Beispiel #1
maybe_t<redirection_type_t> redirection_type_for_string(const wcstring &str, int *out_fd) {
    auto v = read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(str.c_str());
    // Redirections only, no pipes.
    if (!v || v->type != TOK_REDIRECT || v->fd < 0) return none();
    if (out_fd) *out_fd = v->fd;
    return v->redirection_mode;
Beispiel #2
int fd_redirected_by_pipe(const wcstring &str) {
    // Hack for the common case.
    if (str == L"|") {
        return STDOUT_FILENO;
    auto v = read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(str.c_str());
    return (v && v->type == TOK_PIPE) ? v->fd : -1;
Beispiel #3
enum token_type redirection_type_for_string(const wcstring &str, int *out_fd) {
    enum token_type mode = TOK_NONE;
    int fd = 0;
    read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(str.c_str(), &mode, &fd);
    // Redirections only, no pipes.
    if (mode == TOK_PIPE || fd < 0) mode = TOK_NONE;
    if (out_fd != NULL) *out_fd = fd;
    return mode;
Beispiel #4
int fd_redirected_by_pipe(const wcstring &str) {
    // Hack for the common case.
    if (str == L"|") {
        return STDOUT_FILENO;

    enum token_type mode = TOK_NONE;
    int fd = 0;
    read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(str.c_str(), &mode, &fd);
    // Pipes only.
    if (mode != TOK_PIPE || fd < 0) fd = -1;
    return fd;
Beispiel #5
void tokenizer_t::tok_next() {
    if (this->last_type == TOK_ERROR) {
        this->has_next = false;

    if (!this->has_next) {
        // wprintf( L"EOL\n" );
        this->last_type = TOK_END;

    while (1) {
        if (this->buff[0] == L'\\' && this->buff[1] == L'\n') {
            this->buff += 2;
            this->continue_line_after_comment = true;
        } else if (my_iswspace(this->buff[0])) {
        } else {

    while (*this->buff == L'#') {
        if (this->show_comments) {
            this->last_pos = this->buff - this->orig_buff;

            if (this->buff[0] == L'\n' && this->continue_line_after_comment) this->buff++;

        while (*(this->buff) != L'\n' && *(this->buff) != L'\0') this->buff++;
        if (this->buff[0] == L'\n' && this->continue_line_after_comment) this->buff++;
        while (my_iswspace(*(this->buff))) this->buff++;

    this->continue_line_after_comment = false;

    this->last_pos = this->buff - this->orig_buff;

    switch (*this->buff) {
        case L'\0': {
            this->last_type = TOK_END;
            // fwprintf( stderr, L"End of string\n" );
            this->has_next = false;
        case L'\r':  // carriage-return
        case L'\n':  // newline
        case L';': {
            this->last_type = TOK_END;
            // Hack: when we get a newline, swallow as many as we can. This compresses multiple
            // subsequent newlines into a single one.
            if (!this->show_blank_lines) {
                while (*this->buff == L'\n' || *this->buff == 13 /* CR */ || *this->buff == ' ' ||
                       *this->buff == '\t') {
        case L'&': {
            this->last_type = TOK_BACKGROUND;
        case L'|': {
            this->last_token = L"1";
            this->last_type = TOK_PIPE;
        case L'>':
        case L'<':
        case L'^': {
            // There's some duplication with the code in the default case below. The key difference
            // here is that we must never parse these as a string; a failed redirection is an error!
            enum token_type mode = TOK_NONE;
            int fd = -1;
            size_t consumed = read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(this->buff, &mode, &fd);
            if (consumed == 0 || fd < 0) {
                TOK_CALL_ERROR(this, TOK_OTHER, REDIRECT_ERROR, this->buff);
            } else {
                this->buff += consumed;
                this->last_type = mode;
                this->last_token = to_string(fd);
        default: {
            // Maybe a redirection like '2>&1', maybe a pipe like 2>|, maybe just a string.
            const wchar_t *error_location = this->buff;
            size_t consumed = 0;
            enum token_type mode = TOK_NONE;
            int fd = -1;
            if (iswdigit(*this->buff)) {
                consumed = read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(this->buff, &mode, &fd);

            if (consumed > 0) {
                // It looks like a redirection or a pipe. But we don't support piping fd 0. Note
                // that fd 0 may be -1, indicating overflow; but we don't treat that as a tokenizer
                // error.
                if (mode == TOK_PIPE && fd == 0) {
                    TOK_CALL_ERROR(this, TOK_OTHER, PIPE_ERROR, error_location);
                } else {
                    this->buff += consumed;
                    this->last_type = mode;
                    this->last_token = to_string(fd);
            } else {
                // Not a redirection or pipe, so just a string.
Beispiel #6
maybe_t<tok_t> tokenizer_t::tok_next() {
    if (!this->has_next) {
        return none();

