Beispiel #1
    void testModif()
        std::string str_x =
                "# Gnuplot File : positions of 1 particle(s) Monitored\n# 1st Column : "
                "time, others : particle(s) number 0 \n1	-3.5 -12.4182 -3.5 0 0 "
                "0 1	\n2	-3.5 -29.4438 -3.5 0 0 0 1	\n3	-3.5 -53.8398 "
                "-3.5 0 0 0 1	\n4	-3.5 -84.9362 -3.5 0 0 0 1	\n5	-3.5 "
                "-122.124 -3.5 0 0 0 1	\n6	-3.5 -164.849 -3.5 0 0 0 1	"
                "\n7	"
                "-3.5 -212.608 -3.5 0 0 0 1	\n8	-3.5 -264.944 -3.5 0 0 0 "
                "1	"
                "\n9	-3.5 -321.44 -3.5 0 0 0 1	\n10	-3.5 -381.718 -3.5 0 0 "
                "0 1	\n";
        std::string str_f =
                "# Gnuplot File : forces of 1 particle(s) Monitored\n# 1st Column : "
                "time, others : particle(s) number 0 \n1	0 -0.363333 0 0 0 "
                "0	"
                "\n2	0 -0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n3	0 -0.363333 0 0 0 0	"
                "\n4	"
                "0 -0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n5	0 -0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n6	0 "
                "-0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n7	0 -0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n8	0 "
                "-0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n9	0 -0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n10	0 "
                "-0.363333 0 0 0 0	\n";
        std::string str_v =
                "# Gnuplot File : velocities of 1 particle(s) Monitored\n# 1st Column "
                ": time, others : particle(s) number 0 \n1	0 -8.91818 0 0 0 "
                "0	"
                "\n2	0 -17.0256 0 0 0 0	\n3	0 -24.396 0 0 0 0	"
                "\n4	"
                "0 -31.0964 0 0 0 0	\n5	0 -37.1876 0 0 0 0	\n6	0 "
                "-42.7251 0 0 0 0	\n7	0 -47.7592 0 0 0 0	\n8	0 "
                "-52.3356 0 0 0 0	\n9	0 -56.496 0 0 0 0	\n10	0 "
                "-60.2782 0 0 0 0	\n";

        // make a few steps before checkinf if values are correctly updated in
        // Monitor
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            simulation::getSimulation()->animate(root.get(), 1.0);


        std::string s_x = readWholeFile(monitor->d_fileName.getFullPath() + "_x.txt");
        std::string s_f = readWholeFile(monitor->d_fileName.getFullPath() + "_f.txt");
        std::string s_v = readWholeFile(monitor->d_fileName.getFullPath() + "_v.txt");
        EXPECT_EQ(s_x, str_x);
        EXPECT_EQ(s_f, str_f);
        EXPECT_EQ(s_v, str_v);
        std::remove(std::string(monitor->d_fileName.getFullPath() + "_x.txt").c_str());
        std::remove(std::string(monitor->d_fileName.getFullPath() + "_f.txt").c_str());
        std::remove(std::string(monitor->d_fileName.getFullPath() + "_v.txt").c_str());
Beispiel #2
void copyFile(const string& sSourceFile, const string& sDestFile)
    string sData;

    readWholeFile(sSourceFile, sData);
    writeWholeFile(sDestFile, sData);
Beispiel #3
axStatus axFile::readWholeFile	( axIStringW &out ) {
	axTempStringA	tmp;
	axStatus	st;
	st = readWholeFile( tmp );		if( !st ) return st;
	st = out.set( tmp );			if( !st ) return st;
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
     storageFile(getStorageDirectory() + "save-data.dat"),
     // Make sure save directory exists
     this->data = readWholeFile(this->storageFile);
Beispiel #5
/** Loads the specified text file, using an internal cache to avoid 
    extraneous disk access. */
static const std::string& loadShaderCode(const std::string& filename) {
    static Table<std::string, std::string> shaderTextCache;

    if (! shaderTextCache.containsKey(filename)) {
        shaderTextCache.set(filename, readWholeFile(System::findDataFile(filename)));

    return shaderTextCache[filename];
Beispiel #6
void testObj::test<3>(void)
    fail("no exception uppon file that cannot be read");
  catch(const std::runtime_error&)
  { }
Beispiel #7
void testObj::test<2>(void)
    fail("no exception uppon non-existing file");
  catch(const std::runtime_error&)
  { }
Beispiel #8
void TrackerConfig::loadConfigFile(const string& sFilename)
    // TODO: There is duplicated code here and in Player::loadFile which belongs
    // in a lower-level xml handling class.
    registerDTDEntityLoader("trackerconfig.dtd", g_pTrackerConfigDTD);
    xmlDtdPtr dtd;
    string sDTDFName = "trackerconfig.dtd";
    dtd = xmlParseDTD(NULL, (const xmlChar*) sDTDFName.c_str());
    if (!dtd) {
        AVG_LOG_WARNING("DTD not found at " << sDTDFName 
                << ". Not validating trackerconfig files.");

    // xmlParseFile crashes for some reason under Lion.
    string sFileContents;
    readWholeFile(sFilename, sFileContents);
    m_Doc = xmlParseMemory(sFileContents.c_str(), sFileContents.length());
    if (!m_Doc) {
        AVG_LOG_ERROR("Could not open tracker config file " << sFilename <<
                ". Using defaults which will probably not work.");

    xmlValidCtxtPtr cvp = xmlNewValidCtxt();
    cvp->error = xmlParserValidityError;
    cvp->warning = xmlParserValidityWarning;
    int isValid = xmlValidateDtd(cvp, m_Doc, dtd);  
    if (!isValid) {
        throw (Exception(AVG_ERR_XML_PARSE, sFilename + " does not validate."));

    m_pRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(m_Doc);
    m_sFilename = sFilename;

    AVG_TRACE(Logger::category::CONFIG, Logger::severity::INFO,
            "Reading Tracker config file from " << sFilename);
Beispiel #9
bool IOUtil::readWholeFile( string fileName, string& buffer )
	return readWholeFile( fileName.c_str(), buffer );
Beispiel #10
void testObj::test<1>(void)
  const Content c = readWholeFile(__FILE__);
  ensure("too short", c.size() > __LINE__*10);