readUint8(0);
  if (!width)
    width = 256;
  int height = readUint8(1);
  if (!height)
    height = 256;
  IconDirectoryEntry entry;
  entry.m_size = IntSize(width, height);
  if (m_fileType == CURSOR) {
    entry.m_bitCount = 0;
    entry.m_hotSpot = IntPoint(readUint16(4), readUint16(6));
  } else {
    entry.m_bitCount = readUint16(6);
    entry.m_hotSpot = IntPoint();
  entry.m_byteSize = readUint32(8);
  entry.m_imageOffset = readUint32(12);

  // Some icons don't have a bit depth, only a color count.  Convert the
  // color count to the minimum necessary bit depth.  It doesn't matter if
  // this isn't quite what the bitmap info header says later, as we only use
  // this value to determine which icon entry is best.
  if (!entry.m_bitCount) {
    int colorCount = readUint8(2);
    if (!colorCount)
      colorCount = 256;  // Vague in the spec, needed by real-world icons.
    for (--colorCount; colorCount; colorCount >>= 1)
Beispiel #3
 * readUint16
 * 从EDP包中读出16bit的字段
uint16 readUint16(edp_pkt* pkt)
  uint16 tmp;
  uint8 msb, lsb;
  msb = readUint8(pkt);
  lsb = readUint8(pkt);

  tmp = (msb<<8) | lsb;
  return tmp;
void Script_v6::o6_assign(FuncParams &params) {
	uint8 type = peekUint8();
	uint16 var_0, var_4;
	std::string varIndex = readVarIndex(&var_0, &var_4);

	if (var_0 != 0) {
		std::string varIndex2;
		uint16 var_6;

		uint32 savedPos = getPos();

		varIndex2 = readVarIndex(&var_6, 0);

		print("memcpy(%s, %s, %d);\n", varIndex.c_str(), varIndex2.c_str(), var_6 * 4);



	if (peekUint8() == 98) {
		uint8 loopCount = readUint8();

		uint32 off = 0;
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
			uint8 c = readUint8();
			uint16 n = readUint16();

			print("memset(%s + %d, %d, %d);\n", varIndex.c_str(), off, c, n);

			off += n;
	} else if (peekUint8() == 99) {
		uint8 loopCount = readUint8();

		for (uint16 i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
			std::string expr = readExpr();
			print("%s[%d] = %s;\n", varIndex.c_str(), (type == 24) ? (i * 2) : i, expr.c_str());
	} else {
		std::string expr = readExpr();

		print("%s = %s;\n", varIndex.c_str(), expr.c_str());
void Script_v2::o2_totSub(FuncParams &params) {

	uint8 length = readUint8();
	if (!(length & 0x80)) {
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < length; i++)
			print("%c", (char) readUint8());
	} else
		print("%s", readExpr().c_str());

	print(", %d", readUint8());

void Script_v2::o2_popVars(FuncParams &params) {
	uint8 count = readUint8();

	for (uint16 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		print("pop(%s);\n", readVarIndex().c_str());
Beispiel #7
 * edpCommandReqParse
 * 按照EDP命令请求协议,解析数据
int edpCommandReqParse(edp_pkt* pkt, char *id, char *cmd, int32 *rmlen, int32 *id_len, int32 *cmd_len)
  readUint8(pkt);     /* 包类型 */
  *rmlen = readRemainlen(pkt);    /* 剩余长度 */
  *id_len = readUint16(pkt);      /* ID长度 */
  readStr(pkt, id, *id_len);      /* 命令ID */
  *cmd_len = readUint32(pkt);     /* 命令长度 */
  readStr(pkt, cmd, *cmd_len);    /* 命令内容 */
void Script_v6::o6_loadCursor(FuncParams &params) {
	int16 id = (int16) readUint16();

	print("%d, ", id);
	if (id == -1) {
		print("%s, ", peekString());
		print("%d, ", readUint16());
		print("%d", (int8) readUint8());
	} else if (id == -2) {
		print("%d, ", readUint16());
		print("%d, ", readUint16());
		print("%d", (int8) readUint8());
	} else {
		print("%d", (int8) readUint8());
Beispiel #9
 * edpPushDataParse
 * 按照EDP透传数据格式,解析数据
int edpPushDataParse(edp_pkt* pkt, char *srcId, char *data)
  uint32 remain_len;
  uint16 id_len;
  readUint8(pkt);     /* 包类型 */
  remain_len = readRemainlen(pkt);    /* 剩余长度 */
  id_len = readUint16(pkt);           /* 源ID长度 */
  readStr(pkt, srcId, id_len);    /* 源ID */
  readStr(pkt, data, remain_len - 2 - id_len);    /* 数据内容 */
Beispiel #10
 * readUint32
 * 从EDP包中读出4个字节的字段
uint32 readUint32(edp_pkt* pkt)
  uint32 tmp = 0;
  int i = 4;

