Beispiel #1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixture* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, Fixture* fixture )
    fixture = new Fixture();

    readDObject( self, fixture, "fixture_number" );

    fixture->m_fuid = read_dword_attribute( self, "fuid" );
    fixture->m_universe = read_int_attribute( self, "universe" );
    fixture->m_address = read_int_attribute( self, "dmx_address" );
    TiXmlElement * container = self->FirstChildElement( "channel_map" );
    if ( container ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = container->FirstChildElement( "map" );
        while ( element ) {
            channel_t logical = read_int_attribute( element, "logical" );
            channel_t physical = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( element, "physical" );

            fixture->m_channel_map[logical] = physical;

            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    return fixture;
Beispiel #2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SceneActor* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, SceneActor* actor )
    actor = new SceneActor();

    actor->m_uid = (UID)read_dword_attribute( self, "fixure_uid" );
    actor->m_group = read_bool_attribute( self, "group", false );

    TiXmlElement * container = self->FirstChildElement( "channels" );
    channel_t max_channel = 0;

    if ( container ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = container->FirstChildElement( "channel" );
        while ( element ) {
            channel_t channel = read_int_attribute( element, "number" );
            BYTE value = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( element, "value" );

            actor->m_channel_values[ channel ] = value;
            if ( channel+1 > max_channel )
                max_channel = channel+1;

            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    actor->m_channels = (size_t)max_channel;

    return actor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChannelAngle* DefinitionReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, ChannelAngle* channel_angle )
    channel_angle = new ChannelAngle();

    channel_angle->m_angle = (int)read_int_attribute( self, "degrees" );
    channel_angle->m_value = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( self, "value" );

    return channel_angle;
Beispiel #4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SceneChannelFilter* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, SceneChannelFilter* animation )
    animation = new SceneChannelFilter();

    animation->m_uid = (UID)read_dword_attribute( self, "uid" );
    animation->m_name = read_text_element( self, "name" );
    animation->m_description = read_text_element( self, "description" );
    animation->m_filter = (ChannelFilter)read_unsigned_attribute( self, "filter");
    channel_t temp_channel = (channel_t)read_unsigned_attribute( self, "channel" );
    animation->m_step = read_unsigned_attribute( self, "step" );
    animation->m_amplitude = read_unsigned_attribute( self, "amplitude" );
    animation->m_offset = read_int_attribute( self, "offset" );

    TiXmlElement* channels = self->FirstChildElement( "channels" );
    if ( channels )
        animation->m_channels = read_value_list<ChannelList, channel_t>( channels, "channel" );
        animation->m_channels.push_back( temp_channel );

    TiXmlElement* signal_element = self->FirstChildElement( "signal" );
    if ( signal_element ) {
        AnimationSignal* signal = read( signal_element, (AnimationSignal*)NULL );
        animation->m_signal = *signal;
        delete signal;

    read_uids( self, "pfuids", animation->m_actors );

    return animation;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TrackInfoCacheFile::read( AudioTrackInfoCache& cache )
    TiXmlDocument doc;
    if ( !doc.LoadFile( m_filename ) ) {
        m_last_error = doc.ErrorDesc();
        return false;


    TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement( "audio_track_info" );
    if ( root ) {
        TiXmlElement* entry = root->FirstChildElement( "entry" );
        while ( entry ) {
            AudioInfo info;
            CString link = read_text_element( entry, "link" );

            strncpy_s(, read_text_element( entry, "id" ), 512 );
            strncpy_s( info.song_type, read_text_element( entry, "song_type" ), 512 );

            TiXmlElement* attrs = entry->FirstChildElement( "attrs" );
            if ( !attrs )

            info.key = read_int_attribute( attrs, "key" );
            info.mode = read_int_attribute( attrs, "mode" );
            info.time_signature = read_int_attribute( attrs, "time_signature" );

