int main () { GC_init(); int sock = CHECK(socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); sockaddr_in listen_addr = any_addr(); printf("bind...\n"); CHECK(bind, sock, (sockaddr*)&listen_addr, sizeof(listen_addr)); printf("listen...\n"); CHECK(listen, sock, SOMAXCONN); sockaddr_in client_addr; socklen_t client_addr_len; int new_sock; printf("accept...\n"); do { new_sock = CHECK(accept, sock, (sockaddr*)&client_addr, &client_addr_len); char* message = recv_string(new_sock); puts(message); const char* response = process_message((const char*)message); puts("Response generated."); CHECK(send, new_sock, response, strlen(response) + 1, 0); puts("Response sent.\n"); // char endbuf [MAX_BUFFER]; // CHECK(recv, new_sock, endbuf, MAX_BUFFER, 0); // puts("Close request recieved."); CHECK(close, new_sock); } while (0); CHECK(close, sock); return 0; }
int wait_fill_buffer(irc_connection *con) { unsigned free = ringbuf_free(con); unsigned right = IRC_BUFFER_SIZE - con->wpos; free = MIN(free, right); int recvd = recv_string(con, con->buf + con->wpos, free); con->wpos = (con->wpos + recvd) % IRC_BUFFER_SIZE; con->buf[con->wpos] = '\0'; return recvd; }
int recv_message(int socket, char** buffer) { char size[6]; // we allow 4 hex bytes for size; this allows messages to be at // most 65536 bytes in length int res, length, sum; res = recv_string(socket,size,5); if (res!=6) { printf("only recv'd %d hex digits\n", res); return -1; } res = htoi(size, &sum); // parse the hex digits if (!(res==6)) { printf("only parsed %d hex digits in \"%s\"\n", res, size); return -1; } // now, noting that a hex digit is 4 bits, we can use bit ops instead of // string ones: length = sum >> 8; // drop the two characters off the right hand side sum = sum - (length << 8); // leave only the last two in sum *buffer = (char*) malloc((length+2)*sizeof(char)); res = recv_string(socket, *buffer, length); if (!(length == res)) { printf("message had length %d, but said it was %d\n", res, length); return -1; } if (!((res = csum(*buffer)) == sum)) { printf("\"%s\" had checksum %x, but said it was %x\n", *buffer, res, sum); return -1; } return length; }
static int get_block(int conn, int fd, int max_size, int encrypt) { char *data; long len; int n_read, n, i, code; recv_string(conn, &data, &len); if (encrypt) { #ifdef HAVE_KRB4 char *unenc = malloc(len); if (!unenc) { send_int(conn, ENOMEM); return -1; } des_pcbc_encrypt((des_cblock *)data, (des_cblock *)unenc, len, sched, &ivec, 1); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) ivec[i] = data[len - 8 + i] ^ unenc[len - 8 + i]; free(data); data = unenc; #endif } n_read = MIN(len, max_size); n = 0; while (n < n_read) { int n_wrote; n_wrote = write(fd, data + n, n_read - n); if (n_wrote == -1) { code = errno; com_err(whoami, errno, "writing file (get_file)"); send_int(conn, code); free(data); close(fd); return -1; } n += n_wrote; } free(data); return n; }
/* * Background process -- runs with privilege. */ static void pam_server (int fd, const char *service, int verb, const struct name_value_list *name_value_list) { struct user_pass up; int command; #ifdef USE_PAM_DLOPEN static const char pam_so[] = ""; #endif /* * Do initialization */ if (DEBUG (verb)) fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: INIT service='%s'\n", service); #ifdef USE_PAM_DLOPEN /* * Load PAM shared object */ if (!dlopen_pam (pam_so)) { fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: could not load PAM lib %s: %s\n", pam_so, dlerror()); send_control (fd, RESPONSE_INIT_FAILED); goto done; } #endif /* * Tell foreground that we initialized successfully */ if (send_control (fd, RESPONSE_INIT_SUCCEEDED) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: write error on response socket [1]\n"); goto done; } /* * Event loop */ while (1) { memset (&up, 0, sizeof (up)); up.verb = verb; up.name_value_list = name_value_list; /* get a command from foreground process */ command = recv_control (fd); if (DEBUG (verb)) fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: received command code: %d\n", command); switch (command) { case COMMAND_VERIFY: if (recv_string (fd, up.username, sizeof (up.username)) == -1 || recv_string (fd, up.password, sizeof (up.password)) == -1 || recv_string (fd, up.common_name, sizeof (up.common_name)) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: read error on command channel: code=%d, exiting\n", command); goto done; } if (DEBUG (verb)) { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: USER/PASS: %s/%s\n", up.username, up.password); #else fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: USER: %s\n", up.username); #endif } if (pam_auth (service, &up)) /* Succeeded */ { if (send_control (fd, RESPONSE_VERIFY_SUCCEEDED) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: write error on response socket [2]\n"); goto done; } } else /* Failed */ { if (send_control (fd, RESPONSE_VERIFY_FAILED) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: write error on response socket [3]\n"); goto done; } } break; case COMMAND_EXIT: goto done; case -1: fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: read error on command channel\n"); goto done; default: fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: unknown command code: code=%d, exiting\n", command); goto done; } } done: #ifdef USE_PAM_DLOPEN dlclose_pam (); #endif if (DEBUG (verb)) fprintf (stderr, "AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: EXIT\n"); return; }