  while (--i >= 0) 
    tmp <<= 8;
    tmp |= readUint8(pkt);
  return tmp;
void Script_v2::o2_pushVars(FuncParams &params) {
	uint8 count = readUint8();

	for (uint16 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		if ((peekUint8() == 25) || (peekUint8() == 28)) {
			print("push(%s, animDataSize);\n", readVarIndex().c_str());
		} else
			print("push(%s, 4);\n", readExpr().c_str());
Beispiel #12
void Game::loadOthers()
#ifdef NSPIRE
	FILE* exe = openFile("/documents/liero/data/others.dat.tns");
	FILE* exe = openFile(joinPath(lieroDataRoot, "others.dat"));

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
	for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
		bonusRandTimer[j][i] = readUint16(exe);

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
	for(int j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
		aiParams.k[i][j] = readUint16(exe);

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		bonusSObjects[i] = readUint8(exe) - 1;
void Script_v2::o2_assign(FuncParams &params) {
	uint8 type = peekUint8();
	std::string varIndex = readVarIndex();

	if (peekUint8() == 99) {
		uint8 loopCount = readUint8();

		for (uint16 i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
			std::string expr = readExpr();
			print("%s[%d] = %s;\n", varIndex.c_str(), (type == 24) ? (i * 2) : i, expr.c_str());
	} else {
		std::string expr = readExpr();

		print("%s = %s;\n", varIndex.c_str(), expr.c_str());
Beispiel #14
 * readRemainlen
 * 从EDP包中读出剩余长度
int32 readRemainlen(edp_pkt* pkt)
  uint32 multiplier = 1;
  uint32 len_len = 0;
  uint8 onebyte = 0;
  int32 len_val = 0;
    onebyte = readUint8(pkt);

    len_val += (onebyte & 0x7f) * multiplier;
    multiplier *= 0x80;

    if (len_len > 4) 
      return -1; /*len of len more than 4;*/
  } while((onebyte & 0x80) != 0);
  return len_val;
Beispiel #15
char* Packet_parse(char* buffer, struct Packet* p, int ascii) {
    uint8_t id;
    if (!ascii) {
        buffer = readUint8(&id, buffer);
    } else {
        buffer = readUint8Ascii((char*) &id, buffer);
    //IF - ELSE-IF for each existing packet
    p->id = id;
    if (id == Dummy_Payload_ID) {
        Dummy_Payload_read(p, buffer, ascii);
    } else if (id == Dumb_Payload_ID) {
        Dumb_Payload_read(p, buffer, ascii);
    } else if (id == State_Payload_ID) {
        State_Payload_read(p, buffer, ascii);
    } else if (id == Speed_Payload_ID) {
        Speed_Payload_read(p, buffer, ascii);
    } else if (id == Init_Payload_ID) {
        Init_Payload_read(p, buffer, ascii);
    }else if (id == Heartbeat_Payload_ID) {
        Heartbeat_Payload_read(p, buffer, ascii);
    return buffer;
Beispiel #16
bool Settings::load(std::string const& path)
	FILE* opt = tolerantFOpen(path.c_str(), "rb");
		return false;
	std::size_t size = fileLength(opt);
	if(size < 155)
		return false; // .dat is too short
	maxBonuses = readUint8(opt);
	loadingTime = readUint16(opt);
	lives = readUint16(opt);
	timeToLose = readUint16(opt);
	flagsToWin = readUint16(opt);
	screenSync = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	map = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	wormSettings[0].controller = readUint8(opt) & 0x1;
	wormSettings[1].controller = readUint8(opt) & 0x1;
	randomLevel = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	blood = readUint16(opt);
	gameMode = readUint8(opt);
	namesOnBonuses = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	regenerateLevel = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	shadow = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	//fread(weapTable, 1, 40, opt);
	for(int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
		weapTable[i] = limit<0, 3>(fgetc(opt));
	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
	for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
		wormSettings[i].rgb[j] = readUint8(opt) & 63;
	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		for(int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
			wormSettings[i].weapons[j] = readUint8(opt);

	wormSettings[0].health = readUint16(opt);
	wormSettings[1].health = readUint16(opt);