   = read_double_attribute( attrs, "energy" );
            info.liveness = read_double_attribute( attrs, "liveness" );
            info.tempo = read_double_attribute( attrs, "tempo" );
            info.speechiness = read_double_attribute( attrs, "speechiness" );
            info.acousticness = read_double_attribute( attrs, "acousticness" );
            info.instrumentalness = read_double_attribute( attrs, "instrumentalness" );
            info.duration = read_double_attribute( attrs, "duration" );
            info.loudness = read_double_attribute( attrs, "loudness" );
            info.valence = read_double_attribute( attrs, "valence" );
            info.danceability = read_double_attribute( attrs, "danceability" );

            cache[ link ] = info;

            entry = entry->NextSiblingElement();

    return true;
Beispiel #6
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChaseStep* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, ChaseStep* chase_step )
    chase_step = new ChaseStep;

    chase_step->m_scene_uid = read_dword_attribute( self, "scene_uid" );
    chase_step->m_delay_ms = read_dword_attribute( self, "delay_ms"  );
    chase_step->m_method = (SceneLoadMethod)read_int_attribute( self, "load_method", SLM_LOAD );

    return chase_step;
Beispiel #7
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChannelAnimation* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, ChannelAnimation* channel_animation )
    channel_animation = new ChannelAnimation();

    channel_animation->m_actor_uid = (UID)read_dword_attribute( self, "actor_uid" );
    channel_animation->m_channel = (channel_t)read_word_attribute( self, "channel"  );
    channel_animation->m_animation_style = (ChannelAnimationStyle)read_int_attribute( self, "style" );

    TiXmlElement * values = self->FirstChildElement( "channel_values" );
    if ( values ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = values->FirstChildElement( "channel_value" );
        while ( element ) {
            BYTE value = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( element, "value" );
            channel_animation->m_value_list.push_back( value );
            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    return channel_animation;
Beispiel #8
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnimationSignal* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, AnimationSignal *signal ) {

    signal = new AnimationSignal();

    signal->m_sample_rate_ms = (DWORD)read_dword_attribute( self, "sample_rate_ms" );
    signal->m_sample_decay_ms = (DWORD)read_dword_attribute( self, "sample_decay_ms" );
    signal->m_input_type = (AnimationSignalInput)read_int_attribute( self, "input_type" );
    signal->m_input_low = read_unsigned_attribute( self, "input_low" );
    signal->m_input_high = read_unsigned_attribute( self, "input_high" );
    signal->m_scale_factor = read_unsigned_attribute( self, "scale_factor" );
    signal->m_max_threshold = read_unsigned_attribute( self, "max_threshold" );
    signal->m_apply_to = (ApplySignal)read_word_attribute( self, "apply_to" );

    return signal;
Beispiel #9
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FixtureGroup* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, FixtureGroup* fixture_group )
    fixture_group = new FixtureGroup();

    readDObject( self, fixture_group, "group_number" );

    TiXmlElement * fixture_container = self->FirstChildElement( "pfuids" );
    if ( fixture_container ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = fixture_container->FirstChildElement( "uid" );
        while ( element ) {
            fixture_group->m_fixtures.insert( read_dword_attribute( element, "value" ) );
            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    TiXmlElement * container = self->FirstChildElement( "channels" );
    channel_t max_channel = 0;

    if ( container ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = container->FirstChildElement( "channel" );
        while ( element ) {
            channel_t channel = read_int_attribute( element, "number" );
            BYTE value = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( element, "value" );

            fixture_group->m_channel_values[ channel ] = value;
            if ( channel+1 > max_channel )
                max_channel = channel+1;

            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    fixture_group->m_channels = (size_t)max_channel;

    return fixture_group;
Beispiel #10
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SceneSoundLevel* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, SceneSoundLevel* animation )
    animation = new SceneSoundLevel();

    animation->m_uid = (UID)read_dword_attribute( self, "uid" );
    animation->m_fade_what = (WORD)read_int_attribute( self, "fade" );
    animation->m_name = read_text_element( self, "name" );
    animation->m_description = read_text_element( self, "description" );

    TiXmlElement* signal_element = self->FirstChildElement( "signal" );
    if ( signal_element ) {
        AnimationSignal* signal = read( signal_element, (AnimationSignal*)NULL );
        animation->m_signal = *signal;
        delete signal;

    read_uids( self, "pfuids", animation->m_actors );

    return animation;
Beispiel #11
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Venue * VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, Venue* venue ) {
    venue = new Venue();

    venue->m_scenes.clear();			// Kill the auto generated default scene

    venue->m_uid_pool = read_dword_attribute( self, "next_uid" );
    venue->m_current_scene = (UID)read_dword_attribute( self, "current_scene" );

    venue->m_name = read_text_element( self, "name" );
    venue->m_description = read_text_element( self, "description" );