    // Consume non-newline whitespace. If we get an escaped newline, mark it and continue past it.
    bool preceding_escaped_nl = false;
    for (;;) {
        if (this->buff[0] == L'\\' && this->buff[1] == L'\n') {
            this->buff += 2;
            this->continue_line_after_comment = true;
            preceding_escaped_nl = true;
        } else if (iswspace_not_nl(this->buff[0])) {
        } else {

    while (*this->buff == L'#') {
        // We have a comment, walk over the comment.
        const wchar_t *comment_start = this->buff;
        while (this->buff[0] != L'\n' && this->buff[0] != L'\0') this->buff++;
        size_t comment_len = this->buff - comment_start;

        // If we are going to continue after the comment, skip any trailing newline.
        if (this->buff[0] == L'\n' && this->continue_line_after_comment) this->buff++;

        // Maybe return the comment.
        if (this->show_comments) {
            tok_t result;
            result.type = TOK_COMMENT;
            result.offset = comment_start - this->start;
            result.length = comment_len;
            result.preceding_escaped_nl = preceding_escaped_nl;
            return result;
        while (iswspace_not_nl(this->buff[0])) this->buff++;

    // We made it past the comments and ate any trailing newlines we wanted to ignore.
    this->continue_line_after_comment = false;
    size_t start_pos = this->buff - this->start;

    tok_t result;
    result.offset = start_pos;
    switch (*this->buff) {
        case L'\0': {
            this->has_next = false;
            return none();
        case L'\r':  // carriage-return
        case L'\n':  // newline
        case L';': {
            result.type = TOK_END;
            result.length = 1;
            // Hack: when we get a newline, swallow as many as we can. This compresses multiple
            // subsequent newlines into a single one.
            if (!this->show_blank_lines) {
                while (*this->buff == L'\n' || *this->buff == 13 /* CR */ || *this->buff == ' ' ||
                       *this->buff == '\t') {
        case L'&': {
            if (this->buff[1] == L'&') {
                result.type = TOK_ANDAND;
                result.length = 2;
                this->buff += 2;
            } else {
                result.type = TOK_BACKGROUND;
                result.length = 1;
        case L'|': {
            if (this->buff[1] == L'|') {
                result.type = TOK_OROR;
                result.length = 2;
                this->buff += 2;
            } else {
                result.type = TOK_PIPE;
                result.redirected_fd = 1;
                result.length = 1;
        case L'>':
        case L'<': {
            // There's some duplication with the code in the default case below. The key difference
            // here is that we must never parse these as a string; a failed redirection is an error!
            auto redir_or_pipe = read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(this->buff);
            if (!redir_or_pipe || redir_or_pipe->fd < 0) {
                return this->call_error(TOK_INVALID_REDIRECT, this->buff, this->buff);
            result.type = redir_or_pipe->type;
            result.redirected_fd = redir_or_pipe->fd;
            result.length = redir_or_pipe->consumed;
            this->buff += redir_or_pipe->consumed;
        default: {
            // Maybe a redirection like '2>&1', maybe a pipe like 2>|, maybe just a string.
            const wchar_t *error_location = this->buff;
            maybe_t<parsed_redir_or_pipe_t> redir_or_pipe;
            if (iswdigit(*this->buff) || (*this->buff == L'^' && caret_redirs())) {
                redir_or_pipe = read_redirection_or_fd_pipe(this->buff);

            if (redir_or_pipe && redir_or_pipe->consumed > 0) {
                // It looks like a redirection or a pipe. But we don't support piping fd 0. Note
                // that fd 0 may be -1, indicating overflow; but we don't treat that as a tokenizer
                // error.
                if (redir_or_pipe->type == TOK_PIPE && redir_or_pipe->fd == 0) {
                    return this->call_error(TOK_INVALID_PIPE, error_location, error_location);
                result.type = redir_or_pipe->type;
                result.redirected_fd = redir_or_pipe->fd;
                result.length = redir_or_pipe->consumed;
                this->buff += redir_or_pipe->consumed;
            } else {
                // Not a redirection or pipe, so just a string.
                result = this->read_string();
    result.preceding_escaped_nl = preceding_escaped_nl;
    return result;