Beispiel #1
Read<T> Comm::alltoallv(Read<T> sendbuf_dev, Read<LO> sendcounts_dev,
    Read<LO> sdispls_dev, Read<LO> recvcounts_dev, Read<LO> rdispls_dev) const {
  HostRead<T> sendbuf(sendbuf_dev);
  HostRead<LO> sendcounts(sendcounts_dev);
  HostRead<LO> recvcounts(recvcounts_dev);
  HostRead<LO> sdispls(sdispls_dev);
  HostRead<LO> rdispls(rdispls_dev);
  CHECK(rdispls.size() == recvcounts.size() + 1);
  int nrecvd = rdispls.last();
  HostWrite<T> recvbuf(nrecvd);
  CHECK(sendcounts.size() == host_dsts_.size());
  CHECK(recvcounts.size() == host_srcs_.size());
  CHECK(sdispls.size() == sendcounts.size() + 1);
  CHECK(sendbuf.size() == sdispls.last());
  CALL(Neighbor_alltoallv(host_srcs_, host_dsts_,,,, MpiTraits<T>::datatype(),,,,
      MpiTraits<T>::datatype(), impl_));
  return recvbuf.write();
  return sendbuf_dev;
Beispiel #2
Read<T> Comm::alltoall(Read<T> x) const {
  HostWrite<T> recvbuf(srcs_.size());
  HostRead<T> sendbuf(x);
  CALL(Neighbor_alltoall(host_srcs_, host_dsts_,, 1,
      MpiTraits<T>::datatype(),, 1, MpiTraits<T>::datatype(),
  return recvbuf.write();
  return x;
Beispiel #3
Read<T> Comm::allgather(T x) const {
  HostWrite<T> recvbuf(srcs_.size());
  CALL(Neighbor_allgather(host_srcs_, host_dsts_, &x, 1,
      MpiTraits<T>::datatype(),, 1, MpiTraits<T>::datatype(),
  return recvbuf.write();
  if (srcs_.size() == 1) return Read<T>({x});
  return Read<T>({});
Beispiel #4
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

    int numtasks = 0; 
    MPI_( MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ) );
    MPI_( MPI_Errhandler_set( MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN ) );
    MPI_( MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks ) );
    const int DIM = int( std::sqrt( double( numtasks ) ) );
    std::vector< int > dims( 2, DIM );
    std::vector< int > periods( 2, 0 ); //periodic - false -> non-periodic
    const int reorder = 0; //false - no reorder
    MPI_Comm cartcomm;
    MPI_( MPI_Cart_create( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, &dims[ 0 ], &periods[ 0 ], reorder, &cartcomm ) ); 
    int task = -1;
    MPI_( MPI_Comm_rank( cartcomm, &task ) );
    std::vector< int > coords( 2, -1 );
    MPI_( MPI_Cart_coords( cartcomm, task, 2, &coords[ 0 ] ) );
    std::vector< int > neighbors( 4, -1 );
    enum { UP = 0, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT };
    // compute the shifted source and destination ranks, given a shift direction and amount
    //MPI_Cart_shift is uses to find two "nearby" neighbors of the calling process
    //along a specified direction of an N-dimensional grid
    //The direction and offset are specified as a signed integer
    //If the sign of the displacement is positive the "source" rank is lower
    //than the destination rank; if it's negative the opposite is true 
    MPI_( MPI_Cart_shift( cartcomm, 0, 1, &neighbors[ UP ],   &neighbors[ DOWN ] ) );
    MPI_( MPI_Cart_shift( cartcomm, 1, 1, &neighbors[ LEFT ], &neighbors[ RIGHT ] ) );
    int sendbuf = task;
    const int tag = 0x01;
    std::vector< int > recvbuf( 4, MPI_PROC_NULL ); 
    std::vector< MPI_Request > reqs( 2 * 4 );
    for( int i = 0; i != 4; ++i ) {
        int dest = neighbors[ i ];
        int src  = neighbors[ i ];
        MPI_( MPI_Isend( &sendbuf, 1, MPI_INT, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[ i ] ) );
        MPI_( MPI_Irecv( &recvbuf[ i ], 1, MPI_INT, src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[ i + 4 ] ) );
    std::vector< MPI_Status  > status( 2 * 4 ); 
    MPI_( MPI_Waitall( 8, &reqs[ 0 ], &status[ 0 ] ) );

