Beispiel #1
static void
__wheap_resz(ctl_wheap_t h, size_t nu_z)
	/* round nu_z to multiple of wid */
	nu_z = ((nu_z - 1U) / RBITS_WIDTH + 1U) * RBITS_WIDTH;
	h->cells = recalloc(h->cells, h->z, nu_z);
	h->colours = recalloc(h->colours, h->z, nu_z);
	h->rbits = recalloc(h->rbits, h->z / RBITS_WIDTH, nu_z / RBITS_WIDTH);
	h->z = nu_z;
Beispiel #2
static srpaf_t
truf_rpaf_find(truf_sym_t sym)
	size_t hx = truf_sym_hx(sym);

	while (1) {
		/* just try what we've got */
		for (size_t mod = 64U; mod <= zstk; mod *= 2U) {
			size_t off = get_off(hx, mod);

			if (LIKELY(rstk[off].sym.u == sym.u)) {
				/* found him */
				return rstk + off;
			} else if (rstk[off].sym.u == 0U) {
				/* found empty slot */
				rstk[off].sym = sym;
				/* init the rpaf cell */
				rstk[off].rpaf->refprc = NANPX;
				rstk[off].rpaf->cruflo = ZEROPX;
				return rstk + off;
		/* quite a lot of collisions, resize then */
		rstk = recalloc(rstk, zstk, 2U * zstk, sizeof(*rstk));
		zstk *= 2U;
Beispiel #3
static string copy_into_buf(string buf, string s, int *i, int *lbuf, int l)
    if (*i + l > *lbuf)
	*lbuf += *i + l - *lbuf + 128;
	buf = (string) recalloc(buf, *lbuf);

    strcpy(buf + *i, s);

    *i += l;

    return buf;
Beispiel #4
frame make_trsl_paren_frame(frame f)
    int l = strlen(f->code);
    string trl;

    if (l + 2 >= f->cl)
	f->code = (string) recalloc(f->code, l + 2);
	f->cl = l + 2;

    trl = strchr(f->code, TRLC) + 1;
    memmove(trl + 1, trl, strlen(trl) + 1);
    trl[0] = '(';
    trl = strchr(trl, TRLC);
    memmove(trl + 1, trl, strlen(trl) + 1);
    trl[0] = ')';

    return f;
Beispiel #5
void test(buffer_t *buf, mark_t *cur) {
    int i;
    int is_all_zero;
    thing_t *things;
    int nsize = 1024;

    things = calloc(1, sizeof(thing_t));
    things->a = 1;
    things->b = 2;

    things = recalloc(things, 1, nsize, sizeof(thing_t));
    ASSERT("preserve_a", 1, things->a);
    ASSERT("preserve_b", 2, things->b);

    is_all_zero = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < nsize; i++) {
        if (things[i].a != 0 || things[i].b != 0) {
            is_all_zero = 0;
    ASSERT("zerod", 1, is_all_zero);

Beispiel #6
static frame make_trsl_frame(frame f1, frame f2, rtype type, 
			     void (*merge_fn)(string, string,
					      string, va_list), ...)

    frame knv = NULL;
    string c = coerce_from_atom[type - T_NUMBER];
    char cv1[12], cv2[12];
    int f1s = f1->type == T_SLOT;
    int f2s = f2->type == T_SLOT;
    string check = " " QSM " idTrue : idFalse) : idNull";
    string trcb;
    char buf[512];
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, merge_fn);


    if (!det_type(type) || type == T_OBJECT)
	type = T_ATOM;

    if (f1s)
	knv = prepare_knv_frame(f1, knv, cv1, c);
    else if (trcb = strchr(f1->code, TRLC))
	knv = prepare_trsl_frame(f1, knv, trcb);
    else if (type == T_ATOM || type == T_BOOL)
	f1 = prepare_frame(f1, type);

	if (member(f1->code, block_args, 0, 0, 0, 1) ||
	    !member(f1->code, block_decls, 0, 0, 0, 1))
	    knv = make_lknv_frame(f1, ++vcount, 1, type);
	    f1->cl = 8;
	    f1->code = (string) recalloc(f1->code, f1->cl);
	    sprintf(f1->code, "_v%d", vcount);

    if (f2s)
	knv = prepare_knv_frame(f2, knv, cv2, c);
    else if (trcb = strchr(f2->code, TRLC))
	knv = prepare_trsl_frame(f2, knv, trcb);
    else if (type == T_ATOM || type == T_BOOL)
	f2 = prepare_frame(f2, type);

	if (member(f2->code, block_args, 0, 0, 0, 1) ||
	    !member(f2->code, block_decls, 0, 0, 0, 1))
	    frame knv1 = make_lknv_frame(f2, ++vcount, 1, type);

	    knv = knv ? merge_frames(T_CBOOL, T_UNKNOWN, knv, knv1,
				     knv->cl + knv1->cl + 7,
				     knv->code, " "AMP AMP" " NST TABS,
				     knv1->code, "") :
	    f2->cl = 8;
	    f2->code = (string) recalloc(f2->code, f2->cl);
	    sprintf(f2->code, "_v%d", vcount);

    if (knv)
	f1->decls = merge_decl_lists(T_UNKNOWN, f1->decls, knv->decls);
    (*merge_fn)(buf, f1s ? cv1 : NORET(f1->code),
		f2s ? cv2 : NORET(f2->code), ap);

    if (knv)
	f1 = merge_frames(T_BOOL, type, f1, f2,
			  knv->cl + strlen(buf) + strlen(check) + 12,
			  RET, knv->code, " " QSM NST TABS " (", TRL, buf, TRL,
			  check, "");
	f1 = merge_frames(T_BOOL, type, f1, f2, strlen(buf) + 4,
			  RET, TRL, buf, TRL, "");


    f1->block = -1;

    return f1;