/* do the sasl negotiation; return -1 if it fails */ int mysasl_negotiate(FILE *in, FILE *out, sasl_conn_t *conn) { char buf[8192]; char chosenmech[128]; const char *data; int len; int r = SASL_FAIL; const char *userid; #ifdef HAVE_GSS_GET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE gss_name_t peer = GSS_C_NO_NAME; #endif /* generate the capability list */ if (mech) { dprintf(2, "forcing use of mechanism %s\n", mech); data = strdup(mech); len = strlen(data); } else { int count; dprintf(1, "generating client mechanism list... "); r = sasl_listmech(conn, NULL, NULL, " ", NULL, &data, (unsigned int *)&len, &count); if (r != SASL_OK) saslfail(r, "generating mechanism list"); dprintf(1, "%d mechanisms\n", count); } /* send capability list to client */ send_string(out, data, len); dprintf(1, "waiting for client mechanism...\n"); len = recv_string(in, chosenmech, sizeof chosenmech); if (len <= 0) { printf("client didn't choose mechanism\n"); fputc('N', out); /* send NO to client */ fflush(out); return -1; } if (mech && strcasecmp(mech, chosenmech)) { printf("client didn't choose mandatory mechanism\n"); fputc('N', out); /* send NO to client */ fflush(out); return -1; } len = recv_string(in, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(len != 1) { saslerr(r, "didn't receive first-send parameter correctly"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sasl_errdetail(conn)); fputc('N', out); fflush(out); return -1; } if(buf[0] == 'Y') { /* receive initial response (if any) */ len = recv_string(in, buf, sizeof(buf)); /* start libsasl negotiation */ r = sasl_server_start(conn, chosenmech, buf, len, &data, (unsigned int *)&len); } else { r = sasl_server_start(conn, chosenmech, NULL, 0, &data, (unsigned int *)&len); } if (r != SASL_OK && r != SASL_CONTINUE) { saslerr(r, "starting SASL negotiation"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sasl_errdetail(conn)); fputc('N', out); /* send NO to client */ fflush(out); return -1; } while (r == SASL_CONTINUE) { if (data) { dprintf(2, "sending response length %d...\n", len); fputc('C', out); /* send CONTINUE to client */ send_string(out, data, len); } else { dprintf(2, "sending null response...\n"); fputc('C', out); /* send CONTINUE to client */ send_string(out, "", 0); } dprintf(1, "waiting for client reply...\n"); len = recv_string(in, buf, sizeof buf); if (len < 0) { printf("client disconnected\n"); return -1; } r = sasl_server_step(conn, buf, len, &data, (unsigned int *)&len); if (r != SASL_OK && r != SASL_CONTINUE) { saslerr(r, "performing SASL negotiation"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sasl_errdetail(conn)); fputc('N', out); /* send NO to client */ fflush(out); return -1; } } if (r != SASL_OK) { saslerr(r, "incorrect authentication"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sasl_errdetail(conn)); fputc('N', out); /* send NO to client */ fflush(out); return -1; } fputc('O', out); /* send OK to client */ fflush(out); dprintf(1, "negotiation complete\n"); r = sasl_getprop(conn, SASL_USERNAME, (const void **) &userid); printf("successful authentication '%s'\n", userid); #ifdef HAVE_GSS_GET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE r = sasl_getprop(conn, SASL_GSS_PEER_NAME, (const void **) &peer); if (peer != GSS_C_NO_NAME) { OM_uint32 minor; enumerateAttributes(&minor, peer, 1); } #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *str, *p; size_t len; struct _dt *d; struct utsname name; int s, conn; struct sigaction sa; FILE *pid_file; char *pid_path = NULL; whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (whoami) whoami++; else whoami = argv[0]; /* interpret arguments here */ if (argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", whoami); exit(1); } if (!config_lookup("nofork")) { if (fork()) exit(0); setsid(); } uname(&name); hostname = name.nodename; umask(0022); mr_init(); sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sa.sa_handler = child_handler; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); /* If the config file contains a line "user username", the * daemon will run with that user's UID. */ if ((p = config_lookup("user"))) { struct passwd *pw; pw = getpwnam(p); if (!pw) { com_err(whoami, errno, "Unable to find user %s\n", p); exit(1); } uid = pw->pw_uid; } /* If the config file contains a line "port portname", the daemon * will listen on the named port rather than SERVICE_NAME ("moira_update") */ if (!