    // Add all universes (up to the max, must be in correct order)
    std::vector<Universe *> universes = 
        read_xml_list<Universe>( self->FirstChildElement( "dmx_universes" ), "universe" );

    for ( std::vector<Universe *>::iterator it=universes.begin(); it != universes.end(); ++it ) {
        venue->addUniverse( (*it) );

    TiXmlElement *dimmer = self->FirstChildElement( "dimmer" );
    if ( dimmer ) {
        venue->m_master_dimmer = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( dimmer, "master_dimmer" );
        venue->m_auto_backout_ms = read_dword_attribute( dimmer, "auto_blackout" );
        venue->m_whiteout_strobe_ms = read_unsigned_attribute( dimmer, "whiteout_strobe", venue->getWhiteoutStrobeMS() );
        venue->m_whiteout_color = read_rgbw_attribute( dimmer, "whiteout_color", RGBWA::WHITE );

    TiXmlElement *audio = self->FirstChildElement( "audio" );
    if ( audio ) {
        venue->m_audio_capture_device = read_text_element( audio, "capture_device" );
        venue->m_audio_boost = (float)read_double_attribute( audio, "scale" );
        venue->m_audio_boost_floor = (float)read_double_attribute( audio, "floor" );
        venue->m_audio_sample_size = (UINT)read_unsigned_attribute( audio, "sample_size", 1024 );

    venue->m_venue_layout = read_text_element( self, "venue_layout" );

    // Add all fixtures
    std::vector<Fixture *> fixtures = 
        read_xml_list<Fixture>( self->FirstChildElement( "fixtures" ), "fixture" );

    for ( std::vector<Fixture *>::iterator it=fixtures.begin(); it != fixtures.end(); ++it ) {
        venue->addFixture( *(*it) );
        delete (*it);

    // Add scenes
    std::vector<Scene *> scenes = 
        read_xml_list<Scene>( self->FirstChildElement( "scenes" ), "scene" );

    for ( std::vector<Scene *>::iterator it=scenes.begin(); it != scenes.end(); ++it ) {
        venue->addScene( *(*it), (*it)->getNumber() == DEFAULT_SCENE_NUMBER);
        delete (*it);

    // Add fixture groups
    std::vector<FixtureGroup *> fixture_groups = 
        read_xml_list<FixtureGroup>( self->FirstChildElement( "fixture_groups" ), "fixture_group" );

    for ( std::vector<FixtureGroup *>::iterator it=fixture_groups.begin(); it != fixture_groups.end(); ++it ) {
        venue->addFixtureGroup( *(*it) );
        delete (*it);

    // Add chases
    std::vector<Chase *> chases = 
        read_xml_list<Chase>( self->FirstChildElement( "chases" ), "chase" );

    for ( std::vector<Chase *>::iterator it=chases.begin(); it != chases.end(); ++it ) {
        venue->addChase( *(*it) );
        delete (*it);

    // Add music mappings
    TiXmlElement *music_scenes_element = self->FirstChildElement( "music_scenes" );
    if ( music_scenes_element ) {
        venue->m_music_scene_select_enabled = read_bool_attribute( music_scenes_element, "enabled" );
        std::vector<MusicSceneSelector *> music_scenes = 
            read_xml_list<MusicSceneSelector>( self->FirstChildElement( "music_scenes" ), "music_mapping" );

        for ( std::vector<MusicSceneSelector *>::iterator it=music_scenes.begin(); it != music_scenes.end(); ++it ) {
            venue->addMusicMapping( *(*it) );
            delete (*it);

    return venue;
Beispiel #12
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene* VenueReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, Scene* scene )
    scene = new Scene();

    readDObject( self, scene, "scene_number" );

    scene->m_bpm_rating = (BPMRating)read_int_attribute( self, "bpm_rating", BPMRating::BPM_NO_RATING);

    std::vector<SceneActor *> actors = 
        read_xml_list<SceneActor>( self->FirstChildElement( "actors" ), "actor" );

    for ( std::vector<SceneActor *>::iterator it=actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); ++it ) {
        scene->addActor( *(*it) );
        delete (*it);