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		wormSettings[i].name = readPascalString(opt, 21);
	//fgetc(opt); // What's this?
	loadChange = readUint8(opt) != 0;
	// 0x7B-83 is the string LIERO
	fseek(opt, 0x84, SEEK_SET);
	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		for(int j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
			wormSettings[i].controls[j] = limit<0, 177>(readUint8(opt));
	levelFile = readPascalString(opt, 9);
	for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
			wormSettings[i].randomName = false;
	return true;
Beispiel #17
	static inline int run(FILE* f)
		return readUint8(f);
Beispiel #18
BMPImageReader::ProcessingResult BMPImageReader::processRLEData() {
  if (m_decodedOffset > m_data->size())
    return InsufficientData;

  // RLE decoding is poorly specified.  Two main problems:
  // (1) Are EOL markers necessary?  What happens when we have too many
  //     pixels for one row?
  // says extra pixels
  //     should wrap to the next line.  Real BMPs I've encountered seem to
  //     instead expect extra pixels to be ignored until the EOL marker is
  //     seen, although this has only happened in a few cases and I suspect
  //     those BMPs may be invalid.  So we only change lines on EOL (or Delta
  //     with dy > 0), and fail in most cases when pixels extend past the end
  //     of the line.
  // (2) When Delta, EOL, or EOF are seen, what happens to the "skipped"
  //     pixels?
  // says these should be filled
  //     with color 0.  However, the "do nothing" and "don't care" comments
  //     of other references suggest leaving these alone, i.e. letting them
  //     be transparent to the background behind the image.  This seems to
  //     match how MSPAINT treats BMPs, so we do that.  Note that when we
  //     actually skip pixels for a case like this, we need to note on the
  //     framebuffer that we have alpha.

  // Impossible to decode row-at-a-time, so just do things as a stream of
  // bytes.
  while (true) {
    // Every entry takes at least two bytes; bail if there isn't enough
    // data.
    if ((m_data->size() - m_decodedOffset) < 2)
      return InsufficientData;

    // For every entry except EOF, we'd better not have reached the end of
    // the image.
    const uint8_t count = readUint8(0);
    const uint8_t code = readUint8(1);
    if ((count || (code != 1)) && pastEndOfImage(0))
      return Failure;

    // Decode.
    if (!count) {
      switch (code) {
        case 0:  // Magic token: EOL
          // Skip any remaining pixels in this row.
          if (m_coord.x() < m_parent->size().width())

          m_decodedOffset += 2;

        case 1:  // Magic token: EOF
          // Skip any remaining pixels in the image.
          if ((m_coord.x() < m_parent->size().width()) ||
              (m_isTopDown ? (m_coord.y() < (m_parent->size().height() - 1))
                           : (m_coord.y() > 0)))
          // There's no need to move |m_coord| here to trigger the caller
          // to call setPixelsChanged().  If the only thing that's changed
          // is the alpha state, that will be properly written into the
          // underlying SkBitmap when we mark the frame complete.
          return Success;

        case 2: {  // Magic token: Delta
          // The next two bytes specify dx and dy.  Bail if there isn't
          // enough data.
          if ((m_data->size() - m_decodedOffset) < 4)
            return InsufficientData;

          // Fail if this takes us past the end of the desired row or
          // past the end of the image.
          const uint8_t dx = readUint8(2);
          const uint8_t dy = readUint8(3);
          if (dx || dy)
          if (((m_coord.x() + dx) > m_parent->size().width()) ||
            return Failure;

          // Skip intervening pixels.
          m_coord.move(dx, m_isTopDown ? dy : -dy);

          m_decodedOffset += 4;

        default: {  // Absolute mode
          // |code| pixels specified as in BI_RGB, zero-padded at the end
          // to a multiple of 16 bits.
          // Because processNonRLEData() expects m_decodedOffset to
          // point to the beginning of the pixel data, bump it past
          // the escape bytes and then reset if decoding failed.
          m_decodedOffset += 2;
          const ProcessingResult result = processNonRLEData(true, code);
          if (result != Success) {
            m_decodedOffset -= 2;
            return result;
    } else {  // Encoded mode
      // The following color data is repeated for |count| total pixels.
      // Strangely, some BMPs seem to specify excessively large counts
      // here; ignore pixels past the end of the row.
      const int endX = std::min(m_coord.x() + count, m_parent->size().width());

      if (m_infoHeader.biCompression == RLE24) {
        // Bail if there isn't enough data.
        if ((m_data->size() - m_decodedOffset) < 4)
          return InsufficientData;