    std::ostringstream os;
    os << "rank= " << task << " coords= " << coords[ 0 ] << ',' << coords[ 1 ]
       << " neighbors= " << neighbors[ UP ] << ',' << neighbors[ DOWN ] << ','
       << neighbors[ LEFT ] << ',' << neighbors[ RIGHT ] << '\n';
    std::cout << os.str(); os.flush();
    MPI_( MPI_Finalize() );
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
int mirrorCommPattern(MPI_Comm comm, comm_map* inPattern, comm_map*& outPattern)
#ifdef FEI_SER
  int localP = localProc(comm);
  int numP  = numProcs(comm);

  if (numP < 2) return(0);

  std::vector<int> buf(numP*2, 0);

  int numInProcs = inPattern->getMap().size();
  std::vector<int> inProcs(numInProcs);
  fei::copyKeysToVector(inPattern->getMap(), inProcs);

  std::vector<int> outProcs;

  int err = mirrorProcs(comm, inProcs, outProcs);
  if (err != 0) ERReturn(-1);

  std::vector<int> recvbuf(outProcs.size(), 0);

  outPattern = new comm_map(0,1);

  MPI_Datatype mpi_ttype = fei::mpiTraits<int>::mpi_type();

  //now recv a length (the contents of buf[i]) from each "out-proc", which
  //will be the length of the equation data that will also be recvd from that
  std::vector<MPI_Request> mpiReqs(outProcs.size());
  std::vector<MPI_Status> mpiStss(outProcs.size());
  MPI_Request* requests = &mpiReqs[0];
  MPI_Status* statuses = &mpiStss[0];

  int firsttag = 11117;
  int offset = 0;
  int* outProcsPtr = &outProcs[0];
  for(unsigned i=0; i<outProcs.size(); ++i) {
    if (MPI_Irecv(&(recvbuf[i]), 1, MPI_INT, outProcsPtr[i], firsttag,
                  comm, &requests[offset++]) != MPI_SUCCESS) ERReturn(-1);

  comm_map::map_type& in_row_map = inPattern->getMap();
    in_iter = in_row_map.begin(),
    in_end  = in_row_map.end();
  int* inProcsPtr = &inProcs[0];
  for(int ii=0; in_iter!= in_end; ++in_iter, ++ii) {
    comm_map::row_type* in_row = in_iter->second;
    buf[ii] = in_row->size();
    if (MPI_Send(&(buf[ii]), 1, MPI_INT, inProcsPtr[ii], firsttag,
                 comm) != MPI_SUCCESS) ERReturn(-1);

  int numOutProcs = outProcs.size();

  MPI_Waitall(numOutProcs, requests, statuses);
  std::vector<int> lengths(numOutProcs);
  int totalRecvLen = 0;
  offset = 0;
  for(int ii=0; ii<numOutProcs; ++ii) {
    if (recvbuf[ii] > 0) {
      lengths[offset++] = recvbuf[ii];
      totalRecvLen += recvbuf[ii];

  //now we need to create the space into which we'll receive the
  //lists that other procs send to us.
  std::vector<int> recvData(totalRecvLen, 999999);

  int tag2 = 11118;
  offset = 0;
  for(int ii=0; ii<numOutProcs; ++ii) {
    CHK_MPI(MPI_Irecv(&(recvData[offset]), lengths[ii], mpi_ttype,
                      outProcs[ii], tag2, comm, &requests[ii]) );
    offset += lengths[ii];

  std::vector<int> sendList;

  in_iter = in_row_map.begin();

  for(int ii=0; in_iter != in_end; ++in_iter,++ii) {
    if (inProcs[ii] == localP) {
    fei::copySetToArray(*(in_iter->second), sendList.size(), &sendList[0]);

    CHK_MPI(MPI_Send(&sendList[0], sendList.size(), mpi_ttype,
                     inProcs[ii], tag2, comm) );

  //our final communication operation is to catch the Irecvs we started above.
  for(int ii=0; ii<numOutProcs; ++ii) {
    MPI_Wait(&requests[ii], &statuses[ii]);

  //now we've completed all the communication, so we're ready to put the data
  //we received into the outPattern object.
  offset = 0;
  for(int ii=0; ii<numOutProcs; ii++) {
    outPattern->addIndices(outProcs[ii], lengths[ii],
    offset += lengths[ii];