    TiXmlElement* acts = self->FirstChildElement( "acts" );
    if ( acts ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = acts->FirstChildElement( "act" );
        while ( element ) {
            scene->m_acts.insert( read_unsigned_attribute( element, "number" ) ) ;
            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    TiXmlElement* container = self->FirstChildElement( "animations" );
    if ( container ) {
        TiXmlElement* element = container->FirstChildElement( "animation" );
        while ( element ) {
            const char* class_name = read_text_attribute( element, "class" );
            AbstractAnimation* animation = NULL;

            if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneSequence::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneSequence*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneSoundLevel::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneSoundLevel*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneChannelAnimator::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneChannelAnimator*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, ScenePatternDimmer::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (ScenePatternDimmer*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneColorFader::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneColorFader*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneMovementAnimator::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneMovementAnimator*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneStrobeAnimator::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneStrobeAnimator*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, ScenePixelAnimator::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (ScenePixelAnimator*)NULL );
            else if ( !strcmp( class_name, SceneChannelFilter::className ) )
                animation = read( element, (SceneChannelFilter*)NULL );
                STUDIO_ASSERT( false, "Unknown animation class '%s'", class_name );

            scene->addAnimation( animation );

            element = element->NextSiblingElement();

    return scene;
Beispiel #13
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Channel* DefinitionReader::read( TiXmlElement* self, Channel* channel )
    channel = new Channel();

    try {
        channel->m_channel_offset = (channel_t)read_dword_attribute( self, "index" );
        channel->m_type = Channel::convertTextToChannelType( read_text_attribute( self, "type" ) );
        channel->m_name = read_text_element( self, "name" );
        channel->m_is_color = read_bool_attribute( self, "color" );
        channel->m_can_blackout = read_bool_attribute( self, "blackout" );
        channel->m_can_whiteout = read_bool_attribute( self, "whiteout", true );
        channel->m_default_value = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( self, "value" );
        channel->m_home_value = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( self, "home_value" );
        channel->m_pixel_index = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( self, "pixel" );
        channel->m_head_number = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( self, "head" );

        // If head number is not set on tilt or pan, default to 1
        if ( channel->m_head_number == 0 && 
             (channel->m_type == CHNLT_TILT
              || channel->m_type == CHNLT_PAN
              || channel->m_type == CHNLT_PAN_FINE
              || channel->m_type == CHNLT_TILT_FINE) )
            channel->m_head_number = 1;

        STUDIO_ASSERT( channel->m_channel_offset > 0, "Channel '%s' index < 1", channel->m_name );

        channel->m_channel_offset--;        // Adjust offset for internal zero based

        TiXmlElement *dimmer = self->FirstChildElement( "dimmer" );
        if ( dimmer ) {
            channel->m_is_dimmer = true;
            channel->m_lowest_intensity = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( dimmer, "lowest_intensity", 0 );
            channel->m_highest_intensity = (BYTE)read_int_attribute( dimmer, "highest_intensity", 255 );
        else {
            channel->m_is_dimmer = ( channel->m_type == CHNLT_DIMMER );     // Implies this is the default 0-255 dimmer channel type
            channel->m_lowest_intensity = 0;
            channel->m_highest_intensity = 255;

        // Add channel ranges
        std::vector<ChannelValueRange *> ranges = 
            read_xml_list<ChannelValueRange>( self->FirstChildElement( "ranges" ), "range" );

        for ( std::vector<ChannelValueRange *>::iterator it=ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it ) {
            STUDIO_ASSERT( (*it)->getEnd() >= (*it)->getStart(), "Channel '%s' range %s invalid", channel->m_name, (*it)->getName() );
            STUDIO_ASSERT( channel->getRange( (*it)->getEnd() ) == NULL, "Channel '%s' range %s overlaps", channel->m_name, (*it)->getName() );
            STUDIO_ASSERT( channel->getRange( (*it)->getStart() ) == NULL, "Channel '%s' range %s overlaps", channel->m_name, (*it)->getName() );
            channel->m_ranges.push_back( *(*it) );
            delete (*it);

        // Add angles
        std::vector<ChannelAngle *> angles = 
            read_xml_list<ChannelAngle>( self->FirstChildElement( "angles" ), "angle" );

        for ( std::vector<ChannelAngle *>::iterator it=angles.begin(); it != angles.end(); ++it ) {
            channel->m_angles[ (*it)->getAngle() ] = *(*it);
            delete (*it);

    catch( ... ) {
        delete channel;

    return channel;