        // One BGR triple that we copy |count| times.
        fillRGBA(endX, readUint8(3), readUint8(2), code, 0xff);
        m_decodedOffset += 4;
      } else {
        // RLE8 has one color index that gets repeated; RLE4 has two
        // color indexes in the upper and lower 4 bits of the byte,
        // which are alternated.
        size_t colorIndexes[2] = {code, code};
        if (m_infoHeader.biCompression == RLE4) {
          colorIndexes[0] = (colorIndexes[0] >> 4) & 0xf;
          colorIndexes[1] &= 0xf;
        for (int which = 0; m_coord.x() < endX;) {
          // Some images specify color values past the end of the
          // color table; set these pixels to black.
          if (colorIndexes[which] < m_infoHeader.biClrUsed)
            setRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255);
          which = !which;

        m_decodedOffset += 2;
Beispiel #19
	static inline bool run(FILE* f)
		return readUint8(f) != 0;
Beispiel #20
void Game::loadWeapons()
	const char *weaponsText[] =

#ifdef NSPIRE
	FILE* exe = openFile(joinPath(lieroDataRoot, "weapons.dat.tns"));
	FILE* exe = openFile(joinPath(lieroDataRoot, "weapons.dat"));
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::detectDistance);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::affectByWorm);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::blowAway);
	for(int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
		weapOrder[i + 1] = readUint8(exe) - 1;
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::gravity);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::shadow);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::laserSight);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::launchSound);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::loopSound);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::exploSound);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::speed);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::addSpeed);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::distribution);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::parts);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::recoil);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::multSpeed);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::delay);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::loadingTime);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::ammo);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::createOnExp);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::dirtEffect);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::leaveShells);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::leaveShellDelay);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::playReloadSound);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::wormExplode);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::explGround);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::wormCollide);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::fireCone);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::collideWithObjects);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::affectByExplosions);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::bounce);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::timeToExplo);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::timeToExploV);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::hitDamage);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::bloodOnHit);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::startFrame);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::numFrames);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::loopAnim);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::shotType);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::colourBullets);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::splinterAmount);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::splinterColour);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::splinterType);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::splinterScatter);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::objTrailType);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::objTrailDelay);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::partTrailType);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, weapons, &Weapon::partTrailObj);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, weapons, &Weapon::partTrailDelay);

	for(int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
		weapons[i].name = weaponsText[i];
		weapons[i].id = i;

	// Special objects
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::startSound);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::numSounds);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::animDelay);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::startFrame);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::numFrames);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::detectRange);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::damage);
	readMembers<Read32>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::blowAway); // blowAway has 13 slots, not 14. The last value will overlap with shadow.
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::shadow);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::shake);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::flash);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, sobjectTypes, &SObjectType::dirtEffect);
	for(int i = 0; i < 14; ++i) // TODO: Unhardcode
		sobjectTypes[i].id = i;

	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::detectDistance);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::gravity);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::speed);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::speedV);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::distribution);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::blowAway);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::bounce);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::hitDamage);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::wormExplode);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::explGround);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::wormDestroy);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::bloodOnHit);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::startFrame);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::numFrames);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::drawOnMap);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::colourBullets);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::createOnExp);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::affectByExplosions);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::dirtEffect);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::splinterAmount);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::splinterColour);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::splinterType);
	readMembers<ReadBool>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::bloodTrail);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::bloodTrailDelay);
	readMembers<Dec<Read8> >(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::leaveObj);
	readMembers<Read8>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::leaveObjDelay);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::timeToExplo);
	readMembers<Read16>(exe, nobjectTypes, &NObjectType::timeToExploV);
	for(int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) // TODO: Unhardcode
		nobjectTypes[i].id = i;
Beispiel #21
int8_t BufferReader::readInt8()
	return (int8_t)readUint8();
Beispiel #22
void BufferReader::readUint8s(uint8_t data[], unsigned dataLen)
	for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i) {
		data[i] = readUint8();
Beispiel #23
bool IFileStream::readBool()
	return (readUint8() == 1 ? true : false);