(p = config_lookup("port"))) p = SERVICE_NAME; s = mr_listen(p); if (s == -1) { com_err(whoami, errno, "creating listening socket"); exit(1); } set_com_err_hook(syslog_com_err_proc); openlog(whoami, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); if ((pid_path = malloc(strlen(PIDFILEPATH) + strlen(whoami) + 6)) != NULL) { sprintf(pid_path, "%s/", PIDFILEPATH, whoami); pid_file = fopen(pid_path, "w"); if (pid_file) { fprintf(pid_file, "%d\n", getpid ()); fclose(pid_file); } else { com_err(whoami, errno, "Unable to write PID file %s", pid_path); exit(1); } free(pid_path); } else { com_err(whoami, errno, "Could not allocate memory for pidfile path"); exit(1); } /* now loop waiting for connections */ while (1) { struct sockaddr_in client; long len; char *buf; conn = mr_accept(s, &client); if (conn == -1) { com_err(whoami, errno, "accepting on listening socket"); exit(1); } else if (conn == 0) continue; if (config_lookup("nofork") || (fork() <= 0)) break; close(conn); } /* If the config file contains a line "chroot /dir/name", the * daemon will run chrooted to that directory. */ if ((p = config_lookup("chroot"))) { if (chroot(p) < 0) { com_err(whoami, errno, "unable to chroot to %s", p); exit(1); } } com_err(whoami, 0, "got connection"); while (1) { char *cp, *str; size_t len; int code; code = recv_string(conn, &str, &len); if (code) { com_err(whoami, code, "receiving command"); close(conn); exit(1); } cp = strchr(str, ' '); if (cp) *cp = '\0'; for (d = dispatch_table; d->str; d++) { if (!strcmp(d->str, str)) { if (cp) *cp = ' '; (d->proc)(conn, str); goto ok; } } com_err(whoami, 0, "unknown request received: %s", str); code = send_int(conn, MR_UNKNOWN_PROC); if (code) com_err(whoami, code, "sending UNKNOWN_PROC"); ok: free(str); } }
QString recvThisString() { return recv_string(SOCKET); }
int mr_send_auth(int conn, char *host_name) { #ifdef HAVE_KRB4 KTEXT_ST ticket_st; int code, auth_version = 2; long response; code = get_mr_update_ticket(host_name, &ticket_st); if (code) return code; code = send_string(conn, "AUTH_002", 9); if (code) return code; code = recv_int(conn, &response); if (code) return code; if (response) { code = send_string(conn, "AUTH_001", 9); if (code) return code; code = recv_int(conn, &response); if (code) return code; if (response) return response; auth_version = 1; } code = send_string(conn, (char *)ticket_st.dat, ticket_st.length); if (code) return code; code = recv_int(conn, &response); if (code) return code; if (response) return response; if (auth_version == 2) { des_key_schedule sched; C_Block enonce; char *data; size_t size; code = recv_string(conn, &data, &size); if (code) return code; des_key_sched(session, sched); des_ecb_encrypt((des_cblock *)data, &enonce, sched, 1); free(data); code = send_string(conn, (char *)enonce, sizeof(enonce)); if (code) return code; code = recv_int(conn, &response); if (code) return code; if (response) return response; } return MR_SUCCESS; #else return MR_NO_KRB4; #endif }
static int __init sbd_init(void) { struct sockaddr_in to; int retVal = 0; char hello[12]; // "HOLA KERNEL" printk("Iniciando Socket...\n"); if (sock_create(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP, &clientsocket) < 0) { printk( KERN_ERR "server: Error creating clientsocket\n" ); return -EIO; } memset(&to,0, sizeof(to)); to.sin_family = AF_INET; to.sin_addr.s_addr = in_aton(ip); to.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); retVal = clientsocket->ops->connect(clientsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&to, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), 0); if (retVal >= 0) { printk(KERN_EMERG "Conectado!\n"); send_string(clientsocket, "HOLA MUNDO DESDE EL KERNEL\n"); recv_string(clientsocket, hello, 11); printk(KERN_EMERG "Me respondieron %s\n", hello); } else { printk(KERN_EMERG "Error conectando a %s (%d)\n", ip, -retVal); } printk(KERN_NOTICE "Iniciando disco\n"); /* * Set up our internal device. */ Device.size = nsectors * logical_block_size; spin_lock_init(&Device.lock); = vmalloc(Device.size); if ( == NULL) return -ENOMEM; /* * Get a request queue. */ Queue = blk_init_queue(sbd_request, &Device.lock); if (Queue == NULL) goto out; blk_queue_logical_block_size(Queue, logical_block_size); /* * Get registered. */ major_num = register_blkdev(major_num, "sbd"); //sbd if (major_num < 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "sbd: unable to get major number\n"); //sbd goto out; } /* * And the gendisk structure. */ = alloc_disk(16); if (! goto out_unregister;>major = major_num;>first_minor = 0;>fops = &sbd_ops;>private_data = &Device; strcpy(>disk_name, "sbd0"); //sbd0 set_capacity(, nsectors);>queue = Queue; add_disk(; printk("Elvis esta vivo!\n"); return 0; out_unregister: unregister_blkdev(major_num, "sbd"); //sbd out: vfree(; return -ENOMEM; }