Beispiel #1
int main_compute(int c, char *v[])
	// input arguments
	bool do_only_warp = pick_option(&c, &v, "w", NULL);
	if (do_only_warp) return main_warp(c, v);
	bool do_center = pick_option(&c, &v, "c", NULL);
	if (c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s a.png b.png Pa.txt Pb.txt in.tiff out.tiff\n", *v);
		//        0  1     2     3      4     5       6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a   = v[1];
	char *filename_b   = v[2];
	char *matrix_pa    = v[3];
	char *matrix_pb    = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = v[5];
	char *filename_out = v[6];

	// read input images and matrices
	int wa, wb, wi, ha, hb, hi;
	float *a  = iio_read_image_float(filename_a, &wa, &ha);
	float *b  = iio_read_image_float(filename_b, &wb, &hb);
	float *h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &wi, &hi);
	double PA[8], PB[8];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PA, matrix_pa, 8);
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PB, matrix_pb, 8);

	// perform centering, if necessary
	if (do_center) {
		center_projection(PA, wa/2, ha/2);
		center_projection(PB, wb/2, hb/2);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = xmalloc(wi * hi * sizeof*out);

	// run the algorithm
	float alpha2 = ALPHA()*ALPHA();
	int niter = NITER();
	int nwarps = NWARPS();
	int nscales = NSCALES();
	mnehs_affine_ms(out, h0, wi, hi, a, wa, ha, b, wb, hb, PA, PB, alpha2, niter, nscales);
	//for (int i = 0; i < nwarps; i++)
	//	mnehs_affine(out, h0, wi,hi, a,wa,ha, b,wb,hb, PA, PB, alpha2, niter);
	//	memcpy(h0, out, wi * hi * sizeof*h0);

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out, wi, hi);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main_warp(int c, char *v[])
	// input arguments
	bool do_center = pick_option(&c, &v, "c", NULL);
	if (c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s a.png b.png Pa.txt Pb.txt in.tiff amb.png\n", *v);
		//        0  1     2     3      4     5       6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a   = v[1];
	char *filename_b   = v[2];
	char *matrix_pa    = v[3];
	char *matrix_pb    = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = v[5];
	char *filename_out = v[6];

	// read input images and matrices
	int wa, wb, wi, ha, hb, hi, pd, pdb;
	float *a  = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_a, &wa, &ha, &pd);
	float *b  = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_b, &wb, &hb, &pdb);
	float *h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &wi, &hi);
	double PA[8], PB[8];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PA, matrix_pa, 8);
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PB, matrix_pb, 8);
	if (pd != pdb)
		fail("input pair has different color depth");

	// perform centering, if necessary
	if (do_center) {
		fprintf(stderr, "centering projection matrices\n");
		center_projection(PA, wa/2, ha/2);
		center_projection(PB, wb/2, hb/2);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = xmalloc(wi * hi * pd * sizeof*out);

	// run the algorithm
	mnehs_affine_warp(out, h0, wi,hi,pd, a,wa,ha, b,wb,hb, PA, PB);

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float_vec(filename_out, out, wi, hi, pd);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(int c, char *v[])
	bool do_invert = pick_option(&c, &v, "i", NULL);
	int order = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "o", "-3"));
	if (c < 4 || c > 6)
		return fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s [-i] [-o {0|1|2|-3|3|5|7}] hom w h [in [out]]\n"
		//0                            1   2 3  4   5
		"\t-i\tinvert input homography\n"
		"\t-o\tchose interpolation order (default -3 = bicubic)\n"
		, *v);
	double H_direct[9], H_inv[9];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(H_direct, v[1], 9);
	invert_homography(H_inv, H_direct);
	double *H = do_invert ? H_inv : H_direct;
	int ow = atoi(v[2]);
	int oh = atoi(v[3]);
	char *filename_in  = c > 4 ? v[4] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-";

	int w, h, pd;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_split(filename_in, &w, &h, &pd);
	float *y = xmalloc(ow * oh * pd * sizeof*y);

	int r = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < pd; i++)
		r += shomwarp(y + i*ow*oh, ow, oh, H, x + i*w*h, w, h, order);

	iio_save_image_float_split(filename_out, y, ow, oh, pd);
	return r;
Beispiel #4
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c < 4 || c > 6)
		return fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
				"%s [-i {0|1|2|3}] hom w h [in [out]]\n", *v);
		//                0                1   2 3  4   5
	double H[9];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(H, v[1], 9);
	int ow = atoi(v[2]);
	int oh = atoi(v[3]);
	char *filename_in  = c > 4 ? v[4] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-";

	int w, h, pd;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_split(filename_in, &w, &h, &pd);
	float *y = xmalloc(ow * oh * pd * sizeof*y);

	for (int i = 0; i < pd; i++)
		homwarp(y + i*ow*oh, ow, oh, H, x + i*w*h, w, h);

	iio_save_image_float_split(filename_out, y, ow, oh, pd);
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 5 && c != 6 && c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s Axyz.tiff Bxyx.tiff homA homB [pairs2d [pairs3d]]\n",*v);
		//0 1         2         3    4     5        6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a = v[1];
	char *filename_b = v[2];
	char *homstring_a = v[3];
	char *homstring_b = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 6 ? v[6] : "-";

	double Ha[9], Hb[9], iHa[3][3], iHb[3][3];
	int nHa = read_n_doubles_from_string(Ha, homstring_a, 9);
	int nHb = read_n_doubles_from_string(Hb, homstring_b, 9);
	if (nHa != 9) set_identity(Ha);
	if (nHb != 9) set_identity(Hb);
	invert_homography(iHa, (void*)Ha);
	invert_homography(iHb, (void*)Hb);

	int wa, ha, pda, wb, hb, pdb;
	float *a = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_a, &wa, &ha, &pda);
	float *b = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_b, &wb, &hb, &pdb);
	FILE *fi = xfopen(filename_in, "r");
	FILE *fo = xfopen(filename_out, "w");
	if (pda != pdb)
		return fprintf(stderr, "input images dimension mismatch\n");
	if (pda != 1 && pda != 3)
		return fprintf(stderr, "input images should be h or xyz\n");

	int n, lmax = 10000;
	char line[lmax];
	while (n = getlinen(line, lmax, fi))
		double m[4], p[2], q[2];
		int r = sscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", m, m + 1, m + 2, m + 3);
		if (r != 4) continue;
		apply_homography(p, iHa, m);
		apply_homography(q, iHb, m + 2);
		int ia = lrint(p[0]);
		int ja = lrint(p[1]);
		int ib = lrint(q[0]);
		int jb = lrint(q[1]);
		if (!insideP(wa, ha, ia, ja)) continue;
		if (!insideP(wb, hb, ib, jb)) continue;
		float *va = a + pda * (wa * ja + ia);
		float *vb = b + pda * (wb * jb + ib);
		if (!isfinite(*va)) continue;
		if (!isfinite(*vb)) continue;
		if (pda == 1) // heights
			fprintf(fo, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
				p[0], p[1], *va, q[0], q[1], *vb);
		else // xyz
			fprintf(fo, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
				va[0], va[1], va[2], vb[0], vb[1], vb[2]);

	return 0;